Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 709: Chaos!

"Little friend?"

The Profound Master of Heaven was shocked.

He never expected that Xiao Lang would choose to stand up suddenly at this time.

Is he not afraid of death?

Is it really worth it to him?

Is it worth it?

But what he didn't know was that Xiao Lang had never considered such a thing. He only knew that when the Profound Lord Sky turned into a sword, the opponent was already his friend.

Naturally a friend, how can you just watch him die?

So at this time, Xiao Lang stood up with a decisive attitude!

Did not answer the question in the heart of the Profound Master Tian.

The Profound Master Tian also only saw that, in the face of the shattered barbaric ape's remnant thoughts, Xiao Lang's actions were extremely simple for this vicious creature whose combat power had definitely reached the level of Venerable Heavenly Dao, just raising a hand.

However, his hand is very different from before.

This is a purple fist!

He knew the colors above, but the power contained in it was so strange and powerful!

"this is……"

When the Profound Master of Heaven was stunned--


Xiao Lang's fist had already smashed into the broken mind of the smashed barbarian ape, and in an instant, the world collapsed! The Profound Master Sky only felt a violent and ruthless force rushing toward his face, and the entire sword body was dragged by Xiao Lang to fall!


There is nothing then.

The Profound Lord Heaven has lost consciousness directly!

But at the moment he lost consciousness, he clearly knew that this time, he could not die!



For Xiao Lang and the Profound Lord, the battle between them and the Destroyed Barbarians was one wave after another, but for Yan De and others who were thousands of miles away, they only heard the sky shaking and roaring. It was endless, and the distance was covered by a gray mist. Except at the beginning, they couldn't see how far the battle was going.



This loud noise is definitely more than any previous one. When it came, not only the people of the evil spirits such as Yan De and Qingtianwei, but also the Jin Jiu, the old man Aomu, the master of Jieyuan, etc., all couldn't help but face Big change.

"grown ups!"

"Xuan Tian!"

"Li Qi! Donor!"

The audience was shocked.

Because they suddenly discovered that the aura of Xiao Lang and the Profound Master of Heaven had suddenly disappeared!


Are all dead?

The fluctuating aura of the Shattered Wild Ape is gone!

Lose for both?

perish together?

Everyone was shocked. For a time, no one could say a word. Everyone was immersed in this fear and couldn't help themselves!

You know, Profound Sky Lord and Xiao Lang, but their greatest support to enter this place is also their greatest support! Had it not been for the Profound Lord and Xiao Lang, they would never have come in when they knew that the high priest would definitely come in.

but now……

Are they dead?

Then wait for someone...

The first thing that Master Jie Yuan and others thought of was definitely this, because nothing is more important than life and death. For Yan De and others, it is more sad!

Profound Lord Heaven, just went there?

"Do not!"

"No, how could your lord die so easily?"

Qingtianwei cried bitterly and yelled unwillingly.

And it was this roar that finally awakened everyone present--

Yan De's face changed suddenly, and Yu Guang glanced at Jie Yuan and others next to him, and let out a low growl:

"go with!"

"Go to Master Sky Profound Master! I want to see people alive, and corpses when I die!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone including Qing Tianwei was taken aback.

right now?

Go find it now, is it really sensible?

Although the battle seemed to be over, and the breath of Xiao Lang, the Profound Master of Sky, and the Shattered Savage Ape disappeared, who knows the actual situation?

Not safe!

Not sensible!

But Yan De still issued such an order.

For the Profound Lord?

Do not!

At the same time, all members of the Fierce Spirit clan had a clear understanding.

The life and death of the Profound Master of Heaven is certainly important, but there is one more thing that is even more important--


Yan De, this is for them to find the life stone!

Life stone must not fall into the hands of others!



The spirits of the Fierce Spirits were shocked, and even if they were about to rise to the sky, at this moment--

"and many more!"

"No one can move! Whoever moves will die!"

Suddenly, beside Master Jie Yuan, a sharp and excited voice suddenly sounded. Not only Yan De and the others' faces condensed, but even Master Jie Yuan and others were shocked and surprised and forgot to pass.

It's Luo Zifei!

At this time, he suddenly jumped out!


A strong coercion surging from his body, the fighting spirit is booming, it is disgusting.

"Luo Zifei, what do you mean?"

Yan De's expression changed, and he asked. Before the words finished, there were already people frowned on Master Jie Yuan and others.

what's the situation?

Yan De actually knows Luo Zifei's name?

Have contact between them?

When I was in the Profound Sky Realm, the human race and the fierce spirit race were very distinct, and there was no contact at all!

The expressions of Master Jie Yuan, Old Man Aoki and others changed suddenly, and they had a premonition of uncertainty. But when Luo Zifei faced Yan De's question, his expression remained unchanged, but he was still quite excited.


"There is nowhere to look for the iron shoes. It takes all the time!"

"Master, I thought I was really hopeless, but I didn't expect the surprise to come so soon!"

"Yan De, don't be foolish, those two Profound Sky Tokens, without your share, belong to me! What time is it now, do you think it was at the beginning?"

"Want to use me as a gunman? Haha!"

Luo Zifei intends to make Tianxuan!

He had made an agreement with Yan De and others long ago!

As soon as this remark came out, not only Jie Yuan and others, but Qing Tianwei and others also changed their faces suddenly.

Hidden current!

At this time, it finally broke out!

Heavenly Profound Order!

Luo Zifei's purpose was the Profound Sky Token. According to his understanding, since Xiao Lang and the Profound Sky Lord were already dead, the two Profound Sky Tokens naturally became unowned.

This is his chance!

A coveted opportunity!

It can be said that he has been waiting for this opportunity since he followed Xiao Lang into this place of inheritance. However, he originally thought that it should be an extremely simple matter to win Xiao Lang with the strength of these people gathered by himself.

Until, he saw Xiao Lang's true combat power.

A terrifying force enough to kill all of them in seconds!

At that time, he was really desperate.

They absolutely couldn't beat Xiao Lang like this!

However, he still did not give up all hope. He was waiting for the day when Xiao Lang was seriously injured! Now, he finally waited!

Profound Lord Sky, Xiao Lang, and the Shattered Barbarians fought, and they didn't know their life or death!

Such a godsend opportunity, how could he let it slip away from his hands?

So he stood up!

Of course, he hopes that Xiao Lang is still alive. In this case, he can still know the secret of the primitive-level teleportation circle from Xiao Lang.

The best of both worlds!

Children do multiple choice questions.


Want it all!

"Go find him!"

"No matter life or death, you have to bring it back to me!"

Luo Zifei raised his arms and immediately, dozens of people stood out from the team.

Liu He, Ran Bin, Hou Tao!

Three evils!

Di Xianger, Yinyuezong Yuan Tie, and Guo Xi of Chiba Island!

In the team brought by Xiao Lang, there were only eleven giants, including the Tianfu Palace where he was located. And now, seven giants have stepped forward, all on Luo Zifei's side!



If it were not for premeditated, Old Man Aoki would definitely not believe it!

Old man Aoki was dumbfounded.


The only people still standing next to him are the Wuxiang Buddha Kingdom and the Temple of War. Master Jie Yuan and Qin Yu, the leader of the Temple of War, have extremely solemn expressions.

Suddenly, Master Jie Yuan stood up.

"Little friend Luo, you are too much."

"Little friend Li Qi took us here and there, and saved our lives, which is indispensable. Do you think that with your own strength, you can fight the high priest?"

Luo Zifei looked domineering and didn't care, and only when he heard the three words High Priest did his eyes slightly shrink.

"Old monk, don't be such a bad person!"

"How do you know I can't?"

"The reason why he was able to contend with the high priest was definitely because of the Profound Order that day. With the Profound Order of the day, so can I!"

"If you don't want to listen to me, just go away, I am not short of you! But today, I am going to make two Heaven Profound Orders!"

"If you are not convinced, stand up!"


Luo Zifei looked like he didn't put anyone in his eyes at all, not to mention it was too annoying, Master Jieyuan heard the words, his expression condensed, but he returned to the team without saying a word.

Does not participate.

He decided not to participate in this matter.

He really couldn't understand what Luo Zifei did at this time, but as Luo Zifei said, now he is weak, and what can he do?

Nothing can be done!

However, some people don’t think so--


Yan De was furious and roared, and the roar of magic soldiers suddenly sounded behind him.

Draw your sword, raise your sword!

"If you want to take away my clan Sky Profound Order, first ask if I agree or not!"



For a time, a horrible and depressing breath swept the audience, suffocating.

The tip of the needle is to the wheat.


It looks like a war will rise.

The old man Aoki stood beside Jin Jiu, watching this scene with fear.

Who is most embarrassed about the current situation?

There is no doubt that it is Master Jie Yuan and them, because they have not chosen to stand in line and do not want to take action. However, whether it is the evil spirit or Luo Zifei, will they really give them a chance to stay out of the way?

I'm afraid not!

They may not be able to take care of it now, but once this matter has a result, no matter which side wins the final victory, their situation may not look good.

"Young... Young Master?"

The old man Aoki tremblingly looked at Jin Jiu, who was silent beside him, with a heartbeat. But Jin Jiu failed to give him a satisfactory answer, still staring coldly at what was happening in front of him, his mouth closed tightly.

Waiting to die?

of course not.

More disdain!


At the moment when the Fierce Spirit raised the magic weapon in his hand, Luo Zifei's face suddenly changed abruptly when he felt the violent momentum coming from him.


The evil spirits are really strong!

He didn't even have complete assurance of taking them all!

Luo Zifei looked ugly.

But he knew that now the arrow is on the line and he has to send it!

Not only because of the Profound Sky Token, but also because of Xiao Lang's identity and the secrets of the primitive teleportation circle!


He hid this key information from Master Jie Yuan and others.

But this is a key to his inability to concede!

"You guys, really want to die?"

Luo Zifei threatened coldly, trying to deter the evil spirits. But how did he know that the fierce spirits also have reasons to be unable to retreat——


Even if the Heavenly Profound Master is really dead, they must take the life stone, because that is the shackles of the fate of their fierce spirits, how can it fall into the hands of others!

Yan De's response was very simple, just one word--



The smoke swept through, collapsed like thunder!

The war will start?


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