Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 532: Temple of the Five Elements!

"Hard enough?"

Wen Shang and Tie Jun were stunned and looked at Xiao Lang in surprise.

It was the first time the Iron Army had heard of such a request in its entire life.

But it reacted quickly;

"Brother Xiao Lang, are you best at close combat?"

Xiao Lang nodded.

"But I have never practiced any weapon moves. If possible, Senior Iron Army can help me build a pair of gloves."


Tiejun nodded.

As the No. 1 Master Craftsman in the High Mountain Region, he had already approximated Xiao Lang's fighting style in just a few words from Xiao Lang.

"Other than that, are there any requirements?"

Xiao Lang immediately took the call, apparently already thinking about it.

"It is best to have both five elements."

All five elements!

Tie Jun’s eyes lit up again. When Xiao Lang said this, he had been observing Xiao Lang’s expression. There was no mood swing on Xiao Lang’s face. Obviously, Xiao Lang was extremely good at controlling the Five Elements. Great confidence.

"Could it be that what he is practicing is a practice covering the five elements?"


Tie Jun took a deep breath and nodded to Xiao Lang.

"it is good!"

"I have written down these requirements of yours. It will take me about two months to create them. Then, Elder Wen Shang will contact you directly."

"Now, you can go."

As he said, Tie Jun sat cross-legged, closed his eyes, and fell into a deep thought. It seemed that he had already begun to study how to create a bone tool that met all Xiao Lang's requirements.

Xiao Lang's eyes lit up when he saw this.


The reason why Tie Jun could become the number one master of training equipment in the high mountain domain is indeed not without any reason.

Wen Shang seemed to be surprised at the state of Tiejun at this time, and smiled:

"Brother Xiao Lang, let's go, Old Man Tie is like this. Once he encounters something he wants to build, it is possible to ignore people for a month or two. It seems that the punches Brother Xiao Lang wants to build The set is also a big challenge for him. As for the results, it depends on his own."

"I'll take you to the division of the cabinet. Time is running out. I hope that in this three-month period, you will be fully prepared."

Xiao Lang nodded when he heard the words, and the monk Wen Shang left side by side and headed towards the branch pavilion of Tianji Pavilion in the center of Gaoshan City.

The Tianji Pavilion is quite big, even a bit bigger than the Iron Army’s manor, but strangely, there are not many people here. Except for the personnel who were obviously the guards inside the Tianji Pavilion, Xiao Lang scanned his mind and found that there were only three to five hundred people in such a large area, and the aura was weak. It seemed to be hidden deep underground. Xiaoyuan reached its peak.

After Xiao Lang inquired, he learned that whenever the path to the soul was about to open, the sub-chambers of the Tianji Pavilion would be banned and only handed over to those warriors who were about to join the path of the soul.

And everyone has a secret room in the underground, for cultivation, they can open to the Tianji Pavilion whatever they need.

There are also quota restrictions on the way of the soul.

Each domain can only enter a maximum of 1,000 at a time, and now the quota of the high mountain domain has almost been determined, but some people are still practicing in their own families and have not come here.

Even the people who came here, everybody has cultivated, and rarely has contact with the outside world.

Because there is no need for contact.

According to Wen Shang, all the powerhouses who participated in the Path of the Primordial Spirit have almost reached the pinnacle of Era Realm Small Perfection in their martial arts cultivation. They can even reach the pinnacle of Era Realm Great Perfection in only half a step, and they can become the top venerable at any time The bit.

In other words, they have firmed up their ideas about their own cultivation path, and there is no need for communication at all.

Sometimes, too much communication can be a kind of fetters and shackles.

For this, Xiao Lang deeply agrees.

After half a day.

He also arrived in his own quiet room. Wen Shang had already left. Outside the quiet room, there was a servant at the pinnacle of the Dzogchen World Realm, waiting for his dispatch at any time.

What Xiao Lang wanted to know for the first time was of course everything about the path of the soul.

Immediately let people go to pick up related classics.

His servant didn't seem to be surprised by Xiao Lang's request, and it seemed that everyone who came here asked for it, so in just a quarter of an hour, Xiao Lang got everything he wanted.

Leaf through.



Five days later.

Xiao Lang closed the last book and let out a long sigh of relief, his star pupils flickering.

"It turned out to be so."

Tianji Pavilion was established by the Five Elements Continent specifically for the beast tide. The Path of the Primordial Spirit was also a key part of it. The records and descriptions were of course detailed. At least in Xiao Lang's view, almost everything in the Primordial Spirit Continent was transparent.

He also understood why Wen Shang would call the path of the soul a test and temper.

That's true.

Similar to his previous guess.

The path of the soul is something similar to the Zhantai Zongtian bridge. The more tests passed, the greater the gains. It’s just that in the path of the soul, Tianji Pavilion described the benefits as—


Xiao Lang didn't know what it was, and asked the Bloodthirsty Starvine, who also didn't know anything about it.

But according to the description of Tianji Pavilion, the vitality can greatly enhance a person's true spirit, and it is something that can really promote the foundation of martial arts. No matter who it is, this is an absolute good thing!

And, since it is a test, of course there are also rankings.

On the first sixty-fourth floors of the Yuanshen Road, everyone encounters fierce beasts. After the beheaded, all gains are yours. But this is only the benefit of fighting.

Each battle has a rating.

Divided into four grades: A, B, C, D.

The rating of the battle determines how much benefit you can get when you finally decide to leave the path of the soul, that is, the amount of vitality.

This is just about vitality.

After the sixty-four level, the competition between the great talents and evildoers began, and the victor won more than just vitality.

"Finally ranked in the top five hundred, the spirit of vitality rewards 1.5 times, a ray of the power of the Dao's origin."

"Finally ranked in the top two hundred, with twice the reward of vitality, and three strands of the power of the Dao's origin."

"Finally ranked in the top 100, rewarded three times the vitality and spirit, and gained five strands of the power of the Dao's origin."

These rewards are common.

But the rewards afterwards were quite rich, and there were substantial rewards-

"Finally ranked top sixty four... thirty two... sixteen... top eight..."

Very detailed.

"Finally ranked in the top eight, you can enter the lake of the soul of the soul to practice for three days, get three thousand strands of the original source road, and even get a copy of the immortal inheritance, with the immortal light and shadow, ten fruits of enlightenment, ten fruits of body shaping..."

Seeing the top eight rewards, Xiao Lang's heart was shocked.

Immortal heritage!

Immortal light and shadow acting!

What is this concept?

As long as you get this kind of thing, as long as you don't die, you can become a true immortal monarch in the future!

The top eight rewards are already so perverted?

Xiao Lang subconsciously thought of the rewards of Zhantai Zongtianqiao, and suddenly felt a little shabby.

It's really better than people, so angry!

Of course, Xiao Lang knew in his heart that this was only a reward for the current Zhan Taizong bridge. Now Zhan Taizong has only one ruins left. It lost too much when the last era was broken. In its heyday, perhaps Zhan Taizong’s rewards will not be much less than these.

After thinking about it, Xiao Lang refocused his attention on the rewards of the Path of the Soul.

Since the first eight, the rewards have undergone a qualitative change, and it can almost be determined that as long as they enter the top eight, then everyone can become the immortal monarch.

"Could it be that the powerhouses of the immortal monarch level on the Five Elements Continent all come from this way?"

Xiao Lang muttered in his heart.

The rest are the top four, top two and first prizes.

Lots of rewards.

Some Xiao Lang didn't know exactly what it was, and they only found out after consulting them. Among them, there were even rewards for specially crafting tactics and transforming the will of heaven. Almost every one of them made Xiao Lang hot.

good stuff!

All good things!

The rewards are generous and outrageous!

If it were placed in the Great World of Lihuo, it would definitely cause a **** storm.

Xiao Lang finally realized that the level of power on the Five Elements Continent was many times higher than that of the Lihuo Great World.

It's not one level!

At least, it was compared with the Lihuo Big World he knew in his heart.

Of course, Xiao Lang knew in his heart that the Lihuo Great World was not that weak, hiding in the dark, and there were many immortal monarchs that he had never known.

for example.

In the remains of the Zhan Taizong, the boss and second child who also obtained the qualifications of true discipleship. Xiao Lang knew from the mouth of the third child that the second child was the monarch of the immortal realm, but he had never heard of it.


Even so, it is impossible to compare with the Five Elements Continent.

"In a hundred years, at least eight immortals will be produced. At this level, shouldn't the immortal experts on the Five Elements Continent be as immortal as dogs?"

Such a huge number almost caused Xiao Lang to have an illusion about this world.

It also made him realize again that the Five Elements Continent is not that simple.

"But even if so many immortal realm powerhouses have been produced, they have not been able to completely solve the beast tide..."

"What does the interior and core area of ​​the Five Elements Continent look like?"

Xiao Lang felt some extremely different places between the Five Elements Continent and the Lihuo Great World, presumably, even a little distorted. Unfortunately, when Xiao Lang tried to search for clues, the information was limited and he could not know more. It seemed that Tianji Pavilion was very strict in banning this.

"There is definitely a problem here!"

Xiao Lang imagined.

And when he continued to explore based on the rich rewards of the path of the soul, he made new discoveries.

"Yuanshen Lake, what is that place?"

Xiao Lang searched for information. Suddenly, four words came into view, causing his mind to shake suddenly——

"Essence Lake, in the Temple of the Five Elements, contains endless vitality..."

Temple of the Five Elements? !

Seeing these four words, Xiao Lang suddenly thought that when he was still floating in the void, the colorful lotus imprint felt a strong attraction.

"Could it be that the attraction comes from the Temple of the Five Elements, where the ancestors of the Five Elements once practiced?"


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