Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 580: Crazy bone quenching!

Tempering the bones?

Although Xiao Lang now has the immortal level of combat power, his shortcoming lies in spiritual cultivation. It is only the peak of Xiaoyuan in the Era realm. He actually tried to temper the jade bone?

If someone else learns about Xiao Lang's thoughts, he will surely be struck by lightning, and laugh more, ridiculing his overpowering and lofty attitude.

Refining the jade bone, that is the characteristic of the legendary Eight Immortal Body!

Do you want to reach Xiaowan in Era Realm?

Don't be foolish.

However, Xiao Lang's face was solemn, and he obviously didn't mean to be joking at all.

"Is the tempered jade bone really a characteristic of the Eightfold Indestructible Body?"

No one thought that Xiao Lang would question the top legend of the Five Elements Continent.

The eightfold ability of the immortal body is expected to temper jade bones. Although there has only been one case in the history of the Five Elements Continent, it has been regarded as truth by the warriors on the Five Elements Continent. Who dares to question it at will?

Xiao Lang questioned.

Because he is not a warrior on the Five Elements Continent, he doesn't care about this legend at all, and he doesn't hold any respect.

But this is not the reason why he suddenly came up with such thoughts-

"Li Jian said that the eight layers of the immortal body can harden jade bones. It was the predecessor who had an adventure, because he was contaminated with the blood of the fierce beast. The bones mutated, resulting in the so-called jade bone."

"According to this statement, whether the eighth level of the immortal body's characteristics are condensed jade bones is really not sure!"

"Perhaps, as long as there is enough essence and blood and even qi and blood for tempering, any person's bones may be transformed!"

Xiao Lang's eyes flickered, and his heart was clear.

Is it possible?


Because the legends believed in the Five Elements Continent by the strongest, including the Five Great Ancestors, have no theoretical support.


This is not a rule, nor does it conform to most common sense.

In other words, jade bones may not be in the category of the body cultivation system at all, and they do not belong to any link of the different levels of the immortal body!

"If it is possible, then I may succeed!"

Xiao Lang's eyes were like electricity, full of confidence.

Of course, his confidence does not come out of thin air, of course it is dependent on—

Zhentian coffin!

The Zhentian Coffin is what he dares to try!

Although the Tiantian Coffin had swallowed all the power of the blood evil spirit, only one-tenth of the blood essence would feed back to his body. However, this one-tenth is totally enough.

And Xiao Lang has never seen any kind of essence and blood that can compare with the purity of Zhentian Coffin's backfeeding!

Its power and effect absolutely surpassed the so-called unrefined qi and blood in those fierce beasts!

"Try it!"

With a single thought, Xiao Lang had already decided to give it a try. While his mind was shaking, he had already opened up the suppression of the Heavenly Zhentian coffin by the power of the Dao's spirit body, revealing a gap.

Zhentian coffin is tyrannical.

It was suppressed, firstly because of the order of the ancestors of the Five Elements, and secondly because Xiao Lang used the power of the Dao Spirit Body to suppress it.

If this were not the case, Xiao Lang had no doubt that it would not take long for it to swallow all the power of blood evil in this entire battlefield!

It has this ability.

The longer he spent with Zhentian Coffin, the more Xiao Lang could realize the power and enchantment of Zhentian Coffin. Fortunately, he can still suppress it now.


As if feeling the strong power of the blood evil from the outside world, the Zhentian coffin immediately oscillated crazily, exhilarating, and a strong breath came out, even affecting Xiao Lang's spirit, seeing a sea of ​​blood surging. It feels so overwhelming

Restraining pain, like falling into hell!

Xiao Lang hurriedly lost his spirits, and continued to maintain the clarity of his soul, controlling the power of the Dao's origin, but leaving a gap in the Zhentian coffin, completely under his control, and could be closed at any time.


In fact, there is no need for Xiao Lang to control it. Zhentian Coffin has already done this, a strong suction surging out, and immediately, a large amount of blood evil power is swallowed into it, immediately——


A wisp of extremely pure qi and blood spread out. Before it was contaminated with flesh and blood, Xiao Lang felt his body tremble suddenly and trembling.

This strand of vitality and blood is like the last straw that overwhelms the camel. Xiao Lang has a feeling that if it blends into his arm, not only his body, but even the true spirit is very likely to be crushed directly!

So dangerous, Xiao Lang certainly would not allow this to happen.

As soon as his thoughts turned, the already-prepared Dao Spirit Body's original power enveloped it, and sealed the qi and blood power in it. Xiao Lang felt much better now, but he did not dare to take the slightest carelessness and carefully carried it. Penetrate into his own bones.

To temper jade bones, bones are the most critical.

Xiao Lang directly chose his own hand bone, because if something accident happens, it will have the least impact.


everything's ready.

Xiao Lang looked at himself internally, looked at the power of the Dao Origin that was close to his own bones, took a deep breath, released it, and manipulated the wisp of blood towards his bones, immediately--



The blood slammed into the bones, like a sharp blade, directly penetrated into it!


Yes, from the surface it seemed that it was going well for the time being, but there was not the slightest ease on Xiao Lang's face. Instead, at this moment, his face suddenly became extra sordid.


This is really a pain in the bone marrow!

Because its source is in the bones!

Bang bang bang!

Xiao Lang felt this pure energy of blood violently surging in the bones, until--


The bones are broken!

Moreover, it was more than just a crack. When the pain reached the extreme that Xiao Lang could not bear, he saw that his whole arm burst open!


Blood spattered, bones flying!

Xiao Lang suffered a pain, his complexion changed drastically, and at the same time he hurriedly resisted the severe pain, forcibly running the Five Elements Flower of Life to recover.

In the view of Zhong Wuyan and others, when Xiao Lang's physical strength reached the peak of the triple heaven of immortal body, his recovery ability could be compared with the five levels of immortal realm. Although he was not a true immortal, his physical strength The increase in the number still brought him some growth.


Repair, shatter!

This process lasted for a full twenty or thirty breaths, and finally, when this ray of energy and blood was exhausted, this struggle finally ended.

Xiao Lang's arm also returned to normal.


It's just outside.

Not inside.

At the moment when the pain disappeared, Xiao Lang set his eyes on his arm, looked at himself, and immediately discovered that there were faint traces of blood on the bones in his arm, which was drifting like a tide. , Bright as jade.

But not that kind of white jade, but blood jade!

"Jade bone? How is it condensed?"

Xiao Lang is not a person who cares about appearance, but the changes in the bones of his arm today shocked him immediately.

In the old days, it was rumored to have touched the predecessor of Indestructible Eightfold

, What color is the jade bone he tempered?

Xiao Lang knew nothing.

But he knew that he seemed to be betting right this time!


Xiao Lang clenched his fist abruptly, feeling the tyrannical power flowing at his fingertips, and the depths of his pupils were brilliant.


Although it has not grown much, it has really grown.

Xiao Lang also knew that he couldn't grow too much, after all, he used less blood evil force. However, the strength of the bones is not the only surprise. The bigger surprise comes from——

"The flesh is stronger!"

"I thought that even if the jade bone can be tempered, the physical body will most likely not be able to bear it... But I was wrong!"

Xiao Lang was refreshed.

What he had tempered before was only flesh and blood, and he felt that he was not strong enough. The spirit was only one aspect of it, and the other was because of his incomplete increase.

Bones are part of the flesh!

More balanced, so the sense of oppression disappeared!

"There is a third harvest!"

Xiao Lang looked at himself internally, his gaze was focused on his Sea of ​​Consciousness. The power of his soul was slowly recovering, recovering from the shock just now, but it was obvious that it had become more solid.

"Blood sea, pain... all these can stimulate the potential of my soul... It seems that before this, I don't need to ask the five strongest. Perhaps, my soul level can be one more in this month. level!"

The immortal soul triple.

The four-fold peak of the immortal body, even... the five-fold?

Xiao Lang couldn't help being excited when he thought that the road of progress would unfold before his eyes again.

This time, it's worth it!

"Come again!"

Strike while the iron is hot!

Xiao Lang had not been immersed in joy all the time, instead he seized the time and began to temper his muscles and bones and sharpen his body again.

A new round of transformation.

There is almost no consumption, and the effect of the Tiantian Coffin is maximized!

One word, cool!

Xiao Lang was immersed in it and couldn't help himself.

The feeling of being powerful is really fascinating!

However, Xiao Lang certainly did not forget his other purpose for setting foot on this new battlefield-

Sharpen yourself!

While tempering his body, he used the power of the Great Dao Spirit Body to hide his figure, looking for the fierce beast, first watching from a distance, if he found that he could be killed, or evenly matched, he immediately shot without hesitation.

The war, one after another.

Victory, one after another.

Facts proved that his previous judgment was completely correct, and the effect of Tiantian Coffin swallowing fresh blood evil spirits was much better than that of devouring blood evil spirits floating in the void battlefield.

And he can get back-feeding from Zhentian Coffin every moment, and the benefits are naturally more.

Therefore, in just eleven or two days, Xiao Lang had already tempered his limbs and bones, and his physical strength had increased!

"Next, it's the torso bones, and finally the skull!"

Xiao Lang became more excited. These days, there were dozens of fierce beasts he had killed. He enjoyed fighting and became stronger.

However, Xiao Lang, who was fully prepared to temper his torso bones, did not notice. The color of the surface of the Zhentian coffin in the flesh and blood of his arm became more and more red, as if after more than ten days of devouring, he was about to get it. Sufficient supplement.

this day.

Xiao Lang was still tempering his body.

On the surface of the Zhentian coffin, that strange scarlet bat mark suddenly trembled, as if to wake up...


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