Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 547: Learn.

"Who is he?"

"Do you know anyone?"

"Even if the five heavenly kings can evade temporarily, this person has a background!"

On the tower of the trial, discussions from all sides soon sounded, and the voices continued. Everyone was curious about Xiao Lang's identity, but it was a pity that they asked for a full circle, but they didn't get any information.

It was as if Xiao Lang had jumped out of the stone.

The scale of the discussion is large.

At the beginning, I was just discussing Xiao Lang, but soon moved to other people.

I have to admit that there are many people and great power. In addition to Xiao Lang, they also found many strangers and eliminated their opponents and entered the second level.

But of course these people would not be the same as Xiao Lang, they still found some clues.

"That kid, I seem to remember, was expelled from Mu's house three hundred years ago because of a big mistake. I heard that he was named Murray because he lost the family treasure!"

"Murray? Why is the news I heard different? I seem to hear that he was punished by the family, but he didn't obey. He left the family by himself, and when he left, he threatened to let the Mu family take a good look. , What is a real genius!"


Of course Xiao Lang also heard these discussions, but he didn't care about them.

Right now, he was most concerned, and the only thing he was concerned about, was entering the top eight and then entering the Temple of the Five Elements. Xiao Lang didn't care about other things at all.

The genius reproduced this old-fashioned plot, and could not attract the slightest attention from him.

"The first eight, there should be no problem."

Xiao Lang's eyes flickered.

It's just a ring battle, and the many warriors on the trial tower may not have shown their full strength, nor can they find anything. However, from the aspect that Zhong Wuyan's five people did not dare to challenge themselves without authorization, Xiao Lang could almost judge the difficulty of getting into the top eight.

It is not difficult.

However, Xiao Lang did not relax at all because of this.

The problem of entering the Temple of the Five Elements is not big, but this is only his goal at this time. In addition to the Five Elements Temple, Xiao Lang was more curious about the Five Elements Patriarch and the Five Elements Continent.

The level of martial arts on the Five Elements Continent is obviously higher than that of the Lihuo World.

It's not just the martial arts level.

Even if it is a powerhouse of the same martial art level, the ones on the Five Elements Continent should be slightly stronger.

This is what Xiao Lang felt from the previous battle with Mu Qiang.

Only the Era Realm Little Perfect Peak Venerable can enter the path of the soul. This is the rule of the path of the soul, and no one can disobey. Of course, after entering the path of the soul, everyone will find the opportunity and time to advance to the pinnacle of Dzogchen in the Era Realm and become the top venerable.

Mu Qiang did the same.

Although the battle between them was quickly over, Xiao Lang could still judge the intensity of Mu Qiang's final struggle in the Five Elements Prison. Even if Mu Qiang was only a newly promoted Top Venerable, his ultimate moves were the same The combat power has already surpassed the veteran top veteran of the Lihuo World.

"Not far from the strongest venerables like Chen Shou and She Jun. Although not as good as Li Batian, they have reached the level of the Lu family ancestors and others..."

A ray of light flashed through Xiao Lang's eyes.

This situation is quite rare.


Not really.

Because Xiao Lang also heard the evaluation of Mu Qiang's strength from everyone around him after the battle. With his combat power, he is barely a one-hundred master.

What evildoers and geniuses are on.

This also means that among all the people who have experienced the tower, at least a hundred people have reached the level of Mu Qiang, and there are even a hundred people who are stronger than his combat power!

In the Great World of Lihuo, it is quite remarkable that one person can achieve this level, but here, a whole group of people can achieve this, and Xiao Lang's heart couldn't help but mumble.

Because he can see that Mu Qiang and others are all newly promoted top venerables, they just master a complete road, even if the bones in their hands can make them master a few more avenues, but they are not like the strongest. They can’t blend in with the great.

It wasn't the integration of the great avenues, but it was able to show the combat power comparable to the strongest venerable two-star, Xiao Lang asked himself, he couldn't do this.

"How did they do that?"

Xiao Lang was suspicious, and could faintly feel that if he could comprehend the truth, his combat power would definitely increase again!

Thoughts together, I can't deal with it anymore.

Of course, it is impossible to comprehend it now.

Because today's ring battle is over, if there is any more, it will be tomorrow.

Xiao Lang was not in a hurry, sitting cross-legs, closing his eyes to rest his mind, ignoring the sigh of the outside world, sinking into the multicolored lotus mark of the sea of ​​consciousness, and continued to enlighten.

Since it is related to the ancestors of the Five Elements, and inexplicable feelings can also be generated in this mainland, there must be a reason. Xiao Lang has been investigating these days, but it is a pity that he has not gained much to this day.


Time passed like this.

The discussion on the other arena also quickly disappeared, and the entire training ground was quiet again on the tower, but occasionally people could hear the sound of breathing.

The atmosphere is strong.

Because each of them knows in their hearts that at this time tomorrow, half of them will be eliminated. Everyone doesn't want to be himself, and it is inevitable to hold the Buddha's feet temporarily.

Time is fast.

Soon, twelve hours later, the new ring battle started again.

This battle does not require any special description at all, because the opponents Xiao Lang encountered were not strong. The newly promoted top veterans had good combat power at the peak of the Great Perfection of Chance. If you follow the standards of Lihuo Great World , Can be regarded as a small genius.

But compared with Mu Qiang that Xiao Lang met before, there was still a gap.

From him, Xiao Lang didn't comprehend anything. However, he wanted to comprehend, not just from this opponent.

In an instant, Xiao Lang resolved the opponent, who was directly teleported out of the way of the soul. Immediately afterwards, Xiao Lang's divine thoughts were like tides, and immediately flooded the entire high tower of the trial ground, and the unfinished battles came into view one by one.


The huge amount of information poured into the sea of ​​knowledge like a tide, but Xiao Lang did not even frown. With his spiritual mind, it is not too simple to digest this information instantly.


The major arena battles are quickly ending.

Xiao Lang's eyes became brighter.

Although there are spatial barriers around the major arenas, outsiders can only see the images in them, and any sounds and fluctuations can't be heard, but this is not difficult to Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang could tell the difference with his naked eyes.

Among those people, most of them have only mastered one kind of complete Dao. Perhaps some people have accumulated enough martial arts to master two. But Xiao Lang, he had comprehended thirty-five kinds of the Five Elements Avenue!


Xiao Lang is familiar with all kinds of avenues and mastered them


Therefore, he does not need to perceive the power and fluctuations in it at all, and he can easily judge what great power is being exerted by the two sides of this ring battle.

All kinds, everything.

But there are only 35 kinds in total.

After all, there are only so many Five Elements Avenue, including five elements, seven types of gold, wood, water, fire and soil.

And at a glance, Xiao Lang could see a big difference between the cultivation system of the Five Elements Continent and the Lihuo Great World——

"Their combat power..."

Xiao Lang was taken aback.


The combat power that everyone can exert is stronger than that of the same rank in the Lihuo Great World!

If it was only one or two of them, everyone was like that, Xiao Lang would inevitably be surprised.

"With the same great power, how can they develop to such an extent?"

Xiao Lang finally realized where the huge difference between the two came from——

Use of the power of the great!

Having experienced the Demon Lake Holy Land and his entourage in Chiyan Star, Xiao Lang can be regarded as having a certain understanding of the methods of the top venerables of the Lihuo Great World. Although everyone is different, most of their moves can be described in four words——

Overpower people!

Whoever has the greater control over the power of the Great Dao, who can gain the upper hand. As for the subtlety of the moves...

Nothing subtle.

Just one word, just kill.

But these people in the Five Elements Continent are different. Their moves have their own characteristics. Some are extremely tricky, such as antelope hanging horns, some are extremely sharp, and even the power of the great power that seems most suitable for defense in Xiaolang. In their hands, they can also burst out a powerful attack effect!

"Is it because of killing fierce beasts all the time?"

Xiao Lang's heart was shaken, and suddenly he had a new feeling for the warriors on the Five Elements Continent.

In terms of quantity, there are certainly not as many warriors on the Five Elements Continent than the Fire World, but when it comes to the proportion of the strong, there is no doubt that the Five Elements Continent has an absolute advantage!

After all, most people in Lihuo Great World are not even true gods.

But the Five Elements Mainland is different.

Even though Xiao Lang did not know the number of immortal monarchs in it, the Five Elements Continent would be able to give birth to more than ten immortal monarchs with the help of the path of the soul every hundred years...

This speed is incomparable to the world of fire!

Because of the existence of fierce beasts and animal tides, the cultivation system of the Five Elements Continent is actually deformed. Of course, there is also the way of the soul.

Therefore, each of them is extremely good at attacking!

"Even the power of the earth attribute avenue can bloom such violent combat power?"

Xiao Lang saw a big man with a naked upper body wrapped in a black jade armor on a side ring. He punched it out, and the shadow of the earth appeared, and the void burst together, and the opponent was teleported out suddenly. Shrunk.



He had never heard of such a method before seeing it.

"The Five Elements Continent's use of the power of the Great Dao is so strong!"

Xiao Lang sighed from the bottom of his heart, and his mind was turbulent. However, just as he was about to write down everything he saw in front of him, his brows suddenly frowned.

"Such an improvement... is it really what I need?"


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