Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 634: The Lord of Two Realms!

"Those statues..."

Xiao Lang said aloud, but stopped abruptly in an instant and stopped abruptly.


To be honest, the behemoths in the depths of the phantom world, until now, he has not been able to distinguish whether they are statues or real.

However, the expression of his conjecture is already very clear.

Xiao Lang looked at Ting Chaohou hopefully, only to see Ting Chaohou also looking at him, smiled mysteriously, and suddenly shook his head:

"Do not."

"That is another thing merged in my phantom world, something that I haven't even fully understood."

and also?

In addition to the special tokens, the light and shadow of those giants that appeared outside the phantom world were not originally from the phantom world!

Xiao Lang was taken aback when he heard this, unbelievable.

so complicated!

"what is that?"

Xiao Lang continued to question subconsciously, because he was really curious about the behemoths that existed outside the phantom world. Logically speaking, there are a total of three hundred and sixty-five trials in the phantom world, and in three hundred sixty-three spaces, Xiao Lang has seen a part of it.

This is quite a lot.

Even if I didn't see the remaining three parts, Xiao Lang should be able to roughly judge its appearance. But the actual situation is--

Xiao Lang couldn't judge it.

The light and shadow seen in every space seemed to be coherent before, but when Xiao Lang sank to think about it, he couldn't put them together to form a perfect whole.

Three parts are missing.

And are the three most important parts!

Therefore, Xiao Lang couldn't help but continue to ask.

However, what was unexpected to him was that even Ting Chao Hou had already expressed his stance, taking him as his last and only inheritor, but in the face of his problem, Ting Chao Hou still chose to shake his head.

"Don't tell."

"I can only tell you that if the ancient power in your body is really a dark hand left behind by an old monster, then those things in the phantom world are very likely to become a big guarantee for your turnaround."

"I can't say, because it is so special."

"But don't worry, I won't tell you, one day you will know."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Lang's pupils shrank slightly.

Can't say?

What big secret does this hold?

But he also noticed it. He asked one after another, and after listening to Chaohou, he clearly rejected him. I am afraid it is really not that he is unwilling to say it, but he knows that it is not a good time to tell him.


Xiao Lang had no choice but to accept this reality, but when his gaze fell on the Phantom Realm Order in Ting Chaohou's hand, his eyes were still somewhat resisted.

He doesn't want it!

Because he heard it out, his previous guess was completely correct--

Listen to the tide, I'm leaving!

Taking out the phantom world order means that he has given up everything, including his own martial arts origin!

Is it really worth it?


Xiao Lang wanted to dissuade him, but what greeted him was listening to Chaohou’s gentle smile and shook his head:

"Do not worry about me."

"Just take this as my destiny."

"I have decided. Even if you don't want to accept it, with my current state, it is impossible to refine it anymore. Do you want me to die here with disappointment?"

Xiao Lang's body trembled suddenly when he heard the words.

Unexpectedly, Ting Chaohou's will is so firm!


Xiao Lang fell into a long silence.

Because he knows that this gift and gift is too heavy! Even if Chaohou has said a lot, once he refines these two tokens, there may be other causes and effects.

But, compared with them, are these causes and effects really important?

Do not!


This is equivalent to listening to Chaohou's life!

Xiao Lang felt his hands hot.

But he also knew that he was absolutely impossible to stop listening to the tide. The latter even said something like this, which is enough to prove how firm his heart is.


Xiao Lang took a deep breath, raised his head, and looked at Ting Chaohou again, his expression full of solemnity.

"Thank you senior!"

Xiao Lang, accept it!

However, it is not that simple.

"Who is it that cheated seniors back then? I hope seniors will tell the younger generations truthfully. When the younger generations have the strength, they will certainly seek justice for the seniors!"

One promise for another promise!

Xiao Lang unexpectedly wanted to use this method to make himself feel more at ease in accepting the gift of Ting Chaohou!

Listening to Chaohou's eyes shrunk, he took a deep look at Xiao Lang. From the bottom of Xiao Lang's eyes, he saw the same firmness as himself, and couldn't help laughing.

"Hahaha, good!"

"It's worthy of being the inheritor I chose, and I really have the same character as the old man!"

"Well, since you want to know, then I'll tell you. Anyway, what happened back then shouldn't be considered a secret in the current eternal continent, or it has been buried in the desert of the years."

"The old man no longer wants to remember. But if you really want to help me get revenge, please help me kill someone."

"Palace Master Yucheng Mansion, Ding Lei!"

"Back then, when I was forced out of the Eternal Continent, he was the pinnacle of Primordial Realm just like me. Hundreds of millions of years have passed. He is very likely to have gone further. You must proceed with caution."

Palace Master of Yucheng Mansion.

Ding Lei!

Xiao Lang's eyes lit up and he immediately remembered the name, nodding his head heavily.

"Thank you seniors for perfection!"

Xiao Lang knew that after listening to Chaohou, he didn't want to see himself embarrassed, so he told the truth. But for him, this is a promise!

A promise that is bound to be fulfilled!


Listening to the tide, Hou laughed loudly.

If the Phantom Realm Ling among his previous opponents was still a little missed, then now, he seems to have completely opened his heart knot and left it alone.

At the next moment, the Phantom Realm Ling had already landed in Xiao Lang's palm.

Phantom World Order!

And it's not a general order!

Xiao Lang clenched his five fingers and took a deep breath, his face ruddy and excited.

Great opportunity!

This was an unimaginable opportunity before he came!

Two worlds?

This time, he actually got two realms?

Doesn't this mean that he can become the lord of the world at any time?

Moreover, he is still the lord of the two worlds!

Here, listening to Chaohou seemed to see the excitement in Xiao Lang's heart, and suddenly spoke again:

"Sitting on two big worlds, it is indeed invincible for this world. But I advise you not to refine the Shura Realm Order before you become the true initial **** and create your own world. You can borrow from them. Power, but don’t refine it."

"Because once you are refined, but you cannot completely control it, it will greatly affect your own cultivation."

Listening to Chaohou's words, Xiao Lang was startled when he heard the words, and immediately understood the meaning of the former's words. While he was deeply impressed, he couldn't help but fear.

Fortunately, Chaohou reminded him, otherwise he might go out and refine the Asura Realm Order.

"What about the phantom world order?"

Xiao Lang keenly caught that Ting Chaohou only mentioned the Shura Realm Order, but did not mention the Phantom Realm Order, so he immediately asked.

Listening to Chaohou smiled.

"Phantom World Order, it is impossible for you to refining now, because

The corresponding restrictions have been made for me. "

"I divided the phantom world into two layers."

"Only when your soul reaches the eighth level of the immortal soul can you refine its first level and completely use it for you."

"Of course, I set this up about the phantom world, but this token can be refined after you go out. When I refined it back then, it was similar to your current realm, and you will find many surprises. ."

Can't refine the phantom world, but can refine tokens?

Xiao Lang's pupils lit up when he heard this, and instantly understood what Ting Chao Hou meant.

"Yes, senior!"

Hearing Chaohou didn't say what those surprises were, he obviously wanted to leave a suspense for himself. After all, once something was said, it was meaningless.

"In the phantom world, I have left a lot of mysteries, you can learn all of them..."

"If you pass the test of the third level, I still have some treasures and artifacts for you to collect. With your current martial arts level, if you can't refine them, I won't give it to you for the time being. Baoyu is innocent and pregnant. Bi is guilty..."

In the ensuing time, I heard a lot about Chaohou.

Xiao Lang also asked many questions, listening to Chaohou answering one by one.

It was not until then that Xiao Lang finally knew where the Mo Jing that had been for him to practice before came from——

"The smoky crystals you call are necessary for primitive powers to form their own world. The source crystals are condensed by the origin of the universe. Those are just the lowest source crystals. In the third level, I will leave you A lot of high-level ones have been downloaded for you to use in the initial state..."


No matter the details.

Most of the time, I listened to Chao Hou and Xiao Lang.

As a Hou-level powerhouse who has been riding the Eternal Continent for many years, listening to Chaohou definitely knows more than Jiuyou Bat, but it is obvious that he is selectively teaching Xiao Lang, some of which have been concealed.

According to him, knowing more can sometimes be troublesome.

Unknowingly, three full days passed, until--


The ground shook under his feet, and there was a more fragmented voice from the void. Xiao Lang immediately awakened Xiao Lang. He looked up, but saw that the surrounding void had been torn apart and the scars were quite terrifying, and Xiao Lang's expression immediately changed greatly.

this is--

Here, is going to collapse? !

Xiao Lang immediately looked at Ting Chaohou, only to see that Ting Chaohou was a bit heavier than his old attitude three days ago, like an old man with one and a half feet stepping into the yellow spring, his eyes were dead ashes, exuding the breath of death.

However, his eyes were still calm, as if he had already seen through life and death.

Ting Chaohou raised his head, looked at the shattered void around him, and smiled.

"It should come, and it will come."

"It seems that the time has come."

Time is up!

Xiao Lang suddenly felt sad, and he was shaking the hand of the Phantom Realm Ling.

Listening to Chaohou, he used his own life in exchange for his infinitely bright future! How could this make Xiao Lang unmoved?


Xiao Lang's eyes were red and his voice was sad. Listening to the tide, Hou looked at him, but there was no sadness on his face, and he smiled slightly:

"Go, don't be sad for me, this is my fate."

"If you want to do more for me, then help me take care of the shortage. He already has the talents and only one opportunity..."


Listening to the tide until dying, do you think about others?

Xiao Lang was astonished.

However, I haven't waited for him to respond--


The void collapsed behind him, Xiao Lang only felt an unstoppable force coming, and his whole person was thrown out of this space.

The last thing he saw was Ting Chaohou's illusory figure, falling into the depths of darkness...

Listening to the tide, it is completely gone!


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