Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 556: Goodbye Five Elements Prison!

A kind of mood swings called fear filled and spread around Zhong Wuyan, Mo Xuming and others...

The five people looked at each other, clearly seeing the horror and trembling in each other's eyes, and realized that they had obviously thought of the same conjecture.


Is it what they guessed it?

If it really is...

The five Zhong Wuyan shuddered, fearful and inexplicable.

Xiao Lang stood by and saw the horror rising on the faces of the five people, and his eyes trembled, and his heart trembled.

Zhong Wuyan guessed it by five people, of course he guessed it too—

The Temple of the Five Elements and the Path of the Primordial Spirit, as the core of the power of the Five Elements Continent at a non-geographical level, transcend the world.

Who is qualified to build an imperial tomb here?

Who is eligible to be buried here?

There is only one answer-

Five Elements Patriarch!

Except for the ancestors of the Five Elements, Xiao Lang couldn't think of anyone who was qualified to be buried here. I am afraid that even the first Venerable Heavenly Dao in the continent of the Five Elements would not have such qualifications!

Only the Five Elements Patriarch!

As for the imperial tombs in the core area of ​​the Five Elements Continent, I am afraid it was also an imitation after the first generation of Venerable Tiandao came here.

However, if their guess is really accurate, a new problem comes again——

Who buried the ancestors of the Five Elements here?

After knowing from the old population guarding the path of the primordial spirit that there is the real existence of the Lord of the World above the Emperor of the Immortal Realm, Xiao Lang has no doubt that the ancestors of the Five Elements are not the most powerful existence in this universe. Someone can threaten his life and death.

However, if he was really killed by someone, why should the strong man who killed him bury him here?

Moreover, it has maintained the complete existence of the Five Elements Continent.

Although Xiao Lang didn’t know anything about the cultivation at the Master of the World level, since the Five Elements Continent was the core of the Five Elements Patriarch’s strength, it must be extremely important. It was unreasonable for the person who killed him to let the Five Elements Continent still exist. !

Xiao Lang frowned.

There is too much confusion.

Xiao Lang felt that he was in the midst of a mystery, unable to see the truth, and he couldn't help feeling anxious. But soon, he regained his composure.

"Do not think too much."

"Open this door and everything will be clear."

Xiao Lang's eyes were like electricity, and his firm gaze fell on the door of the main hall of the Five Elements Temple.

As soon as these words came out, Zhong Wuyan and others trembled suddenly and looked at Xiao Lang in amazement, with more panic in their hearts and hesitation in their eyes.

Do you really want to open it?

If it were before that, Xiao Lang had not told them the truth about the Five Elements Continent and the existence of the Five Elements Patriarch, seeing this hall, they would have bravely stepped up and tried to open the door of this temple.

But now.

When they knew the existence of the ancestors of the five elements, and guessed that the ancestors of the five elements were probably buried in the temple of the five elements, they suddenly hesitated.

Who is the ancestor of the Five Elements?

He is the master of the Five Elements Continent!

In other words, these people can only be regarded as servants of the ancestors of the Five Elements!

If you really open the Temple of the Five Elements and see the dead bodies of the ancestors of the Five Elements, or cause other changes...

They can't bear it!

Can't afford it!

"Brother Xiao..."

Mo Xuming's face was embarrassed, and even Zhong Wuyan, who was the most determined, hesitated at this moment.

Seeing this, Xiao Lang frowned immediately.


Xiao Lang asked, there was obvious disdain in his words, like a needle, which deeply pierced Zhong Wuyan and others' hearts, causing them to shake their bodies, and they would subconsciously retort them, but their lips moved, but at the end they all touched a word. Did not say it.


They are really scared.

Sometimes people are like this, when facing a higher level, unknown existence, they always hesitate. What's more, the existence of the Five Elements Temple and the Five Elements Patriarch is too strong for them!

Even if they are geniuses.

But in this situation, Zhong Wuyan believed that, let alone her and others, even her ancestors and others came here to face this situation, fearing

I am afraid and hesitate.

The unknown is always the most terrifying.

Xiao Lang's eyes shrank slightly, feeling a little disappointed, but he didn't judge anything, and said coldly:

"This may be me and the only possibility for you to leave the Five Elements Continent."

go away!

The only possibility!

As soon as these words came out, the bodies of the five Zhong Wuyan trembled again, but this time, their eyes faintly showed a little more expression and emotion.


This may really be the only possibility for them to leave the Five Elements Continent!

Xiao Lang had already moved them with a word.

As geniuses, they are certainly not fools. After shock and fear, they still have a little sense of reason, and now, it is these senses that have begun to gain the upper hand.

Will opening the Temple of the Five Elements cause disasters to the Five Elements Continent?


No one ignores this possibility, not even Xiao Lang.

It is a variable.

Before opening, no one knows what will happen after opening.

The key question is -

Change and unchanged!

If it doesn't change, everything is one.

The beast tide still exists, and it is becoming more and more fierce and fierce every year. It can be resisted by the tragic death of countless people, and more and more people will die every year...

The five of them may be able to afford it, but what about the Five Elements Continent?

There will always be a day that can't be held!

At this time, it depends on courage.

Zhong Wuyan's five people looked at each other, seeing the flashing movement and hesitation in each other's eyes. Xiao Lang was even more upset when he saw this scene, but before he could continue to urge, suddenly--


Zhong Wuyan let out a low growl, and immediately closed her mouth, her eyes were full of tension when she looked at the gate of the Five Elements Temple, but there was no more hesitation.

Zhong Wuyan, it's decided!

When Mo Xuming and others heard the words, they sighed with relief, and a trace of shame flashed in their eyes.

They also had such an impulse in their hearts, but obviously, in terms of courage, they lost to Zhong Wuyan.


"I'll come first!"

Mo Xuming followed closely, as if he didn't want Zhong Wuyan to bear these alone, and said hastily. Yi Jun and the others immediately attracted a surprised look. In addition to surprise, Zhong Wuyan's eyes were more admired and eager.

Is Mo Xuming coming first?

Xiao Lang's eyes flashed, and he didn't say much, he just moved his steps, stepped aside, and let Mo Xuming pass.

In fact, Mo Xuming regretted it a bit after saying this, but when he saw Zhong Wuyan's approval in his eyes, a lot of relief immediately appeared in his heart, gritted his teeth, and floated towards the Temple of Five Elements under everyone's gaze. .


Mo Xuming's speed is very slow.

After all, they don't know anything about the Temple of the Five Elements, they are too unfamiliar. Coupled with previous guesses, Mo Xuming is extremely cautious, almost moving.

Xiao Lang and others stared at Mo Xuming closely, but they were not worried at all.

In this case, caution is necessary. Perhaps the ancestors of the Five Elements are really buried inside, or the mechanism is hidden, so be careful.

But surprisingly, the accident did not happen.

A full fifteen minutes later, Mo Xuming, sweating profusely, was already standing in front of the gate of the Temple of the Five Elements. He looked at the colorful brilliance of the gate in front of him. Mo Xuming finally breathed a sigh of relief. Become extremely dignified.

Next, is the most critical moment!

Open the door!


Mo Xuming turned his head, looked around Xiao Lang and others for a week, and finally fell on Zhong Wuyan's body. Seeing the affirmation and worry in the latter's eyes, he let out a sigh of relief and turned around, his expression firm, his eyes There is no hesitation.

At this point, he has no retreat.

Reach out.

Push door.

This is usually a simple action, but now, Mo Xuming seems to carry a huge amount of force, and also carries the worry of Zhong Wuyan and others.

Two feet away, in an instant, Mo Xuming’s hand successfully landed on the gate of the Five Elements Temple. At this moment, Wan Lai

Ju Jing, everyone including Xiao Lang was shocked, and even their instinctive breathing stopped.

Time seems to have stopped.

After three full breaths.

As if all the talents had suddenly come to life, their expressions returned to agility.

No exception!

everything is normal!

The accident that has been worrying has not happened!

Mo Xuming, with cold sweat on his forehead, also let out a sigh of relief, and finally put his heart back in his stomach, only when he subconsciously put his hands hard--

Stay still!

The gate of the Five Elements Temple didn't even tremble at all!

The faces of Zhong Wuyan and others suddenly became serious.

Knowing each other well, of course they knew Mo Xuming's strength. Among the five, the Mo Xuming who cultivated the Dao of the Earth System is the most powerful among them, and can be pushed even by a small mountain, especially now that he has been promoted to the immortal realm. Although the strength in the body has not been completely transformed, it is difficult to lose strength. Look, now you haven't even pushed a door?

Zhong Wuyan's spirit shrank and reminded;

"Pour in divine power!"

Mo Xuming was shocked when he heard the words, and he immediately followed suit, with a strong black brilliance burst out of his palm, but at this moment, an accident happened.


Seeing the colorful light trembling on the gate of the palace, no one reacted. Mo Xuming's body trembled abruptly. He flew upside down like a kite and flew several tens of feet away before finally stabilizing his figure. .

"Brother Mo!"

"Xu Ming!"

The accident happened suddenly, and Zhong Wuyan and others were taken aback. The four of them were about to swept forward subconsciously, but at this moment--

"I'm fine."

Standing still, Mo Xuming raised his hand and looked at the gate of the Five Elements Temple with amazement. At this time, Zhong Wuyan and others discovered that Mo Xuming had not suffered any harm, but was just shaken open.

"what happened?"

Zhong Wuyan and others fell beside Mo Xuming very quickly, and asked in a voice.

Mo Xuming's face is solemn:

"Can't push it away."

"I am not strong enough alone."

"It's full of the power of the Five Elements!"

Mo Xuming told the truth with a single word, Zhong Wuyan and the others stunned and immediately realized the point of his words.

"Then the five of us together!"

"Yes, together!"

Zhong Wuyan proposed, and the Yijun trio immediately agreed. Their attitudes were much more decisive than before, and one of the very important reasons was naturally that Mo Xuming was not harmed, and there was no disaster, and his heart relaxed a lot.

"it is good!"

Mo Xuming nodded immediately, because this was also his judgment.


The five people took a step together, standing in front of the huge gate of the Five Elements Temple, holding their breath, preparing to shoot at the same time, but at this moment, they did not see Xiao Lang behind him, and a wise flash suddenly flashed through his eyes. Light.

"Five Elements Town Prison?!"

Xiao Lang secretly exclaimed.


At the moment when Mo Xuming was ejected, he amazedly felt the familiar power from the gate of the Temple of the Five Elements. It was indeed the Five Elements Hell!

"It turned out to be the power of the Five Elements to suppress this Temple of Five Elements?"

At this moment, Xiao Lang suddenly doubted his previous judgment on the Temple of the Five Elements.

He thought that someone had killed the ancestor of the Five Elements, then buried him here and banned him. But now, Xiao Lang hesitated.

Because the means of sealing is the five elements to suppress prison!

Five Elements Town Prison, this is the signature martial arts of the Five Elements ancestors!

Someone used his signature martial arts to ban him?

Is this possible?

Xiao Lang did not rule out that there are people in this universe who are as good at the five elements as the ancestors of the five elements, and they have even comprehended the five elements to suppress prison. However, this possibility is too small, almost impossible!

"What's the matter?"

Here, Xiao Lang is still thinking, and in front of the huge gate of the Temple of Five Elements, Zhong Wuyan and Mo Xuming have already started a new attempt...

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