Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 553: wake!


Wood, water, fire!

Three kinds of completely different avenues, the origin of the river, came in an instant, and the shock caused can be imagined. The whole world is shaking, dazzling.

The mighty impact raged around, setting off fierce waves around the temple of the Five Elements.

This is the birth of Immortal Realm!

"There isn't even a catastrophe?"

Xiao Lang stood aside watching the promotion of Yi Jun and others, and couldn't help but be surprised.

He knew that even when Xiao Perfect in the Era Realm was promoted to Great Perfection in the Era Realm, there was Thunder Tribulation. The top venerable was promoted to the immortal monarch, but didn't he?

It stands to reason that this is almost impossible.

"Is the Five Elements Continent special, or is it really not?"

Xiao Lang didn't know the answer to this question. After all, he had never seen a top venerable being promoted to the level of the immortal monarch in the Lihuo Great World. There was no way to compare.

This time, watching the promotion of Yi Jun and others, Xiao Lang's mentality has improved a lot.


Of course envy.

But Xiao Lang believed that his future path would definitely not be much worse than them.

While Xiao Lang was observing the promotion of Yi Jun and the others, he did not notice that beside him, there was a pair of eyes watching him, and his eyes were full of surprise and shock.

It's Zhong Wuyan!

In fact, she had always been curious that Xiao Lang had not chosen to be promoted in such an environment, and was still at the pinnacle of Xiao Perfect in the Era Realm. Because of this, she was also more curious about Xiao Lang's current level of combat power.

Until she saw that in the face of the mighty coercion generated by the promotion of the Yi Jun three people, Xiao Lang stood in the void, seeming not to feel any shock at all, and finally determined—

Xiao Lang is very strong!

You know, even when she faces such mighty pressure and fluctuations in front of her, she has a faint feeling of being unable to stand firm, and only by holding her breath can she maintain her composure.

But Xiao Lang was much more relaxed than her.

"Era Realm Xiaoyuan reaches the pinnacle, comparable to an immortal monarch?"

If someone tells her that there are people in this world who can compete with the immortal monarch with the martial arts cultivation of the era of Xiaozhuan, even the newly promoted immortal monarch, Zhong Wuyan absolutely does not believe it.

But now, when Xiao Lang stood before him, Zhong Wuyan had to believe it.

"How strong is he now?"

Zhong Wuyan didn't know that Xiao Lang was able to do this because he had so many great powers, dozens of them.

Such blessing is quite terrifying. In the history of Lihuo Great World, absolutely no one can do this. To what extent Xiao Lang's spiritual thoughts had reached, he could no longer be judged by his martial arts cultivation.

As for his combat power...

"I'm afraid it's not as good as the immortal monarch."

Xiao Lang still knows himself.

His divine consciousness should have reached the level of the immortal monarch, but his martial arts skills are still based on the power of the dao, and Mo Xuming and others are now promoted to the immortal monarch level, and the power in their bodies has already occurred. Transformation is the original force of the avenue.

There is still a huge gap between these two forces.

This is also the reason why Xiao Lang believes that his power is not as good as the Immortal Monarch.

As for the power to destroy heaven...

Although Xiao Lang mastered this power now, he had never used it to kill the enemy, so he couldn't make accurate judgments for a while.

But Xiao Lang knows himself.

"My current comprehensive strength should be inferior to the immortal monarch. But it is absolutely impossible for a new immortal monarch like Mo Xuming to kill me."

Xiao Lang was neither overbearing nor overbearing, and he was quite confident in his own strength.

And when this scene fell on the bottom of Zhong Wuyan's heart next to him, the latter's heart became more curious about him. However, the relationship is not familiar and it is not convenient to ask questions. Zhong Wuyan can only put her curiosity and confusion to the bottom of her heart.

Until a full quarter of an hour later.

Mo Xuming and others were promoted to the level of immortal monarchs

The mighty momentum finally faded away, and the long river of origin of the avenue gradually disappeared into the void, and the surroundings returned to calm.

The four of them opened their eyes one by one, and everyone's eyes were filled with joy and excitement.



Life is unlimited!

Even if they knew before entering this place, under the blessing of this place, they and others would definitely be able to advance to the level of the immortal monarch, but when this moment really came, they could not help but be overjoyed, their hearts were shaken, and it was difficult for a time. calm.


"Finally succeeded!"

Mo Xuming and others were very excited, feeling the power from the origin of the world circulating in their bodies, and the power of the Great Dao was gradually transforming. This powerful feeling made them obsessed and extremely excited.

Until, their eyes fell on Zhong Wuyan who was on the side.

"Sister Zhong Family..."

Among the four, Mo Xuming and Zhong Wuyan have the best relationship. Just as he was about to say something, his divine consciousness fell on the latter, his expression suddenly stiffened and he was dumbfounded.

Top Venerable?

Zhong Wuyan, failed?

She failed to be promoted to become the Immortal Venerable?

Do not!

At this moment, other people also discovered the difference between Zhong Wuyan and them. Everyone's expression was shocked, and his eyes were bleak.

"You still chose this path..."

Like Xiao Lang, they realized in an instant that Zhong Wuyan was not incapable of becoming the Monarch of the Immortal Realm, but because she voluntarily gave up.

What she chose was the path of becoming a Venerable Heavenly Dao, a path that once she steps on, it is impossible to look back!

As the geniuses cultivated by the five great families with all their efforts over the past hundred years, and even had the guidance of the five great heavenly priests, of course they knew that Zhong Wuyan had a tendency to embark on this path long ago.

They also persuaded Zhong Wuyan.

They believe that if Zhong Wuyan chooses to become the immortal monarch, one day, she will definitely become the strongest kind of immortal monarch, and her contribution to the Five Elements Continent may not necessarily be under the heavenly master.

Because they know that Zhong Wuyan's talent is stronger than any of them!


"Is it worth it?"

Mo Xuming's face was full of sorrow, and he wanted to make the last effort. Because now Zhong Wuyan is not the Lord of Heaven, there is still hope.

Zhong Wuyan smiled upon hearing this.

"Brother Mo, don't say anything, I know what you want."

"But this is my mission."


Xiao Lang also heard from the dialogue between Zhong Wuyan and Mo Xuming that the relationship between the two was unusual, and he raised his brow lightly, but did not interrupt.


Mo Xuming asked back, obviously not accepting Zhong Wuyan's statement, "But why must it be you?"

When Zhong Wuyan heard the words, she was silent, as if she didn't want to say anything further, as if there was something unspeakable. On the side, Mo Xuming was anxious, obviously not paying attention to this, and was about to continue to ask questions.

The Yi Jun next to him suddenly stood up:

"Brother Mo, don't make it difficult for the Zhong sister."

"There is nothing wrong with Master Chengtian Dao. Although he can't live indefinitely, how can our ancestors live forever?"

"Sister Zhong's ability to have the pinnacle of immortality in a short period of time is pretty good."

Mo Xuming's body was shocked when he heard the words, and he silently glanced at Yi Jun.

You are so reasonable, but I can't refute...


In the Five Elements Continent, is the life of immortal monarchs really useful?

There is no use for birds at all.

There are at least a few immortal monarchs that die every 100 years, and at most, this number is even more than fifteen!

Tianji Pavilion once did statistics, in the Five Elements Continent, an immortal state

The monarch’s lifespan is about 300,000 years, and so far, the five heavenly masters of the five major families have guarded the Five Elements Continent for the longest time, and the longest ancestor of the Zhong family has been about one million years.

In this way, the life span of Venerable Heavenly Dao will be longer than the life span of these immortal monarchs.

Of course, that's just average.

The five big families also have old monsters that have lived to thousands of years, but there are too few such characters.


When Mo Xuming thought of this, he couldn't help sighing, but the expression on his face suddenly became more serious, staring at Zhong Wuyan's eyes, and said:

"I will try my best to stay with you!"

Mo Xuming finally expressed his heart!

Zhong Wuyan shook her body suddenly when she heard this. At this moment, this ordinary and very calm girl didn't dare to look directly at Mo Xuming's eyes and lowered her head.

"well said!"

Mu Huarong and others gave Mo Xuming a thumbs-up, and there was also a flickering light under his eyes, slapping Mo Xuming's back, admiring his courage.

But at this moment, they realized that there was still one person around them—

Xiao Lang!

Mo Xuming and others were shocked again, even more shocked than when they saw Zhong Wuyan.

They were surprised, of course, the martial arts cultivation that Xiao Lang showed now——

Xiaoyuan reaches its peak!

"Why is he here?"

Yi Jun was the most irritable of all of them, and also the most restless, asked immediately, and Zhong Wuyan immediately raised her head;

"He is our ally now."

Zhong Wuyan hurriedly told Mo Xuming and others about the conversation between herself and Xiao Lang. At the same time, she also heard the voice, and also said her inference about Xiao Lang’s combat power, including just now. When the four were promoted to the Immortal Realm Sovereign, Xiao Lang was as firm as a rock, standing on the side, without the slightest shock.

When Mo Xuming and others heard this, they were secretly surprised, just like Zhong Wuyan felt.

At the peak of Era Realm Xiaoyuan, could it actually block the fluctuation of the promotion of the four of them?

Xiao Lang is definitely not an ordinary Era Realm Xiao Perfection!

As teammates, they certainly believe in Zhong Wuyan's judgment.

"Joining hands..."

Especially when Zhong Wuyan said that Xiao Lang was even more clear-headed than them, but did not take action against them, their impression of Xiao Lang immediately changed dramatically.

People are like this.

When the other party is obviously okay, but hasn't acted against you, your impression of him will skyrocket.

Just like this clock Wuyan, Mo Xuming and others did to Xiao Lang. After knowing this, the eyes of Mo Xuming and others looked at Xiao Lang suddenly more kind.

"Brother Xiao."

Mo Xuming and others even took the initiative to greet him, and did not underestimate him because of the martial arts cultivation that Xiao Lang is now showing. As the saying goes, you don't hit the smiley people with your hands. Of course, Xiao Lang would not hold himself up for the proactive greetings of Mo Xuming and others, and he would reply one by one.

A happy look.

However, seeing Mo Xuming and the others flashed with curiosity in their eyes, as if they were about to ask something, Xiao Lang could also guess with his toes, it must be about his origin, so he interrupted quickly.

"Let's look for the test to enter the inner temple first, right?"

When Zhong Wuyan and others heard this, their expressions became serious.


This is the big deal!

What is there in the Five Elements Temple that no one has stepped into for hundreds of millions of years?


Where is the real Temple of the Five Elements?

Mo Xuming and others frowned as they looked at the misty surroundings of the original power of the road.


"I may know where it is."

When Xiao Lang said this, everyone was shocked again.


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