Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 509: Turn your face!

At this moment, She Jun and Xiao Lang thought of going together.

It is also forced by the situation.

On Chen Shou's side, including the most promising Qiu Zhan, everyone has failed. Where can the people around She Jun get better?

Now, whether it is She Jun or Xiao Lang, there are not many people around them.

The test of the origin of the stars is coming every day.

It is a test rather than a hunting.

These days, people are dying every day, and not one or two...

Now there are only more than twenty people around She Jun.


It's so miserable.

Among them, there are ten top venerables, and eight or nine of the Era Realm Small Perfection. As for the late Era Realm Demon Venerables, only seven or eight people, including Su Han, remain.

The others are dead.

In the eyes of She Jun and others, these people have entered the test of the core of the origin of the stars and have not returned. But in Xiao Lang's eyes, they were all dead, and they died very quickly, very miserably!

of course.

In She Jun's eyes, Xiao Lang was also miserable here.

There were already few people around Xiao Lang, only fifteen, but only eight were left over the past few days!

Li Batian is still there.

This is what makes She Jun fear the most.

In She Jun's eyes, the people who disappeared around Xiao Lang were of course dead, and he didn't need to care at all. But how did he know that the ancestors of the Lu family and others were not dead, they just hid them under the means of Xiao Lang and fell behind the large army.

If you hit hard...

After She Jun revealed the plan to build the Heart Refining Array, Yu Guang glanced at Xiao Lang impenetrably, and a glint flashed through his eyes.

He believed that Xiao Lang was from the ancient magic tower.

However, he didn't trust what Xiao Lang said he didn't have any thoughts about the origin of the stars, of course he was afraid of him. But after thinking about it, he was already cruel and smiled again on his face.

"Little friend Xiao Lang said that he would help me with all his heart, so he wouldn't break his promise?"

Xiao Lang smiled.

He had long known that She Jun would say this. In fact, he had been waiting for this moment. If She Jun did not ask him, he would really feel uneasy in his heart.

"Of course."

"Senior asked me that, is it because I doubt the credibility of my ancient magic tower?"

"It's just how to help, I hope Seniors will explain."

Xiao Lang stabbed She Jun neither hard nor soft. Of course, She Jun, an old fried dough stick, would not be discolored by a sentence or two of Xiao Lang. His smile was deeper, but he chose to sell Guanzi and said:

"You'll know in a while."

With that, She Jun looked at Su Han.

"Han'er, you can start."

Su Han shuddered, and immediately walked out of the crowd, looking at She Jun and Xiao Lang with deep fear.

He is the number one superintendent of the Celestial Demon Realm, and is considered a genius, but since the previous melee, he feels more and more that he, the so-called first superintendent of the Celestial Devil Realm, is a fart!

In fact, from just now, he was like a bystander, completely useless.

He felt that way.

And, he also knows the reason--


Without strength, there is no right to speak.

He originally thought that as the number one superintendent of the Celestial Demon Realm, he still had a bit of face, but Liu Zi was not weak. He was the second superintendent of the Celestial Devil Realm. Can't let out a fart?


Su Han was really scared.

However, he knew that he still had a chance to turn over, which was in his storage ring.

Facing She Jun's order, he certainly didn't have any hesitation, and immediately took out the contents of the storage ring.

It's all materials.

The materials that make up a method array.

Next, She Jun began to get busy, forming a large formation. It took a very short time, just a few dozen breaths of time. A complete magic formation has been presented to everyone, blending into the void, like an altar.

During the whole process, Xiao Lang just watched, until the formation of the magic circle was completed, She Jun finally stood up, his face solemn, when his gaze swept across Xiao Lang, Li Batian and others, he was not A trace of fear flashed through the investigation.

He fears.

I was afraid that Xiao Lang would suddenly attack himself during this process.

Of course he will not die.

But this is the only material for forming the magic circle. If it is destroyed, he really wants to cry without tears.

Fortunately, Xiao Lang didn't seem to intend to do this, but this also made She Jun affirm once again that Xiao Lang would certainly not give up the Star Origin Core so easily.

"It's that simple?"

Xiao Lang asked.

She Jun heard this, with a smile on his face:

"of course not."

"Now it's just an empty shelf, and it can't play any role yet. If you want it to really work, you still need the help of a little friend."


Xiao Lang looked curious:

"Senior needs any help, but it doesn't hurt to say that as long as the younger generation can do it, I will definitely spare no effort."

Facing Xiao Lang's assurance, She Jun smiled slightly, and refused to comment, but did not immediately explain. Instead, she turned to look at the mind-refining circle that she had just formed, and said:

"In the past few years, my Celestial Demon Realm has learned a lot about the origin of the core of stars, and discovered many of his characteristics. For example, the higher the talent, the more types of Dao powers that I can perceive, the easier it is to obtain it. Attract, the more likely it is to be tested first..."

There is such a statement?

Xiao Lang was stunned when he heard the words. This was the first time he had heard of this, and he couldn't help but feel suspicious.

According to this statement, he should be the first among all people to be tested by the Star Origin Core, but so far, he has not felt anything...

Is She Jun's inference wrong?

There was a flash of light in Xiao Lang's mind, and he realized the cause of the problem.

Do not.

The study of the Celestial Demon Realm is likely to be correct, but he is an exception. During this time, since knowing that the power of the Dao Spirit Body can help him hide his breath, he has been doing this.

The power of the origin of the stars is already at a high level for others, but it cannot penetrate the shackles of the power of the Dao Spirit Body.

This is the reason why the postgraduate entrance examination of the core origin of the stars has not come!

After figuring this out, Xiao Lang continued to listen to She Jun’s words and then came slowly:

"Therefore, we have an idea. If we create a method array that incorporates the power of the great power of multiple people, it may also be able to successfully attract the arrival of the core of the origin of the stars. This is how the heart training array was created."

"Now, the little friend should understand how the old man hopes the little friend can help us?"

Xiao Lang's spirit shrank.

She Jun had already said so clearly, and if he still didn't understand, he would be too stupid.

"Senior wants us to inject great power into it?"

She Jun smiled deeper after hearing this:


"In fact, it doesn't need to be too much, as long as each of you, little friends, inject into it the power of the Dao that is about the equivalent of an Era Realm Small Perfection Peak Venerable."

only need to?

Xiao Lang's face sank when he heard this.

Isn't it just that simple?

In these words of She Jun, there are evil intentions!

You know, the martial arts cultivation base he is currently showing is the pinnacle of Xiaoyuan in the Era Realm. She Jun wants him to consume all his power!

Of course, this is She Jun thought.

In fact, Xiao Lang’s true spirit has already been divided into twenty-eight points, and any part contains a complete avenue. The deep foundation of martial arts is heinous, how can you evaluate the depth with breath?

What's more, even the breath is only simulated by Xiao Lang deliberately.

With his current martial arts background and martial arts will, even if compared with the top venerables, he will never fall behind.

Xiao Lang sensed She Jun's unruly plot, he didn't care, but even so, he still pretended to frown and look reluctant.


Who won't?

Xiao Lang knew that if he directly and nonchalantly agreed, She Jun would definitely be more skeptical, it would be better to do it more naturally. However, She Jun may not change because of his embarrassment.

as expected.

She Jun smiled and said:

"Little friend Xiao Lang, what you represent now is the ancient magic tower, won't you break your promise because of this?"

Xiao Lang's eyes trembled, as if she had been agitated by She Jun, his eyes shrank suddenly, and he took a deep look at the latter, as if after a long period of consideration and entanglement, he gritted his teeth and said:

"of course not!"

"But Senior She Jun, you must also make an oath. If I wait to help you, you must keep your promise and not take action against us!"

When She Jun heard this, his pupils brightened, and said:

"Of course, we are allies, how can we shoot?"


Xiao Lang dismissed it in his heart.

What an ally this is.

Your last ally died under your hands.

Of course, Xiao Lang would definitely not be able to say such words directly, but under She Jun's guidance, he came to the heart-refining method array.

"Little friend, you can start."

Xiao Lang took a deep look at She Jun and put out a hand decisively. Immediately, the strong power of the Great Dao rushed towards the magic circle like no money, and turned into devil energy through the transformation of magic beads. She Jun didn't realize what was wrong.

Soon, Xiao Lang's face was already pale.

Suddenly, his body trembled, and Xiao Lang withdrew back abruptly, staggering, his face pale.


She Jun smiled with satisfaction. He could feel that Xiao Lang's breath had indeed dropped to the lowest level. He was about to turn his head and look at Li Batian, who suddenly--

"Senior, we did say to help, but seniors can't let my people do it? Don't you guys do it?"

"Actually, it should be one of us at a time, right?"

One on one side?

She Jun's pupils shrank when he heard this. He obviously didn't expect Xiao Lang to be so witty, but he just hesitated for a moment and made a choice immediately:

"Of course there is no problem, then one on each side."

As She Jun said, he greeted an Era Realm Xiao Perfect Peak Magic Cultivator in his team to step forward and inject the power of the great power into the magic circle.

Rotate with each other.

Zhao Yi placed Li Batian as the last one.

Finally, when Li Batian also looked pale and rolled out, the heart-refining circle was already shining, bright and gorgeous, as if an altar was activated, and the complex and vigorous aura poured into the sky, and She Jun's face suddenly showed satisfaction. Smirk.

"it is good!"

"Little friends really are trustworthy!"

"It's a pity to keep the promise like this, She sighs. It's a pity..."


Upon hearing this, Xiao Lang seemed to be greatly shaken, and looked at She Jun in amazement:

"Senior, do you want to break the contract? You said, if you didn't do it to us, don't you..."

At this moment, Xiao Lang felt that his acting was a bit too exaggerated, as if he was mentally retarded, but She Jun obviously did not see this, his eyes were full of contentment, and he laughed arrogantly:

"Hahaha, of course the old man will keep his promise."

"However, although the old man said he was wrong with you, he has never said that other people are not allowed to shoot with you!"

other people?

Xiao Lang's heart was shocked when he heard the words, especially when he felt dozens of auras suddenly rushing in the distance, staring at him, and frowning even more.



Things have changed, different from what he thought!

Before that, Xiao Lang did intend to show weakness, and then used the Lu family ancestors and others hiding in the dark to launch a fatal blow to She Jun and Su Han, secretly attacking, and then he could keep the Heart Refining Array, but at this moment, He realized that even though his plan was perfect, there were still flaws.

Because it was not someone else who came from a distance, it was the old man Yue who had fled and disappeared before!

Before he knew it, She Jun had already joined forces with Yue Laosan! ! !


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