Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 474: Unkillable Poison Chrysanthemum!


The moment Qiu Tian fell, Xiao Lang's expression changed drastically.

at the same time.


I just felt that deep in my mind, the location of the soul's origin suddenly heard a roar, like being struck by lightning!

Xiao Lang opened his eyes wide.

Poisonous chrysanthemum.

Very toxic!

But unexpectedly, his venomous offensive turned out to be directly acting on the soul source.

Xiao Lang only felt the roaring in the depths of his mind, as if a heavy hammer hit the multicolored lotus mark on the origin of his soul.

But how strong is his soul source?

The blessing of the multicolored lotus imprint is impossible to break through.

Perceiving this, Xiao Lang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Since this level of soul offensive can be blocked by himself, Qiu Zhan will definitely not have a problem, right?

After all, he is good at killing, walking on the edge of life and death.

The will must also be extremely firm.

Xiao Lang subconsciously looked at Qiu Zhan.

However, what he saw in his eyes surprised him immediately.


Qiu Zhan seemed unsteady.

With a spear in hand, relying on the support of the spear, he barely stood firm.

The body is trembling constantly.

Even if you can't see Qiu Zhan's face, Xiao Lang can still feel it. Now Qiu Zhan's face must be extremely ugly.

He couldn't hold on?

Xiao Lang was stunned.

When he thought about it, since even he could hold on, Qiu Zhan would definitely have no problem.

After all, Qiu Zhan is better than him.

As the pinnacle powerhouse of the Era Realm Small Perfection, his combat power can shake the top venerables.

Xiao Lang thought he was inferior.

The same is true of will.

Sun Wuji also said that although he is now fused with the power of the Great Dao, and is also blessed by the will of heaven and earth, there is still a certain gap between him and the pinnacle of Xiaoyuan in the Era Realm.

What's more, Qiu Zhan is still the best in the era of small perfection!

Except for Wuhen Baoyi, Xiao Lang didn't think Qiu Zhan was worse than him.

But the result-

Just as Xiao Lang was puzzled, he suddenly noticed that the halo behind Qiu Zhan's head trembled violently, almost the same as the frequency of his body's shaking.

"This is the case with Qiu Tian!"

Xiao Lang's eyes shrank.

Realized immediately.

My previous guess may be wrong.

The reason why Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian were greatly affected was not because Qiu Tian's martial arts background was poor, but because of the dizziness behind his head.


Represents the degree of match between the soul and the body!

"Venerable Poison Chrysanthemum's offensive should not be specifically directed at the soul, but at the flesh."

"It's just because my spirit, qi and spirit are integrated, so my body is equivalent to an extra barrier, and his poison can't affect me. However, Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian, ​​their physical bodies cannot perfectly blend with their spirit... "

Xiao Lang finally realized the key.

However, this is the fault of Qiu Tian and Qiu Zhan, and it cannot be solved in a short time!

At this moment, suddenly—


A strong aura suddenly rose from Qiu Zhan's body, as mighty as a river tsunami, wild waves like tidal waves, wanton transpiration, majestic atmosphere.

It's not as cold and ruthless as he usually shows.

Xiao Lang's eyes shrank immediately.

The power of blood!

In the current crisis, Qiu Zhan finally fully activated the power of blood in his body!

at the same time.

Xiao Lang was surprised to see that the spiritual halo behind Qiu Zhan's head also trembled, illusory as if there was nothing, gradually diminishing, and even showing signs of disappearing.

Qiu Zhan is more vigorous!

The previous decadence was wiped out.


Xiao Lang understood how all this happened.

It was because of Qiu Zhan's bloodline that he strengthened his body and allowed him to successfully block the poisonous offensive of Venerable Poison Chrysanthemum!


Xiao Lang's eyes lit up, and there was hope in his heart.

As long as Qiu Zhan's combat power remains at full strength, their chance of final victory is still great!


Venerable Poison Chrysanthemum obviously did not expect Qiu Zhan to have the power to fight.

Do not!

"This is most likely Qiu Zhan's plan!"

Xiao Lang's eyes lit up.

Qiu Zhan, not bad!


Perhaps it was the moment he noticed Qiu Tian's fall that he had such thoughts!

Xiao Lang's eyes were full of expectation.

In the cultivation world, there are really many geniuses.

Qiu Zhan is one of them.

However, not all geniuses have a bright future.

On the contrary, only those who are truly smart can live to the end.

Obviously, Qiu Zhan is a smart man!

Pretend to be injured first.

When Venerable Poison Chrysanthemum moved forward carelessly, his sharp edge suddenly appeared!

Venerable Poison Chrysanthemum, absolutely can't stop it!


The situation is exactly the same as Xiao Lang expected!


Qiu Zhan fired with a long spear, like a dragon going out to sea, ferocious and ruthless!

The power of the blood in the body has been integrated with the power of the Dao.

In other words, Qiu Zhan's attack definitely reached the level that can shake the top venerable!

"Go to hell!"

Kill in a rage!

"Damn it!"

Xiao Lang suddenly stunned when he heard Venerable Poison Chrysanthemum's whisper.


The spear in Qiu Zhan's hand was about to fall on Poison Chrysanthemum. However, the latter's whisper did not contain a trace of horror or fear.

Qiu Zhan's shot was not enough to kill him!

Xiao Lang is about to warn——


Qiu Zhan's shot has been put in place.

Just listen to the rumbling of the sky, stirring the void.

The spear in Qiu Zhan's hand shined brightly, frosty like a shuttle. Venerable Poison Chrysanthemum's body was suddenly pierced, the ice splashed, and his whole body was suddenly crushed!

Venerable Poison Chrysanthemum, dead?

Xiao Lang's eyes shrank suddenly when he saw this scene, and his whole body froze in place.

So smooth?

At this moment, Qiu Zhan's eyes also flashed with surprise.

This is too easy, right?

"Be careful!"

"He may not be dead!"

Xiao Lang's spirits were startled, and he hurriedly spoke to warn him.

Qiu Zhan turned around abruptly, surprised that Xiao Lang didn't even fall down, and there was a bit of stagnation in his eyes, and the power of the soul spread out, sweeping the surrounding void, watching carefully, and beware of the sudden surprise of Venerable Poison Ju.

It’s just that what made him and Xiao Lang never expected--


Void shocks.

Strength condenses.

A figure appeared in front of Qiu Zhan and Xiao Lang again.

It is Venerable Poison Chrysanthemum!

I saw him in embarrassed clothes, his face turned pale, and the breath on his body was even more volatile. It seemed that he did not die by chance, and his consumption was extremely great!

A pair of eyes stared at Qiu Zhan fiercely, desiring to choose someone to eat.

He really wasn't dead!

What surprised Xiao Lang and Qiu Zhan was that at the moment he appeared just now, he didn't even choose to attack!

"it is good!"

"You are good!"

"It turns out that I can use my life-saving hole cards!"

"But that's it! Die to me!"


Venerable Poison Chrysanthemum whizzed over, slapped it, slapped it with five fingers and claws, vowing to lift Qiu Zhan's Tianling Gai directly, and the momentum was amazing.

Qiu Zhan didn't think too much, waved his spear again, and hung down!


The explosion sounded in the void again.

Under the gaze of Xiao Lang and Qiu Zhan, Venerable Poison Chrysanthemum's body was once again torn, and the smoke disappeared.

But this time.

With the previous experience.

Neither Xiao Lang nor Qiu Zhan had the slightest carelessness, and their spirits swept the void.


next moment.

Venerable Poison Chrysanthemum appeared in front of them again, and his appearance was obviously more embarrassed than last time, with blood-like traces pouring out of the corners of his mouth, as if he was seriously injured and in a state of despair.

This time, there is no nonsense.

"I want to kill you!"

Venerable Poison Chrysanthemum seemed to be mad, his eyes were full of fierceness and mercilessness, and there was endless resentment, and he rushed forward again, his teeth and claws opened!


Xiao Lang frowned, his expression gloomy as Qiu Zhan waved his spear to greet him again.

Venerable Poison Chrysanthemum's life-saving means can last so long?


Is this his characteristic?

If he died again this time, he would definitely be able to come back to life!

Is this a trap?

Or is this the characteristic of the fighting of Venerable Poison Chrysanthemum?

For a time, Xiao Lang thought about it.

And at this moment.

Qiu Zhan had already beheaded Venerable Poison Chrysanthemum again.

Guanghua transpiration.

The figure of Venerable Poison Chrysanthemum slowly formed again in the void.


Although his state is more sluggish, he looks more miserable.

However, he is still alive!

Xiao Lang's heart shook, and he felt worried, and immediately told Qiu Zhan of his worry. Immediately, Qiu Zhan’s voice came;

"I know."

"But I also hide my strength, accumulate strength, and ensure that I can burst out a full blow at any time!"

"Let him be scheming, there must be a moment of exposure!"

"When he is exposed, he will die!"

Qiu Zhan's voice is bold and domineering.

Xiao Lang's eyes flashed when he heard the words, a little relieved.

Qiu Zhan is not stupid.

He also realized that Venerable Poison Chrysanthemum had a big problem, and he had prepared a countermeasure in his heart.

Xiao Lang felt a little relieved.

But soon.

He can't feel at ease.

Because as Venerable Poison Chrysanthemum was beheaded time and time again, Qiu Zhan's breath began to fall.

Just pretend?

Xiao Lang didn't dare to be so sure, he immediately asked, but he didn't get Qiu Zhan's response.

Xiao Lang's heart trembled suddenly.


Qiu Zhan has already begun to use the combat power at the bottom of the pressure box!

Although Venerable Poison Chrysanthemum is weaker than ever, his strength has never fallen below the pinnacle of Era Realm!

this moment.

Xiao Lang felt extremely uneasy.

Can't continue like this anymore!

If this continues, the form is absolutely detrimental to myself and others!


Xiao Lang shouted loudly.

Qiu Zhan's body trembled, as if he was taking the shot, but at this moment--

"Want to go?"

"Did you go?"


Venerable Poison Chrysanthemum's figure condenses again, and this time, the aura is much stronger than any previous time, even the first time!

The breath is terrible.

Looking at Qiu Zhan with a grim look, he said:

"Does it feel good to kill me so many times?"

"It's time for the old man to charge some interest!"


Xiao Lang's spirit shrank, and his heart was terrified.

Venerable Poison Chrysanthemum, as expected, the means and strength are hidden!

But how did he do it?

Resurrected again and again.

Will he really not die?

Even if he died this time, would he really not come back again?


Qiu Zhan also had such doubts in his heart. Therefore, this time, after he hadn't taken a shot for a long time, Xiao Lang stood behind him, and he could even clearly see that Qiu Zhan's body was trembling faintly.

Not in bad condition!

But he also had doubts about the result of his next shot!

Venerable Poison Chrysanthemum, really gave him a feeling of being unkillable!


Seeing this scene, Xiao Lang's eyes trembled suddenly.

His most worried thing happened!

But at this moment, what he didn't expect was--

A voice.

If it spread from his body, it suddenly sounded:

"Ho ho, that's stupid!"


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