Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 463: escape?


Chen Shou was decisive.

Distracted thoughts were abandoned in an instant, and a silver pike flashed out from his waist, turning into a long rainbow, more like a stormy sea, blasting forward.

The long sword is like a thunder!

All in one go!

Moving clouds and flowing water!

Dark shadows in the depths of the tunnel are so full that people can't help but feel terrified.

And Chen Shou's knife directly illuminated the entire corridor, and everyone finally saw what was rushing towards them.


It looks the same as a mouse, but it is the same size as a human. The sharp teeth are ten inches long, and the small eyes are strange green green, shining in the darkness, revealing endless bloodthirsty. And anger, it seems that his own territory has been invaded and frantic, and his whole body exudes a terrifying evil spirit, which makes the scalp numb.


"Can't they only achieve the Dzogchen World Realm?"

Xiao Lang was taken aback.

He knew this strange beast.

Quite common in the practice world.

In the world of cultivation, not only people have levels, but fierce beasts and alien beasts also have levels.

Gophers, the most common fierce beasts, if they are alone, they should be at the end of all fierce beasts.

Most of the gophers, because of their talents and aptitudes, at best they have cultivated to the Great Perfection of the World Realm, and they are unable to transform their lives again.

There are very few gophers at the venerable epoch level.

However, this is in terms of monomer.

Gophers are gregarious animals, and their reproductive capacity is so horribly high. There are thousands of them at every turn, which is still rare.

Rumor has it that in the history of the Great World of Lihuo, there has been the largest rat tide, hundreds of millions of hamsters, almost swallowing a star.

If it weren't for the direct insertion of the Tianfu Palace and sending the top and strongest to crusade, all the living things on that star would definitely be swallowed up by them.

It was also in that rat tide that people knew that gophers also had the potential of the era.

But the possibility is too low, terribly low!

Xiao Lang saw at a glance that these gophers in front of him were only at the level of the Dzogchen World Realm, which was nothing to worry about.

Let alone Chen Shou and the others, he alone can easily kill them all.

But at this moment--


A World Realm Dzogchen Gopher rushed out suddenly, like an arrow from the string, and like a moth to a fire, it rushed directly at Chen Shou's knife.


Under the horrified gaze of everyone, the gopher's body was torn apart and flesh and blood flew across.

The gopher is dead.

However, Chen Shou's hand holding the long knife couldn't help but tremble suddenly, as if overwhelmed and affected.

Everyone was shocked.

Chen Shou is the top venerable!

And among the top sages, they are also extremely good players, with extraordinary combat power, which can reach the strongest sages!

He was actually blocked by a gopher with only the World Realm Dzogchen level at the expense of his life?

The gopher is dead, which is normal.

After all, the gap between them lies.

The key is that Chen Shou's knife was blocked!

A gopher with the Dzogchen level in the World Realm could actually block Chen Shou's blow?



Everyone was horrified, even Xiao Lang.

They are all in the Era Realm, and they know how big the gap is between the Era Realm and the Dzogchen World Realm. Although it is only a gap of realm, as the top venerable of the era realm, if the world realm is slaughtered for Dzogchen...

How many Dzogchen in the world is not enough to kill!

"This gopher..."

"Is it because of the blessing of the origin of the stars?"

Xiao Lang was shocked.

It is possible!

It seems that there is only this kind of explanation.

At the same time, not only Xiao Lang thought of this, but most of the people present.

Chen Shou's face was cold:


"Be careful, their combat power is not strong, only around the middle of the era, but the defense has reached the peak of the late era."

"Don't leave extra energy!"

Chen Shou let out a loud roar and rushed forward again.


Swipe it out.

This time, the gopher that met him didn't even have a chance to resist, and was cut in half by him.

Everyone's spirits shrank, and their pupils lit up.

The strength of this group of gophers is not as terrible as they thought.

Before Chen Shou was because he underestimated the enemy, he didn't break out all his combat power.


In an instant, all the powerhouses in the entire team who had reached the pinnacle of the Era Realm Small Perfection in the martial art realm rushed together, mastering the complete avenue, and their combat power was terrifying.

Xiao Lang and others didn't make a move, but followed behind them.

This is Chen Shou's arrangement.

On the way they came, they made various judgments about the situation, including the current situation.

Now they are on the first level of the crypt, the real world level.

have nothing to say.

Chong Chong Chong!

Kill kill kill!

Fight for time, race against time!

I don't know where the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect's team has reached, they have no target to refer to, they can only do their best to do their best.

In this situation, Xiao Lang and the others would waste their time.


The battle came quickly and seemed to end quickly.

In front of Chen Shou and others who had burst out at least the peak combat power of Xiaoyuan in the Era Realm, even with the blessing of the power of the stars, these gophers were not their opponents at all.

With one blow, life and death will be decided!

The rise of mass killings.

It's killing and adaptation!

When they first entered the Demon Lake Holy Land, in fact, each of them had a sense of awe in their hearts. After all, there is history ahead, and they have to be cautious.

If you think more, you will have more shackles.

And this battle undoubtedly allowed them to regain their confidence.

"But so!"

Everyone killed happily, and did not forget to continue forward.

Xiao Lang and others were guarded at the very center of the team and moved forward quickly.


Getting deeper and deeper!

Follow the battle!

However, no one noticed the people who were addicted to killing and self-confidence. They were not far below them——

In the soil, a silver seed was buried deep in it.

If there is no Demon Lake Holy Land, it will probably be buried here for the rest of its life, even if its life is very long, but until the day when its life ends, there may not be a day when it will see the sun again.

But today, it's different.

The opening of the Demon Lake Holy Land directly awakened it!


A trace of extremely pure power spread from an endless and far-reaching place and fell on it.

In an instant, it recovered.



Grow fast!

In the invisible soil, its roots spread wildly, greedily absorbing all the nutrients in it, and its torso grew rapidly, like an inflated balloon. In just a moment of effort, it has turned into a silver plant. The vines have a thick waist.

As for the length...


Its branches spread and went along the cave, extending in all directions, sweeping Wuji.

In just an instant, he forcibly occupied dozens of corridors around him.

Every time the vines spread to a channel, they will be inserted into the ground for the first time, forming new roots, as if they are multiplying and breeding, and the growth rate is really terrifying.

After three to five breaths.

On the main branch of the vine, a human face slowly emerged, as cold as water, with infinite eyes, like a god, overlooking the whole world.


It actually speaks human language!

It's just that the voice is sluggish and hesitant, it sounds like it has never been fully awakened.

next moment--


Its eyes suddenly showed endless greed and evil spirits, as if it sensed something, and it suddenly widened.


"I need blood!"


Immediately afterwards, its branches swiftly toward a tunnel, as fast as lightning.

In the distance, it felt the smell of blood!

That is the taste it desires most!




Qiu Zhan fired a shot, beheading the last gopher.

Everyone couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.


This battle is finally over.

It lasted for about thirty breaths.

This time doesn’t sound long at all, but—

Everyone is not expected to go to the tunnel behind him.

It has been completely reddened by flesh and blood!

More than a hundred gophers died in it?

Far more!

They killed thousands of gophers in this battle!

Thirty interest.

Killing every moment.

The body is not tired, but the heart is tired.

"Not bad."

"carry on!"

Chen Shou seemed to be satisfied with everyone's performance, raised his hand, and once again signaled everyone to follow.

Race against time.

Of course, there can be no slack.

Everyone catches up.


I don't know if it was their luck or why. For a quarter of an hour, they had not encountered the second wave of beasts. This made Chen Shou and the others feel a little strange.

"It smells like blood."

In the team, someone took the initiative to express their feelings.

But frowned.

"It seems to come from here."

Everyone looked in the direction he was pointing, and everyone frowned.

It was the stone walls around them!

Is there a smell of blood in the stone wall?

what's the situation?

What is dead in it?


Chen Shou was quite decisive. He directly drew his knife and swiped it down with a swipe. The stone wall suddenly split.


A deep tunnel appeared in front of everyone.

The smell of blood permeated.

There is indeed blood, but not much, just some blood stains, but when seeing these blood stains, everyone's complexion changes slightly.

It's fresh blood!

Something is dead here!

And this tunnel that suddenly appeared...

Obviously it is not the so-called hidden tunnel.

It was newly excavated!

Chen Shou's pupils shrank and realized the danger.

"Be careful!"

"There is something big!"

Everyone immediately understood what Chen Shou meant from his words, and their faces changed slightly.

What Chen Shou meant was that in this tunnel, something was actually killing the beast?


This is unlikely.

You know, this is the Demon Lake Holy Land, which is connected to the origin of the stars. It can be said that all the fierce beasts here should be under the control of the origin of the stars.

If they kill each other, what is the difference with self-decision?

However, if this is not the case, how can all of this be explained?

Obviously it was not the demon cub of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect, because the people around did not sense the slightest devilish energy, only the strong evil spirit!

Xiao Lang frowned, unable to figure out the key.

And just as everyone was at a loss and did not know what this discovery meant to them, suddenly—

"Be careful!"

"Run away!"

From not far away, a series of exclamations suddenly sounded.

Chen Shou, Xiao Lang and others suddenly raised their heads and followed the prestige, with solemn faces.


In Demon Lake Holy Land, apart from them, there is only one possibility to make a human voice——

The devil boy of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect!

Hearing the shock and fleeing in the exclamation, everyone looked solemn.

At least on the surface, although the members of the Ten Thousand Beasts and Demon Sect are separated, even any of the teams is stronger than their strength.

And, this is the real world.

Logically speaking, the fierce beast here is the weakest.

Will the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect be frustrated here?

Everyone looked dignified, realizing the unusualness, and focused on Chen Shou, waiting for his order.

Chen Shou's complexion was even heavier.

Because he knows that his decision is about everyone's life and death!

He hesitated.

But at this moment, he hasn't waited for him to tell his final choice--


Ahead, exclaimed again and again.

The demon cubs of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect came to them, and they were getting closer and closer!


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