Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 697: That's it!


Xiao Lang didn't notice the change in Jin Jiu's eyes, and he turned over and entered the battlefield.

This is of course not for him to relieve the pressure of other people, but because--

too slow!

Even if dozens of half-step Heavenly Dao level experts besieged and killed a demon plant, the speed was too slow, it would take at least a quarter of an hour to take it down.

This time is obviously not normal.

Because for the vast majority of people in the room, they have not exerted their full power.

This happened when the first demon plant was killed, and it is now more serious, obviously because he forcibly took away all the divine fruits.

Three points, seven points.

This kind of efficiency really can't be much higher.

Of course, they didn't dare to go too far. After all, Xiao Lang was still watching, and given them a quarter of an hour, they could also kill this demon plant.

However, they can afford it, and Xiao Lang can't wait.

Obviously, the divine fruit is of great significance to Sun Wuji, and Sun Wuji's recovery is obvious after swallowing nearly three hundred divine fruit.

In this situation, Xiao Lang wanted Sun Wuji to wake up as soon as possible, and of course he had to do it himself.


Punch, burst!

This demon plant was not a giant willow, but a shrub that looked like a demon. As for the specific species, Xiao Lang could not recognize it. He had never seen such a demon plant in this era.

But this does not affect the power of his punch.

A punch fell.

The branches and leaves splashed, and only a click sound was heard. A fairly thick branch exploded directly. Under the gaze of everyone's astonishment, Xiao Lang turned into a streamer and smashed into it.

Head to head, head to head!



They had just experienced Xiao Lang's overbearing attitude and speech, and now they finally saw Xiao Lang with full combat power, how terrifying it was!


It is too strong!


Seeing Xiao Lang punched a child, the branches and leaves that the bush demon plant lingered around him quickly collapsed and could not stop his punch. Everyone, including Luo Zifei and others, had their eyes straight.


"This is the combat power that can kill the clone of Heaven?"

"The power of heaven! He can actually use the power of heaven!"

"His physical body..."

Xiao Lang did not hide it, so everyone could clearly recognize how Xiao Lang did this.

The power of heaven!

Physical body!

This is the real power of Xiao Lang!

Any of his blows even surpassed the one they had accumulated for a long time. It was completely crushed by the tyranny of the flesh!

"He is really much better than us..."

For most of them, this was the first time to see Xiao Lang's true combat power. Before that, Ding Wuliang died at the edge of the Profound Sky Realm. Although Xiao Lang had also taken action, it was Jin Jiu who killed the last person, which did not show the horror of his combat power at all.

But it is different now.

All this was presented in front of them in a solid manner.

In the crowd.

Luo Zifei and the others looked at each other and saw the solemnity and seriousness in each other's eyes.

Is this Xiao Lang really something they can contend with?

Even knowing he is Xiao Lang...

You know, killing and surrendering are completely different things. If they want to get the message of the primitive teleportation circle from Xiao Lang's mouth, they must defeat it, not kill it.

But the combat power that Xiao Lang showed now...


Yao Zhi also felt a huge threat, and his instinct broke out. The power that resonated with the sky and the earth roared wildly, sweeping thousands of miles, but these couldn't cause any trouble to Xiao Lang, and he broke it with one punch!

Moreover, Xiao Lang has a posture of more and more courage in the war, the momentum is magnificent, and even more like a billowing smoke, soaring into the sky!

Luo Zifei and others looked ugly.

"Long-term plan."


Xiao Lang didn’t know at all, because he found

In the performance of Zai, Luo Zifei and the others were extremely afraid of themselves, even the previous plan was put on hold for the time being.

Anyway, he fought very well!

Even after he took the shot, the attacking rhythm of everyone around him obviously slowed down.

But for him, it doesn't matter.

Yao Zhi didn't have such great wisdom.

For him, he still couldn't tell these things. He only knew that he was besieged. Xiao Lang was terrifying, but he couldn't completely ignore the others. He had to deal with it separately.

For Xiao Lang, these were enough.

Open the battlefield, let me come!

Bang bang bang!

Xiao Lang's fists were stronger.

At this moment, they didn't know whether it was a psychological effect or something else. Everyone suddenly felt that Xiao Lang seemed to be getting more and more fierce in the battle, and the momentum was second, and more importantly, his fists seemed to become stronger.


Under these circumstances, can Xiao Lang improve?

And still improve in battle?

Just as everyone was constantly wondering in their hearts whether this was their own illusion, finally, this war had a final result——



Accompanied by a thunderous roar, everyone was dumbfounded to see that this demon plant's flesh was torn apart and was directly penetrated by a fist. The sky quashed, transformed into hundreds of divine fruits, and flew away!

However, they failed to fly too far.


A big colorful net fell out of thin air, trapping them in it.

When they fully reacted, they realized that there was nothing in front of them, and Xiao Lang had put these divine fruits in his own storage.


Is this over?

How long is this?

Twenty breaths or thirty breaths?


Everyone was dumbfounded.

Seeing Xiao Lang stepping out of the void with his head and shoulders upright, everyone couldn't help their eyes shrink, and even Luo Zifei and the others couldn't help but feel a palpitation in their eyes.

too strong!

Of course, they knew that if they all joined forces without any reservations, they might be able to achieve this level, even better than Xiao Lang did.

But the key is--

They cannot join hands without reservation.

It is even more impossible for Xiao Lang to do so easily!

In their eyes, Xiao Lang had already been considered a full-scale outbreak just now, but now, on Xiao Lang's face, how could there be any fatigue?


The eyes are breathtakingly brilliant.

Even the breath he exudes is not weak at all, on the contrary, it is becoming more and more powerful! It seems that the battle just now is not worth mentioning to him at all!


"His martial arts foundation is deep to this level?"

The crowd was silent and watched in awe as Xiao Lang returned to Jin Jiu's side. Although Xiao Lang hadn't said a word from beginning to end, he took away all the divine fruit and didn't plan to give them one. , But this time, no one dared to show his deep dissatisfaction on his face.


In the cultivation world, people with big fists are best to speak.

Just like now, not only did they dare not feel the slightest dissatisfaction, they were even lucky in their hearts--

Fortunately, I didn't turn my face with Xiao Lang directly just now!

"Amitabha, little friendly means."

Master Jie Yuan praised from the bottom of his heart, his eyes were clear, and there was some shock that could not be hidden.

He was shocked by the strength of Xiao Lang's physical body.

The strength of Xiao Lang's physical body was even more powerful than that of using the Buddhist golden body by three points?

Where does Lihuo Big World come from such an evildoer?

You know, his physical body is strong, and that is done under the blessing of secret arts. Everyone in the cultivation world knows that the biggest difference between the strongest venerable and the immortal realm is the level of physical strength.

Under normal circumstances, what the Strongest Venerable is best at is the insight and integration of the Dao. Without this talent and confidence, I would not dare to embark on the path of the Strongest Venerable.

Physical strength.

They are not good at it.

It was precisely because of this that Master Jie Yuan chose the secret technique of Buddhism Golden Body, which was finally achieved after hundreds of thousands of years of tempering under the Throne of Furious Ming.

This time, he also entered the Land of Origin because his Shouyuan was about to reach its limit.

In the great world of Lihuo, even some venerable Heavenly Dao, he dare to physically shake the opponent!

But in front of Xiao Lang...

Master Jie Yuan couldn't help shaking his head again and again.

As a Buddhist disciple, his six roots are clean and dust-free, but when he saw Xiao Lang's performance just now, he couldn't help being shocked and even suspicious.

Xiao Lang was young and full of vigor. Obviously, he was not as old as he was in cultivating the Tao. He was able to achieve such a level of physical strength under the blessing of the resources of the Buddha Kingdom without phase. Why did Xiao Lang do it?

In Tianfu Palace, is there a magical power that is more powerful than the Buddha's golden body?

Xiao Lang nodded gently to Master Jie Yuan. Among the people in front of him, besides Jin Jiu, Qingmu and others, the one he liked most was the great monk, who had always been polite.

He could see the shock in Master Jie Yuan's eyes, but he didn't explain anything.

Shura battle body is of course strong.

After all, it is a body refining method in the creation realm!

But this time, he also really felt that his physical body had indeed become stronger, at least three points stronger than before. This was exactly his progress over the past month or so.

However, this is not the biggest surprise.

"Power is recovering?"

Xiao Lang lowered his head and glanced at his fist. No one saw it. In the depths of his physical body, there seemed to be a hidden power that was slowly circulating and blending into his limbs.

Not the force of life!

It was the power he was born to integrate all kinds of natural treasures!

Before entering the land of inheritance, Xiao Lang had been trying to truly control this power, but unfortunately he had not been able to do it. But now, after the first battle, Xiao Lang suddenly discovered that he had gained control of this power. Boost!


This power began to merge with his body!

"Only by fighting can we completely master it?"

"It turns out that my practice of retreating at the beginning was wrong! This practice requires this step!"

Xiao Lang recalled how he felt in the battle just now.

More and more courageous?

This is not an illusion of other people, but a real existence!

Xiao Lang felt that his physical body was like a real magic weapon, conceived in rich energy. With each confrontation with the demon plant and the head-to-head resistance, these forces immediately penetrated into his skin and bones. , In flesh and blood.

Get stronger gradually!

Although the change is slight, it is no wonder that other people doubt their perceptions, but isn't this a good start?


"Hehe, this really treats my physical body as a magic weapon."

Xiao Lang grinned, very brilliant.

good news!

There is no doubt that this is good news for him.

It takes no effort to break through the iron shoes and find nowhere to come!

Who would have thought that an opportunity that could not be found for more than a month would be found so easily?

Although the improvement this time is not a lot, but—

"There are opportunities!"

Xiao Lang raised his head and looked into the distance. The sky and the earth, and the mountains stretched out. It seemed that he had seen his physical body become more and more tyrannical in the battle, until the moment he reached the fifth stage of the Shura battle body——

"carry on!"

A low growl awakened everyone present. When they raised their heads suddenly, they suddenly realized that Xiao Lang had already rushed forward, full of fighting spirit.

Seeing this scene, everyone's hearts were even more shocked.


Just after experiencing a great battle, Xiao Lang actually wanted to advance immediately?

Doesn't he know tired?


How did they know how could Xiao Lang feel tired now?

There is only one word in my heart——



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