Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 482: Heavenly Tribulation destroys the enemy!


The sound of footsteps came like thunder, and Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian's expressions changed suddenly.

Although they are not like Xiao Lang, because they have the power of the Dao Spirit Body in their bodies, they can easily detect what the enemy is running from a distance, and they can also judge from this mighty voice that the one who came is not good!

It was the first time they encountered such a mighty movement since entering the spiritual world.

In an instant, the two men immediately retreated.

"Brother Xiao Lang, go!"

If you don't leave, it may be too late!

As they said, the two of them were about to skim towards the corridor that was running counter to the direction of the sound.

They don't know where to flee, and they don't have a specific route in their hearts, because the crypt is chaotic and noisy, they don't remember when they came, and can only stay away from possible threats as much as possible.

However, what made the two of them never expected was that Xiao Lang didn't even act with them.

When the two arrived at one end of the cave in an instant, Qiu Zhan suddenly realized this. He turned around in surprise, but saw Xiao Lang smile calmly and said:

"Don't be afraid, I have a way."


Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian were shocked when they heard this.

Xiao Lang was actually going to stay here to deal with the fierce beasts that were about to come?

He is crazy!

Qiu Zhan's eyes widened.

Just listening to the rushing sound coming from a distance, he couldn't help feeling his scalp numb, and Xiao Lang even wanted to stay here to block them?

What is Xiao Lang thinking?

However, before Qiu Zhan had time to persuade them, suddenly, a scene that made them extremely horrified appeared——

"Come out, seniors."


With a soft groan from Xiao Lang, suddenly, five figures suddenly appeared beside him.

All are old people.

It seems that they are all very old, and the eyes are full of vicissitudes, which brings Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian an extremely simple feeling, as if they suddenly came from ancient times and came to the world.

Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian were instantly confused.

what is this?

For the first time, Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian did not associate the five people who suddenly appeared next to Xiao Lang to real people. Because this is the magic pond holy land.

Did you come in the Demon Lake Holy Land if you wanted to?

It has also happened in history that people who entered the Demon Lake Holy Land tried to use the teleportation circle to fetch the outsiders in, or let the insiders out, but there was no doubt that they all failed.


This is simply impossible in the Demon Lake Holy Land filled with the power of the origin of the stars.

Therefore, they didn't think that the five figures that appeared around Xiao Lang were real people. What's more, the five spirits were restrained and could not judge their martial arts cultivation. until--

"Little wolf friend."

"This is Lihuo World?"

"Magic Pond Holy Land? Interesting place."

The voices were noisy and sounded at the same time, and Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian were instantly frightened.

Do not!

It's a real person!

They are obviously real people with independent consciousness!

Xiao Lang smiled and said:

"Seniors, don't call me wild wolf anymore. That's just my name in the Demon Blood Trial Ground. Here, my name is Xiao Lang."

"Senior Li, I will bother you in a while."

The old man headed by five chuckled and nodded, not paying attention. If Li Xueya, Li Qingshan and others saw such a scene here, they would be shocked.

Because this senior Li is indeed the peerless ancestor of their Li family——

Li Batian!


Xiao Lang used his privileges--

He is the master of the Devil Blood World, as long as he wants to, he can summon people from it at will, but the number of people cannot exceed ten, and the overall strength is also calculated based on ten times his current strength.

Just as he brought Li Qingshan and others out of it for the first time.

Every time Xiao Lang was promoted to a small realm, he could have such power once. This time, when he was promoted to the late stage of Era realm, he naturally had an opportunity.

Of course, in fact, he still had another chance, but it was wasted. It was when he was promoted to the mid-Era Realm Venerable, but at that time he accepted the inheritance in the Zhan Taizong and did not need external support at all, so Xiao Lang also Just gave up.

But this time, he needed it.

He directly exchanged the quota of summoning ten late-era venerables into the quota of five epoch-level venerables.

In fact, before doing this, Xiao Lang was also apprehensive. He didn't know whether the Demon Blood World could still execute his orders in the Demon Lake Holy Land that even the Teleportation Array could not use.

The result is naturally pleasing.


Quite ok.

Without encountering any problems, he contacted Demon Blood Heaven and Earth, and had already told Li Batian and others about his current situation. Even if Li Batian and others knew the horror of Demon Lake Holy Land, they still agreed.

Because they held back for too long!

It is also because they know that in the Devil Blood World, although they are free, there is no further possibility. Only when they come out can they go further!

So they came out.


Seeing Li Batian and the others nodded, Xiao Lang only flashed his body and turned into a stream of light, falling beside Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian. Qiu Zhan at this time. Qiu Tian and the two were dumbfounded, and their stomachs were full of confusion. How could they let it go when Xiao Lang arrived?

"Brother Xiao Lang, what is going on?"

Xiao Lang hesitated and explained:

"Then treat them as my relatives and elders."

Relatives and elders?

Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian looked at each other and saw the uncertainty in each other's eyes. They could see that these people were definitely not Xiao Lang's relatives and elders, because when they communicated with them just now, they could clearly see that these old people obeyed Xiao Lang from the bottom of their hearts.

However, Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian also know that now is not the time to talk about these, the most critical question is -

"What kind of martial art are they?"

This time, Xiao Lang did not hesitate.

"It's the pinnacle of Xiaoyuan in the Era Realm."

Era Realm Small Perfection Peak?


Qiu Zhan was shocked when he heard this.

Isn't it just like me?

It's just five-epoch realm Little Perfect Venerable, can they really block the enemy from a distance?

At this moment, Xiao Lang seemed to see their inner worries and smiled:

"Don't worry, they can definitely do it, they don't even need to do it themselves."


What does this mean?

Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian were stunned to find that Xiao Lang's words seemed to be a bit incomprehensible to them, and just as they subconsciously wanted to ask questions, suddenly--


The cave is broken!

Seven burly and huge bodies directly smashed the rock wall of the cave and rushed over!

It's a rhino!

A ferocious beast that looks like a rhino!

Especially when the sight and spirit fell on the three rhinos in the middle, which were obviously bigger than the other four, Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian couldn't help but their expressions changed suddenly.

Era Realm, Dzogchen!

The aura and aura on them had reached the level of the Great Perfection of the Era Realm! Although it was only a slight breakthrough, it was at the top level after all!

"It's over!"

Qiu Zhan's face suddenly whitened, very ugly.

Can't stop it!

Three horrible spirit beasts of the top venerable level!

Not to mention the Five Era Realm Small Perfection Peak Venerables, there are fifty, is that enough?

Far from enough!

"Xiao Lang misjudged their strength!"

Qiu Zhan looked at Xiao Lang in a panic, but couldn't help but stunned, because he didn't see a trace of panic on Xiao Lang's face. Instead, he was full of calmness. The depths of his pupils were colorful, and The color of excitement flickered.


Qiu Zhan was dumbfounded again.


"Hehe, it seems that this is the fierce beast that Xiao Lang said. In that case, shall we start?"

Qiu Zhan looked into the cave abruptly, and suddenly saw that Li Batian and the others' faces didn't even show any horror, as if the fierce beasts in front of them were about to pounce in front of them did not exist.

Immediately after--


In the cave, the five domineering and strong aura suddenly erupted!

Like a volcanic eruption, it was so intense and violent that Qiu Zhan's expression changed instantly.

"this is……"

From Li Batian and others, he suddenly felt the aura and coercion that far exceeded him!

How can this be? !

Qiu Zhan almost exclaimed. In his opinion, this is indeed an almost impossible thing. You know, in Red Yan Xing, he is the first person under the Top Venerable, and the strongest among the Era Realm Small Perfection!

This is not his self-styled, but the honor he has won after countless battles!

Not only the Venerable on the Red Yan star recognized this, even Qiu Zhan thought so.

He is invincible at the Xiaoyuan level in the Era Realm!

But now--

It's not just Li Batian!

The pressure on each of the five people far exceeded him. How could Qiu Zhan accept this?

"They... They are not the top sages?"

At this moment, Qiu Zhan was stunned.

Where are these monsters?

Aside, Xiao Lang naturally noticed the despair on Qiu Zhan's face, it seemed that the martial arts heart had been hit hard, and he smiled.

"Brother Qiu Zhan, don't compare with them."

"How many years have you been trapped in Era Realm Small Perfection? But ten thousand years?"

Qiu Zhan was dumbfounded and nodded instinctively.

Xiao Lang smiled more deeply, looking at the five Li Batian who wantonly venting their aura in the cave, a glimmer of admiration flashed through his eyes, and said:

"They, but have been suppressed for at least tens of millions of years."


Millions of years? !

Qiu Zhan was shocked when he heard the words, he couldn't believe his ears, and was completely shocked by the number Xiao Lang said.

Thousands of years!

How can this be!

Qiu Zhan did not catch that Xiao Lang said the three words "suppressed" before he said it on the order of tens of thousands of years, but at this moment, he suddenly understood that Xiao Lang had said before and dealt with what was in front of him. These fierce beasts don't even need Li Batian and others to take action.


Under Qiu Zhan's shocking gaze, the void suddenly shattered in the sky above Li Batian and others. At the same time, a cloud of dark clouds descended violently, covering the sky and the sun, and even the rules of this place could not contend.


The thunder light shone and whizzed down.

At this moment, Qiu Zhan finally understood what Xiao Lang was going to do.

Heavenly Tribulation destroys the enemy!


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