Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 492: A legend!


Xiao Lang's heart trembled. He didn't know where this kind of inter-psychological induction came from, but he didn't feel any danger from it, and the current situation didn't allow him to think too much. The next moment, he has already moved the road again. The power of the spirit body-

"Drive me!"


This time, with the power of the Bloodthirsty Starvine, Xiao Lang finally pushed away the five-element lotus mark. In the violent suction, a gap suddenly opened.


The voice of Bloodthirsty Starvine sounded in my heart.

Actually, there was no need to remind the Bloodthirsty Starvine, Xiao Lang knew what to do, and his soul was shaken, and he immediately rushed out.


The impact of the power of the soul and the origin of the stars consumes a great deal, but in an instant, he feels that his power of the soul has consumed more than half.

But the effect is worth celebrating.



Xiao Lang was ignorant of other things, and immediately mobilized the power of the soul to seal the multicolored lotus mark, watching it close, the surging suction disappeared, and finally he let out a long sigh of relief, no longer caring that the surrounding stars are escaping quickly. .

"Huh huh!"

Xiao Lang stood in the void, panting heavily, a trace of luck flashed in his eyes.


Thanks to the help of Bloodthirsty Starvine, otherwise he would really be killed by himself this time!

However, Xiao Lang was also surprised to find that the multicolored lotus imprint outside of his true spirit has changed dramatically from before. It is no longer just a mark, but more prominent, and more agile, as if it were a real life. Come here in general.

"this is……"

Xiao Lang was surprised.

Of course he knew that this was the result of the power of the origin of the stars being integrated into it, but for such a change in the multicolored lotus mark, he did not understand the reason and fundamentals of it, and immediately subconsciously explored the soul, but at this moment, Xiao Lang discovered again Some things.


Above his true spirit, another phantom appeared.

And this phantom Xiao Lang is quite familiar.

Xiao Lang immediately turned around and looked at the Bloodthirsty Starvine, only to see that it was also staring at the phantom, the expression on his face was extremely complicated.


Xiao Lang was shocked to discover that this sudden phantom was exactly the appearance of Bloodthirsty Starvine!


The Bloodthirsty Starvine was awakened and gave Xiao Lang a fierce look, angrily with a sharp voice:

"Not a good thing you did!"

"If I don't lay down a symbiosis contract and give you my strength, we will all die!"

Symbiosis contract!

Xiao Lang suddenly shrank his pupils when he heard this, and looked at the Bloodthirsty Starvine, very surprised.

That's it!

The power in each person’s body has its own characteristics and cannot be shared. When the power of Bloodthirsty Starvine poured into his body, Xiao Lang was puzzled. Now, he finally understands how Bloodthirsty Starvine is. Did it.

Symbiosis contract!

Only in this way, the Bloodthirsty Starvine can contribute its strength.

However, the so-called symbiosis does not mean that Xiao Lang will die if Bloodthirsty Starvine dies.

Quite the opposite.

If Xiao Lang died, the Bloodthirsty Starvine would definitely die. But the Bloodthirsty Starvine is dead, even if Xiao Lang suffers heavy injuries, he will never die!

"You absolutely did it on purpose!"

"Boy, you shame me!"

Xiao Lang was shocked when he heard this and immediately explained:


"I don't know this will happen."

The contract only limits the result, not the process. The life and death of Bloodthirsty Starvine is not between Xiao Lang's thoughts, as long as he does not die, Xiao Lang can't stop what Bloodthirsty Starvine does.

Therefore, Xiao Lang will of course explain.

Bloodthirsty Starvine might not be afraid of death, but Xiao Lang didn't want to suffer heavy injuries.


Bloodthirsty Starvine's rhetorical question was full of suspicion, and Xiao Lang immediately nodded:

"of course it's true."

"I'm just worried that if I break through here, my body will not be able to bear it after I get out..."

Xiao Lang expressed his previous thoughts. He thought that Bloodthirsty Starvine would understand, but what he never expected was that Bloodthirsty Starvine did not accept his explanation smoothly and naturally, but immediately became excited:

"You idiot!"

"Who told you that the martial arts cultivation realm is promoted here, and the physical body cannot break through after going out?"

"This is the spiritual world!"

"Don't you think that you just entered here with the soul and the physical body outside?"


Xiao Lang's spirit suddenly shuddered upon hearing this.

of course not.

That means--

Xiao Lang's eyes opened wider and wider, feeling incredible.

"Could it be that……"

Bloodthirsty Starvine was obviously more irritable, and said fiercely:

"It's okay. When you are promoted, your physical body naturally changes. This is the spiritual level. The soul and the physical body merge into one. It is originally a superior cultivation treasure. How can there be any imbalance?"

"You really killed me this time, idiot!"

Bloodthirsty Starvine was really going crazy. He never expected that Xiao Lang did this thing for this reason. From its point of view, it was quite stupid.


Xiao Lang was speechless.

He really didn't expect it.

It was totally unintentional.

Xiao Lang lowered his mind again and observed carefully, and found that what Bloodthirsty Starvine said was probably right, because the power of the Dao Spirit Body in his body was obviously much greater than when he first entered this place, nearly 50%. Much.

And the power of the Dao Spirit Body's origin is the self-growth of his Dao Spirit Body.

"It really is……"

Xiao Lang was helpless, completely unexpected, because of a non-existent hidden danger, he almost killed himself.

But it was the Bloodthirsty Starvine that felt even more aggrieved.

The symbiosis contract is quite troublesome and requires a great price. If it were normal, what the Bloodthirsty Starvine said would also cancel the symbiosis contract between himself and Xiao Lang, but now—


It consumes too much!

Seeing the multicolored lotus in the depths of Xiao Lang's soul, Bloodthirsty Starvine's eyes lit up, and he gave up this idea for the time being.

"Forget it."

"If your potential is good, let's do this first."

"The more you gain, the more I gain. After you go out, you can unlock it."

Bloodthirsty Starvine comforted himself.

At this moment, Xiao Lang's attention once again fell on the multi-colored lotus that looked like a physical entity deep in his soul, frowning.

"what is this?"

"The power of the origin of the avenue?"

"Isn't it said that the immortal realm can master the power of the source, how does it..."

Xiao Lang still remembered the words that Bloodthirsty Star Vine said when he saw the colorful lotus in his body, and he was more puzzled. The relationship with Bloodthirsty Starvine was even closer, Xiao Lang immediately asked directly:

"what is this?"

Bloodthirsty Starvine deeply forgot Xiao Lang's glance, and his voice was low:

"Unexpectedly, you have such big ambitions, not only want to take the road of integration, but also integrate the five elements and embark on the five elements of heaven!"

Five Elements Heaven?

Xiao Lang was surprised when he heard this. He didn't know why Bloodthirsty Starvine would say such words.

"What is the Five Elements Heaven?"

"what are you saying?"

Bloodthirsty Star Vine was taken aback when he heard the words, and looked at Xiao Lang's clear eyes, and seemed to be even more surprised to see that he was not lying.

"You do not know?"

"Then where did you get this seed?"

"Fusing the Avenue of the Five Elements, point directly to the seeds of the Five Elements Heaven, let alone you got it by accident."

Five elements seeds?

Xiao Lang was surprised when he heard this.

"What do you mean?"

As soon as Xiao Lang said these words, Bloodthirsty Starvine seemed to finally realize that Xiao Lang didn't know the meaning of this lotus at all. He was taken aback, crying and laughing:

"I don't know where you got this chance, so lucky!"

"This lotus imprint originally corresponds to the foundation of the Five Elements Heaven, and it is also the seed left to you by the predecessors of this inheritance. I hope you can set foot on the Five Elements Heaven."

Listen to the tide?

Upon hearing this, Xiao Lang suddenly understood.


"Five elements of heaven? What is this?"

"Is there such a way of heaven? Is it the integration of the five elements?"

Xiao Lang was surprised.

He has only achieved the integration of the powers of the three great avenues with different attributes. He can't even integrate the complete avenue, let alone the heavenly way.

He never thought he could reach that level.


According to Sun Wuji, Venerable Tiandao, it is difficult to see one in hundreds of millions, and the entire Lihuo Great World, such a master may be able to count it with one hand.

And fusion of heaven...

What a madness that must be!

Bloodthirsty Starvine looked at Xiao Lang as if looking at something again, shook his head and said:

"Fusion of Heaven? You think too much."

"Not to mention that this is impossible to achieve, even if there is, it is not within the control of the mere sage."

"The Dao of Heaven is already a legend, you still want to merge the five types of heaven... Dreaming?"

Xiao Lang was startled when he heard the words, but did not interrupt, because he knew that Bloodthirsty Starvine had not finished speaking.

"It seems that your master is also a very irresponsible master. In that case, I will tell you what is immortal and what is the Lord of Heaven."

Xiao Lang listened respectfully.

"Era Realm wants to be promoted and achieve immortality. As long as you can cross the sea of ​​bitterness and blend with the origin of the avenue, you can place a trace of true spirit, immortality and immortality, and control the origin of the avenue."

"The origin of the avenue is divided into nine layers. It represents the nine layers of immortality."

"Venerable Heavenly Dao directly crosses the origin of the Great Dao River and gets the mark of Heavenly Dao. The blessing of the Heavenly Dao Seal is very strong, and it is probably comparable to the Five Heavens Immortal Realm. This is the most ordinary Venerable Heavenly Dao, some are stronger Yes, it can even be comparable to the sixth and seventh heavens!"

Xiao Lang's pupils trembled when he heard this.

No wonder Master said that once you become the Lord of Heaven, you will be strong and terrifying, and can even support a top clan!

It turned out to be so strong!


"Can Venerable Tiandao still become immortal?"

Xiao Lang couldn't help asking.

The bloodthirsty star vine heard the words with a heavy voice:


"But it's difficult. I don't know exactly how it is, and there is not much in my memory."


That said, it must be extremely difficult.

But why are there so many people who don't want to be immortal, but want to become the Lord of Heaven?

Xiao Lang was even more surprised, and couldn't help but talk about this question.

Bloodthirsty Starvine didn't expect Xiao Lang to know so much. After hearing the words, he heard a voice for a long time:

"This is related to a legend, a legend about becoming the lord of the world..."

Lord of the world?

Xiao Lang's heart was shocked.

He had heard of this title, heard from True Monarch Ice and Fire!


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