Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 561: Self-exile!

The ancestor of the Five Elements took a deep look at Xiao Lang, meaningfully, and slowly shook his head.


Is not it?

Xiao Lang was stunned.

Didn’t listen to Chaohou who trapped the ancestors of the Five Elements here?

Xiao Lang was really surprised. This answer was beyond his expectation, mainly because the ancestors of the Five Elements were too bitter about Ting Chaohou's expression, and he had to have such associations.


The ancestor of the Five Elements is a great power at the level of the Lord of the World!

Apart from listening to Chaohou, who can defeat him in this world?

Even the Demon Lord, who is now regarded as a thorn in the eye of Lihuo Great World, is not the opponent of the Five Elements Patriarch, right?

"Who is that?"

Xiao Lang couldn't help asking.

But this time, the ancestor of the Five Elements did not directly tell the answer he wanted as before. He saw a pair of muddy eyes still falling on Xiao Lang, his eyes were deep and full of recollection, as if he hadn't heard it at all. Xiao Lang asked, suddenly exclaimed;

"Hey, so young!"

"I think back then, why didn't I look like you, smug and energetic?"


The sudden sigh of the ancestors of the Five Elements really went beyond Xiao Lang and others' expectations.

Is this the rhythm to recall?

Xiao Lang murmured his lips, but did not interrupt the memory of the ancestor of the Five Elements.

From the memories of the ancestors of the Five Elements, they might know something.

The same goes for Zhong Wuyan, Mo Xuming and others. Their curiosity about the ancestors of the Five Elements is not much less than that of Xiao Lang, or even more.

Because they have a closer relationship with the ancestors of the Five Elements.

This continent was created by the ancestors of the five elements. In a sense, the ancestors of the five elements are their masters. The former has absolute control over the Five Elements Continent, so it has the same control over them. It is not too much to say that they are slaves.

After a while, the whole hall was silent, and only the sighs of the ancestors of the five elements were heard:

"Back then, when I was in an era, there were many sects, and the most powerful of them was the Zhantaizong. My destiny was better. The family I was born into was a large family under the Zhantaizong, and naturally became a part of the Zhantaizong... …"

Zhan Taizong?

Xiao Lang didn't expect that the ancestor of the Five Elements would explode when he came up.

The ancestor of the Five Elements was born in Zhan Taizong!

"No wonder!"

"No wonder the ancestor of the Five Elements, even if he became the lord of the world, did not have a dominance that allowed the existence of Zhan Taizong. According to the practice of the cultivation world, there is no room for two tigers. Moreover, he has become the lord of the world and has the power to eradicate Zhan Taizong. Still didn't do it, it turned out to be the reason!"

Xiao Lang's mind was ups and downs.

From this point, it is sufficient to show that the ancestor of the Five Elements has a good temperament. At least, he knows the gratitude and can't be a big evil person!

But Xiao Lang did not interrupt and continued to listen.

"... I thought that this is the way I am in this life. As long as I become a world realm, I can join the Zhan Taizong, starting from the lowest disciples. But I believe that my achievements in this life will never be bad, one day , I will definitely become the most powerful warrior of Zhan Taizong!"

Thinking of the dreams he had when he was a teenager, the turbid eyes of the ancestor of the Five Elements suddenly flashed with radiance, and his face was radiant. It seemed that he had returned to the moment he was a teenager.

But in the next instant, hesitation and entanglement suddenly appeared on his face:

"But I didn't expect that that year, I met him!"

Listen to the tide!

Live listening to the tide!

Xiao Lang immediately pricked his ears.

He heard that Chaohou was dead. For the latter, he really knows too little. But the ancestor of the Five Elements is different, he has seen alive Ting Chaohou!

The curiosity in Xiao Lang's heart suddenly increased a bit.

What did the ancestors of the Five Elements say like Ting Chaohou?

Listening to the resentment and hatred in his mouth just now, is Ting Chaohou a vicious person?

But what Xiao Lang never expected was--

The Five Elements Patriarch indeed

He became a little excited, but it was definitely not as fierce as Xiao Lang thought. He was furious. He saw his eyes gleam, and it seemed that the river that had penetrated the years saw the tide of listening again. His expression was shaking, and there was more worship and worship. Excited, where is the anger just now?

"He is too strong."

"In my life, I have never seen such a person... He is very unique... Even today, when he stands in front of me, I still can't see him..."

The ancestor of the Five Elements couldn't help shook his head, his voice was intermittent, and it seemed that it was difficult to find a suitable phrase to describe Ting Chaohou.

However, even though he didn't say it clearly, it was just these allusions of side-strikes that shocked Xiao Lang enough.

What kind of character can make the Five Elements ancestor who is now the lord of the world difficult to describe?

Peerless elegance?

He was only secretly frightened, but he would never doubt what the Five Elements Patriarch said.

Because in his imagination, Ting Chaohou is the same.

Existence beyond this world.

Even beyond the immortal realm, the existence of the Lord of the World can be guessed, who can describe it?

There was silence in the hall for a while.

The ancestor of the Five Elements was caught in reminiscence, unable to extricate himself, as if his thoughts stayed at that moment.

Finally, Xiao Lang broke the calm.

"and then?"

Xiao Lang was ready, after listening to the story of the ancestor of the Five Elements.

The ancestor of the Five Elements was awakened and looked up at Xiao Lang deeply, and said in surprise:

"Have you never seen him?"

The ancestor of the Five Elements seemed to see this from the change in Xiao Lang's expression. Obviously in his opinion, as long as people who have seen listening to Chaohou, it is impossible not to fluctuate his description.

However, Xiao Lang did it.

Therefore, he immediately judged that Xiao Lang had never seen a real listener!

Xiao Lang nodded without hiding.

"I just entered the cave where he left behind, and I have never seen his real body."

The ancestor of the Five Elements looked deeply into Xiao Lang's eyes, and seemed to finally conclude that Xiao Lang did not lie, and then sighed:

"That's a shame..."


Xiao Lang didn't comment on the ancestors of the Five Elements, but from the descriptions of the ancestors of the Five Elements, he also really felt that listening to Chaohou had a profound influence on the ancestors of the Five Elements!

After sighing, the ancestor of the Five Elements continued:

"I saw him."

"But thinking about it now, he should be waiting for me. What he likes is my five-element physique..."

"Since then, I have been practicing with him...It can be said that it was the happiest period of my life. Every day, I can feel my strength. In just a hundred years, I have proclaimed immortality. , Has achieved the position of the monarch."

"I always remember how happy I was that day... The Immortal Monarch, even in the Zhan Taizong, can be among the top 100... But I can't think of it anyway, that day will become my destiny The biggest turning point..."

The ancestor of the Five Elements suddenly became gritted his teeth.

Turning point?

Xiao Lang was startled when he heard the words, and subconsciously asked:

"What did he do to you?"


The ancestor of the Five Elements closed his eyes, seemingly unable to face his old self.

"He asked me to make a choice."

"The choice to be the strongest of that era."

"He gave me a stone..."


Xiao Lang's eyes shrank.

"The Stone of the World?!"

Contacting the turning point of fate mentioned by the ancestor of the Five Elements, Xiao Lang immediately realized what the stone he was talking about. Sure enough, the ancestor of the Five Elements suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Xiao Lang in surprise.

"You even know the Stone of the World?"

"Now it's in your hands?"

Xiao Lang shook his head.

"No, I just know, I haven't seen it. But since the senior said that that day changed your destiny, he must be the stone of the world?"

The ancestor of the Five Elements stared at Xiao Lang for a while,

But still chose to believe him, and sighed:

"Yes, it's the stone of the world."

"He told me the existence of the Lord of the World Realm, and even told me that as long as the world stone is refined, he can become the most powerful existence in this world. But he did not tell me that once the world stone is refined, I will always fall into this state, and I will never be able to climb again!"

The ancestors of the Five Elements roared muffledly, with angry eyes!

"The stone of the world is just his means!"

"He wants to use the World Stone to make up for my loss, but my avenue is no longer inadequate. It's him!!!"

The ancestors of the Five Elements were furious and thunderous, Mo Xuming and others were frightened, but Xiao Lang couldn't help but frowned.

The ancestors of the Five Elements used this point of conjecture. All this is a trick of listening to the tide?

Is it too arbitrary?

There is a saying in the cultivating world that if you want much gain, you must make what kind of contribution.

I didn't say what Chaohou said, can't you think of it yourself?

Cut off the avenue?

Not necessarily.

Can't you still use the power of the Five Elements Avenue?

Isn't the side effect of this world stone similar to some broken realm pills?

Suspicion appeared in Xiao Lang's heart.


"But senior, don't you still have the strength of the Lord of the World?"

The ancestor of the Five Elements glared at Xiao Lang:

"But I can't improve anymore, do you know what this means?"

"I can't break through!"

"If he hadn't explained all this to me, how could I end up like this? Why should I trap my body here to prevent the annihilation of the original source, the soul breaks through the sky, and seek opportunities elsewhere?"

The ancestors of the Five Elements, fascinated!

For hundreds of millions of years, a devil had formed in his heart.

It was determined that listening to Chaohou was the culprit who had killed his life!

However, Xiao Lang didn't comment on what he said. What shocked him was the words behind the Five Elements Patriarch——

It was him who trapped him here?

The ancestor of the Five Elements in front of him is just his body?

His soul is gone, what is left is just a thought?

Xiao Lang was stunned.

This kind of truth was something he never expected, and he was even more shocked.

Great courage!

Ban yourself, escape here, seek surpassing!

The ancestors of the Five Elements have great perseverance that ordinary people can hardly have!

Ordinary people, who can do such a thing?

Only then did Xiao Lang understand why the old man guarding the path of the soul said that the ancestor of the five elements is no longer there.

He was right.

The true spirit of the ancestor of the five elements is indeed gone, what is left is his physical body, suppressing and maintaining the existence of the entire five elements continent!

But where did the ancestors of the Five Elements go?

Suddenly, four words emerged from my mind——

"Eternal Continent?"

In the legend, it is the most mysterious continent in the center of the universe!

At the moment when these four words were uttered, Xiao Lang's gaze fell on the ancestor of the Five Elements, but unfortunately, the expression of the latter was normal, without any fluctuations.

"I do not know."

"Perhaps it is. Since my real body left, I have lost contact with me."

do not know?

Still reluctant to disclose?

Xiao Lang frowned, but he didn't worry too much about this issue. Because of these, he still has one of the most critical questions to be solved-

"Senior, since the true soul of the senior can leave, then there must be an exit or tunnel to leave on the Five Elements Continent, right?"

"Dare to ask Senior, where is this way?"


Come back home!

This is the answer Xiao Lang most urgently wants to know!


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