Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 596: Forcibly seize the house!

The ancestors of the five elements can't hold it anymore!

Seeing the colorful light flying in the sky, the ancestors of the Zhong family's eyes were bright, shining like stars, as if they had seen the scene where the ancestor of the five elements was killed on the spot.

Xiao Lang was right.

Having betrayed the origin of the Five Elements Continent and the source of his own strength, is he still the Lord of the World?

Not counting!

Seizing a home may be the most critical step for him to move towards freedom, but it is also a step for him to break his foundation!

The ancestors of the Five Elements are no longer so powerful!

For a while, the ancestor of the Zhong family even felt that even the physical body of the ancestor of the Five Elements who was entangled with the ancestor of the Mu family was no longer so difficult.

Because he saw hope!

"Maybe, Xiao Lang, the three of them, can kill him!"

The ancestor of the Five Elements is like a duckweed in the sea. He has lost his foundation. As long as he can't complete the final seizure, he can only get weaker and weaker until the final strength is completely exhausted!

Xiao Lang, there is hope!

"Little friend Xiao Lang, pester him!"

"He's not that strong!"

The ancestors of the Zhong family yelled loudly, with hope inside. Upon hearing this, Xiao Lang's eyes flashed, and he nodded heavily.

Not bad.

He thought so too.

Since he and Bloodthirsty Star Vine and Nine Nether Bats can work together to block a blow from the Five Elements Patriarch, it means that in this battle, he is already very difficult to kill.

Now, the trouble is the ancestor of the five elements!


The faces of the ancestors of the Five Elements and the ancestors of the Zhong family and the Mu family were completely opposite. His face was green and gloomy as rain, and the murderous intent bursting from the depths of his eyes, he almost wanted to choose someone to eat!

"Damn it!"

The ancestor of the Five Elements finally realized the seriousness of the problem. At this moment, he even had a lot of regret in his heart.

I regret not directly killing the ancestors of the Zhong family, the ancestor of the Mu family, and Xiao Lang because of the pride and arrogance in the heart just now in the heyday.

Now, the retribution is coming!

"You are forcing me!"

The ancestor of the Five Elements roared loudly and hoarse, but Xiao Lang seemed to have heard nothing, his eyes flashed sharply, without any hesitation.


Strike again!

Strike while the iron is hot, and pursue the victory!

Xiao Lang was not that stupid, he didn't want to give the ancestor of the Five Elements a chance.

Even if he had the upper hand, Xiao Lang still knew that the ancestor of the Five Elements had not suffered any substantial harm, and he still had the possibility of a comeback.

He must completely put an end to the possibility of the ancestors of the Five Elements seizing the house.

And the only way is -



Along with Xiao Lang's low roar, both Bloodthirsty Starvine and Jiuyou Bat immediately violently followed, like two off-string arrows, approaching the ancestors of the Five Elements, their faces were extremely excited.

Kill the lord of the world!

This is an opportunity that most people in this world will never have in their lives.

And now, this opportunity is here!


The offensive was fierce, shaking the void.

Although the offensives of Xiao Lang, Bloodthirsty Starvine, and Jiuyou Bat cannot be compared to any of the peak of the Five Elements Patriarch, Zhong Family Patriarch, and Mu Family Patriarch, at this time, the three When all ancestors were restricted, Xiao Lang and the three were invincible!

"Split Soul!"

With a wave of the bloodthirsty star vine's arm, a green vine stretched for thousands of feet, piercing the sky, and crashing down, like a steel knife falling from the sky, trying to tear this piece of heaven and earth apart!

Jiuyou Bat is more direct. He cultivates his soul. The origin of the soul is in the Tiantian coffin. In other words, he should be the one who is least afraid of death among the three of Xiao Lang. As long as the origin is not destroyed and the sea of ​​blood is not withered, he Will never die.

He directly turned into an arrow, rushing towards the phantom that the ancestors of the five elements will transform, to tear his soul apart!

The offensives of the Bloodthirsty Star Vine and the Nine Nether Bats all pointed directly at the origin of the soul.

Xiao Lang was not to be outdone either, his body wrapped in gray light, and his murderous aura surged.

Destroy the power of heaven!

Together, the three can kill God!

This is a slaying posture!

The ancestors of the Five Elements obviously also realized that Xiao Lang's trio were on a fierce offensive, and they were no longer ants, and could no longer care completely as before. On the contrary, the three of them can really take his life together!

At this moment, the ancestors of the Five Elements were finally unable to calm down.

"You forced me!"

"Since you want to die so, then I will fulfill you!"

The eyes of the ancestor of the five elements were blood red, and a ray of cruel and ferocious flashed suddenly, under the surprised gaze of Xiao Lang, he saw the ancestor of the five elements waved his hand——


Zhentian coffin, hidden!

Suddenly, a ferocious and cold aura suddenly rose from the center of this battlefield, in front of the ancestor of the Five Elements.


Roar like thunder!

It's that monster dragon!

I saw the ancestors of the Five Elements facing the siege of the three of them, but did not choose to hide, nor did they choose to resist, but instead slapped a palm at the demon dragon under him——


An inexplicable shock spread throughout the audience, and under Xiao Lang's surprised gaze, the body of the Five Elements Patriarch's condensed will suddenly shrunk by a full one-fifth!

The missing one-fifth was directly integrated into the monster dragon's body.


The demon dragon took off, and a pair of **** eyes suddenly added a touch of agility, which made Xiao Lang feel like--

Rumian Five Elements ancestor himself!

this is……

Xiao Lang was taken aback.

What is this method?

Xiao Lang guessed it, but couldn't believe it, until the voice of Jiuyou Bat suddenly sounded:

"Forcibly seizing the house?"

"Master, be careful, this old guy is going to work hard!"

"He is fighting for 30% of the risk of falling, to forcibly seize the demon dragon!"

Forcibly seize the house!

30% risk of falling!

Xiao Lang was shocked when he heard this.

Is there such an operation?

It seems that the ancestors of the Five Elements really have no hole cards, and they are completely pressed, and even this method is used.

But it is obvious that this may be his only choice, and it is also a correct choice——


In an instant, the offensives of Bloodthirsty Starvine, Jiuyou Bat, and Xiao Lang all descended, but they did not directly fall on the body transformed by the will of the Five Elements ancestor as they wished, but were suddenly blocked by the demon in the middle. The dragon stopped.


The blood spattered, the monster dragon shook his head and waved his tail, screaming in pain, and the scales on his body were shattered one after another, and the flesh and blood flew all over, a mess, which was really terrible.

However, seeing this scene, Xiao Lang's face did not show the slightest joy.


The ancestor of the five elements forcibly seized the house, and had already obtained part of the control over the body of the demon dragon!

The demon dragon's body was still strong, and the three of them joined forces, but they were not able to completely destroy its body. On the contrary, at this moment, the ancestor of the Five Elements slapped again--


It's another fifth!

Nearly half of the will of the ancestors of the five elements has been integrated into the monster dragon. In the body of the monster, they even felt the spirit of the ancestors of the five elements fluctuate, and the blood eyes were like electricity, crazy.

"Wait for death!"

"You can't kill me, just wait to be killed by me!"

The face of the ancestor of the Five Elements is full of pain and terrifying. Obviously, forcibly seizing a home is not an easy task for him, and it seems to have to pay a great price.

But in the depths of his eyes, there is only madness and endless killing intent!


Xiao Lang's heart suddenly twitched, his eyes widened and he was very angry.


Doesn't this work?

Seeing the demon dragon hovering, enclosing the will of the five elements ancestors with his own body, the protection tightly closed, Xiao Lang's face became extremely difficult to look.

Missed opportunity!

The monster dragon has a terrifying body, how can it be taken down by the strength of the three of them alone?

The cake in front of you is gone?

It wasn't upset or frustration. Xiao Lang's brain was swiftly running, all he thought about was how to break the deadlock, threatening the will of the Five Elements Patriarch.

And when he fell into mixed thoughts, Xiao Lang didn't see it. Just behind him, the ancestors of the Zhong family and the ancestor of the Mu family, who were entangled with the ancestors of the five elements, also saw this scene, with a gloomy expression on their faces.

They have gone through hundreds of battles, and of course it can be seen that the three of Xiao Lang are restricted!

The situation froze again.

And it is extremely detrimental to them.

Because they can all see through the gap between the bodies of the demon dragon, the ancestors of the five elements raised their palms again, wanting to forcibly inject part of their own power into it!

His forcible seizure of homes is still going on!

"Never let him succeed!"

The ancestors of the Zhong family and the ancestor of the Mu family looked at each other, and a sharp light flashed in the depths of their eyes. They had been fighting together for many years, and they understood each other’s inner thoughts almost instantly. The next moment, a bright smile appeared on their faces. All the faces bloomed.

"Brother Mu."

"It seems that it is time to say goodbye."

The ancestor of the Mu family didn’t accidentally say what the ancestor of the Zhong family said, because he had the same choice, and smiled:

"At least we still have a chance to say goodbye to each other."

"Go ahead."

"I'll stop it, that evil evildoer, leave it to you."




But just for a moment, the eyes of the ancestors of the Mu family were clear in the depths, and there was nothing left. Only courage and determination were left!

The ancestor of the Zhong family did the same. He did not respond too much. He just lightly nodded and looked at the ancestor of the Five Elements who was hovering in the distance by the demon dragon. In the depths of his eyes, a golden light appeared quietly and became more intense.

"It should come, it will come."

"We are born here in our whole life, and it is worthwhile to sacrifice our lives for this land..."

Sing softly like a Brahma.

But although the sound is inaudible, the others are not.

Just as the ancestors of the Zhong family murmured to himself, suddenly—


When Xiao Lang was still stuck in the problem of **** the ancestors of the Five Elements, he suddenly felt that the ground under his feet suddenly vibrated.

Do not!

Not only the earth, but the surrounding void, and the sky above!


Two strong breaths suddenly rose up, causing Xiao Lang to turn back quickly, but two of them came into view—

fire man!

Not bad.

It is the fire man!

It's just that the color of the flame is different.

On the body of the ancestor of the Mu family, a green flame soared into the sky, without the posture of burning everything, but in the flame, you can faintly see a big tree standing upright, collapsing!


As the giant tree collapsed and the surging life burning breath swept over, Xiao Lang was stunned and realized in an instant what kind of decision the ancestors of the Mu family and the ancestors of the Zhong family had just made——

Burn the origin!

They are burning their origin and soul, returning to the top!

In a very short period of time, they can even regain the power of the Lord of Heaven!

However, although the effect is good, the price is equally terrible!

They will die!

Xiao Lang's eyes straightened suddenly.

Life for life?

He didn't know if there was a better way than this at this juncture, but this did not prevent him from seeing the mighty flames rising from the ancestors of the Mu family and the ancestors of the Zhong family, and fell into a shock that was unable to sustain himself.

The two strongest men who guarded the Five Elements Continent for their entire lives are dying!


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