Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 540: situation.

It's time to get in touch!

This is why Lord Aoki and others are excited.

The contact between Mo Xuming and Xiao Lang, of course, could not be like the previous dialogue between Xiao Lang and the old man, using the way of divine and soul transmission.

In that case, those of them who can only see everything through the light curtain outside, even if they are the immortal monarchs, they can't hear anything.

But the communication between people is definitely different.

They can talk.

And speaking, it means that there is information exposed.


Under the expectant gaze of Lord Qingmu and others, Mo Xuming walked towards Xiao Lang and finally stood in front of Xiao Lang.

"This dear friend has a good face."

"Dare to ask my dear friend, but the first person to pass the hunting ground this time on the path of the soul?"

Mo Xuming's question was quite polite, with a smile on his face and curiosity in his eyes.

As the saying goes, stretch out your hand not to hit the smiley person. What's more, Xiao Lang also made the same idea. When he opened his eyes and saw the smile on Mo Xuming's face, he immediately stood up from the ground and saluted:


"Excuse me, what is..."

"Mo Xuming."

Mo Xuming answered bluntly. His identity and name are not a secret at all in the core area of ​​the Five Elements Continent, and naturally he will not hide it. He immediately issued his own question:

"Dare to ask my dear's name?"

"Xiao Lang."

Xiao Lang did not conceal, nor did it matter.

Only when Mo Xuming heard Xiao Lang's answer, his brows frowned slightly.


To inquire about a person’s identity and origin, of course, it is most straightforward and simple to start from a person’s last name. However, when Mo Xuming rummaged through his memory over and over again, the surprise on his face grew thicker.

Xiao family?

In the core area of ​​the Five Elements Continent, he had never heard of such a family.

"It's because the younger brother is not good at learning art. Dare to ask Brother Xiao Lang, which Xiao family comes from?"

Mo Xuming asked completely subconsciously.

But when Lord Aoki and others heard these words, their eyes suddenly brightened.


This Mo Xuming really took the road, and directly asked the answer they most wanted to know-the origin of Xiao Lang!

At this moment.

Xiao Lang raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"My family is very inconspicuous, and it's normal if Brother Mo doesn't know it. If he knows, it would be weird."

"Brother Mo is from the central core area?"

Mo Xuming's face became more surprised, and he looked at Xiao Lang seriously, as if he could see that Xiao Lang was not joking, his expression became even more strange.

"Brother Xiao doesn't know about my Mo family?"


Upon hearing this, Xiao Lang immediately noticed that he seemed to have exposed something.

Mohist, famous in the Five Elements Mainland?

Xiao Lang didn't know the existence of the five big families. In fact, this is hardly a secret in the Five Elements Continent, and everyone knows the fact, so it is not recorded in the ancient books of Tianji Pavilion, but it has become a blind spot in Xiao Lang's knowledge.


Xiao Lang's spirit shrank, and his mind sank.

He knew that he might be able to hide from Mo Xuming in front of him. But if there was the Immortal Realm of the Five Elements Continent outside, he would definitely think of many things when he heard his question at this time.

Is the situation bad?

If you keep concealing it, it might be true.

At this moment, Xiao Lang was more decisive than ever, even before Mo Xuming's words were settled, he spoke frankly;

"Please forgive Xiao Mou for not knowing."

"My hometown is not on the Five Elements Continent, I just stumbled here."


When Xiao Lang said this, it was not only Mo Xuming who was shocked, but also

Everyone who passed the light curtain and saw everything happening in it, naturally also included Lord Aoki and others.

Everyone was dumbfounded and couldn't believe everything in front of them.

what's the situation?

Xiao Lang actually said that directly?

He is not afraid of his own identity, what kind of disadvantage will it cause him?

Lord Aoki and others were stunned one after another.

It's just that when they subconsciously think about the last question, the expression on their faces is stiff again.


Will they be disadvantageous to Xiao Lang?

will not.

Based on the current situation of the Five Elements Continent...

Sovereign Aoki and the others looked at each other, seeing the surprise in each other's eyes, and suddenly knew that they all thought of going together, one after another silently.

Did Xiao Lang dare to do this because he had already judged something?

It's a pity that they couldn't find the answer to this question before they officially faced Xiao Lang. They could only see that in the light curtain, Mo Xuming was also taken aback and shocked.

"What did Brother Xiao say? You are not a creature of my Five Elements Continent?"

"Where are you from?"

Xiao Lang blew himself up, arousing Mo Xuming's great curiosity. Xiao Lang had already expected this scene, and of course he would not be surprised. However, he did not immediately answer Mo Xuming's question and asked instead;

"I don't know yet, where does the Mo family belong to Brother Mo in the Five Elements Continent?"

Mo Xuming became cold when he heard the words, and immediately realized that it is indeed inappropriate for him to pursue such a desperate pursuit. He quickly took a deep breath of his excitement under the pressure and said;

"Back to Brother Xiao, my Mo family is one of the five major families in the Five Elements Continent, and is in charge of the Earth Element Heavenly Dao."

Earth Element... Heavenly Way? !

Xiao Lang's face suddenly condensed, and he said in surprise:

"Venerable Heaven?!"

Mo Xuming didn't expect Xiao Lang to have such a big reaction, he was taken aback for a moment, and nodded stupidly:

"Yes, it is the Lord of Heaven."

"Brother Xiao also knows the existence of Venerable Heaven?"

Xiao Lang suppressed the shock in his heart:

"I know a thing or two...but, isn't the Venerable Heavenly Dao unable to break through and become an immortal monarch? Why... choose this way?

Mo Xuming heard the words, and a hint of helplessness flashed across his face:

"Hey, this is no way. Who makes our five big families be responsible for guarding the entire core area. The beast tide is endless, the killing is constant, and it is also forced to be helpless. If it weren't for the five heavenly masters of our five big families, let alone us In the core area, the entire Five Elements Continent may be destroyed."


Xiao Lang was surprised when he heard this.

One, of course, is the number of Venerable Heavenly Dao revealed by Mo Xuming, not one, but five!

Each of the five great families is guarded by the Lord of Heaven!


"The animal tide is so scary?"

"Don't it happen once in hundreds of years?"

Mo Xuming glanced at Xiao Lang, smiled bitterly and shook his head:

"Brother Xiao is talking about the animal tide in the Outland? The animal tide in the Outland does happen only once in hundreds of years. As long as it is solved, you can get hundreds of years of recuperation and stability."

"But this is not the case in the core area. I heard from the elders in the family that the core area is the core of the beast tide, and the beast tide erupts all the time. As for us, it is precisely from the tempering and fighting of the beast tide that we have grown up. "

The core area, the center of the animal tide!

This word came from the light curtain, and for a while, the entire Five Elements Continent was silent.

There are indeed many people who know this.

In other words, even if it is Outland, some people can guess it even if they don't know it.

These words are not enough to cause them much shock, after all, they have come here for so many years. It's just that they never thought that the five big families in their hearts are actually not so peaceful.

In other words

In other words, in the entire Five Elements Continent, I am afraid they are the most difficult ones!

Including Tie Jun, Wen Shang, and others couldn’t help but glance at Lord Qingmu and others. They saw that the latter looked solemn and said nothing, but did not deny Mo Xuming’s statement, and could not help but sigh deeply. Tone.

They always thought that they were already suffering in Outland.

But never expected--

Xiao Lang also looked solemn.

From Mo Xuming's description, he felt tremendous pressure and even confusion.

"There should be many immortal monarchs in the five major families? They can't stop it?"

Mo Xuming's face was helpless more.

"But there are also fierce beasts of the immortal monarch level in the beast tide...every hundred years, at least several seniors will die under the beast tide. There is no way."

Immortal fierce beast!

Xiao Lang's heart suddenly froze.

How many immortal monarchs will die every hundred years?

Is this the truth in the core area of ​​the Five Elements Continent?

You know, according to the records of the Tianji Pavilion, several immortal monarchs will be born on the path of the soul every hundred years. This also makes Xiao Lang mistakenly believe that there are actually many immortal monarchs on the Five Elements Continent, but from Mo Xuming From these words, it seemed that the facts were completely different from what he had imagined.

So cruel?

"Is this still a test?"

Xiao Lang suddenly had great doubts about the beast tide on the Five Elements Continent.

If it happens once in a hundred years, Xiao Lang can still understand that this may be the test of the Five Elements ancestors on the people on the Five Elements Continent, but if Mo Xuming said that the core area is a reality, this is more than a test. .


Thinking of this, a bold conjecture suddenly appeared in Xiao Lang's heart. He suddenly raised his head, looked at Mo Xuming, and said;

"How long has the animal wave been so rioting?"

"Hundreds of millions of years ago, was it the same?"

Mo Xuming was taken aback when he heard the words, and he thought:

"Hundreds of millions of years ago? Perhaps it was not the case. I heard from the family elders that the animal tide became more and more fierce these years.

Xiao Lang's eyes lit up suddenly.

Sure enough!

"This is a test, but it's out of control!"

"Since the Five Elements ancestor died or disappeared into this world, this continent has completely lost control!"

"This kind of beast tide may be a test left by the ancestor of the five elements, in order to make the mainland powerhouse he created stronger. But now, it should have been completely out of the control of the ancestor of the five elements, or ..."

"The ancestor of the Five Elements hasn't controlled it for a long time!"

Xiao Lang felt that he had faintly touched the truth of the matter. But in this way, a new problem comes again——

Where is the ancestor of the Five Elements?

Xiao Lang's eyes flickered, recalling the exchange with the old man guarding the place just now.

"He said that the ancestor of the Five Elements did not die. This should be true. Otherwise, since the ancestor of the Five Elements was created by the ancestor of the Five Elements, once he dies, the continent should fall apart directly. After all, he is the lord of the world. The core of strength originates from this continent..."

"But if he didn't die, where did he go? In order to leave even his core of strength behind?"

"What danger has he encountered?"

"Why do old people have to demand the world stone to get the inheritance of the Five Elements Patriarch?"

"He must know something about the whereabouts of the Five Elements Patriarch!"

After thinking about it, Xiao Lang was determined, and even had the urge to call the old man guarding this place to reappear. At this moment, Mo Xuming answered so many questions from Xiao Lang, and saw the change in his expression on his face. He couldn't help but became curious and asked:

"Brother Xiao is so surprised, is it possible that in your world, there is no such thing as animal tide?"

This statement came out.

The entire Five Elements Continent was silent...

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