Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 436: Supervisor

"What is the ancient magic tower?"

Xiao Lang asked directly, and other people's eyes immediately fell on Mi Tong. Mi Tong was nervous, but he answered immediately:

"According to what I have heard, the ancient magic tower should be a very special part of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect, beyond the control of the Twelve Demon Venerables, it should have a high status in the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect, and it should be a self-contained one."

"I specifically inquired, but all I got were some legends."

"Some people say that the ancient magic tower is the inheritance of the ten thousand beasts, and some people say that it is the elite descendants specially cultivated by the ten thousand beasts. Others say that the ancient magic tower does not belong to the ten thousand beasts demon sect, but the ten thousand beasts. The great ancient sect invited by the Lord originated from the last era. It has a cooperative and mutually beneficial relationship with Ten Thousand Beasts and Demon Lords, and contains the essence of the ancient magical way. In short, there are various legends, which are quite mysterious."

"So I think if we pretend to be the magic repair of the ancient magic tower, the possibility of successfully receiving the task should be very great. However, the risk is also high."

After hearing Fei Tong's answer, Xiao Lang and others fell silent one after another with serious expressions.

He said it was right.

If they pretend to be the magic repair of the ancient magic tower, the possibility of success is indeed very high. Because the ancient magic towers are in its own line and don't have much contact with the outside world, naturally no one can prove their identity, and there is less trouble of exposure.

But this is not to say that it will not be exposed.

On the contrary, if the stronghold of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect does know the existence of the ancient magic tower and has a special inspection method, if they fail to pass, their identity will be exposed!

There will be gains and losses.

Xiao Lang could still think of this truth.

But the key is, besides this method, do they have other methods?

Imposters, recognized by others, are the most exposed.

It’s not that Xiao Lang had never thought of intercepting and killing the teams that went out to perform tasks outside of Poyue City, not to mention whether the strength of those teams could be handled by them, even if the interception was successful, would they be able to impostor? ?

not necessarily.

The tasks related to the top ten cities are certainly quite important.

Once the team performing the task died, if the demonic cultivator of Bo Yue City didn't know, it would be strange.

Therefore, this road will not work.

"It seems that there is only this way."

After a long while, Xiao Lang finally spoke, sighed and looked at Li Xueya. Li Xueya has lived the longest time and has rich experience, and Xiao Lang respects his suggestions.

Li Xueya also shook his head lightly, saying that he had not thought of other suitable methods.

"This is a way, but we must be prepared for failure."

Li Xueya looked at Huang, while Huang kept looking at Xiao Lang, nodding slightly, as if to say that even if their identities were exposed, he still had a way to take everyone out safely.

Xiao Lang's eyes immediately became firm.

"Well, if that's the case, then do it!"

"Go, let's take the task!"

Once he made the decision, Xiao Lang would never hesitate any more, and acted vigorously, Dang Even took everyone out and went straight to the battlefield in the center of Bo Yue City.

Give it a go!

Become a natural joy for everyone. If it fails, you and others will also have shortages as a guarantee, without fear of life and death!

Xiao Lang is simple and direct, and very rude.

Of course, this is also because time is too tight.

If he had plenty of time, Xiao Lang would definitely think of other ways, with the help of Huang's ability to change his breath for himself and others, integrate into the demonic cultivation ranks of Pau Yue City, strive for familiarity, and then let others recommend him to receive the mission to Tianyu City.

It's a pity that God is not beautiful, they don't have so much time to do things every step of the way. With so much time, Xiao Lang would rather choose to make a desperate move and rush directly to Tianyu City.


At the same time, what Xiao Lang didn't know was that in the most central area of ​​Poyue City, in a huge mansion, there was also someone who was upset about this matter.

"Kang Dang!"

The porcelain bottle fell to pieces and fell apart.

The teenager who threw something to vent his anger seemed to be still dissatisfied, and he threw out several punches one after another, smashing the porcelain bottle into powder and then gave up, panting, his eyes red as blood, endless anger steaming.

"Damn it, **** it!"

"Fang Jin, Liu Zi, Qin Hongbin, three dogs, how can their luck be so good? Why don't I have such good luck!"

"I'm not convinced!"

Bang bang bang!

The young man was angry and smashed one after another. Almost everything that could be picked up in the whole hall was smashed by him, empty.

After a long time, he seemed to be tired, and then he sat down on the stairs suddenly, his hair was messy, his face was crazy, and he said cruelly:

"Uncle She, do you think Han'er is also useless?!"

Deep in the gloomy hall, like water ripples, a thin and tall figure slowly manifested. A middle-aged man, dressed in a gray robe, was expressionless when he heard the boy's self-talk, but stood behind the latter, hoarse. The voice slowly said:

"Of course I don't think so."

"Your father doesn't think so."

"It's not just us, even Lord Thousand Beast Demon Lord doesn't think so, otherwise he wouldn't recognize you as the Supervisor Demon Envoy on the day you were young and became the Era Realm Demon Venerable."

"Whether it is the Fang family, the Liu family or even the Qin family's boys, they received the title of Supervisor Demon Envoy more than a few years later than you. I think, even though your father and I may be blind, the lord of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Lord, Will you be blind?"

"Han'er, you are too anxious."

"It's just that the gains and losses of these ten days can't prove anything. Don't humiliate the dignity of your Su family."

Su Han's spirit shrank upon hearing the words, and he immediately thought of the day when he became a Venerable Era Realm thirty years ago. The envoy of the beast demon lord suddenly came and blessed the identity of the prison demon envoy to himself, which caused his father to do it. Since then, his position in the Su family has been growing rapidly, he is truly below one person and above ten thousand people, except for him as the father of the twelve demons, who can compare with him?


In Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect, this is an extremely lofty identity and position, representing the cronies and direct inheritance of Ten Thousand Beast Demon Lord. The Supervisor is a token of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Lord. Except for the Twelve Demon Lords, no one can violate the orders of the Supervisor!

This is glory.

It is also a symbol of potential!

In the world of Ten Thousand Beasts and Demon Sect, where the weak and the strong eat the strong, it is not only the respect of identity that can be recognized by others and can live well.

Do not!

The strong is respected, and the law of the jungle that the weak eat the strong is more vividly demonstrated in the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect!

As long as the supervising demon envoys of the Wan Beast Demon Sect, as long as they do not die, they will eventually become the strongest among the top sages, most of them are the strongest sages!

Even to this day, Su Han couldn't help feeling agitated when he thought of the incident thirty years ago. This is also the reason why he has always maintained his youthful appearance, because that day, he was a teenager, and he wanted to use this method to remember the glory of that day!


The soul returned to the present, even with the comfort of Uncle She, Su Han still couldn't calm down, his eyes were urgent:

"But they are also very strong now, the realm of martial arts is only a fraction of mine!"

"And their luck is so good. They led the army to press in, and they happened to encounter one of the top ten cities including Poyue City, and they had accumulated mighty military exploits, and I..."

Su Han felt even more anxious when he thought that he hadn't earned any merit in these days.

"Uncle She, help me figure out a solution!"

"They destroyed three cities, and I must do it too!"

Uncle She frowned slightly when he heard this, as if it was difficult to achieve this requirement for Su Han, he pondered slightly and said:

"Now is different from before. The reason why our Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect has been able to win so many cities in such a short period of time in the past ten days is because the righteous path on Red Yan has not reacted and has not yet adapted. And now , They have adjusted their power and concentrated and are ready. The remaining seven cities are no longer so easy to win."

"In these days, there have been a lot of teams that have taken the seven cities to hide, and buried the space teleportation array. It's a pity that most of them died on the road. Even if the younger half arrived, they were quickly killed. Just go to the buried space teleportation array. It's already so difficult, not to mention winning a city."

"Han'er, be patient."

"I know your urgency, but the situation is changing."

Su Han was still anxious after hearing this:

"Then the army will press in! Let's..."

Uncle She glared at Su Han and said coldly:

"To shut up!"

"Han'er, you have said! Have you forgotten the command of the lord of the beasts, and you must not use the power that exceeds the natives of the Scarlet Yan Star?"

"This is not a real war. It's just training. If we use more than a hundred times and a thousand times the power, we can indeed wipe out all the power on the Red Yan star in an instant, but the value of training in this way will be lost."

"Do you want to disobey the orders of Lord Ten Thousand Beast Demon Lord?"

Su Han's face became stiff when he heard this, and he no longer dared to say a word on this issue. When Uncle She saw this, his tone returned to calm, and said:

"This is also the test of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Lord."

"You're right. You didn't take a big city, which is indeed a shame to our Su family. Don't worry, Uncle She is helping you."

"Recently, I have secretly observed the teams that dare to accept the tasks of the seven cities. As long as I meet the right ones, I will tell you immediately and go together."

"Buried the teleportation array and defeated internally. This achievement is definitely not inferior to those of your competitors. After all, the situation is different. Once you can win the big city, the motivation for the military will far exceed them, you will definitely win both fame and fortune. But for now, you just have to wait quietly."

Su Han looked surprised when he heard this.

Uncle She is helping me?

"Thank you Uncle She!"

Su Han hurriedly got up and bowed his way to thank you. Uncle She did not evade, accepting his gift, smiled, and seemed to say something, but at this moment, suddenly, he suddenly received some sound transmission, his face suddenly changed. Becomes weird:

"There's news!"

Su Han was shocked when he saw this. He and Uncle She had known each other for many years. This was the first time that Uncle She, who had an expressionless face on weekdays, had such a big mood swing.

what news?

Su Han asked subconsciously, but before he could speak, he saw Uncle She looked over and said:

"Someone has accepted the task of going to Tianyu City."

"Also, they claim to be from the ancient magic tower!"

Ancient Magic Tower!

Hearing these three words, Su Han's heart trembled suddenly, and finally understood why Uncle She looked so weird.

The ancient magic tower was born? !


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