Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 499: Reverse the situation!

Under the expectant and surprised gaze of Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian, ​​Xiao Lang's expression was solemn at first, but then it seemed as if he had suddenly thought of something, his expression suddenly changed and became a little more stable.

Haven't waited for them to react.

"no problem."

Xiao Lang actually agreed so quickly!

When Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian saw that Xiao Lang had promised so readily, they were a little worried for a while.

"But there are so many of them..."

Xiao Lang curled up his mouth and smiled wickedly: "They are crowded, but we also have a lot of people."

Not a lot?

Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian were taken aback.


The number of the top powers is the most important, and the top veterans are undoubtedly the strongest combat power of the mainstay. On Chen Shou's side, there are only fifteen top venerables, but in contrast to the teams of Liu Zi, Su Han and others, the number of top venerables among them is also about 20.

Fifteen to sixty?

How can there be any chance of winning?

Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian were puzzled. When they were perplexed, suddenly, the light from the bottom of their eyes flashed past Li Batian and others next to them, and their hearts burst when they saw the sudden burst of joy in their eyes.

What Li Batian and others thought of, they also thought of it.

How did Li Batian and others appear?


"He still has the ability to summon the strong?"

Under the dumbfounding gaze of Qiu Zhan and Qiu Tian, ​​Xiao Lang's eyes suddenly flashed in a daze, as if he was wandering for nine days, but he recovered his qingming in an instant, and at the same time.



Ten more figures suddenly appeared next to Xiao Lang. As soon as they appeared, they immediately fell down to cover their breath. Obviously, when they left the Devil Blood World and arrived here, Xiao Lang had already given them instructions.

However, when they saw Li Batian and others, they couldn't help but beaming with joy.

"Brother Li!"

"Brother Zhao! We are out too!"

Xiao Lang summoned ten Era Realm Small Perfection peak powerhouses from the Demon Blood World in succession, and this is also the fact that almost all Era Realm Small Perfection in the Demon Blood World.

On that day, Mo Xiu was killed by him, and there were really not many Era Realm Xiaocheng left.

But since they came out, of course they weren't Xiaoyuan in the Era Realm. Even though everyone was trying their best to suppress their own breath, Xiao Lang, who was close at hand, could still feel the breath of thunder from their bodies.

The robbery is imminent.

Like Li Batian and the others, they had been depressed at the pinnacle of Xiaoyuan Realm for too long, and they could easily break through.

There is no need to delay.

Because neither Xiao Lang nor them knew what to do next.

Fifteen plus fifteen.

Thirty to sixty!

This is still the power of war, and the most important thing is naturally thunder.

But even so, Xiao Lang still urged everyone:

"Remember, the main purpose of our action this time is to save people, not kill people. As long as the ten of you trigger the thunder robbery the first time, the scene will definitely fall into chaos. We are going to take advantage of this chaos and get everyone out of it. Rescued."

"Thunder Tribulation lasts for a limited time, so we must act fast, and don't be obsessed with killing!"

Everyone nodded.

Next, Xiao Lang didn't say anything anymore.

Everyone present is older than him, and has much more combat experience than him. It is enough to say it once, and there is no need to say more.


The team of the Three Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sects is now very cautious, constantly searching around, seeming to be looking for Fang Jin's team.

Not a good time to attack.

But soon.

The three hours agreed by She Jun, Yue Lao San, and Kuang Mo Zun seemed to have arrived. The three looked at each other, and they were jealous. At the same time, the team behind the three also gathered around to block the exit of the entire tunnel. It's a dead end.

"Brother Yue, the time is up, let's not worry about them. Why don't you start picking them first, shall we order?"

She Jun proposed, and Yue San heard that he would certainly not have any opinion on She Jun's suggestion, because he was on the initiative and superiority. However, the Mad Demon Lord is obviously not that easy to talk.


"What they found was just luck. We were right by the side. They probably saw the mark we left by accident and were panicked. They were seen by you. Why do you choose first?"

Mad Demon Venerable expressed his opinion, but his personality burst, when he expressed it as if he was arguing, in other words, he was arguing deliberately, just to seize the opportunity for his team.

This is his routine.

The third brother Yue's face was cold when he heard this, and a trace of killing intent flashed through his eyes.

He really couldn't bear it anymore.

It is normal that he and Mad Mozun are in the same place, and I am afraid they have already shot directly without mercy, but now...

Yue Laosan glanced at She Jun more than a little, and a touch of fear flashed under his eyes.

He knows that She Jun absolutely does not want him to show such fear of himself now. Once he fights with the Mad Demon Lord, he will definitely not stand idly by, but he will definitely not stand on his side, but which side is beneficial to him. Will choose which side.

Thinking of this, Yue Lao San forcibly suppressed his anger and said coldly:

"Then based on your Mad Demon's IQ, how do you think we should choose?"

Old Yue San's words were cold and unceremonious, obviously despising the IQ of the Mad Demon Venerable, but the Mad Demon Venerable didn't care at all.

He only needs benefits.

Only believe in your own fists.

These cynicisms could not affect him at all.

"Of course we choose first..."

Crazy Demon Lord’s tone was taken for granted, just about to say the reason for doing so, suddenly—


In the corridor on the side, a dozen figures suddenly appeared. Once they appeared, they shot towards here like an arrow from the string!

The three of Kuangmozun, Yue Laosan, and She Jun were taken aback. They never expected that at this moment, someone would dare to break in here, but their reaction was very quick. The spirits swept away in an instant, and they felt the breath of the visitor. sneer.

"Haha, is there any omission?"

"Five top venerables, who want to save people when they are in the Era Realm Small Perfection? Look down on your crazy master's sickle?"

Crazy Demon Lord laughed wildly, Yue Lao San and She Jun also immediately relieved after insight into the identity and aura of the visitors.

The five top venerables and ten epoch-level small perfect venerables are really nothing to their three teams.


The three of them did not move, and from behind them, three of them were taken out and rushed away.

Nine top demons!

In the eyes of the three people of Mad Demon Venerable, nine top Demon Venerables were completely enough to face these people. They Shi Shiran stood in place, ready to appreciate a massacre.

But at this moment, suddenly--


Above the void, thunder and roar,

The three of the Mad Demon Lord immediately raised their heads, and saw that the sky was covered with dark clouds for some time, thunder flickering, and a strong and vigorous aura rushed towards their faces. It seemed that there was an inexplicable relationship with the ten Era Realm Little Perfect Lords. The trio's complexion changed suddenly.

"Thunder Tribulation!"

"Thunder Tribulation that breaks through to the top venerable level!"

The nine top Demon Venerables that rushed out were even more shocked. Before the Mad Demon Venerable and the others ordered, they stopped abruptly and ran back and forth:

"Hurry up, they don't want to die!"

Ten Era Realm Small Perfection Peak Venerables joined forces to cross the calamity...


This kind of thing has never been heard before!

Ten people unite, how terrifying is the power of this thunder robbery? !

If it does come down, there will be few survivors!

Seeing that his own person had come back, the complexion of the three people of Mad Mozun immediately became even more ugly.


"After cutting them off, Lei Jie will disappear?"

However, with a wrong step and a wrong step, they had no chance to change. Seeing ten people rushing towards with a strong killing intent, the three of Kuangmozun only hesitated for a moment before they made a decision——


"We will come back when they die!"

In the eyes of Mad Mozun and others, these ten people absolutely have no chance of surviving.

Must die!

Even if it can disrupt the situation, it cannot change the fate of Chen Shou and others. When these ten people die, they can still besieged, and then Chen Shou and others will still be unable to escape their clutches.


The three teams of Wan Beast Demon Sect retreated together.

And seeing this scene, Xiao Lang behind was also shocked.


These ten people are exactly the ten people he removed from the Devil Blood World. Everything was taken according to the original plan. Li Batian and others were responsible for escorting, but what he never expected was that the Mad Demon Venerable and the others were so persuaded. , I dare not be tough at all.

But in a flash, Xiao Lang had already reflected, and gave an order--


"With the help of Thunder Tribulation, at least kill a few first!"

The pupils of Li Batian and others brightened, and the rush to kill became even more ill.


Can kill a few kill a few!

In this case, when Lei Jie passes, they will have no support, and the battle will be easier.

Ever since, in front of Chen Shou and the others, a scene of shock and horror happened. Ten people who did not know where they came from, and rushed towards the team of the three of Kuangmozun, who had no idea where they came from.


But where are so many reinforcements?

The point is, these fifteen people do not know them at all!

Where did it come from?

Chen Shou could see that these people were not magic repairs, and because of this, they were even more surprised until--

"Uncle Chen!"

Three more people rushed out of the corridor. When Chen Shou saw it, his pupils suddenly shrank, full of excitement.

"Qiu Zhan, Tian'er?"

"Little friend Xiao Lang?"

Chen Shou really thought that the three of them were dead, but he never expected that they appeared in front of him again.

Could it be...

When Chen Shou discovered that Xiao Lang, Qiu Zhan, and Qiu Tian appeared in the same position as the fifteen people, he suddenly felt ecstatic.

Those people were brought by Xiao Lang?

"you guys……"

Chen Shou hurriedly greeted him and wanted to ask, but where does Xiao Lang have time to explain?

"Senior Chen, I have been explained by Kung Fu, kill, kill as many as you can! It's best to kill them directly, we have no more worries!"


Chen Shou was startled, his eyes lit up suddenly.


This is a great opportunity!

Chen Shou nodded and immediately greeted the top Venerable beside him to chase down the three teams, but in fact, all his actions now were completed under the command of Xiao Lang. As for him, he was already a little confused.

The original situation of ten deaths and no life, so easily reversed?


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