Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 655: Amazing news!

Just when Xiao Lang suddenly found someone approaching...

Do not.


It should be the moment when the third demon puppet sacrificed the strongest dark attack. It was a stronghold of the original Ming Dynasty tens of thousands of miles away from Yanshan Mountain. On the top of the mountain, Xu Jianyang, who was laughing and talking with Feng Gu brothers, suddenly face Her smile froze, she turned around abruptly, looked into the distance, a flash of horror flashed under her eyes, and exclaimed:

"How can this be!"

Feng Gu was shocked and shocked.

They know Xu Jianyang's character, calm, or-not showing the city!

What kind of things happened to make him lose his attitude in an instant?

Feng Gu reacted quickly and found that Xu Jianyang was looking in the direction of Yanshan for the first time. Suddenly, a bold but unbelievable conjecture came to his mind.

"Could it be..."

"Third, he died?"

Xu Jianyang flipped his wrist, and a **** token appeared on the palm of his hand. However, the brilliance of this token was dim, and it had been shattered at some unknown time. When it encountered a mountain wind, it turned into powder and fell to the ground.

The token of the third magic puppet!

He actually died!

The horror in the hearts of Feng Gu and Xu Jianyang was not much less than that of Xu Jianyang, they were stunned and dumbfounded.

That is the third of the half-step Heavenly Dao level!

Before they woke up, Xu Jianyang had opened the map again, and locked on the two light spots in the Yanshan position, one large and one small, one bright and one dark, and his face was even more ugly.

Sun Wuji is not dead yet?

He paid the price of a powerful demon puppet, but Sun Wuji was still alive?

Xu Jianyang's complexion was extremely ugly, only when he saw a faint trace of blood in the light spot that clearly represented Sun Wuji, his complexion finally improved.

"The magic seed has been activated?"

"It's not a loss... but if that thing falls into the hands of others..."

Xu Jianyang's eyes flashed brightly, thinking of a possibility, his hostility suddenly grew, stepped out and escaped into the void.

"follow me!"

Xu Jianyang actually rushed to Yanshan in person?

How could Feng Gu dared to neglect, and hurried to keep up, in fact, they were already worried.

Can kill the third existence...

Can they really contend?


Xu Jianyang has already arrived, and has arrived in person!

Of course Xiao Lang knew nothing about it.

Even if he saw the movement of the blood-colored light spots on the map, I am afraid that he would not realize that those people came to him, because he really didn't understand the original place.

However, it is only now.

Just now, when Xiao Lang let the Jiuyou Bat go back, he suddenly thought of the demon puppet that had just died, and immediately ordered him to absorb the remnant soul remaining in the void, digest the memory fragments, and explore the origin.

It's just that now, he doesn't care about asking, his attention has been completely focused on the figure that suddenly appeared in front of him——

Jin Jiu!

Yes, it was Jin Jiu who appeared.

"He has been following me?"

Xiao Lang immediately realized that it was definitely not a coincidence that Jin Jiu appeared here, because at the beginning, he was with Master Nianhua and others, several million miles away from Yanshan Mountain.

Even if Jin Jiu chooses to act alone, the possibility of coming here is slim, unless he is following himself!

Xiao Lang's guess was correct. Jin Jiu was indeed following him, hiding his traces and reducing his aura. Xiao Lang was immersed in that battle just now, without even noticing his approach.

At this time, Jin Jiu was also stunned, looking at the ruins of the sky around the foot of Yanshan Mountain, dumbfounded, unable to wake up for a long time.

Too violent!

What kind of combat power can cause such a large amount of damage?

If Jin Jiu had some doubts about Xiao Lang's combat power before, now...

Not even a bit.

Half a walk!

Absolutely the strength of Half-Step Heaven!

Thinking of the strong earthquake and coercion that he felt thousands of miles away, Jin Jiu's heart was shaking, no matter how difficult it was to calm down, he was shocked, until -

"You follow me?"


An icy voice came, and Jin Jiu felt a sharp chill coming out of his back, rushing into his brain, causing him to shiver fiercely, awakened suddenly, turned his head, there was nothing else in his eyes, only Xiao Lang's pair was full of endless Eyes of evil spirit and killing intent!

Binghan, biting!

Jin Jiu suddenly realized that it was too risky to appear like this.

Obviously, Sun Wuji was seriously injured, he was killed by the thief who controlled this world, and he appeared right after the battle was over, this...

In case Xiao Lang doubts, even if he is full of mouth, I am afraid he can't tell.

Jin Jiu repeatedly fell from the void and hurriedly explained:

"Brother Li Qi, don't get me wrong. I have no other meaning. I came to you just to cooperate with you!"

Jin Jiu didn't know, Xiao Lang didn't actually doubt him.

As early as when they were together, Xiao Lang had no doubts about each of them. The reason for his cold tone was entirely because his mentality was affected by Sun Wuji's injury.

But he did not explain.


Xiao Lang's brows trembled slightly, and he narrowed his mind, and withdrew his attention from Sun Wuji's body and fell on Jin Jiu's body.

"How to cooperate?"

"What do you know?"


Xiao Lang chose to respond instead of directly beheading himself. There is no doubt that this gave Jin Jiu a glimmer of hope, his pupils lit up, and he became more confident in his choice of this trip.

However, he did not answer Xiao Lang's question at the first time, but summoned the courage to say:

"I can tell you everything I know. And I promise, it's the highest Xinmi in my **** tower! But before I say it, I need a promise from Brother Li Qi."

committed to?

Need to discuss terms?

Xiao Lang frowned slightly, and Jin Jiu's heart immediately twitched until--


Xiao Lang's tone was obviously a little bit impatient, but Jin Jiu didn't care at all. On the contrary, when he received Xiao Lang's response, he became more relaxed, and the soul said:

"I hope I can always follow you!"

Follow me?

Xiao Lang frowned again and suddenly understood what Jin Jiu meant.

"Do you want me to protect you?"

Jin Jiu nodded repeatedly, his eyes full of expectation and pleading.

However, Xiao Lang is certainly not the kind of person who will follow people's wishes just because others ask, his expression is still cold:

"Then it depends on the news you know, is it worth your life."

There is a play!

When Jin Jiu heard this, he was not surprised but rejoiced and nodded repeatedly:

"Value, absolutely worth it!"

"Brother Li Qi, you are definitely interested in my information!"

At this time, Jin Jiu was not as cold as the first time they met, just like normal people, even a little flattering.

Of course so.

He is not cold by nature.

After witnessing Xiao Lang's strength with his own eyes, how could he still have that poker face?

What's more, he now wants Xiao Lang.

Without waiting for Xiao Lang's urging, he continued to speak:

"Brother Li Qi, didn't you ask before, what do we each know? I'm sure they know more about this place, but they didn't say it."

"I may know how to help you and me out of here!"

go away?

I have to admit that Jin Jiu's mind is indeed keen, not to mention other things, just his opening, successfully attracted Xiao Lang's mind, it is worth mentioning.

go away!

There is no doubt that for the Lihuo Great World at this time, the biggest problem in the blocked space is how to leave!

When this problem happened to Sun Wuji, he started

I figured it out in my heart, but I hadn't found a way. Now Jin Jiu's words undoubtedly aroused the curiosity in his heart.

"Do you have a way?"

Xiao Lang asked.

He really wanted to take Sun Wuji away.

Because it is obvious that in this place away from the origin of the fire world, someone wants to kill Sun Wuji, and the person who is trapped in this world is very likely to be the spy of the Demon Race, just like his previous interpretation.

What kind of person can refer to a demon puppet that moves a half-step heavenly realm?

"High Priest!"

"True Venerable Heaven!"

At this moment, Jiuyou Bat had digested all the remnants of the memory that had just swallowed. Although not many, it was enough to let Xiao Lang know the existence of the high priest.

The high priest of the Demon Race!

Venerable Heaven!

Although Xiao Lang had absolute certainty and a half-step Heavenly Dao level strong man broke his wrists, and even killed his opponents, but when he learned that the Heavenly Dao Venerable was hiding behind, Xiao Lang still felt tremendous pressure!

That is Venerable Heaven!

Half a step at the level of Heavenly Dao, although there are also the words Venerable Heavenly Dao, Xiao Lang knows that the gap between the two is not so big, there is simply a difference!

The key lies in the consummation of heaven!

Half-step Heavenly Dao Venerable, although they are named with these four words, they still master the power of the fusion Dao, but the real Heavenly Venerable Master has mastered the true power of the Heavenly Dao, and his will is transformed again, representing a part of the Heavenly Dao!

How strong is it?

Just think of the Zhong family ancestors and others in the Five Elements Continent.

Of course, the high priest may not be as strong as the ancestors of the Zhong family. According to the four levels of the ancestors of the Tiandao, the ancestors of the Mo family and others should be regarded as reaching the peak of the ancestors of the Tiandao. As for the ancestors of the Zhong family, I am afraid that the distance is perfect. It's just a short shot.

But even so, this high priest should not be underestimated.

Xiao Lang was not sure to deal with such a master.

In this case, leaving is of course the most appropriate thing. Moreover, the Lihuo World is rich in resources, which is obviously a better choice for Sun Wuji, who has fallen into a coma and soul mutation.

Regardless of whether it is the Lord of Blue Moon or the other powerful immortal monarchs of Tianfu Palace, there may be other solutions to Sun Wuji's situation.

This could not help Xiao Lang not being tempted.

But I didn’t expect that Jin Jiu didn’t answer his question immediately, so he didn’t answer the question:

"Dare to ask Brother Li Qi, do you know the land of nothingness?"

A place of nothingness?

Upon hearing these four words suddenly, Xiao Lang's thoughts were startled.

Of course he knew.

The Land of Nothingness is the place where the powerful who stepped onto the initial realm level create their own world. The Five Elements Continent is in the Land of Nothingness.

But what does Jin Jiu mean by asking this now?

Xiao Lang hesitated for a moment, but chose to nod his head.

When Jin Jiu saw this, a clear look flashed through his eyes, as if he was not surprised at Xiao Lang's answer.

"Brother Li deserves to be the secret master of Tianfu Palace, and he knows it. If that's the case, then I won't explain more about the land of nothingness."

"What I want to tell Brother Li is-these years, after the observation of many brothers who have entered this place in the Blood Flower Building, the host inferred that the original place where we are now is very likely to exist in the land of nothingness!"

The land of the origin, exists in the land of nothingness?

Xiao Lang's heart was shocked when he heard this. For the first time, looking at Jin Jiu's eyes, he was shocked and surprised.

what does this mean?

You know, only the world built by the strong is in a place of nothingness!

And the poster of the Blood Flower Tower actually said that the land away from the origin of the fire world may also exist in the land of nothingness, doesn't it mean...

Lihuo World’s origin, was it a world created by a strong man? !


Even if Xiao Lang's will was extremely firm, at this moment, he was shocked by the news brought by Jin Jiu, thunderously roaring!

Who can create such a huge world as Lihuo World? !


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