Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 680: Jin Jiu's strength!


Jin Jiu stood up.

At the moment he passed by, Xiao Lang just turned his head, only to feel a breeze passing by his side.


Xiao Lang couldn't help but numb his scalp!

"This body method..."

Xiao Lang suddenly realized that he couldn't understand Jin Jiu. He never expected that Jin Jiu would stand up at this time, and with such a posture.

At the moment Jin Jiu stood up, he didn't even notice Jin Jiu's movements!

what does this mean?

Can Jin Jiu's body style even conceal his tenfold increase in perception?

Xiao Lang was stunned.

After inheriting the phantom world from the hands of Ting Chaohou, his soul perception ability has skyrocketed tenfold. Xiao Lang is not sure whether his current soul perception ability is comparable to that of the Heavenly Dao, but it must be better than the half-step Heavenly Dao. The strong at the venerable level must be sharp!

However, at the moment when Jin Jiu took that step, he didn't realize it!

Is Jin Jiu really just the strongest six-star Venerable?

This was not the first time Xiao Lang doubted Jin Jiu's strength, but it was only now that he finally caught some evidence. However, even so, Xiao Lang didn't get entangled in this right away, instead he fixed his gaze on Jin Jiu's back as he stepped forward. What circulated in his mind was the look that Jin Jiu had just passed away from him. ——



He has indeed moved to kill.

However, what surprised Xiao Lang most was the dazedness and uncertainty in his pupils. Especially when Jin Jiu passed by himself, he clearly felt that Jin Jiu's state at this time. He breath is not stable, it seems that he is in a state of inexplicable contradiction.

Jin Jiu, what's wrong?

What is he contradicting?

Xiao Lang was surprised.

At this moment, Jin Jiu walked to Ding Wuliang's face under everyone's surprised gaze, looked at the astonishment and surprise on the latter's face, chuckled coldly:

"So you should die."

With that said, everyone present saw it. When Jin Jiu said this, he reached out with one hand and his five fingers were in the shape of a knife, following the colorful light that Xiao Lang shrouded Ding Wuliang's body in the Five Elements Prison. With a light wave...


Just a light wave, relaxed and freehand, without any wind and fluctuations.

It was so light that everyone thought it was an uncommon move, but the next moment, everything that appeared in the eyes immediately made the surrounding crowd boil, and they couldn't believe their eyes.



Ding Wuliang's head suddenly fell from his neck!


Yanhong's blood was sprayed high in the sky, and the vision of everyone who dyed the red directly shocked their minds!

Ding Wuliang, is dead?

Just a wave of the arm?

With just a wave of Jin Jiu's arm, Ding Wuliang was...dead?


Ding Wuliang didn't seem to realize what had happened until he was about to die. His bloodless face was even full of confusion and anger. However, the headless body he crashed to the ground again clearly proved to everyone around him. He is indeed dead and can no longer be reversed!


For a moment, there was no sound in the audience, not even a slight breath.


Everyone was dumbfounded.

Not only because of Ding Wuliang's death, but also because he died so quietly and suddenly!


"Li Qi!"

"you wanna die!"

Liu He’s loud roar resounded through the audience and awakened everyone. Suddenly, everyone’s sights were immediately caught.

Xiao Lang's body was filled with anger and a hint of timidity deep in his eyes.


This scene is really scary!

Ding Wuliang, even among the martial artists at the half-step Heavenly Dao level, is definitely considered to be a leader, an absolute powerhouse. But, he died like this?

Although each of them had seen Jin Jiu's movements clearly just now, no one thought that it was Jin Jiu who killed him.


Jin Jiu just waved his hand, how could it be possible to kill Ding Wuliang so easily?

It's Xiao Lang!

It's definitely Xiao Lang!

His Five Elements Prison is still there, entangled and besieged Ding Wuliang, and he is the only one who can kill him silently and silently under these circumstances!

In an instant, the spearhead changed.

Xiao Lang once again became the focus of everyone present...No, not everyone!

At least there are two people present, which is not what I think.

One of them is Xiao Lang himself!

He killed Ding Wuliang?

How can this be?

Xiao Lang did have a murderous intention, he had it when he first stood up, and he was indeed aimed at Ding Wuliang. But the fact is that he didn't make a move at all just now, and he didn't even perceive the fluctuation of the Five Elements Prison!

It's Jin Jiu!

Jin Jiu killed Ding Wuliang!

Moreover, his inexplicable means directly broke the shackles of the Five Elements Prison, even his master, the Five Elements Prison, had not even noticed!

What kind of murder is this?

Xiao Lang was stunned, he didn't even hear Liu He's exclaim, his eyes were fixed on the back of Jin Jiu's head, his mind was full of suspiciousness.

"Jin Jiu, who is it?"

Xiao Lang was completely immersed in the shock and incomprehension in his heart, so he did not see it either. At the moment when Jin Jiu shot, Qing Mu, who was standing next to him, trembled suddenly, as if he had finally determined something. His knees softened and he almost fell to his knees directly!

Looking up, Old Man Aoki's eyes were already full of excitement, and he couldn't help himself.


"Do you want to die too?"

Jin Jiu’s icy voice spread, and the crowd was awe-inspiring. Liu He's eyes suddenly shrank, and his eyes fell on Jin Jiu subconsciously. Instinctively, he would retreat, but he forgot that he was shackled by the Five Elements Town prison. , Immediately hit a piece of colorful light, his body trembled again, and quickly stabilized.

This is the threat of Jin Jiu!

Although Liu He could not see that it was Jin Jiu who killed Ding Wuliang, but when Jin Jiu walked up to Ding Wuliang and waved his hand lightly, Ding Wuliang’s head fell off, even if they were seriously suspicious, Xiao Lang only It was the murderer who killed Ding Wuliang, but the "cooperation" of Xiao Lang and Jin Jiu still made them feel numb.

It is terrible!

Kill if you don't agree!

Liu He had no doubt that if he took the initiative to stand up at this time, Jin Jiu would definitely walk in front of him without hesitation. If Xiao Lang made another move, then he would die...

Immediately, Liu He didn't even dare to say a word. He was arrogant and evil all his life, but he felt terrified, and he didn't even have the courage to look up at Jin Jiu and Xiao Lang.

fear death!

This is human nature.

However, it is more than just fear of death to make everyone calm down and never dare to say anything.

Jin Jiu raised his head, scanned the crowd, and looked at the silence around him. No one even dared to look at him again. Finally, a trace of fatigue flashed in his eyes.


"It's boring."

With a cold comment, Jin Jiu seemed to feel boring anymore. He turned around and saw Xiao Lang's confused and surprised eyes. He smiled softly, as if he was quite satisfied with Xiao Lang's reaction. He shook his head and again. One more sentence:

"Since none of you have any opinions, I will decide the list of selections. Of course, you can also recommend yourself as long as you dare to come.


"However, the rules are the rules. As long as you enter, the rules must follow our agreement. Otherwise, Ding Wuliang will be your example."

"It's all gone."

Broke up?

Listening to Jin Jiu's understatement, as if he was dispelling a group of servants, everyone couldn't help but a bitter smile appeared on everyone's faces. They felt helpless and resentful, but when they saw Xiao Lang next to Jin Jiu, they had to take a deep breath. With a sigh of relief, he suppressed the restless emotions in his heart, swept away in groups of three or five.

This is the only thing today.

In the cultivation world, the strong is respected!

Even the first person who dared to question Jin Jiu and Xiao Lang is dead. Who would dare to be such a bird?

No one dares!

Even if they were curious about whether Xiao Lang could deal with them, they joined forces to attack, but no one dared to try that.

As different giants, is it such a simple thing to put aside all prejudices and unite together?

Jin Jiu didn't stop, walked past Xiao Lang, and walked towards the courtyard in the distance. He didn't even glance at Yan De and the others in the distance, but suddenly--

"Are you curious?"

"Then follow me."

Xiao Lang's spirits shrank, and immediately followed, and there was the old man Qingmu who had the same actions as him. Only then did Xiao Lang realize that the old man Qingmu's expression was weird, but he was surprised to hear Jin Jiu's voice again. :

"Don't follow, just listen to me."

Old Man Aoki's footsteps froze suddenly, his face was embarrassed, but he didn't dare to have the slightest dissatisfaction in his eyes, and he dropped his head quickly.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Lang couldn't help being more curious.

Therefore, when entering the courtyard, the Five Elements Town prison locks the surrounding space to ensure that no one can detect the conversation between himself and Jin Jiu, Xiao Lang bluntly asked:

"who are you?"

Xiao Lang's eyes were burning, staring at Jin Jiu's eyes, waiting for an answer.

In fact, there are already a lot of speculations in his mind, but he still needs to get confirmation from Jin Jiu's mouth!

Being alone with Xiao Lang, Jin Jiu was obviously not so cold anymore, his expression relaxed and free, as if he didn't care about the oppression contained in Xiao Lang's words at all, and smiled:

"Who am I, is it really that important?"

"As long as you know, I am your helper. Helping you is also helping myself."

"only you……"

Jin Jiu took a deep look at Xiao Lang, meaningfully, and paused before continuing:

"You have to be careful."

Be careful?

Be careful?

Xiao Lang was a little confused, with a suspicious expression on his face, and asked directly, but this time, Jin Jiu was still playing the mummy.

"It's nothing."

"For you, as long as you can guarantee a combat power far surpassing others, it is enough."


Isn't this nonsense?

In the cultivation world, no one knows, the strong respects.

Having strength, of course, can avoid all unnecessary troubles.

Xiao Lang was not satisfied with Jin Jiu's answer, but he could see that Jin Jiu obviously didn't mean to go on, so he had to put this suspicion in his mind for the time being, and he couldn't help but think of Jin Jiu's eyes when he walked past him. Ask again:

"For me, this is of course enough."

"But you... your methods are obviously good. I am afraid that it is not difficult to kill a half-step Venerable Heavenly Path alone. With such strength, you can completely convince people, kill the chickens and the monkeys, let them all listen to you, but you still play What is the cause of such a big battle?"

"What are you contradicting?"

When inquiring, Xiao Lang's gaze fell on Jin Jiu's body, paying attention to the slightest change in him. Sure enough, when he asked, he immediately saw that Jin Jiu's eyes shrank slightly and his expression stopped...


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