Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 450: Golden Wolf Tribe

Inside the Linglong Flying Boat.

"Brother, this flying boat is not bad, is that the one you got from Zhan Taizong?"

The small knife and the poisonous dragon yelled, constantly walking through the rooms, watching the starry sky outside, feeling the speed of Linglong Flying Boat, and couldn't help being surprised.

They already knew from Xiao Lang his experience over the years and the rewards Zhan Taizong and Xiao Lang received from it, but it was the first time that they entered Linglong Flying Boat.

Although they are only the sages of the early Jin era realm, their horizons have not yet been opened, and they are far from Sun Wuji's. They can only see the rank and goodness of Linglong Feizhou at a glance.

But for so many years, they are also people who have been on a flying boat, so they can clearly distinguish the great difference between the Linglong flying boat and other flying boats.

Almost a world apart!

"Ha ha."

Xiao Lang looked at the small knife and the poisonous dragon who wandered around and only smiled slightly, and did not say much. He turned to look at Ning Fuer beside him, only to find that the latter was looking at him with worry.


Xiao Lang was taken aback.

Nymph has something on her mind?

Ning Fuer knew that Xiao Lang had already seen it, and without waiting for him to ask further, she hesitated:

"Brother Xiao, you won't blame me."

"It's just that Elder Liu Rong has been taking care of us for so many years. It is because of Tianfu Palace that we have today. So... I want to do more for Tianfu Palace... Will you..."

It turned out that Nymph was worried about this.

Xiao Lang smiled when he heard the words, holding Ning Fu'er's small hand with his backhand, and softly soothed:

"How come, I won't blame you."

"And don't forget, I have also inherited the friendship of the Tianfu Palace. If it were not for the master, I am afraid I would have died now. I understand your heart."

Ning Foul breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the seriousness and gentleness in Xiao Lang's eyes, and the tenderness in the depths of her beautiful eyes overflowed.


She knew that what Xiao Lang said was true.

She also knew that Xiao Lang was actually sure to take her away from the Celestial Demon Realm now, and the reason she was still staying here was also for all the martial artists of the Celestial Palace on the Red Yan Star.

People have great love.

Aside, Li Xueya, Xiaodao and others also heard Xiao Lang's answer, and their eyes flashed with approval and pride.

"This is the person I follow!"

"This is my big brother!"

To conquer people by war can only succumb.

To convince people with morality, Fang is king!

Obviously, Xiao Lang's remarks also made everyone around him more recognize and trust him. They believed that if one day he was killed, Xiao Lang would definitely not hesitate to draw his sword to help!

"Brother, Chang Liang!"

The knife couldn't help giving a thumbs up, Xiao Lang smiled slightly, his mind calm.

This is indeed what he thought.

Save if you can.

Of course, this is also based on the fact that they are sufficient to protect themselves.


Then, there was nothing to say.

Its daybreak.

They encountered many magical flying boats along the way, but most of them evaded in a hurry and didn't dare to walk with Linglong flying boat at all. As for a small part of them, they were all far away and didn't dare to approach.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Dao and the others became even more curious, and Xiao Lang explained to them the origin of the wolf head imprint outside the spirit boat, which caused the Xiao Dao and the poisonous dragon to exclaim again and again.

There are no waves, everything goes well.

I have to admit that Su Han's status as the first superintendent of the Heavenly Demon Realm is still easy to use, almost no one dares to touch its mold, at least they haven't encountered it this time.

"It went well."

Xiao Lang was also quite satisfied. He had already taken out the map that Qiu Shijie had given him, which was far more detailed than the one he had snatched from Mo Xiu. After carefully identifying the current location of himself and others, Xiao Lang immediately flashed a sharp light in his eyes and looked forward.

"About to arrive."

"It's in the mountain range ahead."


The Golden Mountain is a mountain range, not a lonely mountain.

Li Xueya, Xiaodao and others immediately looked out the window, condescending, and saw that a long mountain range looming amidst a cloud of fog, thousands of miles away.

In the dimness, the sharpness is hidden!

Suddenly, a trace of surprise flashed in Nymph's beautiful eyes:

"It's there!"

"I feel a strong metallic atmosphere!"

Xiao Lang was surprised when he heard the words, and subconsciously looked at Li Xueya beside him, only to see that the latter also looked surprised. He sensed Xiao Lang's gaze and slowly shook his head.

When Xiao Lang saw this, he was secretly shocked.

Elder Liu Rong was right, Ning Fu'er's perception of metallic things was too keen.

This is thousands of miles away!

"Is it too sharp?"

If something is abnormal, there must be a demon!

Xiao Lang suddenly thought that in the battle of Scarlet Yan Xing, Nymph's father and mother had spoken to him before his death——

"Take care of Fu'er, she has a problem with her body..."

Xiao Lang's spirits shrank, and he took a deep look at Ning Fu'er.

What is the secret inside Nymph?

Is it because of it that she has such a keen perception of metallic things?

Regarding Nymph, Xiao Lang certainly did not dare to neglect. Even though he sorted out his words and prepared to ask, and it was a less abrupt question, before he could ask, suddenly—

"Be careful, there are people inside, many people."

Huang's voice suddenly sounded, shocking everyone in Linglong Flying Boat, including Xiao Lang.

A lot of people?

The magic repair of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect?

Xiao Lang immediately realized the identity of the other party. This is a wilderness, and it must be the magic repair that appears here!

"how many?"

Xiao Lang immediately asked.

Huang seems to have been liquidated long ago, saying:

"About five or six thousand."

"Huh? They seem to have found you. Do you avoid it, or go straight up?"

Have been found thousands of miles apart?

Is the guard so secretive?

Xiao Lang was surprised.

This is very unusual.

When Xiao Lang wanted to come, there were only two possibilities.

The first is that these demonic cultivators must have big secrets here, so the prevention is so strict. The second is because they know themselves, in other words, they know the wolf head imprint on the surface of Linglong Flying Boat!



For a moment, Xiao Lang's eyes flickered, full of wise brilliance.

Avoid, or not?

If they were to avoid it, they would need to sneak in secretly if they wanted to enter the Golden Mountain. Although there was a desolation, Xiao Lang was very confident in the means of covering his breath by himself and others, but he could act in secret, and he would have many worries.

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang immediately raised his brows and looked towards Huang:

"Huang, can you change my breath to Su Han?"

Change the breath?

Li Xueya and the others were surprised when they heard the words, and immediately understood Xiao Lang's plan, and all looked towards Huang. Huang did not answer, but just proved his ability with actual actions. With a light wave of his hand, Xiao Lang felt that the aura of the Demon Orb in his arms immediately changed, becoming exactly the same as Su Han.

Xiao Lang's eyes flashed, and immediately began to change his appearance and body shape.

In an instant, under everyone's gaze, Xiao Lang had completely changed.

Su Han!

In the eyes of Li Xueya and others, Xiao Lang and Su Han are exactly the same now, there is no difference!


Everyone opened his eyes wide.

After understanding Xiao Lang's plan, everyone also activated the Demon Orb in their hands. The breath began to evaporate and change. In a blink of an eye, Li Xueya and others in the Linglong Feizhou had completely disappeared and turned into a group of magic repairs.

"Be careful."

Xiao Lang knew this was an adventure, and told him. Of course, he is also hinting at himself.


Just as Li Xueya and others nodded--


Huang's voice sounded again, and everyone immediately looked out of Feizhou, only to see that a team of dozens of people rose into the sky, and the momentum was amazing.

Especially the headed young man, with yellow hair and arrogant arrogance, is like a bomb in his body that may detonate at any time. His face is hideous, his face and other parts of the body are exposed on the skin, showing black marks.化.

Magic repair!

The magic repair of Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect!

The signs are quite obvious.

Xiao Lang frowned slightly when he saw this.

Did you guess it right, this guy really has an enemy with Su Han?


Thousands of miles, across the distance, the opposing team has arrived, just hundreds of miles away, the young man headed by the opposing group has already roared:

"The comer stops!"

Seeing this, Xiao Lang's eyes flashed with a sharp glow.

It seems that the other party is really hostile.

Xiao Lang signaled Huang to stop the Linglong Flying Boat, the door in front of him opened, and Xiao Lang stepped out directly, very simply.

Xiao Lang didn't believe that the other party would really kill him directly. After all, he is now the identity of Su Han, and he is the number one superintendent of the Heavenly Demon Realm. Who dares to attack him?

no one.

Even if someone wanted to kill "self", they would never dare to make such a blatant move.

Fox fake tiger power?

That's what it means.

as expected.

The moment Xiao Lang walked out of Linglong Feizhou, the other party saw his face, and his body trembled suddenly. Especially the young man who was in the lead shrank his eyes suddenly. He clenched the long knife in his hand and stared at Xiao. Waves, gritted teeth, endless fighting spirit splashed out of the eyes:

"Su Han!"

"I didn't expect it to be you..."

Sure enough, there is a story!

Xiao Lang could tell from the opponent's reaction that this young man must have had friction with Su Han, otherwise it would be impossible to hate Su Han to such an extent.

what's up?

Xiao Lang didn't know.

Therefore, he did not speak either.

If you talk too much, you will lose, Xiao Lang still knows this truth.

Since the person in front of him is not dealing with Su Han, he will definitely tell the truth.

as expected--

The youth's eyes were steaming with anger, becoming more intense, seeming to be unable to restrain, and the body kept shaking:

"What are you doing to my Golden Wolf tribe!"

"Do you still want to humiliate me in the Trial Tournament of Demon Lake Holy Land like three years ago?!"

The young man's eyes were red, and his whole person was almost exploded. The surging momentum was endless, like a stormy sea, which was breathtaking.

Demon Lake Holy Land Trial?

what is that?

Xiao Lang didn't know why, but he could still understand the word humiliation.

Su Han was so arrogant and domineering?

Xiao Lang smiled slightly.

I thought it was a major event, but now it seems that there is only some friction and conflict.

Xiao Lang felt that it was normal for him to smile, but he did not expect that the other youth's reaction was dozens of times more intense than he thought:

"you go!"

"Three years ago, you ruined my life, what do you come to my Golden Wolf tribe today! My Golden Wolf tribe does not welcome you!"

The youth is chasing guests!

Ruin a life?

Is it so serious?

Xiao Lang frowned upon hearing this.

It seems that the existence of Demon Lake Holy Land is much more serious than he thought?

This is how to do?

At this moment, Xiao Lang finally realized that he was too big. Although he can use Huang's help to hide his breath and change his appearance so that people can't see any clues, he is actually not that familiar with Su Han.

Especially everything about the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect.

It's no way to stay frozen!

Just when Xiao Lang didn't know what to do, and what to do to meet the status of "Su Han", suddenly--


With a loud roar, a huge aura suddenly rose up in the Golden Mountain Range, and an old man with a green face came from the sky.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Lang's eyes lit up suddenly.


Someone can finally break the deadlock!


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