Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 682: survey!

Xiao Lang!

Primitive teleportation circle!

When Xiao Lang's name sounded, the first thing that came to mind of everyone present was these seven words.


They all knew Xiao Lang, precisely because of the Primitive Level Teleportation Array!

Xiao Lang once arranged a primitive-level teleportation array to rescue a large number of warriors on the Scarlet Star that had been engulfed in the Celestial Demon Realm. This incident has spread throughout the entire Lihuo Great World, and the shock and impact it produced is far greater than Xiao Lang What I think is even more sensational!

This was also one of the main reasons why Liang Ping was persistent and warned Xiao Lang one after another not to reveal his true identity. Because only they, who are the top leaders of the major giants, understand the significance of the existence of the primitive teleportation circle, how big it is! ,

Tearing the world barrier!

For ordinary warriors, this ability seems to be similar to teleporting, just moving from one place to another. However, they did not expect the strategic significance of the primitive teleportation circle to the forthcoming battle of righteous demons——

Offensive and defensive!

Previously, the reason why every wealthy family could not help but change their colors once they heard the words Zhengmozhan, it was because they knew that Zhengmozhan was an unparalleled battle between two worlds and would surely sweep the entire Lihuo Great World. They will all be involved, and it is impossible to avoid them.

Killing means death!

They are inevitable.

As one of the eighteen giants, their size is placed here, it is impossible to escape, but if they have a primitive teleportation circle, their actions will be much more free.

Even more, you can send a powerful team to go directly to the Celestial Demon Realm and enter!

Compared with the previous Zhengma Wars, this change is simply earth-shaking, because before that, facing the invasion of the Celestial Demon Clan, they could only fall into the passive, and could not take the initiative at all, because they could not enter the Celestial Demon Realm.

The Celestial Demon Realm is different from the Lihuo Great World. The latter is an unowned thing, while the former is under the control of the Celestial Demon Lord. In this respect, it is even similar to the Five Elements Continent.

Demon cultivators can come out, but the righteous side will definitely not be able to attack. In this way, the battlefield will naturally be in the great world of Lihuo, and the whole world will be plunged into the destruction of creatures, but the foundation of the heavenly demon world will not be affected at all. The slightest damage.

Kill eight hundred enemies and lose one thousand!

But once they have a primitive teleportation circle, they can even send a powerful team directly into the world of heavenly devil!

Disasters lead to the east.

One can imagine the significance of this battle between right and evil.

Of course, this is only for the overall situation. For the big giants, the primitive teleportation circle is the best weapon for them to keep incense and fight freely!

In every battle between Zhengmo and Demon, the major giants always suffer the most serious losses. That's because their strongholds are fixed, and the demon tribe can reach their base camp without even searching.

Now, the corridors of the Heavenly Demon Realm even appeared directly outside the gates of the eighteenth giants, tit-for-tat, extremely dangerous, and riotous battles would erupt without knowing one day. It was impossible to prevent them, but once they had a primitive teleportation array, they could be free. Actions can even use their own foundations as bait to fight guerrilla warfare.

The difference between the two can be understood without explanation.

Therefore, when the news that Xiao Lang had rescued so many people from Red Yan Xing through the Primitive Teleportation Array came in, it immediately caused a sensation in the entire Lihuo Great World and alarmed all the rich.

In order to search for Xiao Lang and find the primitive teleportation circle, they did not know how much manpower and material resources they had consumed in the past two years, and even sneaked into the Tianfu Palace.

But the result is not so satisfactory.

After a brief astonishment and horror.

Luo Zifei's expression was okay, it seemed that he had known the news a long time ago, and Di Xianger was the first to tell him.

With such secret news, Di Xianger actually chose to be the first to inform Luo Zifei about their relationship...

Everyone looked at Luo Zifei and Di Xianger who were in the middle, with strange colors in their eyes flickering, but at this moment, they obviously didn't intend to entangle this matter.

Is it important?

More interesting, how can the primitive teleportation circle be important? !

"you sure?"

Yuan Tie’s personality is the most explosive

Yan asked, because of the excitement in his heart, his voice became thick and heavy, and a pair of eyes fell anxiously on Di Xianger's body, and his breath was shaking.

Di Xiang'er knows the importance of the primitive teleportation array, and also knows that at this time, she must maintain confidence, otherwise she will become a target of public criticism.

Therefore, she also reduced the chuckle on her face, looked at Yuan Tie seriously, and answered carefully:

"According to the rules of my Charm Palace, everything in the world is neither perfect nor 100%. However, according to my Charm Palace's evaluation, the probability that Li Qi is Xiao Lang is greater than 80%. !"

Eighty percent!

As soon as this number came out, it wasn't just Yuan Tie, even Guo Xi, who looked the most calm on the side, couldn't help but tremble suddenly, bursting out a strong glow.

Nothing is perfect.

Meiling Palace does have such rules.

And 80%, in the evaluation of the magic spirit palace, this is already a pretty terrible number. If you change to another giant, I am afraid you will directly say the word 100%!

Li Qi, really Xiao Lang?


"Since Guimen can come up with the figure of 80%, it must be the result of analysis. Dare to ask Fairy, may reveal, what kind of evidence do you have?"

Guo Xi's expression was much calmer than Yuan Tie's. Every word in the words was simple and direct, expressing his meaning clearly.

Di Xiang'er glanced at Guo Xi, seemingly prepared, and nodded:


"Presumably everyone knows that Xiao Lang has been unknown in Tianfu Palace, but he suddenly broke out during the Scarlet Yan Star incident, and he emerged and spread throughout the entire Lihuo Great World."

"He left us with very little information, and I think you all know it, and because of this, almost all of us are focusing on those who have a relationship with him..."

As he said, Di Xiang'er's gaze swept over Yuan Tie's body, and Yuan Tie's heart trembled immediately, his eyes flashed.

He heard Di Xianger's words out of touch.

What Di Xianger said at this time was that they had sent someone to kill Liang Ping some time ago, in an attempt to learn from him the news of the Primordial Level Transmission Array.

Unfortunately, they failed.

However, Di Xianger actually knew?

This thing is so secret...

Just when Yuan Tie was surprised by the strength of the Meiling Palace intelligence organization, and felt shocked, Di Xianger didn't say much about this issue, and continued:

"But it's still there. The intelligence of our Charm Palace is fairly complete. In the past two years, we have unearthed a lot of things, all about Xiao Lang himself."

Xiao Lang's own?

Can this be dug out?

Everyone was surprised. This time, even Luo Zifei couldn't avoid it, because although he knew from Di Xianger that Li Qi might be Xiao Lang, he didn't know the reason.

"We dug into him, from the information he had when he was a world-level martial artist, at that time, he had actually done a lot of amazing things, and also at that time, he became Sun Wuji's apprentice, but soon, I fell into the calamity of Huadao!"


Everyone's pupils shrank upon hearing this.

As mighty, even if they have already surpassed the level of the world realm, how can they not know that in the cultivation world, the four words of the Taoist calamity are almost synonymous with death!

Xiao Lang, actually survived?

At this moment, Luo Zifeiru thought of something, his pupils shrank slightly, and asked for the first time:

"He got the help of Lord Blue Moon?"

When Yuan Tie and Guo Xi heard this, their expressions improved. In their opinion, Xiao Lang could survive to the present, if he had received the help of Lord Blue Moon, it was still understandable.

But what they didn't expect was--


Di Xianger shook her head, and a strange color flashed under her eyes;

"According to our investigation, Sun Wuji did take him to find Lord Blue Moon, but I don’t know why. Lord Blue Moon didn’t take action to solve the catastrophe on him. After that, he took Sun The token of Promise has gone to the West Desert and the Sea of ​​Stars. He is alone and unaccompanied."

"When he reappeared, he was in the old saying star."

Ancient proverb star?

"Zhan Taizong inheritance?!"

The Zhan Taizong inheritance in the ancient proverb star is not a secret in the entire Lihuo Great World. They naturally know it.

"He solved the catastrophe of Huadao within the legacy of the ancient proverb star?"

Di Xianger kept shaking his head:

"not at all."

"But I heard that he offended the Ming Dynasty inside, and even caused the emperor of the Ming Dynasty to activate the clone to chase him down, but he was blocked by Sun Wuji."

"But even in that battle, he also exposed some strange places."

Strange place?

When everyone present heard the words, their expressions immediately condensed.


They knew that Di Xianger was finally about to come to the key point.

as expected.

"Five Elements!"

"As a Taoist, he has a great understanding of many avenues covering the five elements, at least more than ten, and he is very familiar with the Tao."

"And after the Chiyan Star incident, the seeds of my Charm Palace in Tianfu Palace were also discovered. Xiao Lang's accomplishments in the five elements are indeed terrifying. At that time, he had already shown a two-star and even a three-star Heavenly Dao Zun. The strength of the winner!"

Only two stars?

But Li Qi...

For ordinary warriors, the strongest three-star venerable is already quite terrifying, but for Luo Zifei and others, it is nothing more than that.

If Li Qi is Xiao Lang, doesn't it mean that in just two years, his level of strength has gone from three stars to eight stars directly, and even surpassed the ordinary half-step heavenly master level?

Is this possible?

At this moment, Di Xianger seemed to have guessed what they were thinking and spoke again:


"We have observed that there are really many strange things in Xiao Lang. Over the years, the growth rate of his martial arts cultivation can be described as a miracle. It only takes a hundred years to reach the level of the strongest three-star venerable from the beginning of the world realm. Faster and faster, we even suspect that he has the inheritance of the ancestor of the Five Elements!"

The ancestor of the Five Elements... inheritance!

Everyone was shocked again upon hearing this.

The ancestor of the Five Elements.

No one knows what these four words represent better than them.

That was the strongest of the last era!

If he had obtained his inheritance... Then Xiao Lang's martial arts cultivation realm would have undergone such a big transformation in such a short period of time, it seemed that it was enough to explain.



Guo Xi looked at Di Xiang'er sharply. In his opinion, these things obviously could not prove that Li Qi was Xiao Lang. Even Li Qi was good at the Five Elements.

Di Xianger nodded.


"Five Elements Town Prison, this is the legend that my Meiling Palace has studied the Five Elements ancestor for many years. I learned that his magical power is exactly the same as that displayed by Li Qishi, and the origin is the same.


Di Xianger glanced at Yuan Tie with a solemn expression on the side, and said:

"Three months ago, Guizong and others jointly attacked and killed Liang Ping. We also went to the post-war battlefield, and also found the wave of the Five Elements Prison."

Assault Liang Ping?

Silver Moon Sect has done such a thing?

Luo Zifei and the others were surprised. If it were in normal times, the news would be enough to make people feel mad, but now, this matter can only go back.

The same breath as the Five Elements Prison!

And it appeared in the battle against Liang Ping.

Li Qi, Liang Ping recommended to enter this place...

Many clues are connected together, and in the depths of everyone's mind, the intelligence gradually becomes clear, and the pupils of the eyes are more and more shining, and the brilliance is revealed. Although Di Xianger didn't say much, every sentence was the essence, enough to make them sure in their hearts--

If the ancestor of the Five Elements does not have a second descendant, and he is not yet Li Qi, and this second descendant does not belong to Tianfu Palace, then he is almost 100% Xiao Lang's imposter!

Li Qi, it is Xiao Lang!


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