Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 3 Chapter 85: Undersea Palace

"call out!"

Hei Shi was angry, and his body was injured in many places. He was about to approach Xiao Lang several times, and was smashed by the octopus sea beast. He swallowed a pill, smashed a head-sized white energy in a rage, and shot it at the tentacles of the octopus sea beast.


The white energy group collided with the octopus tentacles, and suddenly it was like a torpedo exploding, the sea rolled, rippling away layer by layer, and even Xiao Lang, who was 10,000 meters away, was shaken out again.


The octopus sea beast's big mouth kept making creepy screams, and its tentacle was blown up with blood, and it was not broken! ** is evident.



When Xiao Lang and Hei Shi heard the horrifying voice, there was pain in their minds, and the two rolled over at home. Xiao Lang almost collapsed in spirit, Black Stone improved a bit, his eyes were full of panic, this octopus sea beast would still attack with soul?

At the moment, Black Stone didn't care about the pain of tearing in his mind, and stopped catching Xiao Lang. He turned around and rushed towards the sea, and began to flee!

"call out!"

The octopus sea beast stopped screaming, his body flashed, and a tentacle swept toward the black stone like lightning. This time, he didn't fly him, but wrapped his body around, strangled it hard, and took it back, sending Black Stone's body into its big mouth.


Heishi desperately released a large body of white energy, and slammed it at the octopus sea beast body. He has left dozens of octopus sea beasts at this moment, and he will definitely be seriously injured by the explosion at such a close distance, but at this moment he can no longer take care of so many...


This time, not only was the sea under the sea tumbling, but even a column of water several kilometers high was blown out of the sea, and the sea was chaotic. The surface of the octopus sea beast's body was blasted to pieces, and the nearby sea was completely reddish brown with blood!


Xiao Lang was also caught in the aftermath of the explosion, and there was a burst of blood dripping behind the explosion, but he paid no attention to anything, did not dare to look back, and immediately healed with grass and vines while running away frantically.

If a good opportunity does not escape, when will it stay?

He secretly prayed in his heart that he hoped that the sea beast and the black stone would die together, and it would be best if they were badly injured.


His good wishes were shattered in just a moment!

A big breath enveloped him from behind, making it extremely difficult for him to walk around. He turned helplessly, and saw the octopus sea beast chasing after him in a terrible manner. With a **** tentacle, the black stone had become jerky...

"Die, die!"

Xiao Lang was completely desperate. Facing such a powerful sea beast, he felt that he had become a baby, with no resistance at all.

A tentacle swept over and entangled him, and quickly retracted towards the octopus sea beast's body. Xiao Lang closed his eyes and let out a sigh of breath, preparing to wait for death.

But after a while, he found that the tentacles stopped. There was nothing wrong with his body. He couldn't help but opened his eyes in confusion, only to see the two huge eyes in front of him looking at him with interest.

Looking at the pair of eyes that were several times larger than the others, Xiao Lang was puzzled. What did this octopus and sea beast just watch and do? Is he handsome? The problem is that he is not so handsome...


The octopus sea beast's mouth moved, and there was no sound, but a vague idea came into Xiao Lang's mind: "Human, do you have a way to heal the injury quickly?"

The passing of this idea was inexplicable, and Xiao Lang was not frightened because Cao Teng often passed the idea. This octopus sea beast is so huge that he doesn't know how many tens of thousands of years he has lived, and he will attack with strange souls. It is not surprising that he can convey thoughts.

He stared at the sea beast in front of him and looked at its **** body. There was a kind of comprehension. Did this sea beast see him using grass and vines to heal his injuries and want to help him heal it?

Xiao Lang's spirit was shocked, and he nodded hurriedly, but there was a trace of extravagant hope in his heart. If he healed this sea beast's injury, would it let him go?

The octopus sea beast's eyes lit up, and his mouth squirmed again to convey thoughts: "Humans, heal the deity immediately!"

Xiao Lang was overjoyed in his heart. He didn't even dare to mention any conditions. He immediately released the grass cane to entangle a section of the octopus sea beast's tentacles, and the green light flashed and healed quickly.

The octopus sea beast looked at the rapidly recovering tentacles, his two huge eyes were full of curiosity and excitement, and he did not convey his thoughts again, but closed his eyes comfortably.

"Do you want to take the opportunity to kill this sea beast?"

A crazy idea flashed in Xiao Lang's mind, but he immediately rejected it. Black Stone couldn't kill the sea beast with such a powerful attack. Although the grass vine swallowing speed has been strengthened again, it is completely impossible to kill this sea beast.

The tens of thousands of meters of grass and vines were treated with all their strength, and it was healed after only half of the incense stick time. The sea beast also opened his eyes, full of joy.

Xiao Lang stared at the sea beast eagerly, waiting for it to show kindness, and let him go for the sake of treating it.

Unexpectedly, this sea beast spouted a cloud of gas from its lower body, and its body turned into lightning, leading Xiao Lang towards the depths of the Soul Sea.

"Damn, this sea beast doesn't pay attention to it!"

Xiao Lang cursed secretly in his heart, that he was so good, this sea beast didn't say thank you, and continued to hold him. This rushed toward the deep sea, even if he didn't eat it, he would be suffocated alive.

His eyes flickered, quietly turning the grass and vine into a phantom, entering the sea beast's tentacles, and passing on his thoughts: "Sir, can you let me go? My meat is not delicious..."

The sea beast did not stop and continued to rush down, the fast Xiao Lang was dazzled for a while, at least dozens of times his speed. The octopus monster is a little surprised by the ability of grass vines to transmit ideas. Its body turned slightly, its mouth squirmed, and a thought came out: "Human, as long as you help the deity get the treasure of the underwater gods, the deity will let you go!"

"Undersea Palace?"

Xiao Lang's body trembled, his fart strength can help him, and he is afraid that if he goes to the bottom of the sea, he will suffocate and die, right?

It quickly let Cao Teng pass a thought: "My lord, it's not that I don't want to help. I will suffocate to death if I continue, and my strength can't help me?"

There was another cold thought from the sea beast, and he couldn’t refuse: "You can’t die. You just need to help the deity heal the injury. The place is too dangerous. The deity was seriously injured and exited after going in several times. Humans help the deity well, as long as the deity is If you get the treasure, I will definitely send you away, and I will give you some treasures!"

Xiao Lang had no choice but to leave it to his fate, but he thought about it inwardly. Tomb of the Sea God? Is it similar to the underground tomb below the Blood Emperor City? This sea beast is so powerful that it will be injured even if it enters? Is it really the graveyard of gods?

The answer was solved in half an hour!

In this half hour, this sea beast kept rushing into the deep sea. When Xiao Lang was about to suffocate and die halfway, its tentacles unexpectedly emerged from a small tubular tentacles, transmitting oxygen to Xiao Lang.

In half an hour, at the speed of this octopus sea beast, at least tens of thousands of miles under the sea, the surrounding area was already pitch black and there was no light.

The octopus sea beast stopped suddenly, and a tentacle leaned forward. When its tentacles pulled away the dense sea vines in front of it, a dazzling white light suddenly lit up, piercing Xiao Lang's eyes for a long time. Can't open it, but also photographed the nearby 10,000-meter waters as white!

After Xiao Lang adjusted to the light, he immediately looked up. After taking a look, he couldn't help taking a breath of cold air, choking in a mouthful of sea water, his eyes widened round, his eyes filled with disbelief.

At this moment, he and the sea beast reached the bottom of the sea, and there was a huge sea mountain range in front of them. wrong! It is a huge fairy mansion! It was all made of white jade and covered with thick sea vines. At this moment, a corner was cut open, revealing the tip of the iceberg, but Xiao Lang was shocked.

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