Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 520: The Secret of the Five Elements Patriarch!

"The Five Elements Patriarch... is he really that strong?"

Xiao Lang finally asked this question.

Because he is so curious.

The face of the ancestor Jinling showed a natural expression, nodded, and said:

"Of course."

"In the last era, he was the absolute pride of heaven. He eventually became the lord of the world in our era, the idol and goal of almost everyone, even me."

When the ancestor of Jinling said this, there was no trace of unnaturalness on his face, as if this was a natural thing.

The ancestors of the Five Elements should be worshiped and respected by anyone.

Xiao Lang's eyes lit up.

So mysterious?

Can't wait for him to continue to ask.

The puppet that Jinling Old Ancestor had merged into suddenly stood up from the ground, nodded to Xiao Lang, and then suddenly turned into a stream of light and swept towards the endless abyss below.

Immediately afterwards, the void was rippling, and another puppet appeared in the place where the Jinling ancestor just stood.


The endless abyss, the golden light masterpiece, burst out with amazing light like a little sun, and shocked Xiao Lang and others.

Moreover, this group of golden light was quite long, and the fluctuations it radiated made Xiao Lang even more shocked.


"Since I have promised you, I will make some preparations to cut away the true spirit and power, so that I can be foolproof."

The voice of the ancestor Jinling came from the little puppet in front of him, and Xiao Lang and others suddenly realized what he was going to do.

Separate power.

The ancestor of Jinling clearly knew that even if he went all out, he couldn't be the opponent of Ten Thousand Beast Demon Lord. Because he is not in his heyday, in terms of fighting power, he has only reached the edge of immortality.

He wants to break out to stop the demon lord of the beasts, and of course he must use all his strength.

It is enough to leave the true spirit source.

"It takes about an hour to complete, Xiao Lang, you guys, please wait a while."

Xiao Lang nodded.

This time of waiting is certainly not a problem.

Turn the enemy into a friend.

The little puppets that the ancestors of Jinling had merged with their will led them to float down and land on a stone platform. The stones stood tall, and there were even tables, chairs and benches, lifelike.

Under the surprised gaze of Xiao Lang and others, the little puppet even flipped his wrists and displayed various tea sets, as well as tea, with a fragrant aroma.

A trace of nostalgia flashed through the eyes of the ancestors of Jinling:

"Oh, no one has been here for a long time. I really miss the old days. It's a pity that I haven't been a human for a long time..."

A trace of reminiscence flashed through the eyes of the ancestor of Jinling, and he fell into melancholy and memories.

Xiao Lang and others knew that the ancestors of Jinling must have mixed thoughts at this time. After all, this is where he has stayed for hundreds of millions of years. Since the last era was completely shattered, he has come here, lingering as a puppet until today.

He is about to leave now, of course he is in a complicated mood.

Therefore, Xiao Lang and others did not disturb him, but waited quietly.

Finally, after a full quarter of an hour.

The ancestor Jinling trembled before waking up, shook his head and apologized:

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm leaving soon, I'm really a little reluctant, I think a little bit more, I hope you Haihan."

Anyway, there is still an hour to wait, and Xiao Lang is not in a hurry.

"Senior is so polite."

The atmosphere is peaceful.

It was different from when Xiao Lang and others first arrived.

At this moment, the ancestor of Jinling seemed to finally think of the question Xiao Lang asked just now, a trace of recollection flashed in his eyes, and said;

"The Five Elements Patriarch is a legend."


Xiao Lang was shocked when he heard the words, and he listened carefully.

Not only because Jinling ancestor said that his Five Elements Prison is the signature martial arts of the Five Elements ancestors, but also because after thinking about it, he also realized that it was because of the colorful lotus imprint between himself, Ting Chaohou, and the Five Elements ancestors. There is an inexplicable relationship.

And Xiao Lang had a faint hunch.

The ancestor of the five elements, he will definitely have some intersection with him in the future.

Therefore, Xiao Lang listened very carefully.

Perhaps it is because of getting older and having a bad memory. The ancestors of Jinling talked about this history for a long time, half an hour's time, and said and remembered.

Xiao Lang, Bloodthirsty Starvine and Huang did not interrupt him.

And after listening, Xiao Lang also discovered that Jinling Patriarch’s evaluation of the Five Elements Patriarch really makes sense——


From the time when the ancestor of the Five Elements emerged, he began a magical life, almost open!

From the description of the ancestor of Jinling, Xiao Lang learned that when the ancestor of the Five Elements appeared in front of the world for the first time, it coincided with the most chaotic period of the last era.

It's like the present of this era.

The battle between the right and the evil is about to emerge.

However, in the last era, there was no such thing as a battle between right and evil. It is the sects that govern and flood the entire world.

In the mouth of the ancestor of Jinling, Xiao Lang also heard the name of Zhan Taizong. As the ancestors of Ice and Fire said, Zhan Taizong was the most powerful sect at that time.

If Zhan Taizong wants to control the entire world, he can do it.

But unexpectedly, Zhan Taizong did not have this ambition.

Therefore, it led to the melee at that time.

The ancestor of the Five Elements suddenly rose during that period.

In the description of the ancestor of Jinling, when the ancestor of the five elements first appeared, he did not show the five-element avenue, but only three kinds, and all reached the level of the top venerable.

He has a bold personality, never sins against others, and is powerful in combat.

But one day, inadvertently caught in the life-and-death battle between two sects that were also considered powerful at the time, the lives on a planet were in danger. Under these circumstances, the ancestors of the Five Elements have enlightened the Five Elements Prison, blocked all the masters of the two sects and became famous in one fell swoop.

"This is a miracle!"

"And what's even more incredible is that he didn't have any sect support behind him. In the end, he founded the Five Elements Gate and even became the Lord of the World... This good fortune is really enviable."

good fortune?

Xiao Lang's heart trembled upon hearing this, and subconsciously asked:

"Did he become the master of that era because he is strong enough to reach the next level?"

The puppet of Jinling ancestor shook his head.


"Although the ancestor of the Five Elements is extremely powerful and can be called the first person in the immortal realm, he did not break through to the next level. Instead, he was recognized by the World Stone and became the Lord of the World."

Stone of the world!

These four words are no longer unfamiliar to Xiao Lang, they were told by Bloodthirsty Starvine.

After listening to the ancestors of Jinling roughly talk about the life of the ancestors of the Five Elements, in addition to amazement, Xiao Lang also left many puzzles.

Can a casual cultivator without any sect support really reach the level of the immortal monarch, and even become the first person of that era?

Xiao Lang said he couldn't believe it.

What's more, he knew that in the era of the ancestors of Jinling and the Five Elements, the latter was definitely not the so-called first person.

Someone is better than him--

Listen to the tide!

"Could it be that he can do such an amazing miracle just by listening to Chaohou supporting him behind him?"

"The method of listening to Chaohou should exceed the level of the master of the world. But why should he help the ancestor of the Five Elements?"

Xiao Lang kept guessing, but most of them couldn't find the answer.

For these, he can only doubt.

At this moment, the ancestor of Jinling seemed to have not chatted with anyone for a long time. He spoke very happily. He took a deep look at Xiao Lang who was lost in thought, and said;

"As the Lord of the World, although the last era was shattered, he will undoubtedly die, but there is actually another claim that no one has confirmed about the World Stone--"

"A world lord can leave his thoughts in the world stone before he dies. In this way, his inheritors are very likely to become the master of this world stone and become a new one in the next era. Lord of the world!"

Inheritance of the Lord of the World?

Xiao Lang was surprised when he heard the words, looked at the deep eyes of the ancestor Jinling, vaguely realized something, and said in surprise:

"You always think that I might get the World Stone and become a new one..."

Xiao Lang could no longer speak.

Because this conjecture is really scary.

The new lord of the world?


Is this possible?

Xiao Lang found it incredible, but the ancestors of Jinling obviously didn't think so.



"Anyway, I'm like this now, so what am I afraid of? I have lived for hundreds of millions of years, and I have stayed long enough. It's just a fight, I am fearless!"

After making the decision, the ancestor of Jinling himself seemed to have seen a lot, changed a lot, laughed heartily, and had a free and easy to see through life and death.

Xiao Lang heard the words and said that he was not excited.

There was also a hint of speculation in his heart.

"Is it possible that after listening to the test that Chaohou left me, the last one is to become the master of this world?"

Lord of the world.

These four words seem to represent the ultimate in this world.

Xiao Lang couldn't think of any level of existence that could surpass these four words.

"Being the lord of the world can help you shape another body?"

Xiao Lang tentatively asked.

Jinling ancestor waved his hand:

"No need."

"You only need to reach the immortal state."

"The Avenue of the Five Elements contains wonders. In the last era, the emergence of the World Stone triggered a war, which caused many deaths or disintegration of the flesh, leaving only the true spirit. The ancestors of the Five Elements have not yet been recognized by the World Stone. It helped many people reshape their bodies."

Xiao Lang was surprised and shocked.

Five Elements Avenue, there are such magical abilities? !

too strong!

Because for ordinary warriors, once the body is broken, even if the true spirit is left, they can only choose to seize the house or enter the reincarnation, hoping that the memory can be revived in the next life, which is extremely dangerous.

It is a miracle that the ancestors of the Five Elements can do this!

Xiao Lang immediately promised:

"Senior don't worry, as long as we go through this calamity and the junior reaches the immortal state, if we can understand the exquisiteness, we will definitely help you!"

The ancestor of Jinling saw the seriousness of Xiao Lang's eyes, his expression also became serious, his eyes were bright;

"it is good!"

"The old man really didn't misunderstand the person!"

"I believe you, I can definitely do it!"

Because of this promise, Xiao Lang felt that the relationship between himself and the ancestor of Jinling had become closer again. However, just as he was grateful for the smooth progress of this trip, suddenly, seeing the ancestor of Jinling's face sank, his voice changed. It became somber, a little more serious.

"But these are things to follow, we must be sure to get rid of the danger."

"As far as you know, how strong is that Ten Thousand Beast Demon Lord?"

Ten Thousand Beasts...

How strong?

Xiao Lang's expression stagnated when he heard this, and his whole body froze.

This question really stopped him from asking...

He doesn't know the strength and realm level of Ten Thousand Beast Demon Lord!


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