Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 523: life and death?


What does it mean?

Qiu Shijie and the others were all taken aback when they heard this, and they were puzzled. They were about to ask, but they also found out that Huang had been staring at the sky above them.

Above the sky, the corridor they came from through the sky is about to disappear.

The moment they raised their heads, the tunnel completely disappeared!

Everyone's complexion became stiff, and a big rock suddenly lifted up in his heart.

Does this mean...

"Little friend Xiao Lang, he..."

Qiu Shijie couldn't help asking, but when he was only half talking, suddenly--


The void cracked again.

As everyone subconsciously watched, more than a dozen figures appeared in nothingness. The first three were magnificent and it was so impressive. When Qiu Shijie saw these three people, his pupils suddenly shrank, and his face appeared ecstatic. .


Ning Fu'er, Li Xueya and others also opened their eyes wide, because they also saw familiar people——

Sun Wuji!

"Senior Venerable Wuxiang!"


Lord Lanyue and others are here. Those who came were all high-ranking members of the Tianfu Temple, and they were also absolute powerhouses. But at this time, it was not only Qiu Shijie and others who were shocked?

The same is true for them.

Sovereign Blue Moon looked at the people below, with a hint of surprise flashing in his eyes, especially when he saw the traces of power escaping under the feet of Qiu Shijie and others, it was even more shocking.

On these marks, they felt extremely powerful, and they could even break the world barrier.

And each of them knew exactly where Qiu Shijie and others came from.

Red Yan star!

Wasn't Chi Yan star swallowed by the Heavenly Devil Realm?

How did they come out?

At this moment, Sun Wuji also saw Ning Fu'er and others, and saw Huang, his pupils shrank suddenly.


After a flash, Sun Wuji came to Huang's body, his scorching eyes fixed on Huang.

"Where is the disciple?"

"Where is my disciple?"

Huang looked at Sun Wuji, who looked urgent, with a gloomy look. The depths of his eyes were full of gloom, and he shook his head slightly. Sun Wuji was completely stunned as if he had been struck by a sky lightning.

Xiao Lang, dead?

At this moment, Lord Blue Moon finally stood up and presided over the overall situation.

"Tell me, how did you come out."

"Have you found a way to break the barrier of the world?"

Upon hearing the words, Qiu Shijie immediately suppressed the sadness and excitement in his heart and responded. From what he called the Lord Blue Moon earlier, everyone was able to know the identity of the latter. Immediately, even if Nymph and the others were entangled with Xiao Lang's whereabouts, they did not speak at this moment.


"We created a primitive teleportation circle..."

Qiu Shijie told the truth, and of course emphasized the existence of Xiao Lang and his actions. During this process, Lord Blue Moon looked at Sun Wuji deeply more than once, and his eyes flashed with surprise.

Sun Wuji was right!

It has been two months since Chi Yan Xing had an accident.

In fact, more than a month ago, Sun Wuji discovered that Xiao Lang and others were missing. When he could not find it, he immediately made an idea--

Xiao Lang and others went to the Heavenly Demon Realm, to the Scarlet Yan Star!

Moreover, as soon as he had this idea, he informed Lord Blue Moon.

Sovereign Blue Moon certainly made a probe too, but even he couldn't break the shackles of the world barrier. Of course, it was impossible for anything to happen, and the incident would be gone.

did not expect--

"Xiao Lang..."

Lord Blue Moon muttered to himself, his pupils widened, and there was even a little expectation in his words.

"What about others?"

As the owner of Tianfu Palace, he is also one of the strongest immortals in the Lihuo Great World. No one knows better than him what the primitive teleportation circle represents.

This means that they can break the shackles of the world barrier and directly launch the most direct attack on the depths of the heavenly devil world!

Since then, the Heavenly Devil Realm has no longer closed to them!

Qiu Shijie stiffened when he heard the words, and subconsciously looked at Huang around him with a bitter expression on his face.

"I think this matter, let Brother Huang explain."


In an instant, everyone's eyes fell on Huang.

Even in the face of Sovereign Lanyue and others, Huang did not show any fluctuations on his face. He sighed after hearing this, and then explained his warning to Xiao Lang and the fact that Xiao Lang went to Jinling Cave to seek help. Everyone was amazed again and again.

Jinling Dongtian is actually at Chiyan Star!

And within the days of Jinling Cave, there is actually an immortal monarch from the previous era!

This fact is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Sovereign Blue Moon, Sun Wuji and others heard the words, but there were no more expression changes on their faces. It seemed that such things were so common to them, and it seemed that there were similar existences in other caves in the Great World of Fire.

It was just that when they knew from Huang's mouth what kind of decision Xiao Lang himself had made for Qiu Shijie and others, the expressions of everyone present changed.

"Do not!"

Ning Fu'er had already changed color. When Huang began to slowly elaborate, her heart had an ominous premonition, and it became stronger as Huang said. When Huang said that Xiao Lang knew the cost of doing this, it was very likely. When she could never return, she was already limp and sat on the ground.

Xiao Lang, can't come back?

He actually chose to face the monster master?

Everyone is shaking.

This is the first time they know the truth.

Not only because of Xiao Lang's choice at the last moment, but also because of the primitive teleportation circle. This teleportation circle was also completed by Xiao Lang and Huang, which means--

They were all rescued by Xiao Lang, and twice in a row!

"Little friend Xiao Lang..."

"Brother Xiao Lang!"

Among the crowd, Qiu Zhan, Li Xueya, Li Batian and others were equally disgusted and shocked.

Especially Qiu Zhan, his mood is more complicated. Because just before the primitive level teleportation circle was opened, Huang had just handed him the token Xiao Lang had given him.

He has not had time to thank...

But such a thing has happened.

Sovereign Lanyue and the others also changed slightly.

For the lives of so many people, Xiao Lang even gave up on himself. What kind of sacrifice was this?

Of course they can do it.

Because in their hearts, Tianfu Palace has long been their home. For the Tianfu Palace, they are willing to give everything. But they already knew from Sun Wuji that Xiao Lang had only joined the Tianfu Palace for decades.

Sun Wuji's face was extremely ugly.

Xiao Lang, dead?

He wasn't the only one who guessed this way. Almost everyone in the room thought so. After all, according to Huang's words, what Xiao Lang had to face was the Seventh Heaven-level Ten Thousand Beast Demon Lord!

The possibility of him surviving is almost zero!

However, he still couldn't help asking:

"Then is he alive or dead now?"

Everyone was taken aback, with a sad face, and couldn't bear to hear Huang's answer. But at this moment, Li Batian and others among the crowd trembled suddenly, and their eyes widened suddenly.

"not dead!"

"Little friend Xiao Lang is not dead!"

"If he dies, we will never live now. We would have died just now!"


Everyone present had no idea of ​​the relationship and connection between Li Batian and others and Xiao Lang, and they were surprised to hear that. Until Huang Wei pondered and said the same thing.

"He's still alive."

"It's just that I can't feel his existence now, and the connection is weak."

Xiao Lang, not dead!

Hearing Huang's words, everyone's spirits were shocked, and their pupils immediately lit up.

For them, this is undoubtedly the best news now. If Xiao Lang really died in the Celestial Demon Realm because of their relationship, no one could forgive himself.

Sovereign Lanyue and the others also brightened.

The reaction is also more direct than others.

"Where is he?"

"Can we save him?"

Obviously, what the Sovereign Blue Moon wanted to use was the primitive teleportation circle to kill the Heavenly Demon Realm, looking for Xiao Lang's shadow. Since Chiyan Star has the ability to build a primitive-level teleportation array, there is no problem outside.

Of course Huang was concerned about Xiao Lang's safety and nodded immediately.


"We all have the mark of Chiyan Star. As long as the primitive teleportation array is constructed, it can be teleported to Chiyan Star."

When everyone heard the words, everyone's eyes lit up and their eyes were full of hope.

But at this moment, when he heard Huang's answer, Lord Blue Moon who had just proposed this idea suddenly frowned.

"Red Yan star?"

"If you teleport, you can only teleport to Red Yan star?"

Everyone was surprised when they heard this. They didn’t know why Lord Blue Moon suddenly hesitated, but they also saw that at this moment, even Sun Wuji, who was most worried about Xiao Lang’s life and death, his face turned hard to look at this moment. The same is true for other senior executives.

"very dangerous."

Finally, with Sun Wuji's simple three words, everyone immediately realized the meaning of Sun Wuji's words, and their minds sank.


The current Red Yan star may have become an unprecedented danger.

Even if Xiao Lang hadn't died yet, according to Huang's description of Jinling's ancestor's combat power, he would definitely not kill the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Lord. And this also means that oneself has mastered the power to break through the world barrier.

The star origin core of Chiyan Star has been refined, which means that it has become a part of the Celestial Demon Realm. If the immortal realm powerhouse of the Celestial Demon Realm wants to enter, it is simply not too simple.

I am afraid that the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Lord has already passed this news to all the Immortal Demon Lords in the Sky Demon Realm, which means that the current Red Yan Star is probably already occupied by the Immortal Demon Lord.

The danger contained therein is beyond imagination!

Even if it was Lord Blue Moon, the immortal monarch who was waiting in the Lihuo Great World's battle power ranking superpower, once caught in it, I am afraid that it will encounter accidents. What's more, once you get in, it's not that simple to think about it again.

On Chiyan Star, there is no longer a second primitive teleportation circle.

Go, just gamble!

It is very possible that Xiao Lang could not bring it out, and the masters of Tianfu Palace would fall away!

Is it worth it?

For this question, everyone has an answer in their hearts. Even Ning Fuer, Xiao Dao and others, who most hoped that Lord Blue Moon and others would act at this moment, fell silent at this moment.

They know which is more important.

This reason also made them feel extremely painful.

on the one hand.

Xiao Lang went deep into the tiger's den, and even took the risk of sacrificing himself to bring everyone out. He was a hero, and he was treated as a hero.

But on the other hand, the huge risks taken by doing so are almost beyond the reach of Tianfu Palace.


Everyone feels extremely embarrassed.

There was silence and no one spoke. Because at this time, no matter what you say is almost inappropriate.


"Since he is not dead, it means that he has not been captured by the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Lord. It is very likely that he has already left the scope of the Scarlet Yan Star. It is not so easy to find him if he goes to other places."

"It's better to wait."

Huang's calm voice sounded in the crowd, everyone was surprised, especially Nymph and others. They knew that Xiao Lang had a very close relationship with Huang, and they didn't expect the latter to make such a decision at this time.

But they also admitted.

This may be the best choice now.

Sovereign Lanyue and the others couldn't help sighing. Even if he is the Palace Master of Tianfu Palace, it is extremely difficult to make such a decision, especially since Xiao Lang has rescued so many people before Tianfu Palace.

Now that Huang said this, it really made them feel relieved.

"Today's affairs, especially the news of Xiao Lang and the Primitive Teleportation Array, are not allowed to be spread outside without authorization. As for you, I will trouble you to live here during this period. I hope everyone can understand."

"When the battle of Zhengma is started, there will be a place for you."

Sovereign Blue Moon did not continue to talk about Xiao Lang's issue, and made such an arrangement directly. Everyone can understand that, after all, the primitive teleportation circle is too important. It is very likely that they are the key to resisting and waiting for an opportunity to enter the devil world, and they should indeed hide it.

Everyone nodded their heads to express their understanding.

It's just that in their hearts, they are still worried about Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang, is it really alive?

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