Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 590: Invincible dragon!

The ancestor of the Mo family has died!

Entering the tunnel, a moment of effort, it fell!

Such an incident is really scary.

Xiao Lang and Zhong Wuyan couldn't accept it for a while. As for the ancestors of the Zhong family, he was crazy for a moment!

"Brother Mo!"

That is his brother who has worked together for hundreds of thousands of years!

As the saying goes, it's hard to beat the cold at high places.

As the Heavenly Venerables, the most powerful people on the Five Elements Continent, it's only natural for them to feel like this. What's more, as the cornerstone of the Five Elements Continent against the beast tides and the strongest backing, everyone knows their power, but Who can feel the pressure on them firsthand?

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

This kind of pressure cannot be borne by one person or two.

For so many years, the five of them have been undertaking together, and only the five of them can talk and complain.

For hundreds of thousands of years, no one has known how deep their feelings are for each other. This feeling has long been beyond the category of comrades and companions.

They are relatives.

Closer than loved ones!

But now, the ancestor of the Mo family is dead!

At this moment, on the face of the ancestor of the Zhong family, Xiao Lang could no longer see his usual indifference and seriousness, and no calmness, his eyes were wide open, red as blood, almost crazy!

In his mind, there was only one last thought left--


"Die to me!"


He only heard the roar from the ancestors of the Zhong family. Before Xiao Lang and Zhong Wuyan could react, they only felt a huge force coming from their body, and a flower in front of them. When they stopped again, they suddenly discovered that they had returned to the end of the tunnel.

The ancestors of the Zhong family brought them back.

However, they are not the only ones who come back.


Suddenly, several figures appeared again——

The ancestor of the Yi family, the ancestor of the Mu family...

They are all back!

"You are waiting here!"

The ancestor of the Zhong family repressed the endless anger with a low growl, his eyes fell on the third corridor in front of him.

The third corridor is the corridor that the ancestors of the Mo family entered with Mo Xuming just now!

Xiao Lang's spirits shrank, and he immediately realized what the ancestor of the Zhong family and others were going to do.

They are going to join forces to kill the existence of the Mo family ancestor that instantly kills!


Without waiting for Xiao Lang and the others to respond, there was no too much communication, and the grim-faced ancestors of the Zhong family and others flashed together and disappeared in place.



Shocking vibrations and muffled roars came from the third tunnel!

The battle begins!


The surging coercion swept over suddenly, Xiao Lang and others were caught off guard, too late to guard, they only felt a mighty coercion from the sky, like a heavy hammer hitting his heart, his chest was dull and he couldn't breathe, his face suddenly fell. White.

This is a battle of Tianzun level!

Even though the weakest of them is already the Immortal Third Heaven, but at this time, just the aftermath of the outbreak of the Zhong family ancestor and others is not something they can bear at will!


"Brother Mo!"

Yi Jun and the others were dumbfounded. As for Zhong Wuyan, when she finally realized what had happened and saw that there was one less person around, she finally burst into tears and sadness.

The ancestor of the Mo family is dead!

This fact is indeed shocking, but for Zhong Wuyan, what also makes her unacceptable is the death of Mo Xuming!


Mo Xuming is dead.

Although no one saw Mo Xuming's corpse for the time being, it was the ancestor of the Mo family who took him in at the time. Now that even the ancestor of the Mo family is dead, could Mo Xuming survive?

There is no possibility!

Zhong Wuyan cried mournfully, her body swayed, and she couldn't even stand firm. But at this time, Xiao Lang, who was closest to her, couldn't care about Zhong Wuyan at all. A pair of tiger eyes stared at the vibrating third corridor with an ugly expression.

The Tianzun battle is indeed terrible.

But what he cares about is not these. In his mind, everything that happened today is flashing one after another and cannot be stopped. The most of them are the words and strange actions of the ancestors of the Zhong family.

for example:

It turned out that the most crucial battle was so powerful.

When they each chose the tunnel, they chose to separate instead of acting collectively.

This is really strange.

Because even with your toes, you can think of it. In this case, of course, it is safer for everyone to act together, and separation means more danger and possibility of change.

And now, the crisis really appears!

Why did the ancestors of the Zhong family make such a stupid choice?

As one of the strongest in the Five Elements Continent, how could he not even have this IQ and experience?

Xiao Lang believed that the ancestors of the Zhong family must have such a plan. Then...

"There must be other reasons why he still made this choice... But what is this reason?"

"What is it that is enough to make him make such a dangerous decision?"

The more Xiao Lang thought about it, the more it felt wrong.

But if you just want to...

It's useless.

Can't guess.

As a result, just when Zhong Wuyan and others were still surprised and shocked by the deaths of the ancestors of the Mo family and Mo Xuming, a scene that shocked them happened.

Xiao Lang stepped out and walked towards the third corridor!

"Brother Xiao?!"

Yi Jun quickly noticed Xiao Lang's unusual behavior and opened his eyes wide in disbelief.

There is a battle of Tianzun level inside!

What is Xiao Lang doing?

Does he want to die?

However, Xiao Lang ignored him at all and stepped straight into the corridor, disappearing into the corridor of colorful waves.

The four Zhong Wuyan were stunned immediately.

What is Xiao Lang doing?

When they saw Xiao Lang's back disappear into the tunnel, they had to subconsciously choose to follow it, but when the crazy fluctuations in the tunnel swept across, the four of them immediately stopped, their faces shocked and throbbing.

Dare not go!

Mainly because it is too dangerous!

Who dares to participate in the battle of Tianzun?

Not to mention participating, just watching, the strong of the Eighth Heaven of Immortal Realm might not dare!


They were very curious about why Xiao Lang did this, but because of the violent fluctuations in front of them, they were timid to follow, and they were struggling for a while, unable to make a choice.

At this moment, Xiao Lang had already stepped into the tunnel.

Is it easy to pass?

Of course not easy.

Feeling the rushing wind and the power of the origin of the Great Dao that swept wildly, Xiao Lang tried hard to resist with the power of destroying the heavens, and he could still clearly sense that his body was creaking, shaking and unable to control.

Too much pressure!

It was so big that it was extremely difficult for him to take every step.

But Xiao Lang knew that this was because the battlefield of the ancestors of the Zhong family and the others was far away from the corridor. If a war broke out in the corridor, let alone stepping into it, they would all be directly shocked. died!

But even so, Xiao Lang still clenched his teeth.


The tunnel is not long.

When Xiao Lang felt that his physical body was almost on the verge of collapse, finally, the end of the tunnel appeared in front of his eyes, and the light came through. Xiao Lang hurriedly used the power of the spirit body of the Great Dao to isolate the breath, and then carefully floated out.

And when he walked out of the tunnel, a suffocating scene suddenly appeared before his eyes.


This is definitely the highest level battle Xiao Lang has ever seen.

After this passage, it was originally the same as the animal nest seen outside, full of holes, like a piece of briquettes. But now, this place has long since turned into a void, and only the frantically floating fragments around can still see the original appearance.

The world is shaking!

The colorful clouds cover the sky and the earth, and Xiao Lang can clearly sense the madness of the four ancestors of the Zhong family. However, they are not destined to be the most noticeable.

Xiao Lang feels the most

To the astonishment, it was the terrifying figure floating in the middle of the void battlefield——




It is a dragon with huge wings on its back.

However, it is not like the kind recorded in the mythology. It looks like a crocodile. It is burly and tall. It has **** evil power around its body and violent. On the contrary, it emits all fierce evil spirits. And brutality!

Its body is as high as tens of feet, wearing sharp scales, its eyes are red as blood, its bones and wings are waving wildly, and its mouth is vomiting **** flames, and it is fighting with the ancestors of the Zhong family!

"Those who block me, die!"

A murky roar came from his throat, but Xiao Lang could still clearly recognize what it was roaring, and his spirit trembled suddenly.

that's it!

Being born of self-consciousness!

Ordinary fierce beasts, without self-awareness, are absolutely impossible to speak, and it is a complete sentence!

The fierce beast wielded its sharp claws, its bones and wings were like a shuttle, and it was very overbearing. On the other hand, the ancestors of the Zhong family and others showed far worse performance.

The martial arts that the ancestors of the Zhong family and others are best at are similar to those of Zhong Wuyan and others.

The ancestor of the Yi family was the only physical training among the four. His body was wrapped in flames, and his flesh and blood appeared to be jade-like, quite agile and firm, and he was almost mistaken for jade bone by Xiao Lang.

His immortal body has cultivated to at least the seventh level, and more than that, the power of the fire system around him is more full of strong coercion, and it seems that it is not much weaker than his physical body.


"Could it be that the cultivation of the Lord of Heaven and the Emperor of the Immortal Realm is different. They are not one of the entangled in the body and soul, but the comprehensive development?"

Seeing this scene, Xiao Lang suddenly felt enlightened.

With his current realm and experience, he has not even seen a few battles between ordinary immortal realms, and of course he can't tell how powerful the Zhong family ancestors and others are.

He can only feel.

Very fierce!

How fierce?

I am afraid that a finger volley can kill him!

However, strength is always relative. To Xiao Lang, the ancestors of the Zhong family and others were invincible, but before this evil dragon...


Xiao Lang saw that the ancestors of the Yi family rushed up fiercely. Just before the dragon, he saw the latter paw a shot of—


The ancestor of the Yi family flew out at a faster speed!

Blood spilled into the sky, bones burst!

Fortunately, he is not alone.

Immediately someone else helped him stand firm, and his body recovered to its peak in an instant, but Xiao Lang could still see that his face was pale. Obviously, it was just a blow that caused him great harm!

The misery of the ancestors of the Yi family is just the tip of the iceberg in this battle.

The four ancestors of the Zhong family shot one after another, and they cooperated in a tacit understanding. However, the evil dragon only firmly held up all their offensives with their flesh. , Evaded one after another, but still keep getting hurt.


The breath of the five ancestors of the Zhong family is shaking crazily, and is slowly falling!

Realizing this, Xiao Lang couldn't help but shake his heart.

The ancestors of the Zhong family are four people, but the four great gods!

When the four people join forces, they are not even this evil dragon's opponent?

"To lose?"

Xiao Lang never expected that the final result would be revealed so quickly, and his heart felt a little fuzzy. And at this moment--


When the ancestor of the Yi family was slapped out by the evil dragon once again, and his breath plummeted from the void, not only Xiao Lang's face changed drastically this time, but even the others couldn't keep their breath.

The ancestor of the Chi family looked at the ancestor of the Zhong family even more resentfully, and shouted:

"Brother Zhong, why isn't that person coming?"

"Didn't he say he would help?"

That person?

Xiao Lang was surprised when he heard this.

Old ancestor of the Chi family, who are you talking about?

The ancestor of the Zhong family, do you really have an agreement with others?


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