Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 637: The strong are like clouds!

A quarter of an hour later.

Xiao Lang had already bid farewell to Ah Fu, driving the exquisite flying boat, traveling through the endless turbulence, rushing wildly.

This time to listen to Chaohou Mansion, his gains are not trivial. If it is spread out, it is even enough to make all the powerhouses who are away from the peak of the immortal realm in the world of fire greedy!

But now, Xiao Lang has no mind to think about it at all, and he is full of one person--

Sun Wuji!

Liang Ping said before that Sun Wuji had been dimming the soul lamp for more than a year. So now, another three months have passed, what about Sun Wuji?

Xiao Lang was so nervous, he had to put all his thoughts on the road.


The outer space of Linglong Feizhou was turbulent, but the inside was extremely calm.

However, the situation on Xumi Xing at this time was completely opposite to Xiao Lang's experience at this time.



It was originally just an insignificant little star in the mighty void, without any dazzling features, and the strongest ever born was just the peak of Era Realm Xiaoyuan's perfection.

But just ten billion years ago, a Venerable Dzogchen of the Era Realm, and a Venerable of the Space Element, passed by accidentally and immediately discovered the strangeness of this place——

He couldn't teleport!

You must know that the Space Master has an advantage in space shuttle that is difficult for others to match. Without breaking through the immortal realm, he can tear through the space.

This failure made him immediately discover the weirdness of this seemingly inconspicuous star. After investigating here for hundreds of years, he found nothing. As a last resort, he had to report the matter to his forces— —

Happy Palace!

The immortal monarch level of Xiaoyao Palace immediately came after he knew it and tried to crack it. In fact, he succeeded, shattering the void, and found a corridor, and one by one appeared, causing the entire world of Lihuo to tremble!

The origin of the world!

This is the whole experience of its discovery.

Of course, it is impossible to hide the shock of the Great Lihuo World from other people, and all the top forces in the Great Lihuo World knew it instantly.

Eighteen giants!

Of course, there are more than one or two immortal monarchs who can be called rich.

After that, it was the eighteen giants' investigation of this place, which consumed countless hours, and naturally there was no need to repeat the contention.

Xumi Xing, an ordinary star, has also become almost the most important star in the Lihuo Great World in a single day.

at this time.

Liang Ping was on this star, waiting for Xiao Lang's arrival.

The matter three months ago has not been resolved, but it has been shelved. The Lord Blue Moon came domineering and directly announced that he had killed those people. Except for some market discussions, all the major forces did not dare. Say what.

However, Liang Ping was not content with it.

Are they scared?


Martial arts must fight!

Who can become immortal, who is not a firm-willed person, will he stop because of the domineering propaganda of the blue moon monarch?

Restraint is possible, but this matter will never be put aside. Although the dead are just immortal double and triple warriors, they are also considered middle level in the world of Lihuo.


Just waiting.

Liang Ping knows what the situation in the whole world of Lihuo is now.

The reason why they didn't talk about it was because they knew that if they talk about it later, their advantage is even greater!

Now, in the entire Lihuo Great World, it is obvious that the most dangerous thing is the Tianfu Palace.

This time, the celestial devil world is coming fiercely. In just two years, nineteen tunnels have been opened in the great world of Lihuo!


That’s right.

It is indeed nineteen!

Liang Ping didn't know the specific number before, and it was not until this time, when he met with Master Lan Yue before he came, did he know the secret!

Nineteen corridors, 18 giants have a share.

But the Tianfu Temple is the most special, there are as many as two ways, and it is the two fastest evolving!

According to this inference, Tianfu Palace will probably be the first to bear the brunt of Lihuo World, the first giant to be impacted by the Heavenly Devil Realm!

The situation is difficult!

Of course Liang Ping knows what all this is for--

Primitive teleportation circle!

Xiao Lang rescued so many people from Chiyan Star back then, and the primitive teleportation array he used, undoubtedly, before the real battle of righteous demon began, it had become the focus of everyone!

At this moment, Liang Ping even hesitated.

Is it really the right choice to let Xiao Lang enter the origin of the world to save Sun Wuji?

just in case……

Liang Ping's eyes were cold and his face was gloomy.

Especially after coming to Xumi Xing, Liang Ping had a strong and ominous premonition that the wind and rain would come when he saw the candidates brought by other giants.

"Guwu Alliance, Qiyun Hall, Wuxiang Buddhism, Temple of War, Xiaoyao Palace, Penglai Wonderland..."

Those who are qualified to come here are still those forces or those people.

Liang Ping is no stranger to them.

As usual in the past, when the origin of the world is opened, every wealthy family can bring people in. The quota is fixed. The person who leads the way must be the person they trust the most. The combat power may not be the strongest, but all Is a good hand.

It was not them that made Liang Ping's face serious.

But the people they brought!

"Fengyun Taoist Luo Guanxing, Qin Yu, Wang Tuo..."

Names flashed in Liang Ping's mind. These were the results of his recent investigation.

Seventeen people.

From the remaining seventeen giants!

It was the names of these people that brought great pressure to Liang Ping.

Who are they? ?

It’s not like before, those who came here were silent, on the contrary, each of them was once famous in the world.

"Even the weakest Wang Tuo is the strongest six-star Venerable!"

Liang Ping took a deep breath.

The quality of the people who came this time was too high!


The Origin of the World is opened once a year and can stay in it for a hundred years at a time. Although only 18 people can enter each year, it sounds like the Origin of the World is quite mysterious. Dadao, but in fact, if you only practice in it, and don't participate in the fight with the spiritual beings, the benefits will be average.

At the beginning, the major forces did send the strongest group of the strongest venerables in, but later, when they found that the rules of the avenue were disordered, they even had an extremely bad influence on these strong ones. That's it.

The stronger the strength, the greater the influence of the rules of refutation.

Once you get caught up in the evil spirits, it is not worth the loss.

So later, they often just send in the strongest venerable three-star or four-star, and the strongest veteran of this level can play their best combat power.

But this time...

"Are they going to attack Venerable Heaven?"

If it was just to hit the level of Venerable Heavenly Dao, Liang Ping would not be so worried. They have done this in previous years. Even more than a dozen Heavenly Dao Venerables who are far from the Great World of Fire were promoted inside.

The same reason that Sun Wou-ki entered it——

For combat power!

In order to be able to break out even stronger combat power when the battle of right and devil is coming!

But is their purpose really so simple?

If it were Liang Ping two years ago, he would really not think too much about it, but now, when Sun Wou-ki encounters danger in it and does not know his life or death, Liang Ping finally starts to doubt.

Sun Wuji was injured. Was it because of the murderous object inside or was it caused by others?

If it's someone else...

Who will it be?

"Blood Flower House?"

Liang Ping's eyes fell in the distance

On the blood-red attic, his face was gloomy and turbulent, but he could not make the final judgment.

It's all possible!

"If Xiao Lang is also in danger inside..."

Liang Ping took a deep breath, forced himself to change his mind, and stopped thinking about it. He sat cross-legged and waited.

He was waiting for Xiao Lang.

And he firmly believed that Xiao Lang would definitely be back.

Even now, with only the last day left before the opening of the world's origin, and Xiao Lang still has no news, he still believes that Xiao Lang will not ignore Sun Wuji.


After half a day-


The only teleportation circle of Xumi Xing lighted up, and a thin figure appeared in the center of the circle, which immediately attracted the attention of everyone on Xumi Xing.

Liang Ping stood up from the ground instantly, his eyes flashed, his waist twisted and disappeared in place.

"follow me!"

Not bad.

It was Xiao Lang that was transmitted.

However, before he could look at everything around him, he suddenly heard Liang Ping's voice, and he was taken aback for a while, and quickly followed. From Liang Ping's words, he heard solemnity!


After half an hour.

One side quiet room.

There was silence, Liang Ping stared at Xiao Lang closely, and Xiao Lang closed his eyes, as if he was digesting something, and finally opened his eyes, and a gleam of light flashed.

"These ones……"

Xiao Lang was a little surprised.

Liang Ping seemed to know what he wanted to say, and quickly nodded:

"Yes, this is the candidate for the major forces this time. After three hours, you will join them in the Origin of the World."

"I know what you want to say."

"This time, the candidates they sent are indeed beyond my expectations, or they just want to hit the level of Venerable Heavenly Dao purely, but you must not take it lightly. I have a hunch that this time the world is the origin When the earth is turned on, something big may happen!"


Liang Ping was able to infer this from these lists, and of course Xiao Lang could also, his expression immediately serious.

"What other purpose do they have?"

Liang Ping shook his head:

"I do not know."

"However, what they do has nothing to do with you. Your task is only one-find your master and rescue him. However, before this task, I have a request for you, you must do it!"

Liang Ping's eyes were bright, and Xiao Lang was shocked.

"any request?"

"Be sure to come back alive!"

Liang Ping solemnly said, a struggling flashed through his eyes, but it quickly turned into perseverance.

"Even if you don't find him, you must exit in time. I can't let you die in vain!"

"Of course, if you do what I say, it should be very safe, provided that you don't risk entering!"

Absolutely safe?

"How to do it?"

Of course Xiao Lang still hoped to give some pointers. After all, he didn't understand the origin of the world at all, and the first time he heard about it was three months ago.

Obviously, Liang Ping was prepared long ago. It seems that even if Xiao Lang does not ask, he intends to speak directly, so he answered quickly:

"As long as you stay in the combat readiness area and don't go to the chaotic area, you can naturally guarantee absolute safety. In the combat readiness area of ​​my Tianfu Palace, no one can hurt your life."

Ready area?

Chaos area?

Xiao Lang was surprised when he heard this.

Isn’t it said that the land of the origin of the world is unowned, why has it all begun to scribble?

Suddenly, Xiao Lang felt more curious about the origin of the world, but he did not interrupt, but continued to listen.

Liang Ping's serious words came slowly--


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