Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 4 Chapter 2: Brother, I have booked

The magic stone is hidden in the black stone, which is very difficult to detect. Even if the black stone is so hard to grasp, it is definitely not enough to dig a month.

Xiao Lang found that this service seems to be a pit? Can't complete the mission, increase the service time in March? Do you want to die in the mining area for a lifetime if you dig continuously in a year? If Qing Ming came to this mining area alone, he would definitely not be able to complete the task!

"Qing Ming retreats, I am coming!"

Xiao Lang Tianma's combat skills were running, and he did not use a pickaxe to turn into sharp claws with one hand, and grabbed the black stone forcefully.


A piece of black stone turned into powder, and Xiao Lang's length drove straight in, easily smashing the nearby black stone, and its power was several times greater than Qing Ming.

"Bang!" "Bang!"

The sharp claws kept grabbing hard, grabbing pieces of the attached black stones into powder, and Xiao Lang grabbed a passage and drilled into it. It wasn't until half an hour later that he finally retreated holding a fist-sized cyan stone.

"This is not a magic stone?"

Qing Ming asked doubtfully, but he could clearly feel the aura of the illusion stone in the blue, and couldn't help but wonder when he took the blue stone handed over by Xiao Lang to study.

"No wonder the people in the manor are not afraid of us swallowing the magic stone privately. This blue stone is ten times harder than the black stone. Even if I attack with all my strength, I can't break it!"

Xiao Lang's face showed relief, but secretly pained. If this goes on, he and Qing Ming are afraid that they will live in this mine for a long time.


Qing Ming tried it and smashed the cyan stone with all his strength, only to find that even the stone chips did not drop a point.

"What to do? Xiao Langlang!"

It took Xiao Lang half an hour for a magic stone, and the two together required 200,000 magic stones. How long and how long will it take to collect enough?

"I have a way, go!"

Xiao Lang turned his eyes and sneered. Throw the cyan stone into the Xumi Jie bestowed by the manor warrior, and ran forward with Qing Ming.

"call out!"

The grass vines whizzed out, disappeared in a flash, and turned into a virtual shadow into the black stone wall. Qing Ming's eyes lit up, and the spirit of grass and vines might make it easy to find the magic stone. Then his face sank again, even if he could find the magic stone? This is so difficult to dig, is it enough for a month?

Xiao Lang kept running without speaking, and ran for two hours before staying in a small mine.

Xiao Lang confessed: "That's it, there are tens of thousands of phantom stones nearby, Master Qingming, please be on your guard, if someone approaches, tell me immediately, I will dig the phantom stone!"

"You go digging? Don't you need my help?"

Qing Ming blinked dazedly. Although he is not strong, two people dig faster than one person, right? But before he finished speaking, his eyes suddenly shrank, his mouth opened, and he looked at Xiao Lang like a ghost.

"Split God's Hand!"

Xiao Lang let out an abrupt shout, and a dark golden light gleamed on the front half of his right hand. Suddenly, small dark golden scales appeared on his arm, and his five fingers became longer, just like the claws of a giant dragon.

The dark golden claws grabbed the black stone in front of him, and the extremely hard stone seemed to become a mud wall. Suddenly the stone fragments flew, and Xiao Lang's body was like a pangolin. He got into the stone wall in a few blinks and disappeared. Gone!

"This this…"

Qing Ming swallowed a mouthful of saliva and looked at Xiao Lang, who quickly walked towards the stone wall, with a face full of disbelief. The dark golden arm still appeared in his mind, and the cold light on the arm made him feel like an invincible sword.

"This kid, there are too many secrets, too much tai! Hmm...With grass and vine exploration and such digging methods, one hundred thousand magic stones can easily be obtained!"

Qing Ming sighed for a while, and immediately concentrated on investigating nearby. If this scene were seen by outsiders, Xiao Lang would shock the whole Broken Shoes Villa. At that time, he might be forced to stay behind by the people in the villa and be a miner all his life.

"This split **** hand is really powerful. Such a hard stone can be easily broken. I wonder if the blue stone outside the magic stone can be broken in the same way?"

Xiao Lang quickly walked through the black stone wall, and wherever the **** hand swept over, the black stone immediately turned into powder. Tens of thousands of meters of grass and vines were explored nearby early, and the location of the magic stone was determined.


A cyan stone appeared in front of him, Xiao Lang's body immediately stopped, and the dark golden claws grabbed it. The cyan stone also slowly turned into powder, and the last phantom stone appeared in front of Xiao Lang.

"Well, this split **** hand can't split everything, this cyan stone is a little difficult!"

Xiao Lang secretly regretted that the operation of his profound strength immediately refined the illusion stone, and he didn't want to leave a handle for others to know. He quickly wandered around, dug out the blue stones with the size of a fist and threw them into the Xumi Ring.

In just half an hour, more than 10,000 phantom stones were in hand, but at this moment, the hand of God Splitting suddenly dimmed, the golden scales on the arm slowly disappeared, and the five sharp claws returned to their original shape.

"What's the matter? Split God's hand!"

Xiao Lang let out a suspicious cry, but his arm didn't react at all. After several attempts, the God Splitting Hand couldn't be activated, and he could only withdraw helplessly.


After exiting, Xiao Lang immediately blasted the outside passage to collapse to avoid being discovered. When Qing Ming learned that Xiao Lang had obtained ten thousand profound stones, he immediately became excited.

The two of them took out dry food and clean water from Xumi Jie, Xiao Lang kept trying to run the cracking hands, but there was no response.

It was not until the next day that Xiao Lang released the God Splitting Hand again, and immediately rushed into the tunnel yesterday. After collecting more than 10,000 magic stones again, half an hour after Xiao Lang found out, the dark golden scales on his hands faded again.

"The God Splitting Hand can only run for half an hour a day?"

Xiao Lang came to a conclusion. Although it was a pity, half an hour was enough. If you go on for more than ten days, you can get enough profound stones.

After retreating, Xiao Lang immediately used grass cane to explore around the mine. After a short while, he found another dense pile of phantom rocks a million meters ahead.

"Xiaobai, vigilance, Qingming, please practice! You have to dig a hole here for half a year. If you strive to break through to the battle emperor realm, I will continue to practice the Heavenly Demon combat skills and improve my strength!"

Backing out of the mine, Xiao Lang asked Xiao Bai to alert, and he and Qing Ming began to practice. Qing Ming was still stuck at the peak of the battle emperor, and could only continue to comprehend the secrets of combat skills that Xiao Lang gave him.

Time flies!

Four days later, Xiao Lang dug out all the magic stones nearby, and led Qing Ming to the place he had previously explored in front of him, where there were tens of thousands of magic stones.

Just waiting for the two to find the place, only to find that there were four or five mine slaves digging there, and the mines spread in all directions, and I don't know where these people came from.

"Here, our brothers have booked the venue, you two get out of the way, otherwise... kill without mercy!"

Xiao Lang and Qing Ming were hesitating in the distance. They didn't expect that a tall man with a vicious look among the mine slaves in front of them would unexpectedly sip coldly at the two in a very rude tone.

Xiao Lang blinked, and said disapprovingly: "You can kill here? Do you dare to kill?"

"Hmph, little beast, you're a newcomer at first sight? The Broken Shoe Villa kills tens of thousands of mine slaves every year, and the killing of the broken army in the mine can't be done!" The tall man mocked and shouted again: " Get out, don't give me your grandpa, I will do it!"

"So it is!"

Xiao Lang nodded thoughtfully, but the corners of his mouth curled up in a weird arc. He said in awe-inspiring manner: "I'll give you ten seconds to get out of here immediately. Brother, I've reserved the venue!"

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