Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 438: misunderstanding

The identity of the visitor is unusual!

This was the first thought of Xiao Lang, Li Xueya and others after seeing Su Han and Uncle She suddenly appeared at the entrance of the hall.

They have realized from the reactions of many examiners around the special degree of the identity of the ancient magic tower magic repair, it must be tested in such a banned environment, which is definitely not trivial.

In this case, the two of them could still watch, which is enough to prove their identities!

as expected.

The complexion of many top demon venerations surrounding Xiao Lang and others changed slightly, and they immediately bowed and saluted:

"I have seen Elder She, Young Master Su!"

Li Qingshan gave Li Xueya a wink, not knowing what he should do.

"carry on."

Li Xueya didn't change her expression and secretly transmitted her voice.

Ever since, the sword aura around Li Qingshan rose into the sky again, more violent than before, and immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the room.

Su Han and Uncle She smiled when they saw it, not at all irritated because Li Qingshan hadn't obeyed their orders, just thought, in their opinion, this seemed to be quite normal.


Uncle She and Su Han stepped forward.

"Everyone, the test of the brothers of the ancient magic tower should be over, is it enough to prove their identity?"

The surrounding top demon nodded quickly, and someone immediately stepped forward and handed a storage ring to Li Xueya's hand, simply saying:

"This is your mission."

The top Demon Sovereign glanced at Uncle She and Su Han, and said:

"As for how to complete it, Elder She and Young Master Su will explain to you."

After finishing speaking, before Li Xueya and others could respond, a few people left in a hurry, seemingly afraid to stay here longer. The gazes of Xiao Lang and others naturally fell on Uncle She and Su Han, their expressions calm.

They can hear from the other party's words that the other party has not seen their identity, which is a good thing.

As long as under this premise, there will be no major problems.

"Don't be sensual."

"They came here, it should be a plot, and they just refused."

Li Xueya's divine soul sounded in the ears of Xiao Lang and others, and everyone was enraged.

At this moment, Uncle She already looked over with a smile on his face and said with a smile:

"A rush to visit is very abrupt, let me introduce it first."

Uncle She turned sideways, pretending to be Su Han, and said:

"This is my Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect, the son of the Fourth Demon Venerable, and the number one Supervisor of the Demon Realm, Su Han."

Son of the Fourth Demon Lord!

The first superintendent!

When Xiao Lang and others heard this, their pupils shrank slightly.

The name is very loud!

After a day of inquiries by Fei Tong, they also have a certain understanding of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect. They know that the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect is headed by the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Lord. Under its command, there are twelve Demon Lords, each of which is the strongest. Ruthless role of the player level.

Su Han was the son of one of the Demon Venerables, and he was still very much favored.

Xiao Lang and the others immediately understood why the top Demon Venerables were so respectful to these two people, especially Su Han.

If it were in the Tianfu Palace, Su Han would be like Sun Wuji's son, and of course he would respect his identity. What's more, the title of the First Superintendent Demon also sounds quite unusual, and it is still prefixed with the Celestial Demon Realm.

At the moment of knowing Su Han's identity, Li Xueya and others also realized that if they directly rejected the other party, it would be too stiff to do it.

Li Xueya looked at Xiao Lang subconsciously.

Although he was very experienced, he still couldn't calmly make such a decision concerning the fate of the entire team. After all, in this team, Xiao Lang was the real core.

Here, Uncle She and Su Han also noticed Li Xueya's actions for the first time, and couldn't help but look at Xiao Lang in surprise, their eyes flickering, and their hearts frightened.

Of course they can see that Li Xueya is the top venerable master of a great avenue, and Xiao Lang is only the peak of the mid-era realm. Even when it comes to greetings, Li Xueya still has to look at Xiao Lang's wink?

"This kid has an identity!"

Uncle She and Su Han looked at each other faintly, and saw the sparkling light in each other's eyes.

In the Celestial Demon Realm, where the law of the dark jungle is more thoroughly implemented, it couldn't be easier to see whether a person has an identity. The Heavenly Devil Realm respects strength, and only those with astonishing identities will have stronger followers around them.

Obviously, through Li Xueya's actions just now, they could see that Xiao Lang happened to fit this characteristic perfectly.

"A good status in the ancient magic tower?"

"Is he the young tower master of the ancient magic tower?"

Su Han boldly guessed in his heart, the brighter eyes were getting brighter, but even more excited.

"good chance!"

"If he really is the young master of the ancient magic tower, that would be even better!"

Uncle She has experienced countless times, and he also has such speculations in his heart, but his performance is relatively indifferent, or he is prudent, but Su Han is not like that. He is a young man. Compared with his peers, he has indeed experienced many experiences, calm mind, but harmonious. There is still a certain gap between Uncle She, and Xiao Lang and the others can clearly see the gleaming eyes.

Xiao Lang immediately realized that the other party had misunderstood this. Just because of Li Xueya's actions just now, a sharp light flashed in his eyes and he stood up decisively:

"I have seen Master Su."

"Wild wolf."

Xiao Lang's attitude was neither overbearing nor overbearing, because he was in the dark and the other party was in the light. Xiao Lang dealt with it calmly without any pressure at all. On the contrary, it was Uncle She and Su Han who were stunned when they heard the words, and then they reacted. The word "Wild Wolf" that Xiao Lang said was his name.

"A vulgar name..."

Su Han and Uncle She secretly slandered themselves in their hearts, and of course they wouldn’t express the thoughts in their hearts. They smiled softly and said:

"Okay, Brother Wild Wolf!"

"This is not a place to talk, otherwise, let's go to the little brother's courtyard and have tea while talking?"

"It's the truth, it's the first time the little brother has seen the brothers of the ancient magic tower, he is curious, and I hope you brothers don't mind."

Su Han honestly invited, and even directly stated the fact that it was the first time that he had seen the magic repair of the ancient magic tower, Xiao Lang and others were more calm after hearing this.

"it is good."

"It is also our fate to be able to see the first superintendent."

"Monster, please."

Xiao Lang's answer was neither humble nor overbearing, and his expression was calm and completely confident. Su Han and Uncle She couldn't help but look at each other. Uncle She immediately led the way, but did not leave from the gate of the hall. , Instead of pinching the Yin Jue by hand, a side door opened directly in the depths of the hall, and everyone filed in.


A quarter of an hour later, Xiao Lang and others had followed Su Han and Uncle She to the backyard of Su Han's residence, sitting around the round table. There were only four seats in the round table, but only Su Han and Xiao Lang sat down, and the others stood behind them, and directly vacated two seats.


This is caused by the level of identity!

Seeing this scene, Su Han immediately became more sure of the identity of Xiao Lang he had guessed in his heart.

They drink tea.

In a quarter of an hour, the tea had been drunk for three rounds. During this period, of course, Su Han had numerous questions, most of which were about the purpose of the trip to the ancient magic tower and Xiao Lang.

"Go out and practice."

Xiao Lang had already planned for the purpose of his party, and these four words were indeed the most suitable for blocking people to inquire. As for the guesses and questions about the ancient magic tower that Su Han asked, some Xiao Lang answered vaguely, and some directly refused to answer under the pretext of the ancient magic tower's regulations. Each question and answer was very structured.

In fact, after the three rounds of tea, Su Han didn't ask anything. Instead, Xiao Lang and others had a better understanding of the existence of the ancient magic tower in the heavenly devil world.

The ancient magic tower is a very special existence in the heavenly devil world. When Xiao Lang throws out this is the ancient magic tower's regulations, and it is inconvenient to answer such words, Su Han always shuts up and stops asking questions, which makes Xiao Lang feel this way. Up.

The name of the first supervising magician sounds quite unusual, and the ancient magic tower that made Su Han so unpredictable is naturally even more unusual.

At this moment, Xiao Lang felt fortunate.

Fortunately, he and others chose the ancient magic tower to conceal their identity, otherwise, the tea party would not go so smoothly.

But Xiao Lang also knew that he would lose if he said more.

So the next moment, when he saw Su Han's further questions, Xiao Lang decisively and relentlessly interrupted him:

"Master Su, you invited us here, don't you just want to say this?"

"Please tell me something."

Su Han was taken aback. He didn't expect Xiao Lang to be so direct. Uncle She who stood behind him shook his head helplessly, but understood Xiao Lang's direct inquiry very well.

"Too much nonsense."

"Say it."

Su Han heard the voice of Uncle She’s soul, and then he was startled, and said quickly:

"Yes, yes, brother Wild Wolf is aware of it, and Su really has something to ask for."

"I think Brother Wild Wolf seems to be very interested in Tianyu City. I would like to invite you all to go to Tianyu City together?"

Go to Tianyu City together?

Xiao Lang raised the corners of his mouth when he heard the words, and looked at Su Han with a deep smile. Su Han was a little embarrassed now.


Follow it.

As early as when Su Han and Uncle She showed up and invited them to come here, Xiao Lang had actually guessed Su Han's purpose, and of course he was not surprised to hear it at this time.

Moreover, he had already thought of a countermeasure.


Of course I can refuse.

After all, their current identities are here. If they refused directly, Xiao Lang believed that Su Han would definitely not dare to turn his face. And being with Su Han and others is also a trouble after all.

But on another thought, there are benefits of not rejecting. At least with Su Han, the number one superintendent of the Celestial Demon Realm by his side, Xiao Xiaoxiao would not dare to be embarrassed and provoked. Other teams that encounter the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect will be saved. A lot of trouble.

And, even if he refused now, would Su Han definitely give up?

Certainly not.

Now that he and others have been targeted by Su Han, even if he really refuses this time, Su Han will beg to perfection and choose to give up, but in secret, he will definitely send someone, even staring at himself and others personally, by then, The enemy is in the dark, and he is in the light, which is more troublesome.

Therefore, for Su Han's "invitation", Xiao Lang didn't break his cautious thinking, just smiled and nodded:



Xiao Lang’s answer would not surprise Li Xueya and the others, because when he made this decision, Xiao Lang had already greeted them, but Su Han was stunned. Even Uncle She behind him was also a pupil. Shrinking slightly, surprised.

Just agreed so decisively?


Su Han didn't react for a while, knowing that Xiao Lang's next sentence came out:

"Is it on your flying boat, or ours?"

As soon as these words came out, Su Han was still in a daze, but Uncle She who was standing behind him quickly reacted and subconsciously wanted to answer:

"Of course it is me……"

Halfway through the conversation, he saw the smile at the corner of Xiao Lang's mouth and suddenly became energetic, and immediately changed his words:


"For the brothers of the ancient magic tower, of course we can rest assured."

Hearing this, Xiao Lang seemed to be very satisfied with Uncle She's answer. He turned his head and glanced at Li Xueya, passing by Huang's body, calmly said:

"Okay, let's set off right away."


As soon as Su Han woke up, he was immediately taken aback by Xiao Lang's words.

In such a hurry?

At this moment, Su Han couldn't help but think that since seeing Xiao Lang, he seemed to have such a resolute appearance, and it was rumored that the same was true in the ancient magic tower.

"Really appropriate."

Here, Xiao Lang didn't know that because of his eager attitude, Su Han was more certain that he was the young tower master who was walking outside for the ancient magic tower.

What's more, where is he pretending?

He is really anxious!


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