Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 639: The disappearing stronghold!

In fact, Xiao Lang never knew the Tianfu Palace too well, because his time in Tianfu Palace was too short, and at that time, he was just a world realm, which was completely insignificant for the entire Tianfu Palace. It is impossible to know many secrets.

Although his current martial arts cultivation base and combat power have already entered the room, but this time he hastily returned, he has not had the opportunity to understand this.

When he knew the current situation of Tianfu Palace from Liang Ping's mouth, Xiao Lang couldn't help but worry.


The Tianfu Palace is quite dangerous!

The two corridors of the Celestial Demon Realm have appeared around the Tianfu Temple, which means that when the Zhengma War is officially opened, the Tianfu Temple will become the most tragic place in the entire Lihuo Great World War, not one of them!

Turn on first, what does it mean?

It means that the anger of the Heavenly Devil Realm and the Demon Cultivators who have been trapped in it for so many years will be poured on Tianfu Palace in the first place!

One can imagine how fierce it is!

Even if Xiao Lang's true combat power had reached the sixth heavenly level of Immortality, he still couldn't help but trembled.


Is it great?

There are countless immortal experts in the entire Celestial Devil Realm!

That is the power of a world!

How many immortality is there in Tianfu Palace?

Twenty, or thirty?

Xiao Lang's face was ugly.

Even if he had already regarded himself as a member of the Tianfu Palace, but now, once he roughly understood the difference between the strengths and weaknesses, he still couldn't help feeling miserable.

Can't beat it!

Don't say you can't beat it, it's hard to block it!

Even if Lord Lanyue has the power to penetrate the sky, can he alone block the entire Celestial Devil Realm?

It's impossible!

"What does Senior Blue Moon think?"

"Do you want to continue to support it?"

Xiao Lang asked Liang Ping. After all, in his opinion, since Tianfu Palace has been targeted by the Celestial Demon Realm in this way, the situation is precarious, and it would be too irrational to resist it any more.

If it were him, I am afraid that the entire Tianfu Palace would have been moved away long ago, even if the foundation left over for tens of millions of years was abandoned.

But Xiao Lang also knew in his heart that no one had such a right to speak in Tianfu Palace except Lord Lanyue. Sovereign Blue Moon must have thought of what he thought of.

So, he asked the core directly.

Liang Ping shook his head.

"I asked, but Master never said it. Perhaps, Master has other certainties."

"But Master has warned that the primitive teleportation circle must never fall into the hands of others. It is even more important than your life!"

"Nephew, do you understand?"

Liang Ping looked at Xiao Lang with bright eyes, his eyes full of warning. Facing such a look, Xiao Lang couldn't help falling into silence.

Primitive teleportation circle is more important than his life?

In Xiao Lang's view, this is certainly not the case.

But he also knew that since Lord Blue Moon said such words, of course he had his own thinking. And Liang Ping said these words at this time, one of the big reasons is-

He is persuading himself.

Found something wrong, send it back directly!

But Sun Wuji...

Xiao Lang did not respond for a long time.

He didn't want to make such a promise, a promise he couldn't fulfill.

Here, Liang Ping seemed to have guessed what he was thinking, his eyes condensed--

"Nephew, don't be confused!"


Liang Ping was about to continue persuading, but at this moment, suddenly—


Above the void, a series of muffled noises suddenly came. The shock was not large, but it gave people a strange feeling. Their hearts were shocked. Xiao Lang and Liang Ping almost subconsciously raised their heads. They saw that the void was deep, and the space seemed to be happening. Inexplicable changes.

this is……

When Xiao Lang was surprised.


A loud voice came from a distance, and Xiao Lang immediately understood what had happened.

The origin of the world is about to open!

Time is up!

Liang Ping was also taken aback, and immediately glanced at Xiao Lang deeply, gritted his teeth, and said righteously:

"Senior nephew, this is my order! I know that you and Junior Brother have a deep and righteous relationship, but the overall situation is current, don't be impulsive, I hope you don't mistake yourself!"

Liang Ping didn't intend to hear Xiao Lang's promise anymore. He forced an order, turned his waist twisted, and swept toward the place where the thunderous shout came from just now.

Xiao Lang looked at Liang Ping's leaving back, a trace of helplessness flashed under his eyes, and he had to follow.

Do you really want to die without saving yourself?



On the most central square.

It seems that for hundreds of millions of years, the opening of the land away from the origin of the fire world has been unchanged. Xumeixing has long been transformed by the eighteenth giants. In the center of the square is an altar with flames burning and white silk flying, full of mystery , Is extremely ritual.

But in fact it is just a ritual, and it is useless.

Xiao Lang followed Liang Ping into the square, first glanced at the altar, and did not notice any strange power fluctuations, this time he set his sights on other people on the square.

People are the most important!

Not many people.

Including the two of them, there are only thirty-six.

Very normal numbers.

Eighteen giants, each force can only send one person into it, and the other one is a leader like Liang Ping.

Of course, after Liang Ping instructed, Xiao Lang clearly knew that although there were only 18 people on the surface, in fact, only they knew how many people there were in their spiritual pet bags.

Everyone is watching each other.

But without waiting for them to observe in detail-

"it's time."

"come on."

"I don't know when the Zhengma War will break out. This may be the last time we have opened the Origin Land recently. We still have to hurry up."

An old man with white beard and white hair in a Taoist robe came forward, his kind face was full of seriousness, and he immediately got everyone's response.

Liang Ping also nodded and took a step back.

The others were like this, and they left the square directly. Inside the square, there were only eighteen people including Xiao Lang.

They are obviously not doing this for the first time.

At the moment when the footsteps stopped steady--


Eighteen people all shot together!

And the goal of their action was indeed the altar that Xiao Lang observed just now without any strange power fluctuations!


The altar roared and roared, the light of all colors splashed, and the strange fluctuations spread, like the sky and the ground. It seemed to have some inexplicable induction with the turbulent void.

"It turns out to be useful?"

"I didn't find it?"

Xiao Lang was surprised.

Suddenly became a little more curious about the altar in the middle of the square, but he didn't wait for him to think about it—


Vigorous power erupts, and violent pressure descends!

The void was like being directly torn apart by a pair of invisible big hands, revealing a deep and incomparable abyss. Suddenly, huge suction swept over and filled the entire square.

The tunnel is open!

Xiao Lang felt that he could not help rushing to the sky, and even his power to reach the sixth heaven of immortality seemed unable to resist!

"Come back alive, don't try hard!"

Xiao Lang vaguely heard Liang Ping's last instructions. The next moment, he only felt a flower in front of him. When he recovered, he found that he was already in a gray void.

Very calm.

Just like a typhoon, although the surrounding hurricane is violent, at the location of the eye of the wind, the wind is calm.

Xiao Lang saw other people around him. They were all looking around, either surprised or expressionless, as if they had known all this a long time ago, and no one moved rashly.

Xiao Lang knew that the surroundings seemed calm, but they must now be swiftly flying towards the origin of the great world of fire under the force of the rules, but they couldn't feel it when they were in it.

Xiao Lang regarded himself internally and focused on the changes in his body.

Liang Ping has already told him about the specific process. According to the introduction of the former, when they skimmed to the edge of the corridor, they could capture the breath of their stronghold in the Tianfu Palace based on the induction brought by the token, and inspire the token, Can be reached directly.

Otherwise, they will be trapped in the immediate teleportation and may be thrown into any corner of the chaotic area.

What Xiao Lang was waiting for was the induction brought by the token he had refined before.


Two breaths...

Time calmed down, Xiao Lang was not in a hurry, because the other seventeen people around him were in the same state and were all waiting. Obviously, some of them may have other thoughts about leaving the source of the fire world, but they don't dare to move in this tunnel.

However, just as Xiao Lang's mood gradually calmed down, suddenly--


The body of the person on his left suddenly burst into silver light, like a flame, rising to the sky!

Xiao Lang looked subconsciously, only to see that the man's face showed joy, and when his waist turned, it immediately turned into a stream of light, as if being guided by something.


The void tunnel split open, and the person disappeared directly into everyone's sight.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.


Obviously, that person was able to do this because he felt the attraction of his stronghold.

Take the lead, start!

as expected.

At the moment Xiao Lang's thoughts moved, there was another light shining in the surrounding crowd, the void passage shattered, and one person escaped directly from the void and disappeared in place.

high speed.

In an instant, thirteen people had already left.

Not to me yet?

Xiao Lang leaned out of his spiritual thoughts and carefully captured the attraction brought by the Tianfu Palace stronghold, but he could not find anything. It was completely blank, which made Xiao Lang frown.

Because according to Liang Ping's previous introduction, this transmission started almost at the same time.

"Why stopped?"

Xiao Lang looked around his body.

Including him, there are still five people left. And just as his heart was whispering, he saw that the complexions of the other four people became difficult to look at, and their eyelids jumped.

They have not sensed the breath and guidance of their own forces?

Xiao Lang's heart trembled, and he faintly noticed something wrong.

If he is the only one, this is considered normal, it may be that there is a problem with the token, or it may be the first time he has come and is unfamiliar, so he missed the guidance.

However, five people have this situation at the same time?

How small is this probability? ?

Xiao Lang's face changed slightly.

However, before he could think about where the problem came from, suddenly, a ray of light suddenly appeared in front of them, as if they had been walking through the cave for a long time, and finally saw the exit.

It is indeed an export.

It is not the exit of the cave, but the exit of the tunnel!

The exits were all here, but they still failed to detect the guidance of the stronghold!

This time, Xiao Lang's expression finally changed completely.

there is a problem!

And it's a big problem!

"The stronghold, disappeared?"


At the moment when Xiao Lang's thoughts floated from his heart, he only heard a violent roar in his ears, like thunder, he once again smelled the fragrance of the air, a beautiful scenery of mountains and rivers greeted his eyes, and the savage and ancient breath rushed into his face.

Teleport, it's over!

They failed to directly teleport into the stronghold as they wished, but went to the end of this tunnel!


His figure fell rapidly, and the sound of the wind filled his ears, but Xiao Lang completely ignored his surroundings for a moment. With a dignified face, his spirits were firmly enveloped by the four people who fell with him around him, with sharp eyes.

In the end what happened?

What about the guidance of the Tianfu Temple stronghold?

These four people are the same as me. Could it be that they also encountered the same situation?

When Xiao Lang's gaze swept over the surrounding four people, his gaze shrank again, because he found that the four people around him, like him, were full of unkindness, full of jealousy and caution, and even more murderous intent in his gaze. !

Killing intent?

Xiao Lang immediately had a stress response, and blood flashed across his eyes.

Strike first?


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