Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 3 Chapter 79: Give birth

Sitting cross-legged, Xiao Lang quickly condensed a trace of profound energy, and put it into Xumi Jie. What made him extremely depressed was that Xu Mi Jie turned on and prevented the invasion of Xiao Lang's profound energy. This Xumi Jie couldn't be opened at all.

"Hmm... I knew I was killed by that Miss Qi!"

Xiao Lang woke up, Miss Qi was not dead, this Xumi Jie is not a thing without a master, and it must not be opened. If you forcibly inject profound energy, the space inside will collapse, and the treasures in Xumi Jie will be broken into fragments.

"Forget it! I will think of a solution when I go to Tianzhou in the future!"

Xiao Lang put Xumijie away, and once again remembered one thing, colorful gems!

There are countless multicolored gems in the Xumi Ring of the Divine Soul City Lord and Jia Kun, which contain very pure energy, which is useless for the current self, but it may be useful for Xiao Qingyi, Qianxun, Liu Ya and others.

When Xu Mijie flashed, he took out four colorful gems and threw them to Xiao Qingyi Qianxun's four people, and explained: "You wrap these gems with profound energy and try to refining them? If there is pure energy flowing into your veins , You immediately use your profound energy to store these energy in your dantian!"

The four of Xiao Qingyi glanced at each other and looked at the colorful gems in their hands with some curiosity. Xiao Lang didn't explain much, and the four could only sit and refine themselves.

The four gems slowly disappeared from the palms of the four of them in Xiao Lang's expectation, and the four of them closed their eyes and began to refine.

After a while, Xiao Qingyi suddenly opened her eyes and said in amazement: "This thing is so amazing, the energy in it is so huge, it can be more than the profound energy I can cultivate for a month!"

Qianxun woke up for the second time, his eyes were bright, and he said to Xiao Lang excitedly: "Is there anything else, give me some more. If there are more gems, I guess I will be able to reach the peak of the warlord soon. , After passing the bottleneck, it is the king of war!

Xiao Lang ignored Qianxun and looked at Liu Ya. After a while, Liu Ya woke up, but she couldn't believe it in her beautiful eyes. She covered her mouth and exclaimed, "Xiao Lang, what kind of treasure are you? I, I actually started fighting. Break through the high-level directly to the battle commander realm..."

Elder Zen has also finished refining, and his strength has broken through from the middle rank to the high rank, and an old face is shocked.

Xiao Lang grinned. If I refine a profound stone for them, I am afraid that my jaw will come down.

"Haha, I have a lot of this stuff!"

In fact, Xiao Lang was also very surprised, because the energy contained in this gem was only one millionth of that of the profound stone, which was nothing short of a drop for him. Didn't expect that they would have such a big effect on Qianxun?

Could it be because of the special xing of the demon combat skills?

Xiao Lang thought of Jiakun and said that people who practice the combat skills of the Heavenly Demon need ten times more profound stones than ordinary warriors, and he secretly relieved. I also got a little troubled. This Heavenly Demon's combat skills require so many profound stones, and I don’t know if the profound stones in Tianzhou are good or not. If it is difficult, it will be troublesome...

These gems Xiao Lang were useless, and he simply left hundreds of them, and all the rest were thrown out and distributed to four people, so that they could refining and increase their strength and better protect themselves.

"Wow... With so many gems, I can definitely break through the Battle King Realm! War King Realm, I didn't dare to imagine it before!" Qianxun looked at the piles of gems like a hill, very excited, fighting in his eyes King Realm is an absolute powerhouse, I didn't expect that I might break through the King of War Realm in this life!

Liu Ya and Old Chan were frightened, Xiao Qingyi opened his mouth slightly, and he didn't expect Xiao Lang to get so many treasures. With so many gems, she is absolutely confident to break through the battle royal realm!

"Aunt, Chihiro, there are two jewels here. These gems should not be left outside for a long time, otherwise the energy will be lost. Put them away!"

Xiao Lang took out the Xumi Jie from the Duke Xing and gave it to Xiao Qingyi and Qianxun from the Zuo family. These two Xumi Jie are small, enough for them! Looking at Liu Ya who was eager, Xiao Lang took out Miss Qi's inner armor and gave it to her, and then took out several combat skills from his arms and threw it to everyone to see if they could understand it.

Under Xiao Lang's instruction, Xiao Qingyi and Qianxun learned how to use the Xumijie and immediately put away the gems. Each of the four watched with a combat technique. Liu Ya and Chan watched for a while, but shook their heads, and threw their combat skills to Xiao Lang. Liu Ya said, "I don't understand this combat skill at all. It must be precious, right? Xiao Lang, keep it for yourself! It was wasted for me. I have a very low understanding of martial arts."

Qianxun looked around for a while, and shook his head to indicate that he couldn't understand it. Xiao Qingyi suddenly raised his head and said in surprise, "Lang'er, where did you get these combat skills? It's so broad, profound and difficult to understand? This is definitely not a heavenly rank. Combat skills, is this a holy combat skill?"

Xiao Lang grinned and said, "These gems and combat skills are all from the Divine Soul City Lord and Jiakun. My dantian has been abolished and it is useless to cultivate without profound energy. I don't know what level it is, so please practice it!"

The matter was confirmed, Xiao Lang let Xiao Qingyi and Liu Yachan rest in the house. He and Qianxun went out and grabbed the half-dead "emperor". The two easily conquered the entire island nation with their powerful force. Xiao Lang asked the emperor to order that Longni Dynasty changed its owner, and Qianxun became the new one. The emperor!

After Chihiro killed several hard bones of the Long Ni family, all the warriors of their family surrendered to Chihiro's iron fist. There is no reason in this world. The strong is king, and Xiao Lang and Qianxun are strong, so they can easily rise to power and become the masters of the island.

However, Xiao Lang told Qianxun not to mess around on the island, especially not to grab beautiful women. He knows Chihiro too well. Since this guy has become the emperor of the earth, if he doesn't beat him, the beauties on the island will definitely be destroyed by him.

Chihiro patted his chest to make sure that he would not mess up, but his eyes were bright. He is all the emperor on this island. Why mess around? As long as he wants to hook up, with his means and status, that girl won't catch him? Don't you want to make trouble?

After turning around the island, Xiao Lang was relieved. There were sea areas nearby, and he also detected many sea beasts. With the strength of these tens of thousands of people on the island, it is impossible to cross to the Soul Continent, and there is no fear that someone will go to the Soul Continent to inform.

Throwing into the army and rectifying the affairs of his subordinates to Qianxun, Xiao Lang returned to the house alone. At this moment, the group of concubines in the house had been driven out, leaving several maids to serve Xiao Qingyi and Liu Ya they.

Xiao Lang walked into the yard and found that Xiao Qingyi and Liu Ya had returned to her room to rest. Old Zen waited in the interior hall, instructing a group of maids to go in and out, and returned to her old profession, a housekeeper.

"My son, Miss Ya said you are back, let you go to her room!"

With an announcement from the old Zen, Xiao Lang immediately walked to the backyard, led by the maid, into a reasonably luxurious room.

"Little man!"

A fiery body rushed forward, holding Xiao Lang's body tightly, seeming to have exhausted his entire body, for fear that Xiao Lang would suddenly disappear.

Xiao Lang also hugged Liu Ya tightly, looking at her pear blossom rainy face, his heart was soft. He could clearly feel this woman's love for him, extremely fierce and extremely deep.

Before, he had doubted that Madam Ya, as a famous widow in the city of Medicine King, would continue to regain a stray life or remarry after he had not returned for so long. Now he wants to be ashamed.

Suddenly Liu Ya stood on tiptoe and kissed Xiao Lang wildly. She kissed her so much that she was almost suffocated before she stopped. Her face was blushing, her whole body was flattering, she looked at Xiao Lang very affectionately, and said softly: "Little man , Want me, want Ya'er, Ya'er will give you a child, a child that belongs to us!"

"Giving birth?"

Xiao Lang was startled, then picked up Liu Ya and threw it on the big bed, quickly took off the robe on her body, rushed forward, and said with a smile: "Since you want children, be prepared. This month, I Will go all out, don’t beg for mercy..."

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