Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 2 Chapter 55: The trick of loneliness

"After taking this medicine, this is a reduction pill, which can restore your own appearance, um... I will give you another Yi Rong Pill and a reduction pill. You will use Yi Rong Pill later! Don't ask so much, press me Do what you say!"

Entering the stone room in the valley, Qing Ming took out three pill bottles from Xumijie and handed them to Xiao Lang. Xiao Lang was about to ask. Hearing Qing Ming's words, he immediately took out a pill and swallowed it. As expected, the muscles on his face began to change, turning back to his plain face again.

It was too late to lament that there were too many hidden medicine pills, and the teleportation array was activated. Xiao Lang was dizzy when he was teleported. He was just getting excited when he saw the hidden sect that looked like a paradise. When he thought he could see Xiao Qingyi and Xiaodao, the teleportation array lit up again.

When he opened his eyes in a daze, he found that he had returned to the cave in the Death Mountain Range, yet he was not fully awake but was taken by Qing Ming and floated outside.

Qing Ming's speed was like a ghost, but he reached the foot of the mountain in half an hour, and continued to rush towards the distance without stopping.

Xiao Lang probably understood the trick of walking alone at this moment.

Secretly Chen Cang, stealing and changing!

Only Yun Feiyang knew about the Yinzong, so obviously no one knew about the teleportation array. In other words, no one believed that he came to the Death Mountain from Northern Xinjiang in just one hour. At this moment, he turned into his original appearance, as long as he appeared nearby and was detected by someone. Everyone thought that he was in the Death Mountain, then the evil spirits in Northern Xinjiang were definitely not Xiao Lang!

The arrangement of Lonely Walk was more precise than Xiao Lang had imagined.

Qing Ming took Xiao Lang to a famous small city in the north of Death Mountain, put him down, took out a set of clothes from Xumijie, and there was a wig. Then solemnly confessed: "Change it, and then go to the Longfeng Restaurant in the city. Someone will ask you to make trouble, and you will directly use Shenhun to kill. The bigger the trouble, the better. Come out immediately after the trouble! Don't worry, the troublemaker has arranged it long ago. They are all death row prisoners, unforgivable people!"

Xiao Lang didn't hesitate anymore, put on a black samurai robe, put on a wig, and his profound energy revolved over the wall and into the city.

It was almost early in the morning, but this was a small town under the Death Mountains, where adventurers lived. This kind of people can die all the time, so the nightlife is more exciting, either hangover or hang out in the brothel.

Xiao Lang soon found the Dragon Phoenix Restaurant, and sure enough laughter was loud inside, and countless adventurers were still drinking.

Xiao Lang walked in and swept away, there were more than 30 people sitting inside. With his perverted sensing ability, he immediately discovered that at least seven or eight people saw his pupils shrink.

Xiao Lang casually found a table if nothing had happened, ordered some food and drink, and started eating.

After a while, a table of four or five people really made trouble. The two seemed to be arguing, screaming, pushing and shouting. A drunk man was pushed to Xiao Lang's table, and Xiao Lang All the wine and dishes were overturned.

Xiao Lang glared at him, but the man yelled at him and slapped him.

"These are the people!"

Xiao Lang determined the target at once, and none of the others had any intent to kill, but these people showed intent to kill himself. Obviously it was a scheduled death row. He shot the man furiously and kicked the man out.

"call out!"

The other three moved, and while cursing, they carried a big knife and slashed towards Xiao Lang. The executed prisoners are not high in strength, only the warlord. Originally Xiao Lang didn't need to use Divine Soul, but Qing Ming confessed that he immediately released Divine Soul, but only part of it, entangled the three people in front of him, and instantly turned into bones.


"Kill it!"

Countless guests screamed in horror, Xiao Lang's eyes sensed that seven or eight people who had been paying attention to him, fled around in horror, but there was a deep joy in their eyes. Obviously it was the spies of various families who found that he was ready to go back to receive the reward.

The play was very successful, and Xiao Lang didn't even have the heart to kill the condemned prisoner. He burst out and shot out of the city gate.

Qing Ming had been standing there waiting for him, seeing Xiao Lang coming out and rushing towards the teleportation formation at the fastest speed. Entering the stone cave and immediately teleported it, making Xiao Lang very regretful that Qing Ming did not stay in the hidden sect for a while, and teleported him again to northern Xinjiang.

In the place where Xiao Lang sneaked out of Northern Xinjiang, Qing Ming put down Xiao Lang, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Major Envoy asked me to bring you a word. I can do whatever I want, even if I stabbed the sky out of a hole. He helps you withstand it. But pay attention to safety. Although there are spies by your side, there is no strong person to protect you. If you die, he can only... apologize to your aunt with death!"

Xiao Lang was startled, but he felt a tremor in his heart, and the man with a jade-like dress that was surpassing Xuefeng appeared in his mind, and his eyes suddenly turned red.

Qing Ming's body floated away, and his indifferent voice recalled to Xiao Lang's ears again: "I am optimistic about you, Xiao Lang! As long as you don't die, one day the entire Soul Continent will tremble under your feet. This sentence is I gave it to you!"

Standing on the endless Gobi, Xiao Lang stood silent for a long time without saying a word. After a while, he took out the fiery red battle armor from Xumijie and replaced it, threw the samurai robe and wig into Xumijie, and took out Yi Rongdan to take it down. , Become a demon.

After doing all of this, he once again looked at the direction of Qing Ming's disappearance, but suddenly smiled, smiling very happily, smiling unscrupulously. His coquettish bald head became even more weird under the cold moonlight.

With his first underground journey, Xiao Lang relaxed a lot when he returned to the barracks. In fact, he also knew that he would not be buried alive. After all, he could control the grass cane at any time and take him through the ground. Even if it collapses in the back, the grass cane will not hurt himself at such a fast speed.

Controlling the grass and vines to entangle his body and go underground, Xiao Lang quickly found the passage where he had come, and rushed towards the barracks along the passage, and finally returned to the barracks of the two of them under Qianxun's nervous gaze.

Chihiro looked around and found no abnormalities outside, so he was relieved. Xiao Lang went to the middle of the night, and he hadn't slept all the time, and his god-level tightened to the extreme. One was afraid that Xiao Lang was buried alive underground, and the other was that someone suddenly came to the barracks and found that Xiao Lang was not there. At this moment, I felt relieved when I saw Xiao Lang.

He asked curiously: "Where did you and Qing Ming go? The evil spirit didn't expect you to have this trick. The barracks of 100,000 people can get in and out easily? Wouldn't you be able to get in and out of the palace freely in the future?"

Xiao Lang patted the mud on his body, and controlled the grass and vines to destroy the passage, and filled the ground with mud. Then he grinned and said, "Where I have been, you will know in a few days. As for my walk through the ground. Surgery, don’t tell it to you, this is my life-saving trick! Hey! Don’t talk about the palace, as long as I want to go, I can sneak in quietly and without interest..."

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