Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 458: I'm going!

What do you mean?

Xiao Lang's heart moved, but he continued to listen without questioning.

After a while, Qiu Shijie's explanation continued:

"One side of the world has the origin of the world, once mastered, it is the master of the world."

"Similarly, a planet also has its lifespan and origin. It is also more complex. It is not only influenced by the origin of the world it is in, but also by the creatures living on it."

"Of course, it's not its original power that changes, but its displayed characteristics. You can imagine it as having a layer of armor."

Qiu Shijie's explanation is profound and simple, very detailed.

"There are two ways to break this layer of armor--"

"First, a powerhouse of the immortal monarch level directly breaks through by relying on super strong combat power to disintegrate it."

"However, the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect cannot do this, because although the Scarlet Yan Star has been swallowed by the Heaven Demon Realm, the Red Yan Star is still full of the rules of the Lihuo Great World. The Ten Thousand Beast Demon Lord cannot come in, he As long as you enter, you will be completely obliterated by the rules of heaven!"

Xiao Lang nodded when he heard this.

He knows this.

When he cracked and entered this place, I heard Huang said that the Demon Lord of Ten Thousand Beasts was in the void beyond Scarlet Yan. He asked this question and the answer he got was similar to what Qiu Shijie said now.

Since Qiu Shijie also said that this choice would not work, it was obvious that the Demon Pool of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect used the second method.

Xiao Lang continued to listen.

"This layer of armor has great resistance to magic repair, but for us, it has no blocking effect."

"Because we have been cultivating in this world since we were young, the original aura of the soul has long been integrated with this planet. It can be said that our strengths have blended and we have long since separated each other."

"The reason why Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect invited us is because of this idea."

"Use power as a temptation, and use our power to open the armor outside the original strength of Scarlet Yan Star!"

Xiao Lang heard the words and understood.


"Then we just don't participate?"

Since it is a conspiracy, and it has been seen through, the easiest way to think about it in Xiao Lang is not to participate in it, so that there will be no problems.

However, as soon as these words were spoken, Xiao Lang realized the problem.

Not participating?

Is this really guaranteed?

Not to mention other people, even Qiu Shijie, the so-called Scarlet Star Master, could not guarantee this.

They can control themselves.

But it cannot control other people.

Now that the disaster of Red Yan star is coming, I don't know how many people are in a trance and can't be peaceful.

In this chaotic situation, it is normal for a few traitors to appear.

No one can't be unmoved.

Xiao Lang's expression instantly darkened.

Seeing Xiao Lang's expression change, Qiu Shijie knew that he had thought of the key, and smiled bitterly:

"So I said, this is a shame."

"They will come to invite, that's for sure. Because the stronger the stronger, the easier it is to open the armor of the origin of the planet. Even if we don't participate in the war for several months, they will definitely gather enough people to do this. ."

"So, we have no choice but to participate."

"If it is a coincidence and the blessing of some of the planet's original power, it will be even better. For us, this is also an opportunity, an opportunity that only exists in theory."

Xiao Lang knew what Qiu Shijie meant by opportunity.

Demon Lake Holy Land is an opportunity for Demon Xiu to conquer the entire Red Yan Star. But for his side, it is also a good opportunity to overcome the enemy.

If the person on his side is recognized by the origin of the red yan star, their combat power skyrocketed, and even all the strong men who participated in this trip were killed by the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect, the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect would definitely be hit hard. And he will also get a chance to breathe.

The only question is, can this really be achieved?

Here, Qiu Shijie seemed to see what Xiao Lang was thinking, and shook his head:


"It's really tough!"

"According to the ancient books I have checked, in history, my Tianfu Palace has fought countless battles against the Heavenly Demon Realm, and the Demon Lake Holy Land has appeared at least hundreds of times, but my Tianfu Palace is no more than one hand."

One percent?

The probability is so low?

Xiao Lang was shocked when he heard this.

This probability is indeed terribly low.

And, under this probability, the strong man in Tianfu Palace wrote it in flesh and blood!

Xiao Lang couldn't help feeling a little suffocated.

But the next moment, he still asked the next question:

"If you can get the greatest benefit of Demon Lake Holy Land, how much improvement can you get?"


Hearing this, Qiu Shijie was taken aback for a moment, vaguely aware of what Xiao Lang said, but didn't think much about it, and said:

"The benefits must be huge."

"In my Tianfu Palace, one of the few people who received the power of the planet's origin, one was the peak of the late era realm, and he practiced two great roads. After that, he even directly became the strongest nobleman, and his talent is amazing. If you give him enough Time, I’m afraid it’s not impossible to get involved in Immortality."


Qiu Shijie shook his head and didn't continue.

Obviously, that person fell in the subsequent battle and failed to fully demonstrate his potential.

When Xiao Lang heard this, his pupils suddenly shrank——

The strongest Venerable!

Can encroach on immortality!

At this moment, he finally heard the answer he wanted most from Qiu Shijie's mouth. The starry eyes were bright, suddenly bursting into endless spirit, and he said solemnly:

"it is good!"

"This time, Demon Lake Holy Land, I need a place!"


Qiu Shijie was taken aback when he heard the words, and then was shocked, and finally understood why Xiao Lang had inquired so much about Demon Lake Holy Land.

Not because of curiosity!

It's because he wants to enter the Demon Lake Holy Land!


Qiu Shijie subconsciously exclaimed:

"My nephew, don't do it!"

"The mortality rate in the Demon Lake Holy Land is really too high, and the situation is complicated. Every time the Demon Lake Holy Land opens, we don't know what happens inside, what kind of risk it will have, and the possibility of success is very small!"

"Nephew, why should you go in and take risks?"

Qiu Shijie's first reaction was to stop it.

In his opinion, Xiao Lang had no need to go adventure at all.

Because if they hold on for a few months, they can build a primitive teleportation circle and leave here.

Why bother?

Xiao Lang heard the words, but his eyes were still determined. He looked at Qiu Shijie and shook his head:

"Uncle Master, I have decided, I must go."

"But as for the reason, it is inconvenient to tell my nephew."

"But Master Uncle don't worry, even if I have an accident, it won't delay the construction of the primitive teleportation circle. There will naturally be someone to help you."

Hearing this, Qiu Shijie frowned, staring at Xiao Lang's resolute eyes, and suddenly fell silent.

From Xiao Lang's words, he felt strong firmness and could not be shaken.

for a long time.

"Are you sure you want to go?"

"Once you go, you may not come back."

"I need to sit in Tianyu City, and I can't provide you with any help."

Xiao Lang smiled upon hearing this.

"Thank you, Uncle Master, but my nephew is sure, this magic pond holy place must go."

Xiao Lang remained firm.

Qiu Shijie was helpless after hearing this.

He did not continue to dissuade.

Because he knew that once a person like Xiao Lang made his own decision, it was difficult for others to change it through words. Only himself can change him.

Therefore, Qiu Shijie became more worried and unbearable.

There was a long silence.

"I understand."

"If news from the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect really comes, I will tell you as soon as possible. But if there is such a day, I advise you to think about it."

"After going out, there is also a chance to become stronger."

Xiao Lang smiled upon hearing this.

He knew that Qiu Shijie might not know that Ning Fu'er's life experience was dangerous, but he must have guessed it. He chose to enter the Demon Lake Holy Land because he wanted to become stronger.

Have a chance after going out?

Xiao Lang does not deny this.

However, now that there is a chance before him, how can Xiao Lang give up?

Definitely not!

"Thank you Master Uncle."

Xiao Lang bowed his hands and bowed, respectfully.

All he needs is this sentence.

And now, he got it!


Qiu Shijie looked at Xiao Lang with a complex expression, sighed, as if helpless, turned around, his figure flashed, and disappeared without even saying goodbye.

Xiao Lang straightened up, his expression resolute, and turned and left.


Xiao Lang returned to the martial arts arena, in the courtyard of Ning Fuer alone.

Everyone is there.

Curious why Xiao Lang went to see Qiu Shijie by himself.

Of course Xiao Lang would not tell the truth, and vaguely exposed it. After talking for a while, all the talents finally dispersed, leaving Xiao Lang and Ning Fuer alone.

The two cuddled up and didn't say much.

Every thought is true.

But more is love.

The things in their hearts also make them cherish the time spent with each other more.


In the next few days, Xiao Lang stayed in the courtyard to accompany Nymph.



It's like a paradise, a world with only two people.

Peaceful and quiet.

Every day, various news comes from the fighting field.

The change of Red Yan star is the result of a **** battle outside Tianyu City.

Xiao Lang wanted to go to the **** battle outside Tianyu City before, but now he has no such thoughts.


Waiting too.

He knew that he might not be able to accompany Nymph for too long, and he cherished every moment they were together.

Until this day--

early morning.

Chen Shou suddenly visited, surprised and puzzled, knocked on the courtyard door.

"Little friend Xiao Lang, invited by the star master."

When Xiao Lang saw Chen Shou outside the door, he couldn't help but feel shocked. He glanced at Ning Fuer beside him and realized that the day he was waiting for might finally come.

But in an instant, he suppressed the emotional roll.

"it is good."

Xiao Lang looked at Ning Fu'er and smiled gently:

"You wait at home, and I'll come just fine."

Ning Fu'er glanced at Chen Shou and Xiao Lang curiously, and nodded obediently:

"it is good."


A quarter of an hour later.

Xiao Lang had already followed Chen Shou to the City Lord's Mansion.

It's still the hall.

Only when Xiao Lang stepped into it, he found that besides Qiu Shijie, there were many people inside.

Some people have never been seen by Xiao Lang.

But there are also people he knows.

Including Qiu Shijie's two sons, the blood **** Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian, ​​are among them!

This surprised Xiao Lang, who realized what was about to happen, and looked at Qiu Shijie, who was headed by him.

Qiu Shijie was willing to let his two sons enter the Demon Lake Holy Land?


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