Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 620: Listen to the tide? !

The power of the spirit body of the Dao Dao, that is, the power of ancient times in the mouth of the Nine Nether Bats, it is rumored that only those super powers standing on the peak of martial arts on the Eternal Continent can control the power!

In fact, Xiao Lang couldn't be sure whether the original power of his Dao Spirit Body was the power of ancient times.

Not because he didn't believe in Jiuyou Bat.

It's just because, even if the state of the Nine You Bats was at the peak, it was only the peak of the initial state, and it was too far away from the legendary Tonggu realm.

Does Jiuyou Bat know the true power of Tonggu?

Did he admit he was wrong?

Are the legends he knows true?

None of these can be determined, so even after hearing the exclamation of Jiuyou Bat, Xiao Lang did not have any ripples in his heart.

But at this time, he still sacrificed the original power of the Dao Spirit Body.

Because it is strong enough!

Just because it can suppress the Heavenly Coffin, Xiao Lang is sure that its level is definitely above the power to destroy the Heavenly Dao. It's just that, purely using the power of the Dao Spirit Body's origin, Xiao Lang has never noticed how powerful it is.

But it doesn't matter.

Because what Xiao Lang wants to use right now is not the power of the pure Dao Spirit Body Origin——


The power of the Dao Spirit Body's origin can only play a tyrannical role when it merges with certain forces in his body. Xiao Lang has discovered this a long time ago.

However, he has never tried to blend the power of the Dao Spirit Body with the power of Heaven.


Now Xiao Lang will try to do this.


"The power of death!"

Xiao Lang's eyes flashed brightly, full of expectation.

When he was still in the world realm, he often used the power of the Dao Spirit Body's origin and divine power to blend, enough to make him grow a small realm. When he attains the position of the Venerable of the Era Realm and integrates the power of the Great Dao, he can also grow a small realm!

At this time, what kind of surprises will the integration of the power of heaven bring him?

at last--


Following Xiao Lang's thoughts, a purple brilliance suddenly appeared in the dantian, and in an instant, it blended into a black lotus.



Xiao Lang didn't even feel any sluggishness. He watched as the black lotus, symbolizing the power of the heavenly path of death, swelled suddenly after fusing the power of the spirit body of the Dao!


An extremely strong force that made Xiao Lang feel a great sense of oppression suddenly aroused from the depths of his dantian, and at the same time——


The power of the heavenly path of death turned into a surging huge wave, surging violently along the meridians, and the dark divine power seemed to be blessed with a strange purple light. There was no need for Xiao Lang to control too much. Before he could react, Already like a volcanic eruption, lasing out!


The pale young man had a look of evil charm, his eyes flickered, and he seemed to be thinking about how to torture Xiao Lang, at this moment--


There was a crisp sound, and the pale young man was stunned when he saw the ice armor attached to Xiao Lang's body suddenly cracking open.


Xiao Lang still has the power to fight?

He got out of trouble by himself?

How can this be?

The pale youth's first reaction was--

Damn it!

Because he knew what method he had just used, although the power he exerted from the beginning to the end did not exceed the limit of Xiao Lang's ability to withstand it, but there was a certain characteristic in it that bound Xiao Lang to prevent him from getting out of trouble. Any question about one thing.

But now, here comes the problem!

And, it's a big problem!

Xiao Lang's outburst was obviously far beyond his imagination, just when he was still astonished.


The mighty power bursting out of Xiao Lang's body has completely exploded, like a torrent, rushing towards him, trying to submerge it.

The pale young man reacted quickly, his pupils shrank suddenly, he had already instinctively shot his hands, waving his sleeves and pulling a thousand catties in four or two, he was about to shatter all the power that Xiao Lang burst out, but at this moment, a scene of horror appeared again.



There was a soft sound of torn clothes, and the pale young man's complexion changed suddenly, especially when his clothes were shattered, and the moment his five fingers touched the majestic power from Xiao Lang, he couldn't help but grow up. Mouth, dumbfounded, where is the previous composure and disapproval?

Full of shock!

At the same time, four words familiar to Xiao Lang burst from his mouth:

"The power of Tonggu!"

"How can this be?"

It is the power of Tonggu again!

Xiao Lang's eyes shrank, and his mind was naturally shaken. Unexpectedly, the legend that Jiuyoubat once told was also spoken in the mouth of the pale youth in front of him.

Could it be that the power of his Dao Spirit Body is really what is called the power of Tonggu?

Xiao Lang didn't think too much about it. Of course he would not miss such a great opportunity when he had just regained his freedom. In an instant, he would explode again, hit the iron while it was hot, and beat his opponent in one go.

But what he didn't expect was--


A feeling of emptiness surged in his dantian, Xiao Lang only felt his head dizzy, he staggered under his feet, and he almost fell directly to the ground.

Power, gone?

So fast?

The burst of an instant, exhausted all the power in my body?

Xiao Lang was dumbfounded, feeling bad, and while urging the origin of life to do his best to recover his body, he couldn't help but raise his head and look at the pale youth with concern.

The sudden eruption actually exhausted all the power in his body before he got out of trouble, which Xiao Lang never expected. His strength is exhausted, and of course his opponent's sudden attack is what he is most worried about.

But what surprised him was--

The pale youth didn't even do this.

On the contrary, he seemed to have been greatly stimulated and alarmed, and his whole body once again showed a ghostly body. His figure flashed, he was already outside of Li Xu, and the distance was precise. This distance was precisely the impact of Xiao Lang's power burst. The farthest range.


Xiao Lang was surprised, but saw that the pale youth's eyes were not less surprised than him, but more surprised. This was also the first time Xiao Lang saw such emotions and expressions on his face.

"You actually have the power of Tonggu?"

"Which clone or reincarnation are you?"

" don't have any attribute blessings in your Tonggu power?"

Xiao Lang saw that the pale youth who had been hit by the power of the original spirit body of his great avenue was as if he had lost his soul at this time, standing in the same place with sad brows, saying words that made him hard to understand.

No attributes?

What a joke.

Didn't I merge the power of the heavenly path of death with it?

Distracted thoughts flashed in his heart, Xiao Lang's eyes were still full of jealousy, staring at the pale youth. In his opinion, the current situation is much more dangerous than it was at the beginning, because he does not even have the slightest strength now, even if his recovery ability is amazing, but it will take at least an hour to recover to the peak.

This time, it will be his weakest time. Although the power of the handless chicken is exaggerated, there is no problem in killing him with the combat power previously shown by the pale youth.


The pale young man thought for a long time in the distance, still didn't seem to think of a reason, and suddenly sighed:

"Unexpectedly, who the seed of the inheritor I selected this time might be?"

"This is a coincidence."


What does it mean?

Xiao Lang heard this word from the pale youth twice in a row, and he was naturally curious, but what impressed him the most was not this, but--


Not the inheritor of this level, but-the selected inheritor!

"I, chosen by him?"

Xiao Lang stared at the pale young man with wide eyes, his pupils getting bigger and bigger.

The inheritor and the selected inheritor are two completely different concepts. At the beginning, when the pale youth stated that he was the inheritor, Xiao Lang didn't feel the slightest sense of violation.

Because this is true.

The reason why he came here is to get the test and inheritance of Ting Chaohou.

However, when the words "I selected" are added in front of the three words of the inheritor, the meaning is completely different.

"This is Ting Chaohou Mansion."

"This second hurdle was also left by Chaohou, but he said, I was chosen by him. Doesn't that mean..."

A bold conjecture came to mind, almost causing Xiao Lang's head to crash.

It's not that he can't bear it, it's just that this conjecture is too amazing.

For a moment, Xiao Lang's thoughts were so full that he could no longer restrain him, and could not help but ask:

"You are... listening to Chaohou?!"


Listen to the tide!

Apart from listening to Chaohou, who can say that he is the word he chose?

No one can!

However, because of this, Xiao Lang felt even more terrified.

Listen to Chaohou, isn't it dead?

Xiao Lang couldn't help but think of the conjectures that the ancestor of the Five Elements had told him before--

suspended animation!

Is it true that Chaohou is actually feigning death?

What kind of strategy and thoughts does he hide behind in a fake death?

Unconsciously, the pale young man's identity has not been determined yet, Xiao Lang's vision towards him is already full of jealousy.

Like an enemy!

At this moment, the pale youth heard Xiao Lang's exclamation of surprise and shock. He raised his eyebrows, raised his head, and gave Xiao Lang an unexpected look.

"Does this make you guess?"

He paused for a while before realizing just where he was showing his feet and laughed at himself.

"Hahaha, I exposed it myself."

The pale young man smiled happily, but in Xiao Lang's heart, how could he dare to relax in the slightest? In fact, when the pale young man confessed his identity, Xiao Lang's whole person, including his mind and every nerve in his body, instantly tightened.

It's him!

It really is him!

He admitted it!

Listening to Chaohou, he is really alive!

To say that at the beginning, Xiao Lang did not comment on the five elements ancestors' previous evaluations about listening to Chaohou, and he even had a little disdain in his heart. Xiao Lang was not a bystander of all that, he couldn't be sure that some of them were true.

but now.

Watching Ting Chaohou live in front of him with his own eyes, instead of as A Fu said, he is dead, Xiao Lang couldn't help believing what the ancestor of the Five Elements had said before.



He is clearly still alive, why pretend that he is dead?


At this moment, Xiao Lang's heart was full of doubts about Ting Chaohou, and he was even going to label him extremely dangerous.

At this moment, the pale young man who claimed to be listening to Chaohou apparently noticed the fear in Xiao Lang's eyes that he tried so hard to suppress but couldn't hide, and he was taken aback.

But he obviously didn't expect Xiao Lang to regard him as a great enemy, just thinking that Xiao Lang didn't believe his words.


Write lightly:


"Don't believe me?"

"Or, how do you want me to prove it to you?"


When Xiao Lang heard the words, his pupils lighted slightly, borrowing the donkey from the slope, and quickly said:

"There is no need for seniors to prove, as long as seniors lift the ban on this place, juniors are naturally willing to trust seniors."

Unblock this place?

Hearing Xiao Lang's request, the pale young man was slightly taken aback. Obviously he didn't expect this, but he didn't care too much, he just waved his hand gently--


Xiao Lang immediately noticed that his divine thoughts could already enter the storage ring and contact the Nine You Bats, Bloodthirsty Star Vine and others.


This is his purpose!

Now his strength is almost lost, he has no more power to fight and needs help.

And more importantly, of course, confirm your identity!

This is even more necessary for Jiuyou Bat.

Because Jiuyou Bat once said that he had seen and listened to Chaohou!

Therefore, in an instant, Xiao Lang's divine thoughts fell into the storage ring, and a voice transmission hurriedly issued:

"Jiuyou Bat, come and see, who is this person!"


From the voice, it was only a moment, but Xiao Lang was already impatient, because the identity of the other party, to a certain extent, represented whether his current situation was safe or not!

at last.

After a while.

Before he heard any sound transmission from the Jiuyou Bat, Xiao Lang had already sensed that a fiery eye suddenly burst out of the storage ring and fell on the pale youth in front of him.

The enthusiasm and joy contained therein caused Xiao Lang's heart to sink suddenly!


Really, confirmed!


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