Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 4 Chapter 15: The most familiar stranger

"Little Demon Mu? Dongfang Red Bean?"

Xiao Lang's eyes suddenly exploded, and he rushed over and shouted at the warrior: "You said Mu Xiao Yao, Dongfang Hongdou is in the city of Battering Heaven?"

The man was frightened by Xiao Lang's tyrannical aura, and subconsciously said, "That's right? What's wrong? The ten great princes are also here. Several of them are in the city of breaking the sky. The tomb of the Dragon Emperor is the tomb of the Supreme Heavenly Emperor, attracting the strong. What's weird about coming with the famous young lady?"

Seeing countless suspicious gazes, Xiao Lang quickly touched his head and smiled a little embarrassingly: "Oh, no surprise, no surprise! I just saw the portraits of two young ladies. I was shocked by the heavens and wanted to see the heavens. !"

"Shit..." "Haha!"

All the warriors laughed a lot, and they didn't agree, let alone Xiao Lang, the person present did not love the young ladies? These are the top ten beauties in Tianzhou, how many prefectures does Tianzhou have? How many families? The beauty is much more beautiful than the ten of them. But these ten people are not only extremely beautiful and temperamental, but they also have unique features. For example, Dongfang Hongdou is the sacred body of Xuanyin.

Although there is a chance to meet some of the ten beautiful beauties in the legend, no one of the warriors present is as stupid as the one just now and chooses to accept the task. So what if those high above ladies can take a look? Can you still touch it?

"call out!"

Xiao Lang's body turned into an afterimage and rushed outside. Fortunately, everyone who was shocked just now didn't care. The Heaven Breaking Army continued to convene in the Asura Hall to gather the bones of the warriors.

Xiao Lang paid Qing Ming again for a month's room fee, and went up to leave a note, letting Xiao Bai stay in the hotel, and then he rushed to the Asura Palace the fastest.

There is nowhere to be found after breaking through the iron shoes, and it is all effortless!

I tried so hard to find the knife, but didn't expect Mu Xiaoyao to suddenly appear in Po Tianfu? Although Mu Xiaoyao had a cold personality, Xiao Lang would definitely not give up this opportunity to see her. Dongfang Hongdou also came, thinking about it, Xiao Lang was shaking.

"I sign up, I want to receive the task!"

Running back to the Asura Palace, Xiao Lang received the mission as quickly as possible. After obtaining a token, he was taken into the carriage outside by a Heaven Breaking Army under the eyes of countless fools.

Xiao Lang took out a piece of armor from Xumi Jie and put it on, covering his white hair completely, his face was also covered tightly, leaving only a pair of eyes. The Po Tianjun didn't care either. Instead, he sneered, seeming to mock Xiao Lang, thinking that he could resist the corpse poison by wearing armor?

After waiting for a while, soon enough ten people were gathered together, and the Heaven-breaking Army led them straight to the teleportation formation. The teleportation array is very small, and there are ten blood armor guards guarding it nearby. A **** token in the hands of the Heaven Breaking Army raised, and the guards immediately opened the teleportation array.

The teleportation distance was not far, and Xiao Lang returned to Potian City again with a flash of light.

The central square of Potian City was very lively. After Xiao Lang waited for his eyes to regain his vision, he immediately scanned the square.


It just so happened that a huge teleportation formation nearby had just lit up, and Xiao Lang's eyes swept away, and his whole body was throbbing. Because he vaguely saw two very familiar back figures, like...Little Demon Mu and Xiaodao!


He almost burst into a drink, but just after he made a sound, the light had already soared into the sky, and dozens of figures in the teleportation array had disappeared in the city of broken sky.

"Malle Gobi!"

Xiao Lang roared in anger, almost, just a bit! You can meet the knife yourself! He couldn't wait to raise his head and yell a few times to vent his inner fire.

"If you don't want to die, be quiet. I disturbed the big shots. I will tear you up!"

Xiao Lang reacted abnormally and attracted the attention of the Po Tianjun around him. He glanced at Xiao Lang coldly, his aura also locked his body, and a voice of anger was transmitted. Xiao Lang could only lower his head, clenched his fists in both hands, and his teeth clenched.

"All follow me, towards the east gate!"

The Po Tianjun confessed again, leading everyone to quickly walk towards the east gate. At this moment, there were many big figures in the city, and he dared not fly away directly from the sky.

"Young Master Yixuan and Miss Su Yan also left. It seems that the rumors are correct. All the treasures of the Dragon Emperor’s Tomb were taken away by Emperor Leng. It’s no wonder that Emperor Leng is the strongest in eastern Tianzhou, the Supreme Emperor. Ah, his old man made a move, and the rest of the family must have no share!"

"Before the Dragon Emperor died, the family had never seen a strong emperor of heaven. His supreme soldier must be in the tomb, and this supreme soldier was probably taken away by Emperor Leng. The supreme soldier! With this weapon , Leng’s ranking of the top ten families next year will definitely rise two positions!"

"Shhh, don't talk about it. We still don't discuss the important things, otherwise we won't know how to die by then!"

There was a burst of light discussion from the square, Xiao Lang and the others also stopped and looked at a young man and a young lady flying in the sky as well as countless powerful people. None of these people stayed, their expressions were indifferent, they entered the teleportation array directly, and teleported away.

"I wonder if the red beans are gone?"

Xiao Lang recovered from the loss just now, his eyes flickered, Xiaodao and Mu Xiaoyao had already gone, and it would be useless to lose himself again, so he should cheer up, otherwise he would be directly killed by the Heaven Breaking Army.

"call out!"

Running all the way to the east, from time to time, big family powerhouses or young masters flew toward Potian City, and obviously the treasure hunt for the Tomb of the Dragon Emperor was finished. Xiao Lang's spirit was also extremely nervous, and he looked eastward from time to time.

Soon eleven people left the city. The leader of the Heaven-Breaking Army at the pinnacle of the kings also picked up speed and flew into the air. At the same time, he coldly shouted: "Everyone should follow my orders. Let's kill it!"

Xiao Lang grabbed his helmet and said bitterly, "My lord, I am practicing the combat skills of the Heavenly Demon. I... can't fly!"

"so troublesome!"

The team leader curled his lips, grabbed Xiao Lang with one hand, and flew into the air with the other nine people. Once again encountered countless families of warriors along the way, this small team leader took everyone to the side, and only after the powerful flew away, would he move on.

"call out!"

More than twenty people flew in the distance again. The one in the front was a boy in black and a woman in red next to him. When Xiao Lang saw the woman in red, his eyes were as bright as stars, his whole body shuddered, his breathing became extremely rapid, and the saliva he kept swallowing made him extremely nervous.

Oriental red beans!

The team leader took Xiao Lang and quickly stepped aside with the other nine people. Not only Xiao Lang, but the team leader and the other nine people looked at Dongfang Hongdou. They also looked like Brother Pig. These are the top ten beauties. If you look at them more, they are the capital to brag about with others.

Young Master Heiqi and a group of Dongfang Hongdou flew over quickly, Dongfang Hongdou's eyes were cold, and he didn't even glance here.

Xiao Lang was anxious, his eyes fixed on Dongfang Hongdou, and he suddenly started to drink: "Wow, is this Miss Dongfang Hongdou, one of the top ten beauties? It's so beautiful!"

The eyes of Young Master Heiqi and the others immediately swept over, and Dongfang Hongdou also took a faint look, but everyone didn't care, but Young Master Heiqi frowned slightly, seemingly dissatisfied.

The team leader was angry. He smashed Xiao Lang's head with a palm, slammed him down and yelled a few times. Then he nodded his head and apologized to the approaching Young Master Hei Qi and others: "Master Hei Qi , Miss Hongdou, sorry. The servant is not sensible, please don't be offended, I will teach him severely later!"

Dongfang Hongdou didn't speak, or even glanced at the team leader, Young Master Heiqi nodded in satisfaction, and a group of people quickly left.

Xiao Lang's body quickly fell downward, but his eyes were still fixed on Dongfang Hongdou's back. The captain slapped him very painfully, and his head was bleeding, slowly overflowing from the helmet.

But at this moment his heart hurts even more, and his heart is bleeding!

Because Dongfang Hongdou looked at him at each other just now, and his voice didn't make her feel any mood swings, her eyes were cold as if she saw a stranger.

Dongfang Hongdou... doesn't even know him!

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