Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 3 Chapter 83: Run wild


Xiao Lang's fist suddenly smashed into the war emperor, and the war emperor unexpectedly slammed out of the sea beast's mouth, and also smashed its mouth open and fell into the sea.

"call out!"

Since Xiao Lang decided to take action, how could he keep his hand?

He clearly felt that with the blow just now, this punch had already smashed the battle emperor’s profound energy armor, but this battle emperor’s profound energy armor was very powerful, and his strength was already less than 30%. Just smashed a few bones off his bones, the surface skin also exploded, without causing fatal damage to him!

The body burst out from the sea beast's mouth, and Cao Teng had already rushed out like a lightning bolt, turning into an afterimage and rushing toward the warlord.

This Emperor Zhan felt the chest injury, and was a little panicked. Xiao Lang's surprise sneak attack actually almost killed him with just one move. At this moment, facing the simultaneous attacks of Cao Teng and Xiao Lang, he naturally chose to deal with Xiao Lang's attack first, but he also possessed the soul for the first time, and also released the battle armor of profound energy to prevent Cao Teng from devouring himself.

"call out!"

The two figures confronted each other, both of them attacked with all their strength. Under Xiao Lang's control, Cao Teng turned into a phantom and charged from below. Xiao Lang's battle plan was obvious. He desperately smashed the battle emperor's profound energy armor, letting Cao Teng kill him.

To Xiao Lang's surprise, he and the war emperor slammed into a punch. Not only did he not shook the war emperor so that his arm burst, but the profound energy armor ruptured. Instead, he was smashed out by a powerful force, the tiger's mouth was aching, and a touch of blood slowly overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

The spirit of this war emperor is actually blessing power!

Xiao Lang secretly said a bad sound, because he had already ordered Cao Teng to attack. At this moment Cao Teng was already close to the bottom of the war emperor, and was sweeping toward the war emperor's body.

Cao Teng and him are one body, originally to cooperate with the attack, and now he was unexpectedly smashed and flew out, Cao Teng is equivalent to completely exposed to the attack range of the Emperor of War. If Cao Teng is injured, his soul will also be injured, and he will definitely die by then.

The Emperor Zhan didn't expect that Xiao Lang could be repelled so easily. Xiao Lang was so fierce outside the imperial capital, even Black Fang was killed by him. With a light blow just now, he also wounded himself. The Emperor thought that Xiao Lang's combat power was beyond his imagination.

After a daze, Cao Teng had already rushed up and wrapped him half of his body, but this war emperor was disapproving. After all, he has a battle armor of profound energy, this grass and vine can't swallow it for a while, right?

On the contrary, he became excited. If he wounded this grass vine, Xiao Lang would definitely have his soul damaged. Wouldn't he be able to catch him by then?

In an instant, surrounded by profound energy in his hand, he was ready to release it, attacking the phantom of the grass and vines, but what made him couldn't believe it—

Cao Teng actually swallowed his profound energy armor in an instant, and then swallowed half of his body into bones!


The emperor warrior screamed, but how could he scream out on the seabed? The grass vines spread quickly, turning his body into a skeleton!

"Uh, uh!"

Xiao Lang was also choked by the sea, and his eyes were filled with consternation. When did the grass and vines become so fierce? Can the profound energy armor of the strong emperor be swallowed instantly?


He patted his head and remembered one thing.

It seems that the grass and vines have evolved again outside the imperial capital? They are all yellow now, and the ability to swallow has definitely increased! Xiao Lang had never swallowed profound beasts or sea beasts after evolution. He never knew that the swallowing ability of this grass vine had become so strong, but at this moment it was an unexpected surprise.

The grass vine flashed, turned into a solid body, wrapped the skeleton and dragged it back. Xiao Lang didn't want to leave any traces to be discovered, and his body immediately shot at the long-tongued scale beast.

This long tongue scaly beast has also lived for thousands of years. It is very psychic. I wanted to take advantage of Xiao Lang and the war emperor to flee. I didn't expect the battle to end so quickly, and it was so scared that it dared not escape.

The grass and vines pierced through, and soon entangled the sea to flow. The sea beast opened his mouth obediently, and Xiao Lang took Cao Teng into the sea beast's belly.

"call out!"

The grass and vines turned into phantoms and quickly healed the sea beasts. The injuries on this sea beast were healed at once, and he became more taboo about Cao Teng, and immediately fled to the west under the control of Xiao Lang.


At the same time, thousands of miles away from the sea, there was a surprise sound from a large window.

The war emperor crushed the jade talisman, and the black stone in the ship immediately felt it.

At this moment, the scene in the hall inside the ship is very bloody. Dozens of oirans are all naked, their plump buttocks are lined up in a circle, and the black stone is standing in the middle, like an emperor's wheel. Looks like...


One kick kicked an oiran away, Black Stone grabbed a battle armor with one hand, quickly put it on, and under the surprised gaze of countless oiran, shot in the direction of the war emperor.

He confessed many times that Xiao Lang immediately crushed this jade talisman. Even if it was killed by a sea beast, he could not move the jade talisman.

Now that the jade talisman is broken, it means... Xiao Lang has been found!

This made Heishi extremely excited, and finding Xiao Lang on behalf of him and Hefei could pass back to Tianzhou in an honest manner. When the time comes, Elder He will definitely reward the two again and reuse them again.

Xiao Lang's strength is not strong, and the remnant soul of the heavenly emperor has completely disappeared. Hei Shi is 100% confident that he will be able to win him when he finds Xiao Lang!

Without wasting time to summon the powerhouses of the Divine Soul Continent, Hei Shi flew towards the west at the fastest speed, and he could clearly sense the place where the jade amulet was crushed.

In just half of the incense, Hei Shi rushed to the place where Xiao Lang and the Zhandi strong were fighting, and the fog array on the sea had no effect on the strong at his level.

He looked at the faint **** smell still remaining in the sea water and the several auras contained in the sea water, his eyes suddenly lit up.

He is very powerful, and he has a strange supernatural power, he can clearly sense that there are the aura of Xiao Lang and Cao Teng nearby, the aura of that war emperor, and the aura of a powerful sea beast!

After searching the neighborhood, no corpses were found, and the breath of the war emperor and Xiao Lang's grass vines completely disappeared, only the breath of the sea beast still remained in the western waters.

Xiao Lang and the war emperor couldn't evaporate out of thin air. There was only one explanation. Xiao Lang hid in the belly of the sea beast and fled toward the western waters!

The black eyes kept flashing brighter and brighter, and there was a kind of comprehension in his heart. It is no wonder that the seven emperors and powerful people could not find Xiao Lang for so long, because he was hiding in the belly of the sea beast!

"call out!"

The speed of Black Stone was like lightning, and he immediately followed the breath of the sea beast. No matter whether Xiao Lang was hiding in the belly of the sea beast as he expected, he decided to chase and kill him all the way.

During this period of time, Xiao Lang had completely entered the deep sea area. Although the deep sea was extremely dangerous, even though the scaly beast had passed through the grass and vines, it indicated that he did not want to enter this sea area several times. But at this moment he couldn't take care of that much, and forced the scale beast to run to the west at the fastest speed.

If you kill a war emperor, the other party will find out sooner or later, and will definitely increase the search effort. He hasn't entered the deep sea yet, and there will be no chance later. His eyes were extremely firm, even if he died, he would rather die in the mouth of a powerful sea beast.

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