Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 434: The idea of ​​a child


Venerable Divine Wing also noticed the battlefield here and almost vomited blood.

Although the battle had just begun, and the two of them joined forces to deal with Li Xueya alone, but it was them who had fallen in the wind, and it was difficult to resist.

"This knife...!"

As the battle continued, Venerable Divine Wing and Venerable Gopher felt more and more the horror of the **** long knife in Li Xueya's hands. Even if they both had divine weapons in their hands, they did not dare to fight.

In just over ten breaths, they collided head-on hundreds of times, feeling that the magic soldiers in their hands were wailing, and even cracks were visible. Now facing the **** long sword in Li Xueya's hand, they were like avoiding snakes and daring not to face it hard.

"Hongmeng Lingbao?"

They had faintly guessed the rank of the long sword in Li Xueya's hand. At first, they were jealous, and they knew that it was quite good for the two of them to entangle Li Xueya. Killing was absolutely impossible.

However, how can they know that the blood-colored long knife in Li Xueya's hand burns blood, not only the Hongmeng Lingbao, but also the best Hongmeng Lingbao. If it hadn't been for Li Xueya to refine it for a short time, it would not be able to display its full strength. Among the top venerables, they are already dead!

Venerable Divine Wings and Venerable Gophers can only pin their hopes on the subordinates behind them. When they kill Xiao Lang and others, work together, they may really take down Li Xueya, but when they look at that On the side of the battlefield, he almost vomited blood.

One face, three people died, and one seriously injured?

Are you trash?

Do not!

Venerable Divine Wings and Venerable Gophers know that those who are qualified to be taken by the Red Yan Star to take advantage of them are definitely not waste. Each one has experienced many battles, although it is not considered the top of the Era Realm Small Perfection, but Not bad too.

It's not that they are too weak, but Xiao Lang and others are too strong!

"Hongmeng Lingbao!"

Both of them focused on the brilliant scepter in front of Chi Guoguo, their eyes fired.

It is definitely a Hongmeng Lingbao!

Because if it were an ordinary divine weapon, even if it had a bright attribute, it would definitely not be able to exert such a great oppression on the Xiao Perfect warrior of the Era Realm!

In this team, there are actually two Hongmeng Lingbao?

When is Hongmeng Lingbao so bad?

Venerable Divine Wings and Venerable Gophers were almost stunned, until, when their eyes passed over the strangely shaped stone and the pitch-black dagger held by Li Xueya and Chi Lian who had just shot, the whole The human heart stops beating suddenly, and the brain goes blank.

Do not!

Not two, but...

four pairs!

In this team of only seven people, there are actually four Hongmeng Lingbao!

"Rotten Street? Chinese cabbage?"

"No, no, I must be crazy!"

Venerable Divine Wing and Venerable Gopher really felt that they were about to collapse, unable to understand the world.

If you meet a team full of top venerables with four sacred spirit treasures inside, the sacred wings and the gophers would not be so crazy.

A good horse matches a good saddle.

Everyone understands this truth.

Moreover, the vast majority of the Hongmeng Lingbao in the world are in the hands of the top venerables of the Era Realm Dzogchen, because at least this martial art level can bring the value of the Hongmeng Lingbao into play.

Moreover, they often appear in a concentrated manner, which means that behind them, there must be a powerful immortal monarch who can refine so many Hongmeng Lingbao.

But what is the team in front of you?

A top venerable, the highest level of martial arts cultivation among others is just the peak of the late Era Realm. It is such a small team that has four Hongmeng Lingbao!

"God, are you **** kidding me?"

"Which family and power would be so extravagant?"

Do not.

This is no longer a luxury, but a violent thing!

Compared with the four-handled Hongmeng Lingbao, the punch that Xiao Lang shook just now didn't seem so dazzling. Of course, this is why they don't know the goods.


After recognizing that Li Xueya's team actually had four Hongmeng Lingbao, and also including a light scepter that severely restrained them, Lord Gopher and Lord Divine Wing had already given up.

Can't beat it!

Go on, not to mention the people under their command, even the two of them have to explain here!

Venerable Gopher and Venerable Divine Wing were still decisive. They gave an order and made a head-to-head encounter with Li Xueya. With the help of the rebound, they were about to flee. The Era Realm Xiao Wan under his command finally reacted and ran desperately.

The boss is gone, do they stay and wait for death?

Without Xiao Lang and the others, Li Xueya dealt with them with a single blow.

But is it that easy to escape?

What's more, before the start of this war, Xiao Lang had already judged their fate.


"Huang, shoot!"

Xiao Lang stopped, because in terms of speed, he couldn't catch up with any of these running demons, but there was a shortage.


Without special reminder from Xiao Lang, Huang took a step forward, his figure flickered, and he had already come to Li Xueya's side, grabbing his shoulder, Li Xueya was startled but did not resist. The next moment, the two of them disappeared out of thin air.


Xiao Lang and others stayed where they were, only sensing the roar of the heavens and the earth, thousands of miles away, a dazzling light of blood fell from the sky, accompanied by a whine, and one person died tragically.

In the next instant, the same sword swept through the air again. This time, Lord Gopher died tragically, even if he escaped, he was not Huang's opponent.

As for those Era Realm Little Perfect Demon Venerables, it's not a problem at all.


After just thirty breaths.

Huang came back with Li Xueya who was panting. Even if he didn't bother to hurry, Huang could take him directly to the place where Lord Gopher and Lord Divine Wing were close, but it was also for Li Xueya to cut the top. Not an easy task.

"Thank you, senior, to trouble you."

Li Xueya quickly waved his hand when he heard the words, and took a look at Huang with a heart, and said:

"No trouble, no trouble."

"Brother Huang is leaving. If they want to escape, I might be able to kill one, but I can never kill them all."

It was the first time that Li Xueya experienced the terrifying speed of the wasteland, and was directly frightened. Xiao Lang had such experience, and of course he knew the complexity of Li Xueya's mood. He smiled slightly and said:

"Thanks anyway."

"I just didn't expect that when we first came, we would meet people from the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect. It was really unlucky."

Worry appeared on Xiao Lang's face.

After the war, everyone quickly recovered their composure. Seeing Xiao Lang's expression on his face, his mind sank.

More than bad luck.

Perhaps it is not lucky enough, but this also proves that the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect has begun to take action on the Red Yan Star!

The situation of Chiyan Star is uncertain!

"Still looking for a city."

Li Xueya pondered for a moment, and said: "This kind of disaster that spreads across the entire planet will definitely be centered on the city and be held in a group to resist. Tianyu City is the largest city on the Red Yan star, and it must have the strongest defense and the strongest Venerable. Sit down, little friends don’t need to worry too much."

"Let's quickly find a city and get familiar with the current situation of Red Yan Star."

Xiao Lang's spirits startled when he heard the words, and he nodded in agreement and gave Li Xueya a grateful look.

His heart is indeed a little confused. He is really worried about Ning Fu'er, Xiaodao, and Dulong. Even if the soul lamp is still burning, he still feels restless. Fortunately, he is not here alone this time. Li Xueya is sitting here. Good thing.

Otherwise, he would be of no avail just when he met Venerable Gopher and others just now, and he could only escape with Huang, because he had more than himself, and he had the power to fight against Venerable Xiaowan in the Era Realm, but he had to face the top Venerable. He has absolutely no way.


"Go and look through their storage ring. They are definitely not here on the first day. Maybe they have plundered a lot of cities, and they may carry a map or something."

Xiao Lang regained his former reason and wisdom, and commanded. Huang immediately went out again, and in just over ten breaths, he brought back a full twelve storage rings, one of which was quite a few. Everyone broke the prohibition and searched, and as expected, they found a map in the two largest storage rings.

A complete map of Chi琰star.

Xiao Lang quickly found the location of Tianyu City in the center of the map. At the same time, Li Xueya and the others also discovered their current location.

"We are here."

Li Xueya pointed to the edge of the map, and Xiao Lang frowned immediately.

So far!

According to the scale of this map, their current location is at least hundreds of thousands of miles away from Tianyu City, which is a full half of the Red Yan star!

Everyone also discovered the difficulty of this distance.

If they are on a peaceful planet, crossing hundreds of thousands of miles is nothing to them. They can do it in three to five days. However, there are many magic repairs on the Red Yan star, and there are countless wars. They can't fly freely.

Use Linglong Flying Boat?

Xiao Lang's thoughts flickered and immediately dispelled.


Linglong Flying Boat is too conspicuous. Once it appears, it will inevitably be besieged by many demons. It is definitely not impossible for the strongest to appear. It is too dangerous to do so.

Break through the boundaries with the power of Huang?

Not even better.

Beyond Chiyan, there are always beasts and demon masters watching!

Xiao Lang didn't know that the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Lord could not enter the Red Yan Star right now, but he was afraid of the existence of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Lord, and this method was obviously inappropriate.

What to do then?

Can only cross on foot?

Having already come to Chiyan Star, but encountering such a problem, Xiao Lang had a headache and was impatient.

Everyone looked at each other, with the same solemn expressions.

Can't think of a good way.

At this moment, just as everyone was frowning, Suddenly, Xiao Tong's gaze passed Li Xueya's body unintentionally, his eyes lit up suddenly:

"I thought of a way!"


Everyone was surprised, looking at the child, Xiao Lang did the same, and said anxiously:

"any solution?"

Knowing that Xiao Lang was anxious, he did not dare to sell Guanzi, and said bluntly:

"We crossed the Red Yan Star because we were afraid of being chased by the magic repair, but if we were the magic repair, wouldn't we not encounter such a problem?"

Us, magic repair?

Everyone was taken aback when they heard the words, and immediately understood the meaning of Mi Tong's words, and they immediately focused on Li Xueya alone.

Pretend to be a magic repair!

At this point, Li Xueya has a unique advantage!


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