Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 666: Out of control shot?

See heaven again!

But this time, when he realized who came, Xiao Lang's reaction was different from when the Profound Lord Sky descended.

His face became more serious.

My heart is more jealous!

Because this time, it is the high priest of the Sky Demon Race!

When he knew the identity of the Profound Master of Heaven, Xiao Lang's fear was far different.

The first is because, from the body of the Profound Master, he did not feel any murderous intent. At this time, accompanied by thick dark clouds, the suffocating anger and the **** smell overwhelmed the sky, making people horrified.

The hostility is obvious!

Profound Lord Heaven is not an enemy.

But the identity and position of the High Priest of the Sky Demon Race need no explanation.

From the origin of the Great World of Fire, the eighteen wealthy strongholds have all collapsed, he did it!

He is the righteous enemy of the entire Lihuo World!

Silently, Xiao Lang's eyes had already seen steaming warfare and killing intent. At this moment, suddenly--

"Xiao Lang!"

A faint sound transmission suddenly sounded in his ears, and Xiao Lang's spirit shook, and he looked at the ancestor of Jinling. To be more specific, it is the wooden sedan chair that looks to be entwined with vines behind the ancestor of Jinling.

The sound transmission is Bloodthirsty Starvine!

At this moment, why did he suddenly transmit his voice?

In case it is discovered, then...

Xiao Lang's heart trembled, but the next moment, he realized why Bloodthirsty Starvine took such a big risk to transmit to him.

He signed a symbiosis contract with the Bloodthirsty Starvine, and his mind was connected. Through the perception of the Bloodthirsty Starvine, he immediately discovered that Sun Wuji, who was wrapped and wrapped in it, suddenly trembled violently!

what happened?

Is the magic seed in his body suddenly experiencing a problem?

Or is it that Tian Xuan Ling can't suppress the trauma in his body?

Xiao Lang's gaze swept past the Profound Order that was still firmly on Sun Wuji's eyebrows, and he immediately discovered that the reason was not the Profound Order on the center of his eyebrows, but--

"Magic Seed!"

"It's really a magic seed!"

I saw Sun Wuji's body surface, blood streaks suddenly appeared, the power of qi and blood was surging, and he wanted to overflow wildly. Fortunately, he was suppressed by the bloodthirsty star vine, otherwise he would surely be discovered by the Profound Lord!

"How is this going?"

"Could it be that--"

Xiao Lang Yuguang looked at the scarlet dark clouds that were rapidly rising from the horizon, his pupils trembled slightly, and he suddenly remembered those words that Sun Wuji had said before the third demon puppet battle--

"His people..."

"Could it be that the previous injury to the Master was not done by Xu Jianyang, but by... the high priest?!"

Xiao Lang faintly guessed the truth.

Is it possible?


And the possibility is great!

According to the memory fragments that Jiuyoubat drew from the disintegrated true spirit of the third demon puppet, when the high priest of the demon clan summoned the demon puppet to launch a surprise attack on the stronghold of the eighteenth giants, the third demon puppet did not follow Xu Jianyang. Follow the high priest!

And now, with the arrival of the high priest, Sun Wuji's abnormality has become more serious, and this has been confirmed again from the side.

The magic seed in Sun Wuji's body was actually planted by the high priest? !

After guessing this, Xiao Lang's expression immediately became more difficult to look at, but before he thought about it--


The sky was full of evil spirits like squally storms, and Xiao Lang never had the opportunity to think about it again.


Xiao Lang could only throw a voice transmission.

Because, the high priest, has arrived!

"Ha ha

, It's quite lively. "

Accompanied by a hoarse but sharp scream like a nail rubbing glass, a large figure pierced through the **** fog and fell straight down.

The high priest of the Sky Demon Clan showed his true face in front of Xiao Lang for the first time.


But extremely thin!

This was Xiao Lang's first feeling when he saw him.

I saw the appearance of a middle-aged man who was only forty or fifty years old, the high priest was extremely large, like the black cloak that covered him, his shoulders were twice as wide as an ordinary person, but his bare hands were as thin as wood. It exudes a mysterious black air, just like a bamboo, it can be broken with a light break.

His cheeks are fleshless, thinner and thinner. The high cheekbones make his eyes sunken deeply, and the black air is filled with a bit of violent and violent air. The eyebrows are dark, but his face is pale and bloodless. That kind, looks exceptionally weird, like a skeleton coming out of a coffin.

His appearance is withered, as if one foot has entered the yellow spring.

However, Xiao Lang certainly would not be deceived by his appearance. On the contrary, in the withered body of the high priest, he felt the violent fluctuations of blood!


"Only vitality?"

"He is also a clone of Heaven?"

Xiao Lang keenly discovered that the high priest's body didn't even have the slightest vitality in his body, and his spirit was stunned, and he immediately thought of the Profound Lord beside him.

Are all clones?

However, the Profound Master Sky said that he was only a clone, and Xiao Lang believed it 80%, but for the high priest in front of him... Xiao Lang was only two points certain.

After all, the Demon Race.

Insidious, treacherous, this is simply their nature.

Of course Xiao Lang couldn't make a 100% guarantee, so he almost—

Ignore the high priest.

Xiao Lang directly communicated to the Profound Master:

"He is a clone?"



It was even too simple, so that the Profound Master on the side could not help but stunned, but he still answered Xiao Lang's question.


"However, even if it's just a clone, his power is definitely not something an ordinary half-step Heavenly Dao level martial artist can contend with. He has mastered the power of Heavenly Dao. If there is no power to match it, I am afraid it will be difficult to even hurt him... "

The Heavenly Profound Lord has rarely explained a lot.

Not because of his kindness, but because, from Xiao Lang's short inquiry, he actually felt the violent killing intent!

Xiao Lang, want to kill the high priest?

Xiao Lang's thoughts really did not surprise the Profound Master Tian. He knew what had happened in the Origin Land during this period of time. People like Xiao Lang had their strongholds destroyed and fell into chaotic areas. They could only escape everywhere. Who didn't want to kill the high priest?

However, before it was determined whether the third Profound Sky Order was on Xiao Lang's body, Profound Sky Master certainly didn't want any more moths to happen.

Unfortunately, his admonition was still a step late.

Before he could finish speaking, Xiao Lang's eyes narrowed, and his violent killing intent seemed to rise like billowing smoke.

Not to mention the Heavenly Profound Master, even the undecided high priest felt Xiao Lang's aura suddenly changed, and he was taken aback, looking at Xiao Lang as if he were looking at a dead person with weird eyes.

But just between his stupefaction--

"You hurt my master, Sun Wuji?"

A loud shout resounded throughout the audience, awakening a bunch of people. The Profound Master Sky, Qing Tianwei, and Jin Jiu looked at Xiao Lang, who was so angry that he was shocked.


Jin Jiuxin was uncertain and a little flustered.


As for the Profound Master Sky, that was really a bit angry.

Before the high priest came to provoke you, did you take the initiative to join in?

What is this not looking for death?

"Is everything I said before as air!"

The face of the Profound Lord Sky changed slightly, and he never expected that Xiao Lang would directly reprimand the high priest, and this was on the premise that he had already reminded him!

As for Qing Tianwei, watching Xiao Lang blasting angrily was another thought.

He is indeed arrogant.

Even if the Heavenly Profound Master came and helped him not go astray, he would still be extremely dissatisfied with Xiao Lang, thinking that he and Xiao Lang would be able to win another battle.

And now--

"So courageous!"

An arrogant person can only give birth to such recognition for people like himself. Now, Xiao Lang obviously did this.

How strong is it to dare to challenge a Venerable Heavenly Dao, or even swear directly?

How big is the heart?

At least Qingtianwei admitted that he could never do it.

Although he still dissatisfied Xiao Lang, deep down in his heart, he already had a slight approval for Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang didn’t know anything about these naturally. Of course, even if he knew it, I’m afraid he wouldn’t be disturbed by it. His eyes were still fixed on the high priest's body, almost like breathing fire. He is a lunatic who has lost his reason and was dazzled by hatred!

"It's crazy."

The high priest looked at Xiao Lang coldly, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Obviously, this was his judgment on Xiao Lang's current state. But instead of making him feel any sense of crisis, it made him more amused.

The strongest venerable in a mere trivial area, even if he kills my three demon puppets, what's the point?

Dare to challenge me?

The high priest smirked in anger, but suppressed the urge to shoot. He just stared at Xiao Lang's eyes as cold as water, as if he was looking at a dead person, with a calm and calm appearance, and sneered:

"So what?"

"Not how?"

"Just relying on you, do you still want to shoot at me? It's a mere half-step, I really don't know the sky..."

The high priest was like a king over the world, believing that he pointed his finger at the mountains and rivers, his face was full of disdain, and he didn't even look at Xiao Lang in his eyes.

However, at this moment.

Before he could say the word "thickness of earth", suddenly--


The thunder burst into the air with one punch!

The earth-shaking blast not only shook the world, it was more like thunder, which directly burst into the hearts of everyone present!

The Profound Master Tian, ​​Qing Tianwei, and Jin Jiu were shocked to see that, suddenly, Xiao Lang was dressed in colorful colors and turned into a stream of light, and suddenly rushed towards the close high priest, punching through the air!

Xiao Lang actually made a move!

Not pretending.

There is no hesitation.

At this time Xiao Lang was like a real lunatic, blinded by hatred, all reason, like a mad, rushed directly at the high priest!


The space is torn, and the fists are sharp!

It wasn't until Xiao Lang was only a hundred meters away from him that the high priest could almost clearly see any fist pattern on the face of his fist, and he was awakened suddenly, anger rose from his heart, and quickly waved his sleeve to block him. Instinctively, his eyes are still a bit sluggish.

Not only because I was frightened by Xiao Lang's sudden fight, but because--

"he looks like……"

"Don't even want to get the real answer?"


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