Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 650: Horror, Sun Wuji!

Logically speaking, Xiao Lang can jump out now.

Resolve Xu Zuo and others at the speed of the wind.

In fact, this is not a problem for him, because according to the information collected by Liang Ping, Xu Zuo's realm and strength can only be ranked in the middle and lower reaches of the eighteen people who entered the Land of Origin this year, the five-star strongest Venerable At the pinnacle level, there is only the combat power of the immortal level three heavens.

Destroyed instantly!

Since the people in black who followed him obeyed his scheduling, they are naturally not as good as him in terms of strength and realm.

Xiao Lang could kill at his fingertips.

Then search for the whereabouts of that person.

simple and clear.

It is also in line with Xiao Lang's habit of doing things, going alone.

This was clearly the most suitable choice, but Xiao Lang did not do it, because just when he wanted to step out of space again, that is, within the Yanshan mountain, the moment his eyes opened, Xiao Lang opened his eyes. Suddenly, he felt that a bit of murderous intent passed away in a flash, and the mighty power contained in it, even he couldn't help his scalp numb!

Among the inkstone mountains, there are indeed people!

And is an absolute powerhouse!

Xiao Lang can be regarded as a person who has seen the face of the world. He has been to the Five Elements Continent, met the ancestors of the Five Elements, and even surrendered to Jiuyou Bat, the former peak powerhouse of the initial stage who once galloped on the Eternal Continent, and also met Ting Chaohou. , Even his master of the ancient realm, although the latter is not the main body, but logically speaking, no matter what kind of existence appears in front of him now, he is probably not too surprised.

But now, when this flash of murderous opportunity was caught by him, his heart trembled suddenly.


Feng Rui!

It is unstoppable sharpness!

He is not afraid to listen to Chaohou, Nine Nether Bats, or even the super power of the ancient realm. A very important reason is that Xiao Lang is very clear that they cannot pose a threat to him, or that they have no intention to kill themselves. .

But at this moment, the murderous intent that existed in Yanshan Mountain was aimed at everyone present!

Xiao Lang felt a great threat!

"Can I instinctively produce such a big reaction?"

Xiao Lang was enraged, cautious and vigilant.

"The Eight-Star Strongest Venerable, or...Half-step Heavenly Path?"

According to his previous inference, in this world of heaven and earth, the only one who can pose a threat to him is probably only a half-step Heavenly Dao level powerhouse, so Xiao Lang naturally thinks that now.

However, this is not the important reason why he finally failed to take that step——

"Not Master!"

The killing intent disappeared in a flash, Xu Zuo and others did not respond, but Xiao Lang caught it. Although it was short, it was enough for him to distinguish that this killing intent was completely different from Sun Wuji's aura.

The realm does not match either.

Xiao Lang clearly remembered that he saw Sun Wuji for the last time more than two years ago. At that time, Sun Wuji was only the pinnacle of the five-star strongest venerable.

In just two years, can he raise his realm to the level of a half-step Heavenly Dao Venerable?

Totally impossible.

Let alone Sun Wuji, even Xiao Lang didn't have the confidence.

You know, he used to visit the Great Dao on the Tongtian Bridge of Zhan Taizong, but it took several years to complete the Dao. There are some great avenues that are difficult for him to control, let alone Sun Wuji?

The difference in the aura of spirit and soul made Xiao Lang more sure of this.

Since it wasn't Sun Wuji, there was no need to show up.

Xiao Lang sat steadily in a crack in the space with a look on his face as he was watching a play. He watched Xu Zuo shouting to other people, gathering around him, floating in the air, using his supernatural power to continuously hit the Yanshan mountain below him!

Coming out!

There is no doubt that this is exactly what Xu Zuo and others intend.


"Smash him out for me! But don't smash him to death!"

Xu Zuo was very excited and his face was full of excitement. It was for the hardest one. The secret martial arts composed of the power of the golden avenue poured down from mid-air, forming a huge sword, which would cut the entire Yanshan mountain every time. When it falls, the top of the mountain will definitely be cut off by dozens of feet!

This is still the result of the rules guarding the origin of the Great Fire World, and everything is stronger than the outside world. If it is outside, I am afraid that with a single sword, the entire foothills similar to Yanshan will be completely lifted.


Seeing this scene, Xiao Lang sneered, his eyes flickering.

act recklessly!

Xu Zuo obviously did not realize that the danger was approaching him.

Xiao Lang didn't mean to remind.

Since it is an enemy, of course there is no reason to help, especially the person in Yanshan's body has brought him a strong sense of threat. Xiao Lang is naturally happy to watch from the sidelines and sit on the mountain to watch tigers fight.

Of course, Xiao Lang knew that once the killing broke out, this battle would not be considered a battle between dragons and tigers at all, it would definitely be a crush!


Before Xiao Lang's thoughts were settled, suddenly--


A muffled sound completely different from the previous bombardment of Xu Zuo and others on the mountain, from the Yanshan Mountain, the moment Xiao Lang raised his brows, Xu Zuo obviously realized something, his eyes widened suddenly, and his voice was also Become tapered:

"He's coming out!"


More than a dozen people in black were in the same step, their waists flashed behind Xu Zuo, and the seals appeared frequently, and the scars spread in the void like a spider web, and a force locked the void!

There are too many magic circles in the cultivation world for bans, and Xiao Lang can't discern its origin.

But this is not important.

Xiao Lang's eyes settled firmly on the already bald inkstone mountain, his soul trembling, and his instinctive sense of oppression became stronger and stronger!

He really is coming out!

That existence hiding in Yanshan Mountain!

It's too late to say, then soon-


The earth and rocks rolled, like a volcanic eruption, and a dark shadow pierced the void!


he came!

Even though Xiao Lang had long expected this scene, but when this figure appeared, his eyes suddenly shrank, and his heart shook wildly, even more than the first time he felt from the mountain. The murderous intent that spread out!

Not because of how strong the latter is.

But because--


The moment that figure swept out of the mountain, Xiao Lang saw his face clearly, even if it was covered in mud and embarrassed, he still saw clearly—

No one else, it is Sun Wuji!

It really is him!

For a moment, Xiao Lang was stunned.

how is this possible?

When was Sun Wuji so strong?

more importantly--

His breath!

Berserk, messy, and there is also an indescribable depression and madness, which is completely different from Xiao Lang's previous feelings of Sun Wuji. He is not alone at all!

Can a person's breath change so much?

What happened to Sun Wuji in the short two years?

Suddenly, Xiao Lang's heart was full of suspiciousness and perplexity. However, his incomprehension will certainly not affect Sun Wuji at all. In the distance, on the top of the Yanshan Mountain, just as Xiao Lang had predicted before, a killing was erupting!

call out!

Ragged clothes, spears like shuttles!

A blue and red spear pierced through the sky and pointed directly at the formation with Xu Zuo at its core. The speed was so fast that even Xiao Lang didn't even react for a while. He saw blood on the mountain and the sharp spear pierced. Out of the body, the blood mist poured out!


Sun Wuji's purpose is very clear, that is to kill people!

In an instant, the crowd panicked.

Especially Xu Zuo, his self-confidence instantly froze on his face, dumbfounded, and he looked at the spear that suddenly passed by in disbelief, and he couldn't even react to his face being cut by the strong wind.


Just one shot, it's dead?

What about the peak of the strongest five elements?

Is it easy to get it done?

No matter how confident Xu Zuo was before, he realized at this time that things were far less simple than what he had imagined before.

The information is wrong!

He is much stronger than described in the intelligence!

Strong enough to suffocate him!


Until then, the violent coercion suddenly came, like a heavy hammer, slammed Xu Zuo's heart, causing him to stagnate, his face turned pale, his body shook violently, and he almost fell directly from the void. More faintly heard the explosion of his joints!




Sun Wuji's aura was like a violent storm, covering the entire Yanshan Mountain in an instant. Even Xiao Lang, who was hidden in the cracks in the space, could not help but tremble suddenly. He was almost forced to show up by the violent aura and quickly mobilized his life The power of the heavens stabilized the breath, but deep in the eyes, there was already a terrible shock.


At this moment, Sun Wuji's explosive momentum was too violent, swallowing mountains and rivers, shaking thousands of miles!

Like a sharp blade piercing the void, standing between heaven and earth!

However, this is not what Xiao Lang cares most about.

Of course he was curious about how Sun Wuji's combat power suddenly soared to this level in the past two years, but what he cared more about was the look in Sun Wuji's eyes at this time--


Very cold!

There is no longer the past, gentle, gentle and elegant, I saw that in his eyes staring at Xu Zuo and others, blood-like colors bloomed, wild and ruthless, crazy like crazy!

No reason, only killing!

Sun Wuji is like a peerless beast that has been imprisoned here for tens of thousands of years. Once he was born, he vented his suffocation and killing intent for thousands of years!

Something is wrong!

Xiao Lang's spirit was stunned, his face suddenly became serious.

If Sun Wuji really had such a huge breakthrough and growth in combat power in these short two years, Xiao Lang would naturally be too happy.

But now, he found out that Sun Wuji's state was very wrong!


"Hua Dao?"


For a while, Xiao Lang could not tell what happened to Sun Wuji and what he had experienced over the years, but he knew that this was definitely not a good thing!

Because just as Sun Wuji's breath was violently blooming, Xiao Lang also felt that his own breath of life and the power of the soul were also pouring in madness!

In other words, his current state is very much like burning his life and soul, using his strength to fight!

Sun Wuji, what happened?

Xiao Lang's heart was tight and worried, but before he had time to think about it, suddenly--


Among Xu Zuo and others, who had long been regarded by Xiao Lang as a mortal situation, an equally violent aura suddenly rose up, even if compared with Sun Wuji, it was still not in the wind!

Not Xu Zuo!

It was one of the men in black next to him!

This made Xu Zuo, who had just gone through the abnormal change and now wanted to escape, was stunned. He looked away in amazement and saw the man in black punching out, colliding with the long spear in Sun Wuji's hands firmly, accompanied by a shocking sound. There was a tremor, and the two flew away, stabilizing the void almost at the same time.

"The master is right, you really are not dead!"

The robes of the man in black were shattered, revealing a pale and bloodless face, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he sneered ferociously.

The strong!

A super strong man who is not inferior to Sun Wuji!

In the space crack, Xiao Lang's eyes shrank, and he was also attracted by this sudden change. He clearly saw that at this moment, Sun Wuji, who wanted to attack again with a gun, suddenly stiffened, and deep in his eyes, A ray of red blood burst out, like a memory brought back by the man in black, suddenly there was a sense of reason and...

Crazy killing intent!

A voice that was icy, but finally familiar to Xiao Lang, spread throughout the void:

"You, are his people?"


In the space crack, Xiao Lang watched this scene, his pupils shrank slightly and his mouth tightened.

Although there was very little communication between the two, just a few words, but Xiao Lang heard the breath of a deep conspiracy in these limited words!


Sun Wuji fell into this state, could it be that this person also failed?


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