Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 713: Bloody, enlightenment!

Xiao Lang, wake up!

Seeing this, the Profound Lord Tian was overjoyed.

In his opinion, there was nothing more important than Xiao Lang waking up at this time. Because now, he has been abandoned!

It's not that his martial arts shattered and turned into a mortal.

It's that his power has been completely exhausted, and even the origin of martial arts has been greatly traumatized. He can only forcefully strengthen his form, and there is no more power to fight.

I saw him with the Sky Profound Sword as the core, golden light misty, outlined his figure, and that face full of anxiety.

They are indeed safe in the body of the ruined barbarian ape.

But the Profound Lord Sky knew clearly how unfriendly the current situation was to them!

Sun Wuji, has been forced to the point of burning the origin!

And now he has lost all combat power, and all he can rely on is Xiao Lang alone.

"Little friend Xiao Lang!"

The Profound Master Sky was anxious and called again, even if his eyes fell on the latter again, his eyes trembled suddenly.

Xiao Lang is not in a good state now!

One of his arms is completely gone!

It was the arm that confronted the Shattered Barbarian Ape. Under the violent impact, it was directly transformed into nothingness, and it has not recovered so far. It is covered with blood and has a weak breath.

Seeing this scene, Profound Master Tian was shocked.

He understood that Xiao Lang didn't need to be like this at all. It was all because of him. In order to save him, Xiao Lang forced his hand to stop the final blow of the Destroyed Wild Ape.

How much of the current Xiao Lang's combat power can be displayed at his peak?

The eyes of the Profound Master Tian were full of worry.

And at this moment--

"Not urgent."

A calm voice came from Xiao Lang's mouth, and the dullness in it made the Profound Master Tian couldn't help being taken aback. The next moment, he saw Xiao Lang sitting cross-legged on the ground with clear eyes and suddenly stretched out the intact one. Undamaged hand, stretch out a finger and stroke the ground.


Xiao Lang outlined a picture scroll on the ground in front of him.

this is……

The Profound Master Tian thought that Xiao Lang was setting up a magic circle to assist Sun Wuji who was fighting for them outside, but the next moment, suddenly felt something wrong.

Only pictures, no power!

At Xiao Lang's fingertips, the Profound Master Sky did not sense any power fluctuations.

What is he doing?

The Profound Lord was stunned.

In fact, from his experience, of course, it can be seen that Xiao Lang's current state and retreat are very similar, as if he was enlightening. But the point is, is this really a good time for enlightenment?

Outside, there is a life-and-death battle going on!

Xiao Lang is not in a hurry at all?

On the very same day, the Profound Lord gritted his teeth, wondering if this would affect Xiao Lang's chances, and when he wanted to interrupt him and wake him up again, suddenly--


A mighty and violent vibration was transmitted directly from the outside through the huge body of the Destroyed Barbarian Ape. The Sky Profound Lord's figure swayed, suffered a shock, his face changed suddenly, and he immediately looked outside.

I saw that Sun Wuji was stepping up into the void, and then swept towards the high priest, piercing the sky with his spear like a shuttle!

bloody battle!

Although Sun Wuji burned the origin of the heavenly path, it was clear that the gap between him and the high priest was still huge.

He is not an opponent!

If it were the high priest before coming to this piece of Tonggu Heaven and Earth, facing such a crazy Sun Wuji, he would definitely not be an opponent, he could avoid it, and he would not dare to resist it.

But now--

He is stronger!

Because he got the magical fruit that represents the power of qi and blood in the deepest part of the second world!

Sun Wuji burned the origin of the Heavenly Dao, and he also directly sacrificed the power of the law and divine fruit!


If Sun Wuji is like a lightning that tears through the void, then the high priest is an indestructible mountain standing between the sky and the earth.

Under the fist, great power is hidden!

The power of his fists at this time, even a bit shattered the domineering ape!


Every time Sun Wuji attacked and killed, he was extremely precise and blocked!

Not only that--

Perhaps it was because of the sequelae of burning the original power, or it might be that Sun Wuji had just been promoted to become Venerable Heavenly Dao, and his control of power was inherently flawed. His offensive could not be coherent and there were many loopholes.

In a battle of the same tier, such loopholes are almost fatal.

Even if, he is now the Lord of Heaven!


Sun Wuji's offensive was violent, he poured all his power into the charge, but ignored most of it

Finally, as before, he was caught by one of the loopholes by the high priest and slapped him on the shoulder!


Shoulder blood!

A blood flower bloomed on Sun Wuji's shoulder!

The body shook abruptly, and almost fell directly from the void, a vaguely black air appeared on his pale face.


"It's over!"

Fifty thousand miles away, Master Jie Yuan and others paid great attention to this battle, because each of them knew very well that the outcome of this battle between Sun Wuji and the high priest was closely related to their fate.

At this moment, no matter what their impressions of Sun Wuji or Tianfu Palace, they must be on Sun Wuji's side.

No one is exception.

Even Luo Zifei and others are the same.

Because they knew in their hearts that even if the kind of thing happened just now, if Sun Wuji were to win, they would not necessarily die.

On the one hand, it is because they came from rich families.

Even Sun Wuji, who has already achieved the position of Venerable Heavenly Dao, could not be afraid of their status.

not to mention--


"Fortunately, we didn't say his identity just now..."

Luo Zifei, Guo Xi and others looked at each other and saw the fluke in each other's eyes.


This was originally a calculation in their hearts, but now it seems that it has become the most important part of their lives.

Without revealing Xiao Lang's identity, things must turn around!

However, if the high priest wins this battle of life and death, then their fate can be imagined!


I am afraid that even death, they feel extremely grateful.

Whenever they thought that they might become a demon puppet who had consciousness but had to listen to others, everyone couldn't help feeling cold from the bottom of their hearts, and their eyes on the battlefield became more expectant.

Sun Wuji, we must win!

But they also know that they can only pray in their hearts. For this battle, the life-and-death battle between these levels is completely impossible for them to participate in.

But precisely because of this, when Sun Wuji was bloodied and injured, his figure was shaky, and he almost fell from a high altitude, each of them felt extremely depressed, as if they were about to face the disaster of extinction!

Sun Wuji, can't hold it!

He is going to lose!

"How long can it last?"

At the same time this thought floated in everyone's heart, his face was ashamed.


They no longer even hope that Sun Wuji can defeat the high priest, but are considering how long Sun Wuji can last. Because it also means how long they can live!


Very cold!

Everyone felt the approach of death.

Even if each of them is a powerful person in the cultivation world for countless years, but at this time, it is difficult to avoid being affected by life and death, but their performance is not so obvious.

at the same time.

Destroy the inside of the corpse of the wild ape.

The Profound Master Tian also trembled abruptly, feeling tremendous pressure.

That's it!

Although Sun Wuji and the high priest were seriously injured for the first time after fighting for dozens of breaths, the Profound Master Tian knew that this definitely did not mean that Sun Wuji was just a little weaker than the high priest.

With the first time, there will be a second time.

And every next time, it will be faster and more fierce than this time!

Because this means that Sun Wuji's state is about to start to decline!

The gap between the two of them will only get bigger and bigger!

"Little friend Xiao Lang!"

The Profound Master Tian suddenly turned around and looked at Xiao Lang, his eyes full of anxiety and worry. He is not only worried about his own life and death, but also the safety of his people!

The Profound Lord Sky's gaze was behind Xiao Lang, and a bead embedded in the flesh and blood of the Shattered Savage Ape stopped for a moment.


This is the lifestone of their evil spirits!

As long as someone refines it, they can control the lives, life and death of all of their evil spirits!

It must not fall into the hands of the high priest!

And now, all he can rely on is Xiao Lang!

But Xiao Lang...

Xiao Lang still maintained the posture of sitting cross-legged, his fingers dancing on the ground, faster and faster, and the marks on the ground became more and more messy, making the Heavenly Lord dizzy.

He did not probe.

Because, there is no such exploration.

"Little friend, he is dying!"

"Do you really bear

My heart just watched him like this..."

However, before he could finish his sentence--

"To shut up!"

"Didn't you see that the master is enlightening? Excuse him, you are even more unlikely to survive!"

A rough voice suddenly sounded, interrupting him.

The Profound Master Sky was taken aback, and then he realized who was the master of these words--

Nine You Bats!

Before, Xiao Lang had linked him to the spirit of Jiuyoubat, so he recognized it quickly, and heard the trembling and anticipation in Jiuyoubat's words.


What way?

The Profound Lord Tian was a little confused.

Jiuyou Bat exposed himself and simply let go. The Profound Master Tian heard it immediately, and his excited voice came out:

"A big deal... a big deal!"

"As expected to be the master, really strong! I didn't expect that my Jiuyou Bat would have a chance to see this..."

Wait, what?

The voice of Jiuyou Bat stopped abruptly, and the Profound Master Sky was taken aback. Of course, he was curious, and he subconsciously asked.

But at this moment--

Bang bang bang!

Above the head, outside the body of the Destroyed Barbarian Ape, the roar that came from was even more violent, fluctuating, and the face of the Profound Master Sky changed drastically. He immediately raised his head and looked out, and saw--

The situation has completely changed!

Sun Wuji is no longer on the offensive side!

Bang bang bang!

These heavy sounds were made by the high priest hitting Sun Wuji with a fist or on his spear. Under the horrified gaze of the Profound Master, Sun Wuji was severely injured, spurting blood, and the red blood fell from the sky, turning into a rain of blood. !

But even so, he still stood firmly in front of the body of the ruined barbarian ape, never taking a step back!


Profound Lord Sky, shocked!

He looked at Sun Wuji with a complicated expression. Although this was the first time he saw Sun Wuji and he didn't know the relationship between him and Xiao Lang, at this moment, he saw the latter's persistence——

"If you want to hurt my disciple, step on my body first!"

This persistence is moving!

And also the high priest who found Sun Wuji's behavior strange!

After fighting against Sun Wuji for so long, and for a while, he attacked violently. Sun Wuji did not retreat without using the power of the Heavenly Dao, which he was best at, to escape. At this moment, the high priest finally realized something. His face changed slightly.

A pair of eyes that looked like an eagle falcon immediately fell behind Sun Wuji, destroying the corpse of the barbarian ape.

The corners of his mouth raised, and a sneer was pulled away.

"Ha ha."

"It turns out that they were there!"


Or, the high priest, guessed it!

Sun Wuji was shocked when he heard this, and his eyes trembled suddenly. There is no doubt that this was definitely his most worried thing, but it still happened.

However, Sun Wuji immediately suppressed the tremor in his heart, and deep in his eyes burst out a touch of absoluteness from the depths of his soul——

"Apprentice, as a teacher, let's go one step ahead!"

Sun Wuji, it's going to work hard!

With this blow, either you die or I die!

He knew Xiao Lang's current state, and he also knew what would happen if the high priest were really allowed in.

But now, he no longer thinks about it.

It makes no sense to consider these.

He wants to kill the high priest!

Completely solve this trouble for Xiao Lang!

Even if he can't kill him, he must fight for Xiao Lang to kill him!


Sun Wuji, broke out!

It broke out more violently than the burning origin!

In an instant, the wind and thunder moved together, the sky quashed, the void shattered, and the surrounding area was like fireworks blooming!

Sun Wuji's eyes were fixed on the high priest, and the spear in his hand was as bright as jade, and it contained amazing power!

One blow, lore!

This is bound to be a blow that will burn all his life force, but--

He doesn't care!

But at this moment, Sun Wuji, who was about to take the last step in his life, had not noticed that Sun Wuji, who had swung the last shot of his life, was unaware that behind him, the body of the ruined ape, sitting cross-legged, Xiao Lang finally woke up. The first reaction after that.

His fingers whirling on the ground trembled suddenly and stopped.

The pupils of the eyes are as clear as morning dew.

A soft moan resounded in this small space.

"It turns out that it is."


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