Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 793: Luo Yiran's apology.

Luo Yiran is here!

Not only came, but also came alone!

Xiao Lang's eyes flashed, thoughtfully. As for Daoyue standing next to him, the eyebrows outside of Qingsha immediately frowned, and a trace of anger flashed in her pupils.

Originally, she was indifferent to Luo Yiran's provocation.

But after today's events, Qin Hai was defeated and even seriously injured. Seeing Luo Yiran again, she could no longer be so indifferent.

"He even dared to come!"

Dao Yue's words were full of resentment and anger, and it was obvious that most of the reasons for Qin Hai's serious injury were attributed to Luo Yiran.

She was really right to think so.

After all, Qin Hai was injured in the ring, and in this battle with Luo Yiran, if Luo Yiran hadn't made a provocation at the market, there would be no results today.

However, Xiao Lang's expression remained indifferent and he declined to comment.


"My fellow Luo Yiran, visit all of you in the Temple of War."

"I also hope that fellow daoists will be generous and let me go in. I will come here with a pill, and hope that I can help Palace Master Qin one or two."

Luo Yiran stood outside the door, did not break in, and the voice came, clear and steady, although he did not see anyone, he still bowed his hands in salute, with a polite appearance.

Daoyue saw a flash of surprise in his eyes.

Luo Yiran, didn't you come to pick things up again?

"He is..."

Dao Yue was surprised.

She has always had a bad impression of Luo Yiran, because the first time they met was a huge conflict. Precisely because of this, she immediately felt a little puzzled when she saw Luo Yiran's attitude appear at the door.

Xiao Lang also heard Luo Yiran's voice transmission, and his eyes immediately flashed, and the wise light floated, and he suddenly stepped forward:

"What he wants to do, just go and see."


Xiao Lang walked directly towards the door. Dao Yue was surprised, even if she was instinctively displeased with Luo Yi, but at this time, perhaps it was because what Xiao Lang had done just now shocked her and couldn't help it. She had already instinctively led Xiao Lang as the leader. The person stepped forward, and he quickly followed.


Xiao Lang opened the door, and the isolation circle in the courtyard opened at the same time.

The two appeared in front of Luo Yiran.

Luo Yiran was stunned when he saw Xiao Lang and Dao Yue. He didn't seem to expect that they would come so fast, but the next moment he hung his head quickly and bowed his hands:

"Luo Yiran, meet two fellow Taoists."

"Luo came here today with sincerity, and I hope that the two daoists will let me go in regardless of the previous suspicion. Brother Qin is still in a coma now? I specially brought my Penglai Wonderland's top-level sacred medicine, Sheng Yi Dan. After Brother Qin takes it, he will definitely wake up immediately, and within an hour, he will be able to enter the peak state again."

Luo Yiran was totally respectful, and she was not used to seeing Daoyue.

After all, when the two of them met for the first time, Luo Yiran came here with a lot of hatred, and when he appeared, he was the enemy. But now...

Dao Yue was even a little at a loss, looking at Xiao Lang for help.

I saw that Xiao Lang's expression at this time had returned to his previous indifferent expression. He took a deep look at Luo Yiran, and the corners of his mouth were gently raised:

"So, are you here to apologize?"

"You finally figured it out?"

Figured out?

What did you figured out?

Dao Yue was taken aback when he heard the words, with a dazed expression, completely unable to understand what Xiao Lang said.

When Luo Yiran heard the words, her body stiffened suddenly, seeming to be quite touched, but she still did not raise her head, still maintaining a gesture of bowing his hands, but this time, he turned to Sword Moon, and said sincerely:

"I figured it out."

"The battle with Brother Qin made me abrupt. At the market that day, I shouldn't have doubted the girl's identity because of the girl's origins. It was because I did something wrong and was blinded by my father's death and hatred. Mind. After this trip, Miss Sword Moon also forgave my impulse and recklessness."

Dao Yue heard this, dumbfounded again.

Really apologize!

And, not just apologizing to Qin Hai, Luo Yiran is still apologizing to herself?

Dao Yue looked at Luo Yiran in surprise.

Is this really the Luo Yiran she has been exploring these days?

In her impression, Luo Yiran, as one of the few proud children of the Penglai Wonderland to vacate the sky over the past few years, has huge potential, deep foundation in martial arts, and extremely hard work. For any ordinary person, such a Geniuses who work hard are desperate.

It is precisely because of these advantages that he has become a superpower trained by the entire Penglai Wonderland with massive resources, and in such a short period of time, he can become a master of the Ninth Heaven level of Immortality!

However, there are some things that cannot be settled apart from the help of time.

For example, character.

Luo Yiran is tyrannical and direct!

And after the incident in the history of Penglai Wonderland, his biological father became one of the few victims of that disaster. Since then, his temperament has changed dramatically.

but now--

Just because he fought with Qin Hai and won, his mentality has changed so much?

What happened in this one?

Daoyue's eyes were confused.

However, when Xiao Lang heard Luo Yiran's words, he seemed to have caught something, his eyes flashed, and the corners of his mouth smiled thicker, and he calmly responded:

"Since Brother Luo has come sincerely, I have no reason to keep the distinguished guests away, not to mention Brother Luo still have gifts to give."

"Brother Luo, please."

"Brother Qin is in the courtyard."

Xiao Lang stepped aside.

As soon as this remark came out, it was not said that it was Luo Yiran. Even Dao Yue was taken aback, and subconsciously exclaimed:

"Brother Wild Wolf, he..."

Xiao Lang glanced at her deeply and said:

"It's okay."

"I believe that this is the territory of Penglai Wonderland, and Brother Qin is the master of the Temple of War. If anyone would be disadvantageous to Brother Qin, then he will definitely not be a person from Penglai Wonderland, and naturally he is not Brother Luo. "

"On the contrary, Brother Luo, you should worry about Brother Qin's safety more than anyone, right?"

Luo Yiran was taken aback when he heard the words, and then glanced at Xiao Lang in surprise, and finally took a long breath and smiled bitterly:

"Of course."

"The words of Brother Wild Wolf are extremely true. I don't want to see Brother Qin encounter something unexpected in my Penglai Wonderland. I really came here with sincerity."

Luo Yiran looked sincere.

Dao Yue was still full of reluctance and distrust, looking at Xiao Lang puzzled:

"Brother Wild Wolf, do you really believe him so?"

Xiao Lang smiled slightly.


Of course.

Why not believe it?

In fact, at the beginning, when Luo Yiran suddenly appeared outside the door, he also thought in an instant whether Luo Yiran had any conspiracy in coming this time.

However, when he thought that when he brought Qin Hai back through the space portal with Luo Yun's help, the solemn expression on Luo Xiao's face suddenly understood.

And Luo Yiran’s words just now directly confirmed his conjecture--

Luo Yiran's visit this time was Luo Xiao's suggestion!

Perhaps he really looked away from his father's death. Because when he answered his question just now, Luo Yiran's eyes were clear and there was no pretense.

There are only two possibilities.

In the first type, Luo Yiran completely let go of the knot.

The second is Luo Yiran's method to hide this knot, even Xiao Lang, who is in love with the Tao, can't see through it!

You asked Xiao Lang which one to believe in?

Of course it is the former.

But even so, with Luo Yiran's arrogance, it is absolutely impossible for Luo Yiran to come to the door to apologize as soon as this happened, unless someone else urged him behind him.

That person is probably Luo Xiao.

Because in the current Penglai Wonderland,

To say who is most concerned about Qin Hai's safety, there is no doubt that apart from Dao Yue, it is definitely Luo Xiao.

Dao Yue is because of my infatuation.

Qin Hai is much more complicated.

Lord of the Temple of War!

The manifestation of Wutu's true self, half of his foot has stepped on the threshold of the upper three realms.

No matter which label is on Qin Hai's body, it is impossible for Luo Xiao to sit idly by, not to mention that they also appeared on Qin Hai's body at the same time.

What's more, Qin Hai was seriously injured, and his roots began with Luo Yiran.

Of course, Luo Yiran may not be responsible, but since this matter has already happened, it must be resolved. Someone has to blame.

If Qin Hai simply loses in this battle, Luo Hai would not be so concerned even if he was seriously injured.

But at the moment when Qin Hai revealed Wutu's true self in the ring, this matter was completely different from before.

Someone must stand up and apologize.

Qin Hai, the three realms of power! This is no longer a question of offending and not being offended.

So Luo Yiran came.

"It not only beats the younger generation, but also solves this problem in a way that does not harm his face. Luo Xiao's strategizing skills are really good."

One thing that seems simple, in fact contains too much thought.

This is within the rich family, in the palace wall!

Dao Yue didn't understand because of her pure heart.

Xiao Lang could tell because he was good at thinking. Especially after understanding the cause and effect of heaven.

Everything has cause and effect.

Things are too.

So next, Xiao Lang once again suppressed the tumbling emotions in Daoyue's heart and greeted Luo Yiran in. When he led Luo Yiran into the side room where Qin Hai was, the Profound Master couldn't help being surprised.

He heard Luo Yiran's yelling outside the door just now, but he didn't expect Xiao Lang to actually welcome him in.

However, his xinxing was of course much calmer than Daoyue's. Seeing Xiao Lang's calm face, he didn't say anything. He just stayed aside and watched Luo Yiran step forward and feed Qin Hai a red pill.

It is indeed a holy medicine.

The pill melts in the mouth, and the medicine smells tangy.

Everyone could clearly feel that Qin Hai's life force and soul force, which had been nearly withered and could only slowly recover, began to grow rapidly, at an extremely fast speed.

How fast is it?

Not even the hour Luo Yiran said, just half an hour later——

Qin Hai, wake up!

Qin Hai opened his eyes and saw Luo Yiran astonished. Fortunately, Luo Yiran responded quickly and explained quickly. In addition, Xiao Lang was beside him and told him his judgment, Qin Hai's eyes flashed. When the line of sight fell on Luo Yiran again, it was already open.

"It's okay."

"I only care about Yue'er's safety. Since Brother Luo finally figured it out, of course I won't mind it, just treat it as an ordinary discussion."

"What's more, my gains are not small."

Qin Hai looked happy.

Of course he is the one who knows best about what happened to him.

When Luo Yiran heard this, a vague envy flashed in his eyes——

That's Wutu's true self!

It indicates that as long as Qin Hai does not die, he will surely achieve the upper three realms within a hundred years! This, but how many people dream of it!

"Unfortunately it's not me..."

Luo Yiran's eyes were in a trance, and it took a long time for him to finally return to normal. He put these distracting thoughts behind him and looked at Qin Hai:

"I haven't had time to congratulate Brother Qin."

"It's just that now my Penglai battle is in full swing, and Brother Qin's state has been fully restored, let's go and see?"

Return to the war?

Before Qin Hai expressed his opinion, a glimmer of light flashed across Xiao Lang's eyes. As he thought of something, his eyes grew deeper, but there was no anger, but his joy grew.

"Luo Xiao, Luo Xiao, your thoughts are really deep enough!"


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