Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 538: The irrelevant answer...

Xiao Lang, disappeared!

Seeing the empty light curtain in front of them, everyone including Lord Aoki and others were shocked.


Where did Xiao Lang go?

In fact, they have a conjecture in their hearts, and it is this conjecture that surprised them so much.

Xiao Lang was taken away by the old man!

The immortal monarchs present are all beings on the Five Elements Continent in high positions, not those stupid newcomers. From this scene, of course, you can guess a lot of things instead of asking casual questions.

"He must have said something to the steward of this talent trial field just now, otherwise there would never be such a change!"

"When he comes out, you must ask what happened!"

A serious-faced big man opened his mouth and immediately drew Sovereign Qingyun and others nodding lightly.

This should be!

And each of them knew that even if they made a guess, even if the guess was completely correct, they would not be able to prove anything, let alone pull Xiao Lang out of it directly.

The only thing they can do now is to wait and observe.

I hope to find more things from some of the changes after Xiao Lang, and wait for him to come out before proceeding with the next questioning.

Everyone looked serious, and there was a faint glow of excitement and excitement in their eyes.

In their memory and the Five Elements Continent's understanding of the path of the soul and the steward of the trial field, this is the first time the latter has done something completely different from before.


It means change!

Their hearts are naturally full of strong expectations.

At this moment, they guessed right, Xiao Lang was indeed taken away by the old man.

Xiao Lang only felt a strong force coming from around his body. The next moment, he was lifted up completely uncontrollably. When he returned to his normal vision, he was surprised to find that the surrounding situation had undergone tremendous changes again.

Xiao Lang looked up, and immediately found that above his head was the huge-looking pyramid.

"Am I inside the tower?"

Xiao Lang whispered in surprise, and immediately heard the old man's response from before him.


"Tell me, how did you get the power of five elements to suppress prison!"

The old man's voice was anxious. When Xiao Lang looked at him, he suddenly realized that the expression on his face was the same, and he was no longer as calm as before.

Five Elements Town Prison?

Xiao Lang raised his hand, with the palm facing up, and the colorful brilliance flashed again, which was filled with brilliance, forming the appearance of a cage. The old man's sight was once again locked in this colorful brilliance, and the turbid eyes could faintly see excitement flickering.

Five Elements Prison... the name is quite appropriate.

Xiao Lang muttered to himself.

When he saw the urgency on the old man's face, he was almost crazy, Xiao Lang certainly did not hesitate, and replied:

"by chance."


Xiao Lang replied, but kept a mindful eye and didn't tell the real truth directly. He concealed the scroll of watching the road in Ting Chaohou Mansion, and obtained the opportunity of adding the colorful lotus mark.

It just explained that he was a person who transformed into Taoism. It was a coincidence that he had comprehended all the complete avenues of the Five Elements Avenue and realized the Five Elements Prison.

Hearing this, the old man's eyes looked at Xiao Lang immediately full of surprise.

"You enlightened yourself and didn't get the World Stone?"

Xiao Lang answered calmly:

"of course not."

"If I get the world stone

If that is the case, wouldn't it be that he is now the master of this world, and how could it be the pinnacle of Xiao Perfection in the Era Realm? "

Hearing the words, the old man was taken aback, took a deep look at Xiao Lang, and nodded in agreement.

The truth is indeed the truth, but he still feels extremely unbelievable that Xiao Lang can comprehend the five elements to suppress prison.

Of course Xiao Lang didn't want the old man to struggle with this issue for too long, because he had concealed a lot of things and was afraid of being exposed, so he immediately changed the subject.

"Why is Senior so surprised?"

"Is it true that the younger generation guessed right, this is indeed a piece of the world created by the ancestors of the five elements? The prison of the five elements is also the secret of the ancestors of the five elements?"

Xiao Lang asked this question knowingly, but most of the information in it came from his guess, he must know an exact answer!

The old man took a deep look at Xiao Lang, and seemed to hesitate for a moment, thinking about what to say and what not to say, and finally—

"Without the inheritance of the ancestors, you can still comprehend the five elements to suppress the prison. Perhaps, this is the fate in the dark."

"Yes, your guess is correct."

"This Five Elements Continent was indeed created by our ancestors, and the Five Elements to suppress prisons is the strongest skill of his old man."


Even if Xiao Lang was very confident in his previous judgment, he couldn't help feeling stunned when he heard the old man in front of him confess the incident.

"Then senior knows why I came here?"

Xiao Lang proceeded step by step and asked slowly.

The old man's gaze stayed on Xiao Lang's colorful brilliance for a moment, and he replied in a speculative tone:

"It should be related to the Five Elements Prison."

"It's probably because the Temple of the Five Elements senses your existence that it pulls you to this plane."


The old man's explanation was similar to Xiao Lang's conjecture, but when he heard these two unfamiliar words in Plane, Xiao Lang couldn't help but startled.

"What is a plane?"

"Why did the ancestors of the Five Elements create this continent during his lifetime?"

When Xiao Lang asked this question, the old man obviously hesitated, but in the end he answered:

"The plane, as a division of the universe. For example, the plane where you are, although I don't know what its name is, it must still belong to the plane of life."

"This continent is on the plane of nothingness."

"In terms of area, it is even wider than all the planes of life combined. The reason there is a five-element continent... is naturally related to the level of the Lord of the World..."

Perhaps because Xiao Lang also owns the Five Elements Prison, the old man said a lot.

At this time, Xiao Lang finally understood how different the level of the Lord of the World was from the Emperor of the Immortal Realm.

What is a god?

A true god, to perceive oneself, and to hold oneself in control is the true god!

In the world, heaven and earth are connected.

Era Realm, comprehend the way of heaven, the body and the way are in harmony, to a higher level.

As for the monarch of the immortal realm, he is connected with the origin of the heavenly realm, and his understanding of the realm reaches the original level, which is another higher realm.

However, if one side of the world and one side of heaven are regarded as a vault, no matter whether it is the true **** or immortality, they still exist in this cage, never detached.

But the Lord of the World is different.

They have broken the shackles of this heavenly way.

Create the world!

This is the true meaning of the Lord of the World level!

"The power of the lord of the world originates from this heaven and earth... as Buddhism said, in the palm of the Buddha country..."

Xiao Lang was surprised and inexplicably, just like a grown-up child who suddenly discovered that a brand new world had opened before his eyes.

Do not!

This is not just a world, but the entire universe!

Of course, Xiao Lang wanted to know more about this, but when she was listening with gusto, the old man's words suddenly stopped and he shook his head:

"I can only tell you so much about the origin of the Five Elements Continent."

Xiao Lang couldn't help being disappointed, and asked quickly:

"The last era was shattered, didn't the five elements ancestors die? Otherwise, this mainland should also be annihilated? Is it possible that his old man is still alive?"

The old man's eyes widened, and he seemed to be very dissatisfied with Xiao Lang's remarks, and there was a bit more mania in his words.

"Master, of course he is not dead!"


The old man hesitated to speak but stopped, making Xiao Lang feel more depressed. And obviously, the old man didn't want to talk to him too much, and waved:

"Since the last era is broken and no longer exists, it has nothing to do with the master, and it doesn't matter. The old man's duty is to stay here, choose the descendant for the master, become the master of the world, and leave this dimension."

"Since you are not the inheritor of the master, there is no need for the old man to tell you so much. Just like everyone else, you also need to pass the master's test."

"Don't ask anymore, you should go out and prepare well now."

As he said, the old man didn't wait for Xiao Lang to say anything, he waved his hand directly, Xiao Lang only felt a strong force coming, he was completely unstoppable, his body was light, and he had returned to under the huge pyramid.

Was thrown out?

Xiao Lang's expression was a little ugly, and he didn't expect the old man to be so decisive.

He did ask something.

But for him now, it does seem insignificant.

At present, Xiao Lang is most concerned about, of course, how to leave this mainland. No matter where the Five Elements Continent exists, who created it, or why it exists, these are actually not that important to Xiao Lang.

"go back!"

Xiao Lang's face was ugly.

Now that the Lihuo Great World is full of crises, facing the invasion of the Heavenly Demon Realm, the battle between the Righteous Demon and the Demon may break out at any time, but he is trapped here. How can Xiao Lang accept it?

What's more, there are Nymphs.

The secret inside Nymph...

"You have to think of a way!"

Xiao Lang thought heavily.

Unfortunately, he failed to ask this time. Xiao Lang felt like he was a bound person, unable to break free. And what brought him this kind of **** were the rules on the path of the soul.

The old man is too strong.

It is impossible for him to force the other party to answer his own questions.

"Seeing, I can only look forward to the Temple of the Five Elements, whether it can bring me some hope."

Xiao Lang's eyes flashed sharply, and he looked at the top of the huge tower with firm eyes.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened to him.

"Xiao Lang."

The voice of Bloodthirsty Starvine suddenly sounded, and Xiao Lang was awakened and looked at his left shoulder in surprise.

"I might fall asleep..."


Xiao Lang was taken aback when he heard the words, and suddenly, a bold thought emerged from the bottom of his heart, making his face surprised and his eyes brightened with ecstasy.

"You want to...transform?!"


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