Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 721: Inheritance and inquiry.

Three days later.

Xiao Lang and his party have returned to the Third World.

Because, the last divine fruit that represents will and divine soul is here.

Like the first world, it is also a powerful demon plant guarding it.

If Xiao Lang, four days ago, even teamed up with Jinling Ancestor and Bloodthirsty Star Vine, he would probably not be his opponent, but now--

In fact, Xiao Lang did not make a move.

It was Sun Wuji who made the shot!

In the battle with the high priest, he was forced to burn the origin of the heavenly path, which was indeed a great test for him. But there is a saying in the cultivating world that there must be gains if you lose!

After Xiao Lang used the power of life and heaven to repair his origin, Su Wuji became stronger!

A spear is invincible!

Master Jie Yuan and the others looked at the terrifying battlefield where Sun Wuji and the demon plant of the Heavenly Dao level were fighting from a distance. While their hearts were shaking secretly, they couldn't help looking at Xiao Lang who was quietly watching the battle.


Until now, they couldn't believe that Xiao Lang actually gave up this opportunity to pass the ancient world to Sun Wuji.

Even if Sun Wuji is his master.

Even in the cultivation world, there is a saying that the master is the master.

Even if Xiao Lang said directly, he was confident to break through again.

However, every time everyone thinks about it, they still feel incredible.

What a strong will this must be!

What a strong confidence!

They think they can't do it themselves!

Of course?

It is not so taken for granted.

"This pair of master and apprentice..."

Looking at Xiao Lang with a smile on his face, Master Jie Yuan suddenly trembled and lowered his head, his eyes were blank and shocked.

For a moment, he couldn't even think of the extent to which Sun Wuji and Xiao Lang, the master and disciple, would grow in the future cultivation world.

"Perhaps, Lihuo World is really too small."

Master Jieyuan felt bitter in his mouth, and his expression was a bit dazed.

As a veteran martial artist, and the top one, of course he has his own pride. For the entire cultivation world, he naturally prefers to see young geniuses surpassing himself.

But for him, isn't this a kind of sadness...

"Me, will there be a breakthrough day?"

Master Jie Yuan fell into a long silence.





A roar like a sky thunder poured into the eardrums, Master Jie Yuan woke up suddenly, and immediately heard the exclaims from around him. At the same time, seeing the battlefield in the distance, the huge monster plant had disappeared. There is Sun Wuji standing proudly in the void, with a spear shining with green light, and on the other hand, a white fruit is suspended out of thin air——

The fruit of the will is here!

Xiao Lang had been paying attention to this battle, and he naturally saw this scene with a smile on his face.


it's finally over!

The three major laws, the **** fruit, are present, and this inheritance in the ancient world can be regarded as an announcement of a certain paragraph.



Under the surprised gaze of everyone, Sun Wuji trembled slightly, and the other two divine fruits that he had sealed in the storage ring, the divine fruit of vitality and blood and the divine fruit of divine power suddenly burst out.


Three divine fruits, one!

A mysterious wave suddenly erupted from the newly-born divine fruit. Its wave is not strong, but when this breath spreads, even Xiao Lang, who has condensed three heavenly wills , Can't even help but feel a sense of being suppressed!

This is still tens of thousands of miles away!

"This is... the power of the law?"

Xiao Lang suddenly remembered the words of the original owner, and couldn't help but think of the flesh and blood in his arm--

Zhentian coffin!

The power in the Tiantian Coffin seems to be similar to it.

"These three divine fruits should all be made by the original owner. When he left the inheritance back then, he was at least the pinnacle powerhouse of the Yuanshi realm, and the aura in the Zhentian coffin is actually similar to it, can it be said..."

Zhentian coffin is also a magic weapon left by a strong man in the Yuanshi realm?

Suddenly, Xiao Lang was suspicious.

It's a pity that he hasn't waited for him to infer the possibility--

Xiao Lang raised his head as he sensed, his pupils shrank slightly.

A figure came through the air.

Who is not the original owner?

I saw him smiling, looking at Sun Wuji approvingly, his clear voice spread all over the world:

"Not bad."

"Wrapped in a demon seed, but resists with will and does not succumb to hardship. In the face of the enemy, I am willing to dedicate myself as a robe, deep and righteous."

"You are indeed qualified to be my disciple."


The moment the original owner's voice sounded, Sun Wuji seemed to finally wake up from the abnormal change of the gods in front of him, suddenly raised his head, his eyes were full of surprises.

Inheritance, here comes!

Sun Wuji bowed and saluted, just about to reply. Suddenly, when the original owner waved his hand, Sun Wuji felt an unstoppable force coming from under him, and his waist could no longer be bent.

Sun Wuji was taken aback.

The original voice sounded again;

"As the saying goes, courtesy can't be lost. However, I am not the main body. I cannot bear your courtesy. When you leave this world and see the deity, you can salute him again."

"You follow me."

"I will teach you and me this line of basic magic, many legacy."

With that said, the original owner stepped out--


The void cracked silently, and the original master stepped straight in. Sun Wuji was taken aback, and subconsciously looked in the direction of Xiao Lang, only to see him lightly nod his head, and then put down all the vigilance in his heart and followed directly.


The figures of the two immediately disappeared.

"This... is over?"

Master Jie Yuan and the others were taken aback for a while, but they didn't even react. At this moment, they heard the voice of the original owner resounding in the void:

"Earl's experience can also end."

"You can leave directly, or you can experience it here. Tonggu Tiandi will be destroyed in one month, please be prepared."

The destruction of Tonggu Tiandi?

That's okay.

In fact, it will be Sun Wou-ki's biggest gain this time, his world, and the most perfect world!

But this is for Sun Wuji.

For them, everything here can indeed end early.

Leave, or wait?

Immediately, everyone's eyes fell on Xiao Lang's body.

As the strongest of all, Xiao Lang had already become the decision maker and leader of everyone. At this time, even if they could leave directly, they still wanted to hear Xiao Lang's opinions.

go away?

Xiao Lang's eyes flashed, looking at the void where Sun Wuji had disappeared, but he was actually relieved.

What he worries most is whether the two divine fruits were not obtained by Sun Wuji personally and will affect him a little bit, but now it seems that he is more worried.

Similarly, he didn't worry that the original owner would go wrong with Sun Wuji.

No need.

If Yuan wanted to do this, he would not take Sun Wuji away. Although the people chosen by him will become his descendants, he is still the master of this place, the only true god!

As for waiting, leave.

Of course Xiao Lang has only one choice-

"I want to wait here for the master to come out..."

Xiao Lang glanced around for a week and said his decision, as if he was about to say goodbye, but at this moment, when his gaze passed by Jin Jiu, everyone saw him.

A sharp glow suddenly flashed through the bottom of his eyes, as if thinking of something, frowned and asked:

"Brother Jin, I remember when you first came here, you said that you knew all about the era before Lihuo Great World?"

Jin Jiu didn't expect Xiao Lang to ask this question at this time. He was taken aback for a moment, and then nodded:


Jin Jiu's answer was quite simple, because he didn't know why Xiao Lang asked this question.

Xiao Lang is obviously more excited:

"What about the Jin Sundan tribe?"

"Do you know the Jin Xun clan?"

Jin Sundanese?

What race is that?

Is it a kind of human race?

Master Jieyuan and others frowned upon hearing the three words of Jin Xunzu.


never heard of that.

Jin Jiu, do you really know?

They looked at Jin Jiu curiously, but what they didn't expect was that Jin Jiu just hesitated a little and nodded:

"Slightly heard."

"The Jinxun tribe is a very powerful branch in the history of our human race. It has ruled an entire era. There are countless strong people. The most famous of these is the ancestor of the Jinxun tribe, the powerhouse at the peak of the immortal realm. In that era, it was an invincible existence."

Jin Jiu narrated in detail, telling everything about the Jin Xun clan in great detail.

Jin Xun ancestor!

When Xiao Lang heard the words, his pupils suddenly shrank.


He finally heard the existence of the Jin Xun clan from the mouth of a second person besides the ancestor of Jinling. He was refreshed and quickly nodded:


"it's him!"

"Dare to ask Brother Jin if he knows what level are the ancestors of Jin Xun in the past?"

The ancestors of Jin Xun nationality in the past?

Jin Jiu was stunned when he heard the words.

"What is the ancestor of the Jinxun tribe in the past? Isn't there only one ancestor of the Jinxun tribe?"

This time, Xiao Lang was stunned.

Only one?

This is not right!

It is not the same as what Jinling ancestor said!

"No, of course more than one."

"The Jin Xun clan, the inheritance is quite strange..."

Xiao Lang immediately said all the introduction about the Jin Xun clan that Jinling ancestors had previously told him. At the same time, he realized that the reason why Jin Jiu had this concept--

Several times ago, when the ancestor of the Jin Xun clan became famous, she might have used this name, but in other times, the ancestor of the Jin Xun clan used other names, and Jin Jiu may not know it.

"The Jinxun tribe is a peculiar race. They can rely on the reincarnation of souls to reincarnate. Each time they will condense nine reincarnations and blend into different people's bodies, and then..."

Xiao Lang narrated in detail, without any details.

He had to be cautious.

Because of this, it is about the life and death of Nymph!

"Whenever the world is broken, she will use this peculiar way to reincarnate and start a new life..."

"The people she chooses must go through the fight of fate, and the people who live to the end can get all the memories and open up a new life..."

Xiao Lang rejected all emotions as much as possible and spoke rationally.

However, what made him never think was that before he finished speaking, Jin Jiu still looked confused, as if he had never heard of such a legend, suddenly.

A voice full of surprise suddenly sounded in the void!

"This... isn't this the characteristic of the Thousand Soul Race?"

"Master, this is not a Jin Xun clan, but a thousand soul clan!"

Thousand Souls?

The exclaimer is the Nine You Bat!

When Xiao Lang heard his voice, his heart immediately trembled.

Jiuyou Bat, have you heard of this race and its peculiar heritage? !


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