Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 512: See hope!


Xiao Lang's perspective.

Under his own induction, he certainly did not change in any way. It was not like She Jun and the others had seen it, but turned into a mass of souls.

Quite the opposite.

Xiao Lang felt he was more complete than ever.

Of course, this effect and feeling were brought to him by the spiritual world. Here, he can switch between the physical body and the soul one after another without any feeling of stagnation.

Only Xiao Lang can.

Because of everyone present, only his soul and body can be 100% blended and perfectly united.

Not to mention within the Demon Lake Holy Land, even in the Lihuo Great World and the Heavenly Devil Realm, not many can do this.


For an instant, Xiao Lang felt that he had entered a void of space.

Do not.

Not nothingness.

Xiao Lang still had time to look at everything around him, suddenly--


A strong and domineering will suddenly came, like a mountain, Xiao Lang felt that his ears almost exploded directly, the whole person was like being locked in a big drum, just a hammer hit directly, and it shook loudly. .

Xiao Lang looked up in amazement.

Not a hammer.

But a figure.

A silhouette of silver light, just a glance, gave him an extremely familiar feeling.

The core will of the origin of the stars!

The Heart Refining Array has really succeeded, and it has drawn down the original will of the stars!

Xiao Lang was taken aback.

But obviously, the Heart Refining Array, as She Jun said, was not perfect.

Xiao Lang saw that there was a faint thin film above his head, isolating the core will of the origin of the stars, as if isolating it in another dimension.

But this isolation is not complete.


In that space, the power of twenty or thirty great avenues madly impacted, pointing directly to the origin of the stars. These forces are just what each of them injected into it.

However, their effects are not very good.


The original will of the stars turned into a human form, as if he had gone mad. He kept bombarding his surroundings, and Xiao Lang felt that his feet and surroundings were constantly trembling, and it became more intense!

"It wants to escape!"

"It knows it's trapped!"

Xiao Lang immediately realized what had happened and knew what he should do.

Since it has been caught, of course it can't be allowed to escape like this!

If it falls into the hands of Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect, the consequences will be disastrous. Using the original will of the stars, the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Sect can definitely think of thousands of ways to completely occupy the Scarlet Yan Star, and they don't even have the qualifications to send it out.

"Strap it!"

Xiao Lang's spirit was stunned, and he immediately made a decision. From his body, a full 28 light groups suddenly appeared. At the same time, Xiao Lang's face suddenly became pale.

These are his soul bodies condensed into a complete road!

Fully contained half of his spirit power. If it were destroyed in this battle, his martial arts cultivation and combat power would definitely suffer a great blow.

But Xiao Lang couldn't care about it.

He must trap the original will of the stars!

What's more, he also has the confidence to do so.

Xiao Lang had already swallowed his storage quits in his belly, and could sacrifice the Wood Spirit and Mo Jing at any time to replenish his life force and soul power!


Xiao Lang didn't know how to deal with the original will of the stars, but fortunately, he didn't need to know, as long as he did it in accordance with the Heart Refining Array.


Twenty-eight powers of divine souls entered the battlefield, and the upper space suddenly rose again and the offensive was more fierce, but at this moment, Xiao Lang also realized the real terrifying place of the original will of the stars.


Twenty-eight powers, there are only ten people who can get close, and the others are all blown away by the rush of the will of the stars.

Fortunately, it has only instincts, it has not evolved its thinking, and its power is very scattered. Otherwise, let alone Xiao Lang's power of more than twenty souls cannot be preserved, the entire heart-refining magic circle has long been broken by it.

But even if it was so, Xiao Lang was uncomfortable.

His face became paler suddenly, and he quickly sacrificed the Wood Spirit and Mojing to restore his strength. In an instant, Xiao Lang's complexion returned to normal and he was in full bloom, but his complexion was not good at all.

Difficult situation!

With such a large consumption, if the origin of the stars was also hit, or just a little hit, Xiao Lang's face would not be so ugly.

In fact.

Even though he had already burst out all his power just now, and violently collided with the original will of the stars, the aura of the latter was still huge, as if it had not been affected by the slightest.

"not enough!"

"My current strength is not enough!"

This is the biggest problem!

Even under the siege of the Mind Refining Array, he didn't need to care about the counterattack of the stars' original will for the time being, and couldn't hurt the latter at all, which made Xiao Lang feel uncomfortable.

How to do?

Use the power of the Dao Spirit Body?

As soon as this idea emerged from his mind, it was directly rejected by Xiao Lang.

No way!

This is his last trump card. If it is used now, but it does not produce any good effects, I am afraid that the original will of the stars will collapse before the will of the martial arts.

You must not use this until the last moment!

Xiao Lang's face was ruthless.

"Then try Ice and Fire Thunder Lotus!"

Ice Fire Thunder Lotus is just a move, it has nothing to do with power, and of course it can also evolve through soul power. Xiao Lang knew that using pure soul power to perform this trick would definitely consume more, because if he performed it outside, he would rely on the power of the Great Dao, the power of the world, and he could only borrow his own power.


Xiao Lang hardly hesitated. In an instant, in the upper level, the three light clusters evaded the messy and unruly culling of the star origin and gathered towards one side.

in a blink--


Ice Fire Leilian, it's done!

The three-color entwined lotus throne is fascinating and brilliant in appearance. But just like the saying in the cultivation world, the more beautiful things are, the more dangerous they are.

Ice and Fire Leilian perfectly confirmed this.

At the moment it took shape, Xiao Lang keenly sensed that even the original will of the stars seemed to be slightly stagnant, as if he felt a great danger.

Xiao Lang's heart suddenly shook, and his eyes lit up. At the moment when Ice and Fire Thunder Lotus appeared in front of his eyes, there was hardly any hesitation. With a heartbeat, Ice and Fire Thunder Lotus immediately turned into an arrow from the string, heading straight towards the origin of the stars Pounce.


The violent explosion even directly transmitted from the upper level to this level. Xiao Lang was pleasantly surprised to see that at the moment when the ice and fire Thunder Lotus burst, the incarnation of the Star Origin Will was suddenly torn an arm!

Although the original will of the stars does not have the will of the self, it still has instincts. It sensed the danger of Ice and Fire Thunder Lotus, and immediately raised an arm to block it.

It succeeded.

Here, Xiao Lang had time to show his joy on his face in the future. The next moment, a shocking scene appeared. The Star Origin Will took a deep breath, and the incomplete arm immediately returned to normal, and there was no breath. The change is just like the misery just now doesn’t exist at all.

If other people saw this scene, I am afraid they would have been desperate long ago, and would no longer be able to resist at all.

But Xiao Lang is different.

He was not surprised but rejoiced.

"I can hurt it!"

Xiao Lang also knew that it was useless to just hurt the original will of the star. This is its home field. If it can't be killed in an instant, it will be reborn immediately.

However, Xiao Lang didn't care about these.

Because he has confidence!

He can be stronger!

"I am only condensing twenty-eight complete avenues. The will of the soul and the ice and fire Thunder Lotus are enough to harm it. If I condense more big avenues, the ice and fire Thunder Lotus will be more perfect..."

Xiao Lang's eyes lit up.

He sees hope!

And at this time because the will of the origin of the stars was locked in the heart-refining array, and just now hundreds of the origin clones of the stars burst and died. Now he is surrounded by the power of the origin of the stars. For him, this is undoubtedly It is the best opportunity for promotion.

"come on!"

Just do it!

At this critical time, Xiao Lang never hesitated at all, and made a decisive decision to completely open the ban on the true spirit.

Huadao state!

Participate in the road, split the soul!

For Xiao Lang, who has now condensed the seeds of the twenty-eight avenues, a breakthrough is simply a piece of cake, as simple as penetrating a thin film.

So in the next moment, Xiao Lang's will surged wildly at a terrifying speed. At the same time, the true spirit continued to split, and the smoky crystal was also being consumed wildly.


Groups of light groups with a complete road condensed in Xiao Lang's sea of ​​knowledge. Every time he condenses one more point, his will will be stronger. Although it is not an absolute superposition, Xiao Lang's will soon has reached a level that makes She Jun and others feel more pressured, and is still going up. Climbing.



The Star Origin Will in the upper space also seemed to be aware of the weirdness of Xiao Lang below, and instinctively felt the pressure and threat, and became even more violent.

But it obviously couldn't break through that shackle in a short time, Xiao Lang didn't care at all, and completely sank into a state of enlightenment.

At the moment of crisis again, a bright light suddenly lit up:

"I have learned so many complete avenues, can I try to integrate the five elements?"

Xiao Lang wanted to do this a long time ago, but Ice and Fire Leilian was already quite terrifying. Not only is it terrifying, but it also requires the martial arts behind it to display it.

Now Xiao Lang certainly won't encounter this kind of problem, after all, it's just three avenues blending together.

The fusion of the five elements is the fusion of the five great avenues. Even if he is now promoted to Xiaozhu in the Era Realm, Xiao Lang still does not have much confidence.

"I hope that when my will reaches the peak, I can use Ice Fire Thunder Lotus to kill him directly. In such a crisis, it is better not to take the risk. After I leave here, I can give it a try."

Xiao Lang was still rational, suppressing his impulse.

And just when Xiao Lang finally saw the hope of slaying the original will of the stars, the battle outside, the bloodthirsty star vine and others finally encountered the most difficult moment...

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