Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 469: Trapped!

"How could they..."

Xiao Lang was surprised.

He was not the only one to come forward!

And obviously not the fastest one.

Qiu Zhan is ahead.

Qiu Tian is behind.

He is the second one!

When Qiu Zhan stood up, Xiao Lang was still understandable. After all, he is the ultimate in Era Realm Xiaoyuan, even if he meets the top venerables, he will not necessarily lose!

But Qiu Tian...

In the light of calcium carbide fire, Xiao Lang was surprised.

At this moment, Chen Shou, who was about to die, was also stunned, his face flushed, and he looked at Xiao Lang three people angrily.

"What are you three brats doing!"

"Get back!"


At the same time, Chen Shou retreated violently.

He can't blew himself up!

Xiao Lang's trio suddenly stood up, directly affecting his rhythm. If he blew himself up again, the wooden thorns would be blown apart, and the three of Xiao Lang would also die!

Qiu Tiandao:

"Uncle Chen, you are my father's brother, and we have seen us grow up since we were young. We will not allow you to die like this."

"Even if I die, it's me Qiu Tian!"

"Let the team go on!"

Qiu Tian let out a loud roar, and suddenly, on the surface of his body, a mysterious aura suddenly filled out.

Xiao Lang was surprised.

He had never felt such a breath.

Not the power of the great power.

It is full of mystery and magic.

As soon as this breath emerged, Xiao Lang was shocked to discover that Qiu Tian was not far from him, but in an instant, it seemed that an insurmountable gap suddenly appeared between them.

Qiu Tian seemed to be left alone and isolated, detached from the Three Realms.

What secret technique is this?

Xiao Lang was surprised.

And at this moment--


Qiu Tian showed a resolute look and let out a loud roar, and immediately, a surprising scene happened.

I saw that the wooden thorn chasing Chen Shou suddenly trembled violently and shook the void, but it was only an instant that it stopped struggling, and even turned its direction directly and stabbed towards Qiu Tian!

Qiu Tian's face turned pale.

Xiao Lang was more horrified.

What is this method?

Xiao Lang understood that the reason why the wood thorn trembles and resists, it must be the Bloodthirsty Starvine controlling it. In this competition, the Bloodthirsty Starvine lost, Qiu Tian won?

After the horror, Qiu Tian's face was pale, but his eyes were still staring at Chen Shou and Qiu Zhan, his mouth opened, and a sad smile appeared:

"Hahaha, brother, don't save me, you can't save me."

"Such an ending is considered satisfactory and liberated for me."


what's the situation?

Xiao Lang frowned.

But at this moment, Qiu Zhan didn't say a word, his face was gloomy, but he had taken new actions and didn't care about Qiu Tian's nonsense.


Blood surging, spear swaying!

Xiao Lang once again felt in Qiu Zhan the cold and hot aura that blended with ice and fire the first time he saw him.

The gun is sharp, the red-blue light lingers, and the wood thorn greets it without hesitation, and wants to pass it through!



Qiu Zhan's shot is still very accurate.

But the result is not so satisfactory.


The top of the wooden thorn exploded, but it was only broken by a half, less than one-tenth of the whole!

On the other hand, Qiu Zhan, at this moment, like being struck by lightning, his body slammed, and there was a trace of shock and surprise in the depths of his calm eyes, and even a trace of eagerness.


He did not expect that it was just a wooden thorn, so strong.

There is still a big gap between him and the true Era Realm Dzogchen Peak!

And more importantly, if he can't stop this wooden thorn, Qiu Tian will die!

this moment.

Qiu Zhan, whose expression has not changed for thousands of years, also flashed anxiously, ignoring the force of the counter-shock, causing the blood in his body to be restless, and even if he had to use the spear again, he would attack again!

Qiu Tian was anxious when he saw this:

"leave me alone!"

"Let me die alone!"

Xiao Lang watched this scene beside him, his mind trembled, and he immediately interrupted:

"I come!"

Qiu Zhan was surprised.

Not only him, everyone in the Tianfu Palace team looked at Xiao Lang with amazement and puzzlement, not understanding why he suddenly rushed out.

He is only the peak of the mid-era realm!

No matter how strong the combat power is, what role can it play?

No matter how strong he is, he can't be stronger than Qiu Zhan, right?

And Qiu Tian...and the peculiar scene that had just acted on him were even more puzzling.

Qiu Tian was also taken aback.

Immediately, an amazing scene happened.

They saw that Xiao Lang did not control the power of the avenue, nor did he use any ultimate moves or defenses. The whole person was like an arrow from the string, rushing directly toward the wooden spur that spurred Qiu Tian!

this is……

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Including Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian.

what is this?

Is Xiao Lang going to die instead of Qiu Tian?

Just as everyone was stunned, astonished at the courage that Xiao Lang broke out at this moment——


Xiao Lang's whole body had already smashed into the wood thorn!

Someone in the team closed their eyes unbearably, not wanting to see the miserable scene of Xiao Lang's death and flesh and blood flying across the board. But at this moment, a scene that shocked everyone appeared.


Xiao Lang hit the wooden thorn!

In the next instant, the whole person is like an arrow from the string, rebounding back.

However, he was not dead!

His face was pale, his breath was shocking, but he was not dead!

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Until then, everyone discovered that Xiao Lang's clothes were not damaged in any way.

"His clothes..."


This is how Xiao Lang dared to face the wooden thorns head-on.


The best Hongmeng Lingbao!

Can block the full blow of the immortal monarch realm below the triple heaven!

Blocking a wooden thorn is naturally a matter of course.

Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian were also dumbfounded.

But at this moment--

"What are you doing in a daze! Go!"

Xiao Lang let out a loud roar, awakening Qiu Zhan, almost subconsciously, he mobilized the power of the great avenue, gathered the spear, and pierced the void with another shot!


The wooden thorn oscillated again, bursting for one point.

On the side, Chen Shou opened his eyes wide and looked at this scene in disbelief. He never expected that the three of Xiao Lang would actually rescue him, and no one died for the time being.

But soon, he reacted--

"wait for me!"

Take a breath.

In the absence of any threat, as long as he breathes, he can re-consolidate the power of the first battle and destroy a wooden thorn. Isn't it easy?

But just when Xiao Lang, Qiu Tian, ​​and Qiu Zhan thought that the overall situation was settled, and their trio's cooperation was completely successful, suddenly—


The void oscillated, and a vigorous spiritual force spread, even causing the void to roar.

Everyone trembled.

Looking into the distance subconsciously, I saw several vines lasing from hundreds of miles away!

The Bloodthirsty Starvine has shot again!

And the goal of its attack this time is obviously not just their team. At the same time, dozens of vines swept out to meet the four teams of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect.

In an instant, the expressions of the people of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect who were still watching the show changed drastically.

It was just a vine that caused so much damage and trouble to Chen Shou and others, and three or five rushed together...



In an instant, the void exploded.

The four teams rioted in an instant, everyone began to flee, and the light reflected the void.

Of course, the top demons of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect would not take action for the weak in the team, distracting them from fleeing.

The dead dao friend does not die the poor dao!

Everyone has this mentality!

Qiu Zhan, Qiu Tian, ​​and Xiao Lang were also shocked when they saw this.

They ignored the chaos of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect's team, and they couldn't care about it. What they care about is their own life and death!


Seeing that Chen Shou was about to deal with the wood thorn, Qiu Zhan, who had never spoken, suddenly shouted:


"For us, it's not worth it!"

Chen Shou's body halted suddenly, his eyes looked from Qiu Zhan's body to the people behind him, and a touch of complexity and entanglement flashed in his eyes.

He didn't want to see Qiu Zhan's trio die like this!


"The overall situation is important!"

Qiu Zhan's roar came, these four words were like thunder, and Chen Shou woke up immediately, a trace of absoluteness flashed across his face, and he turned resolutely:

"Follow me!"


Chen Shou held a big knife, his breath was violent, and the coercion of the strongest venerated completely bloomed.

In the end, he chose to focus on the overall situation.

However, in the eyes of Xiao Lang, Qiu Zhan, and Qiu Tian, ​​they did not show any resentment. Looking at each other, they all saw a touch of relief in each other's eyes.

Rightfully so.

"I didn't expect that the three of us would die together."

Qiu Tian's face was pale, and he barely pulled out a wry smile.

Although Qiu Zhan did not respond, his eyes were still staring at the flying vines, his eyes were still firm and murderous, but they were also full of despair, like a lonely hero.

Xiao Lang also shook his head helplessly.

Is it going to die?

Xiao Lang did not expect that the ending would be like this.

However, there is no alternative.

The Demon Tan Sacred Land and his party had originally escaped from the dead. Facing the Bloodthirsty Starvine, even the strongest Venerable did not dare to say that he would definitely survive.

Do everything and obey the fate.

But Xiao Lang absolutely did not regret his choice just now.

"Stand behind me."

"See if I can resist!"

Xiao Lang resolutely spoke, Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian were also very decisive, and immediately followed suit. They also saw that Xiao Lang's defense was amazing.

The two of them just got on their feet--


The vines of the Bloodthirsty Starvine are here!

From a distance, it was like a whip, unparalleled. But close at hand, to Xiao Lang, it is no different from a majestic mountain, and Mount Tai is surging from the top!

Xiao Lang widened his eyes to watch this scene, and couldn't help swallowing.

Can he really stop such a blow?

Even if the treasure is not bad, his body can't bear it, right?

However, until now, there is no other way.


The violent wind rushed toward their faces, making Xiao Lang and the three of them unable to help close their eyes, waiting for death to come. But at this moment, suddenly—


Under the surprised gaze of Xiao Lang's trio, the vines waving from the bloodthirsty star vine suddenly exploded.

Do not!

Not popped!

Because there is no force acting on it.

It did so actively.

The vine was tens of feet thick, and it split instantly. It didn't even kill the three of Xiao Lang directly, but turned it into a cage, "swallowing" the three of them!

The three of Xiao Lang only felt dark in front of them, and they could no longer see their fingers...


Xiao Lang was surprised.

Is it necessary for Bloodthirsty Starvine to be so troublesome to deal with the three of us who are not even the top sages?


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