Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 526: Begin to see the great fusion!

Beast tide!


When seeing the blood evil rising from the horizon, not only Hong Tao, the faces of everyone behind him suddenly changed, full of shock, but more urgency and worry.

"Brother Tao!"

Someone urged.

Hong Tao was finally awakened, decisively, and ordered:

"Quickly come back!"


For a moment, they completely ignored Xiao Lang, their aura exploded, and even if they wanted to expand at the maximum speed, they rushed to the place where the blood evil dark clouds were enveloped.

But the next moment--

"I will take you there."

Xiao Lang’s calm voice came. Under everyone’s surprised gaze, he raised his hand gently. Everyone only felt a strong force coming from under them. They were completely involuntarily cut through the void, as if they were teleporting. general.

Vigorously came and ended in an instant.

When they could finally see everything around them, they suddenly realized that they had come to the edge of a city. Where was Hongcheng, which was not guarded by their Hong family?

came back?

So fast?

Hong Tao and the others were amazed by Xiao Lang's methods, but at this moment, they had no time to sigh. Because the tide of beasts has come!

When Xiao Lang saw what was happening in front of him, he couldn't help being surprised.

Hongcheng is very big.

At least it was much larger than he had imagined. It occupies hundreds of miles of land. The city walls are tall and engraved with various mysterious patterns. Xiao Lang couldn't even recognize their effects and functions for a while.

Xiao Lang once thought that the animal tide swept out of the jungle.

But when he arrived outside Hongcheng Cai found out that this was not the case.

In the sky above Hongcheng, the void split, endless ferocious beasts swept like a wave, fierce and evil, when Xiao Lang and the others arrived, there were more than a million ferocious beasts?

The killing and shock have begun!

"Slash through the void?"

"Where did these fierce beasts come from?"

Xiao Lang was quite surprised at this.

At this moment, a loud roar interrupted his thoughts——

"Hong Jiaerlang, return to their respective guard posts and fight to the end! The fugitives, kill without mercy!"

There was a shock from the true spirit in his voice, and Xiao Lang's spirit moved and he looked at the center of Hongcheng in surprise.

He is an Era Realm Venerable.

But obviously it was not the Hong Family Taishang that Hong Tao mentioned before, but another person, because he was only in the early period of Era Realm.

Hong Tao and others were shocked upon hearing this, and immediately turned to look at Xiao Lang.

"Senior, let's go first! Patriarch ordered, we..."

As Hong Tao and others said, they had already swept towards Hongcheng, but unlike the others, when Hong Tao left, his eyes were fixed on Xiao Lang, with expectations and prayers in his eyes, as if he hoped that Xiao Lang could make a move.

It only disappointed him that until Xiao Lang disappeared under his sight, the latter did not make any response.


Xiao Lang did not do anything.

It's not because of his cold and ruthless nature, but because he wants to observe the world better.

One of the reasons is that although these fierce beasts came through the air, their auras were not strong. Xiao Lang’s spiritual thoughts enveloped the audience, and it was immediately discovered that the fierce beast with the strongest aura. The realm of breath is nothing but the pinnacle of world-class Dzogchen.

Even the grand elder of the Hong Family who was at the peak of the Mid-Era Realm hasn't appeared yet, what is his outsider worrying about?

Compared with these ferocious beasts, what Xiao Lang cares most about is its own existence——

Beast tide!

Although the information he had just received from Hong Tao was not much, it was enough for him to judge many things.

How did the animal tide appear?

Is there anything else hidden behind it?

According to Hong Tao's description, there are also the strongest venerables and immortal monarchs on this continent. Haven't they never explored what is behind the beast tide?

Or did they detect it, but didn't detect it?

Xiao Lang noticed that for Hong Tao and other natives on the Five Elements Continent, the existence of dampness seems to be a common occurrence for them, almost confessing their fate. Although they don’t know when the beast tide will appear, they are sure. It will definitely appear.

"Could it be that the beast tide is a characteristic of this continent?"

"It already exists?"

Just as Xiao Lang was standing outside the city and muttering in his heart, the war between the beast tide and the humans had broken out in Hongcheng.

World-class warfare is completely unattractive to Xiao Lang at the current level, but when a figure jumps out from the very center of Hongcheng, it is smashed and swept across the ice and fire, instantly flattening thousands of fierce beasts. When a clearing suddenly appeared in the wave-like beast tide army, Xiao Lang still couldn't help but his eyes shrank suddenly.

It was the master of the voice who just yelled to mobilize all the power of the Hong Family, the Patriarch of the Hong Family, the Venerable Early Era Realm!

To annihilate tens of thousands of fierce beasts in the world realm with a single knife, this combat power can only be regarded as so-so for the early Venerable Era Realm, and for Xiao Lang personally, it is even more insignificant.

However, Xiao Lang couldn't help but shrink his pupils slightly when he saw this scene.

What surprised him was not the fighting power of the Hong Family Patriarch, but the great power contained in his sword——

The power of the fire system!

The power of the water system!

In the blow of the head of the Hong family, he actually noticed two completely different powers of great power, and even a tendency to merge!

Convergence of power of the avenue?

Xiao Lang was shocked.

This is the first time he has discovered the power of the Great Dao in other people's body, but he didn't expect it to be here!

"He is also a Taoist like me?"

Xiao Lang's spiritual thoughts swept over immediately, and then he immediately discovered--

The head of the Hong family is not a Taoist.

And in his body, only the power of the fire system avenues transpires, but the long knife in his hand is shining with crystal brilliance, like a glacier, it is an ice skate!

Moreover, the texture of this ice skate was quite peculiar, and Xiao Lang couldn't even tell for a while what it was made of.



"His weapon is a bone weapon, refined from the bones of a fierce beast of the Ice Age Era."

The voice of Bloodthirsty Starvine suddenly sounded. Obviously, he also noticed the strangeness that happened to the ancestor of the Hong family just now.


Xiao Lang was shocked when he heard this, secretly surprised.

And he became more and more sure in his heart that this continent has a great relationship with the ancestors of the Five Elements. After all, even such a thing as the power of the Five Elements Avenue has appeared.

In Xiao Lang's memory, in the entire Lihuo Great World, no one other than the ancestor of the Five Elements could do this.

But the question is, why did the ancestors of the Five Elements create this continent in this nihility?

Xiao Lang couldn't understand.

But he was even more sure that this piece of nothingness, including the Five Elements Continent under his feet, was definitely not within the envelope of the Great World of Fire.

Because the ancestors of the Five Elements were the people of the last era, and the last era ended long ago. The world collapsed and turned into nothingness. If the Five Elements Continent were within the Great World of Lihuo, it would definitely no longer exist.

"What was his purpose in creating this continent?"

Xiao Lang frowned and fell into bitter thoughts.

And it turns out that now is really not a good time to think.

at the same time.

Over Hongcheng.

The Hong family stood up with the sword, suspended in the void, beside him was a large open space. Thousands of fierce beasts were killed by the knife he had just shot and fell downward.

I have to admit that in the eyes of the Hong Family's other world realm warriors, the Hong Family Patriarch's sword is simply an invincible existence, killing thousands of fierce beasts with a single knife, and it really made their fighting spirit skyrocket and arrogant for a while.

"it is good!"

"Patriarch is mighty!"

"Brothers, kill with the Patriarch!"

The cry of killing is endless.

But they didn't see that the hand of the Hong Family Patriarch holding the long knife was shaking slightly, his face turned pale and sweating profusely.

Obviously, with the knife just now, he has exploded with all his strength.

Hong Jiang glanced at his trembling hand, then looked up at the broken void, a wry smile appeared on his face.

"It seems that with my current strength, I still can't control this knife perfectly!"

Hong Jiang sighed.

But even though he said so in his mouth, his aura was still rising rapidly, his aura was like a wave, but his face became paler.

Even if you give everything, you must stop this beast!

Hong Jiang's fighting spirit is also in full swing.

And just as he was accumulating strength and preparing to make another cut, suddenly—


A terrifying eagle cry suddenly sounded above the void. There is one in Hongcheng, and even those souls are stable in origin, and only a few chances can realize the existence of true souls in the world realm Dzogchen peak martial artist. Hearing this sound When he screamed, he couldn't help but shake his body violently. It just felt like a sharp steel needle pierced into the depths of the soul.

Everyone looked at the void in amazement.

I saw a snow-white figure appearing in the void--

It's an eagle falcon!


And is the bird at the pinnacle of the early era!

I saw it was white, snow-like, with wings like jade, but under the shadow of the blood evil, it exuded a strange red, which made people shudder.

A pair of horrible eyes stared at Hong Jiang.


With a sharp roar, like a declaration of war, Snow Eagle's wings fluttered and suddenly charged towards Hong Jiang. The speed was simply outrageous, let alone other people, even Hong Jiang himself couldn't react for a while.

So huh, under everyone's horrified gaze——


Facing Xueying's charge, Hong Jiang barely swung half of his sword, but the Ice Fire Blade and Xueying's claws slammed into each other, but collapsed instantly.

He was like a leather doll, and was knocked out by Xue Ying.


Xue Ying was excited, and his wings were shocked again. Even if he was about to catch up, he seemed to be abusing Hong Jiang.

Hong Jiang, are you dying?

Seeing this admiration, everyone felt terrified.

Only Xiao Lang, who was awakened, suddenly raised his head and looked towards the void. At the same moment when he raised his head, a figure incomparably small compared to Xue Ying quietly fell, but it sounded like a bell--

"Naughty animal, dare to hurt my son? Looking for death!"


In an instant, an impact stronger than Hong Jiang's momentum erupted and swept the audience. At this moment, even Xiao Lang couldn't help but raise his brow.


Obviously, it was not someone else who rushed here, but the elder of the Hong family that Hong Tao said before.

It's just that Hong Tao is still wrong about one thing. The grand elder of the Hong family is no longer the peak of the mid-Era realm, and has reached the late-Era realm!


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