Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 614: that's it?

The mentality of Qin Ming and others collapsed.

Too fierce!

Too ruthless!

Seeing Xiao Lang hitting the Elder Tie at the peak of the Immortal Realm Second Heaven, they didn't even have the courage to fight against Xiao Lang. They were terrified and wanted to run away, only hating their parents for not giving themselves an extra pair of feet.

Chase like a devil!

In their hearts, Xiao Lang, who underplayed the pursuit behind him, was undoubtedly the biggest demon.

Qin Ming's heart was even more upset.

Be a cocoon!

His previous move to stabilize the Kuntian formation was tantamount to cocooning himself. He did trap Liang Ping before, but now he trapped himself and others.

Can't break!

Only waiting to die.

Or pin their hopes on the momentary softness of Xiao Lang and Liang Ping.

However, do Liang Ping and Xiao Lang really soften their hearts?

Of course not.


"Don't let go of one!"

Liang Ping's eyes were fierce, and his appearance was not much different from before. The murderous intent was fierce. The only difference, I am afraid, lies in the mentality.

Previously, he was forced to fight for his life and had to fight.

And now, the situation is reversed, and they have the absolute initiative!

"My Tianfu Palace has been extremely difficult these years. You know this, but you don't help, but you are doing such a drastic move. You want us to let you go? Wishful thinking!"

"Nephew, don't keep your hands, just kill them!"

Liang Ping's voice full of hatred and killing intent came, and Xiao Lang's heart immediately slammed.

Tianfu Palace has been extremely difficult in recent years?

What about Nymphs?

What is it like now?

For a moment, Xiao Lang no longer maintained his previous leisurely appearance. He stepped out and his body speed suddenly more than doubled, but in an instant, he forced him behind Song Po and punched him. Out.


Void trembles, mountains and rivers collapse!

Song Bo realized that he had become Xiao Lang's next target of punishment. He had already struggled very hard. He set his sword to resist, but unfortunately, he was only the pinnacle of the Triple Heaven in the Era Realm. If he was one-on-one, he might not be Liang Ping. How can his opponent block Xiao Lang's punch?


The long knife was instantly knocked off.

Xiao Lang's iron fist was like a gun, and he brushed Song Bo's shoulder, bleeding from his shoulder, and an ink-colored lotus was immediately engraved on his shoulder.

"Little brother!"

Song Gui and Song Bo are brothers, and they are disciples of the Song family of the Great Song Dynasty. The two brothers entered the immortal realm together. It was also a good story back then. There is no need to repeat the feelings between each other. At this time, seeing Song Bo hurt, Song Will Gui run away without permission?

Even if he had to turn to rescue, he would rob Song Bo before Xiao Lang's next offensive, because he knew that Song Bo would definitely not be able to stop Xiao Lang from making another move.

But at this moment, a scene that shocked him appeared.


Xiao Lang turned around and fisted again, but the target was no longer Song Bo, but him, Song Gui!

Give a chance?

Song Gui was overjoyed, his eyes shone brightly.

Block it!

As long as Xiao Lang's punch was blocked, the two brothers might still be able to continue!

However, when he concentrated all his strength and wanted to use all means to block Xiao Lang's punch, suddenly--



"I... can't live anymore!"

A familiar and hoarse voice came, and Song Gui's whole body was shocked, and he looked away in amazement. At this time, he saw Song Po's face pale, and his brows were full of death gray, as if death had already come, but in an instant, he Half of his body turned out to be completely black, like a haggard, as if as long as the wind blows, he will completely collapse.


How is this going?

Song Gui has also experienced many battles, and in just an instant, he saw the problem.


The black lotus mark on Song Bo's shoulder!

It's because of it!

Although Xiao Lang didn't directly kill Song Po with a punch just now, the power that remained in Song Po's body was actually devouring his life!

For an instant, Song Gui was shocked.

What kind of power is this, so domineering?

Xiao Lang's remaining power has clearly become rootless duckweed, Song Bo still can't stop it?


, Song Gui was even more afraid of Xiao Lang's methods.

Of course he can't stop it.

Because that is the power of death!

Unstoppable non-natural power!

Of course, if a person's physical body is strong enough and the recovery speed is equal to the destruction speed of this destructive force, he may still survive and barely survive.

It's a pity that Song Bo is obviously not one of these people.

And, precisely because of this delay--


When Song Gui came back to his senses and felt the surging mighty force coming, one of Xiao Lang's fists had already reached his front door.

He would have no luck with Song Bo.

Although Song Bo could not escape death, at least he is still alive now, and he...


Song Gui's head was like a ripe watermelon, suddenly burst open, red and white slurry splashing, miserable and terrifying, not to mention too scary!

Die one more!

Killing the Immortal Realm Three Heavenly Sovereign was nothing to Xiao Lang, and there was no way to breed any waves in his heart.


The body is flashing, and the pursuit continues.


The chieftains, brothers Qian Xiao and Qian De!

Since Liang Ping said they were all killed, Xiao Lang certainly wouldn't have any hesitation, and the killing continued.

And watching Xiao Lang wantonly chasing and killing two immortal monarchs on the spot, even if Liang Ping had a certain understanding of Xiao Lang's methods and combat power, he couldn't help but see this scene. I was shocked, unbelievable.

What he couldn't believe was that Xiao Lang's progress was so fast.

You know, when he saw Xiao Lang for the first time more than two years ago, the latter was just an ordinary Era Realm Little Perfect Venerable.

Just over two years.

For Venerable Era Realm, two years can be passed by just a few seconds, which is not worth mentioning, and Xiao Lang...


In just over twenty breaths, Xiao Lang has already killed three immortals!

Although they are all immortal monarchs below the third level of immortality, they are also immortal monarchs!

Xiao Lang was clearly not the Emperor of the Immortal Realm. Where did he get such a powerful combat power?

"Could it be..."

Suddenly, Liang Ping's heart trembled, and a bold conjecture emerged from his heart.

In such a short period of time, Xiao Lang's combat power has improved so much. With Liang Ping's experience and experience, he can only think of one possibility--

"Venerable Heaven?"

"He has embarked on the path of becoming the Lord of Heaven?"

"The avenues blend together?!"

It must be so!

Liang Ping's mind was shaken, looking at Xiao Lang who was chasing and killing him, a figure suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he couldn't help but sigh inwardly:

"Unexpectedly, their master and apprentice would actually..."

Liang Ping said only half of his emotions, his voice was low, hidden in the surrounding void vibrations, no one heard.

He didn't finish, of course he didn't hide something.

It was because, at this moment, suddenly, he felt as if he was feeling in his heart, only feeling a sudden tremor in his heart, as if there was an ominous premonition steaming up, making him immediately wake up from the sigh, follow the martial arts instinct, subconsciously Look aside.

On the side, it was the place where Elder Tie's body fell.

An illusory black shadow came into view, squatting beside Elder Tie, and a big hand like a withered bone came out and fell on Elder Tie's eyebrows.

Seeing this scene, and seeing the owner of the big hand in the middle of Elder Tie's eyebrows, Liang Ping's heart suddenly shook, an ominous premonition surged, and his hair trembled.

"Li Poyang!"

"What do you want to do!"

Liang Ping recognized the identity of the dark shadow.

Although he didn't know what Li Poyang was doing, he was able to judge in an instant. Under these circumstances, facing Xiao Lang's violent pursuit, Li Poyang did not try to escape from this place, but fell on the ground. Elder Tie made a move in front of him. This was definitely not a small move!

He has a plan!

And this plot is very likely to be aimed at him and Xiao Lang!


Liang Ping went violently, followed instinct, and wanted to stop Li Poyang, but at this moment——


Li Poyang suddenly raised his head and cast a cold look, which was pierced by Liang Ping. Instead of showing the slightest panic on his face, he smiled coldly, extremely gloomy——

"Think of me now?"




Li Poyang's ten fingers fluttered, his soul prints overlapped, and his mystery was unpredictable. He didn't care about Liang Ping, who was rushing from the front. He suddenly stopped with his hands, and the black mist churned behind him. The violent soul power of the fifth heaven of Immortal realm bloomed instantly!

"Soul puppet, condensate!"

In an instant, Liang Ping only felt something flashing from the corner of his eye, the next moment—


A strong force suddenly came from his side, like a heavy mountain, directly hitting the ink-colored soft sword in his hand, the blade lost control, and the sword energy flew horizontally.

Was blocked!

There are enemies?

Liang Ping looked subconsciously, and when his gaze fell on the figure not far away from his body, his eyes suddenly shrank, and he exclaimed in shock:

"Tie Yu?!"

Tie Yu is exactly the real name of Elder Tie.


I saw that it was not Elder Tie who was stabilizing his figure, and the brand-new mark on the surface of the hammer in his hand proved that it was indeed him who had just shot.

But isn't he dead already?

Liang Ping subconsciously looked at Tie Yu's body next to Li Poyang, without any life fluctuations, suddenly his spirits shrank, and he thought of a soul power that only exists in the rumors——

"Thanks to the soul?!"

Li Poyang grinned open the corners of his mouth, and an accident flashed under his eyes, but his smile became thicker, blooming, and he felt like he was holding a winning ticket.

"It's worthy of being the penalty elder of the Tianfu Palace. He even knows how to use the soul to help the spirit."

"Yes, it is through the soul to power the spirit."

"But now I know it, it's too late!"

Li Poyang sneered again and again, on the contrary, Liang Ping's face became extremely cold.

Using the soul to power the gods, this method he heard from Master Lanyue Monarch, is a particularly vicious magical power. With the help of the soul power of others, the soul puppet can condense the soul puppet and bloom with powerful power.

The power of this soul puppet is naturally related to his realm during his lifetime, but in general, it is definitely much stronger than before his lifetime!

Because ordinary creatures will be restrained when using the power of the soul, this is instinct, because the origin of the soul can be said to be the most vulnerable part of a person, slightly damaged, and even shake the foundation of their martial arts!

However, when their living soul is drawn away, the condensed soul puppet is different.

Those who manipulate it will not have the slightest love for it.


Just like the current Tie Yu, although he was only the peak of the Immortal Realm of the Second Heaven, but now, his soul has been drawn away by Li Poyang, and the condensed soul puppet suddenly burst into a battle close to the Immortal Realm of the fifth heaven force!

Even if this force can't last and can only hold on to the time of a cup of tea, in this situation, it is quite terrible!

not to mention--

"Don't worry, there are surprises!"

Seeing that Liang Ping was about to force another shot, Li Poyang smiled coldly, flipped his wrist, and suddenly, a black stone appeared in the palm of his hand, immediately——


The void oscillated, the huge force spread, and the terrifying soul pressure filled the audience.

Under Liang Ping's horrified gaze--


From the corpse of the sky eagle, a black sky eagle rose to the sky, with a violent breath!

Over there, Song Gui, who had just died tragically, also had a violent aura bursting out, turning into a blood-colored figure, and his spirit power bloomed wantonly as if he didn't need money, flooding the entire battlefield!

Three soul puppets!

Even the weakest soul puppet of Iron Feather, the aura has reached the level of the fifth heaven of immortality, Tianying and Song Gui are even more prosperous!


Liang Ping instantly realized that the trouble was coming.

Such a soul puppet, in his current state, even if he tried his best, he could only block one. Xiao Lang, can you stop two more?

What's more, in this process, Li Poyang can use these soul puppets to kill more people, including Qin Ming and others, to create more soul puppets!

Big trouble!

Li Poyang obviously thought of this too, and the evil smile on his face grew stronger and full of laughter.

And just when he was overwhelmed, thinking he had control of the whole situation, suddenly--

A cold and indifferent voice suddenly broke into the ear.

"that's it?"

Thick disdain, like a dagger, stuck in Li Poyang's chest.


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