Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 4 Chapter 32: Hunter King

Pomo City is a small city in the south of Potian Palace. This small city is the nearest to the Wandering Mountain, so this city is very prosperous, especially recently there have been countless bounty hunters, making the city a little congested.

The city is extremely lively at this moment. In the past few days, there has been a major event in the Lost Mountain. Although countless bounty hunters in the city are afraid to intervene, many people are secretly exploring. The mountain has already spread throughout the small city.

That little girl who owns a high-level secret ship and a supreme soldier is actually the lady of the Ouyang family, the first big family in Tianzhou? This little girl still possesses the eighth treasure of the world, the treasure of neon clothes? Do dozens of celebrities, emperors and powerhouses, were all dictated by the Ouyang Family Heavenly Emperor? These news are too shocking, why don't you tell those warriors not to pay attention?

The people of the Ouyang family have always been mysterious, and they rarely appear in front of the world. Even if there is a major event, they will only quietly take action. For example, 80 years ago, they competed for the neon clothes armor. If it weren't revealed by a heavenly emperor, no one would know that this treasure armor was finally taken. His home. For example, not long ago, at the Tomb of the Dragon Emperor in Dongzi Lake, many families from the top ten families have come to visit, but the people of Ouyang's family have never showed up, and they don't know if they are not interested or if they sneaked out nearby.

No one knows the specific identity of Ouyang's childishness, and no one knows who the strong emperor is. Even Xiao Lang and Qing Ming have become mysterious.

However, it is foreseeable that Ouyang's childishness will soon become famous in the world. After all, at such a young age, he has so many treasures, and as soon as he is attacked, his family immediately comes to an emperor. Ouyang's childish status is absolutely very high in their family. In a few years, this little girl is afraid that she will be another evil-level enchantment in the top ten beautiful people list, and her status and status are there.

"call out!"

In the wilderness outside the city, a celestial chariot broke through the air. Xiao Lang and Qing Ming traveled around for a long time, and finally found the city. The two didn't know, because the two had found the wrong way, the spies from the Lost Mountain had already reported the incident on the mountain to the small city, and now there were countless people in the city talking about them.

Putting away the Tianji chariot early, Xiao Lang and Qing Ming rushed straight into the city. At the gate of the city, the two people found that something was wrong, because they saw the attitude of those smashing troops to the two people was very respectful, and even some flattering. This group of people didn't show any killing intent or malice, Xiao Lang simply ignored him, and went straight into the city.

"It's them, they are from Ouyang's family, I have seen them in Mizong Mountain!"

"People from the Ouyang family? People from the first family in Tianzhou are really different. Look at the way they walk, naturally they have a domineering attitude..."

"That is, look at the white-haired boy, there is a faint murderous look in his eyes, and that understatement glance contains the aura of the king over the world!"

"Wow, this white-haired boy is so handsome. Take a quick look. He actually took a look at me. Is it interesting to me? Oh, I'm so ashamed..."

Xiao Lang Qingming was recognized soon after entering the city, and many people quietly pointed and talked in a low voice. Xiao Lang's hearing is good and can hear a little bit. He didn't have a surprise. Instead, he immediately stood on guard and looked at each other with Qing Ming. Both of them didn't look squint. They looked very arrogant, but quietly speeded up.

If the two are really from Ouyang's family, naturally they won't be afraid, is the question? Moreover, the two of them had been arrested to Poshoe Villa. Po Tianfu knew a lot of their identities. Two elders died in the broken family, and the mountain bandits in the Lost Mountain were still controlled by the broken family elders, and they did not know whether it had anything to do with the broken family. They must leave Po Tianfu before Po Jia can react.

Hurrying to the Asura Hall, Xiao Lang swaggered in, and led by the maid, to a small hall.

"I'll hand in the task!"

Xiao Lang quickly said to a middle-aged warrior guarding in the small hall, took out a few Sumi Rings, handed them to the old man, and said again: "These are the bandit tokens and heads of the Lost Mountain, you should check immediately. Next, I am in a hurry!"

The middle-aged manager didn’t care at first, thinking that Xiao Lang had killed several bandits in the Lost Mountain. He took the Xumi Jie at will and swept his eyes, his face was extremely moved, obviously by the countless heads and tokens inside. Shocked. After he was taken aback, he quickly nodded respectfully and said: "Two adults, wait a moment, I will send someone to verify immediately, and there will be a reply soon!"

The middle-aged steward left quickly, and walked back a moment later, calling the maid to pour Xiao Lang and Qing Ming some tea. Although Xiao Lang and Qing Ming seem to be very low in strength, so many heads and tokens in Xumi Jie represent a certain strength. But some of the tokens in there belonged to Martial Artists of the Human Emperor Realm.

Xiao Lang didn't know how the Asura Hall was verified, but as the largest chamber of commerce in Tianzhou, there was no doubt about the credibility, because he didn't come to swindle anyway.

It took some time to verify. Xiao Lang took the task booklet and flipped through it to see if there was a good task in the nearby realm, and later he could send it directly to that realm.

What disappointed Xiao Lang was that there was only one nearby mansion for a mission that could obtain a large number of profound stones like Lost Mountain, and it was issued by the Blackscale Mansion.

To the east of Blackscale Mansion, there is a super large forest called Cursed Forest. There are countless powerful beasts inside. The beasts in Cursed Forest rioted some time ago. The Black Scale family can't stand it now, and can only issue a high-level mission to summon the strong to help suppress the beast.

The reward for this mission is very tempting, but unfortunately it belongs to the Blackscale Mansion, and the bounty is still received by the elder of the Blackscale Mansion outside the Cursed Forest. Xiao Lang is not interested and dare not go there.

After half an hour, Xiao Lang did not find a suitable task, but the result of the verification came out. After listening to the report, Xiao Lang was very satisfied. As expected, the Asura Palace had a set, and it was verified that there was no difference in it. The bounty was quickly offered, and there were more than two thousand yellow grade profound stones.

Glancing at the profound stone in Xumijie, Xiao Lang's heart was slightly excited, feeling like a poor man dug the first pot of gold. He and Qing Ming stood up and were about to leave, but the middle-aged steward suddenly said, "Wait, sir!"

"Something?" Xiao Lang raised his brows and secretly warned.

The middle-aged steward smiled respectfully and said: "My lord has overfulfilled the task this time. Please give me the token. The Shura Hall will record the merits for you. When you have enough merits, the Hunter King's token will be issued. The adults can accept it. It’s a task that exceeds level eight, and the bounty is super rich!"

"Oh!" Xiao Lang didn't pay much attention, and threw the token to this person. The middle-aged steward put away the token and walked aside to record.

After recording, Xiao Lang and Qing Ming got up immediately and ran towards the city square. When they saw the shining teleportation array, their eyes lit up. When the two of them came to Tianzhou, they were so poor that they didn't have a black stone on them, but at this moment they were about to squander the extremely precious black stone and sit in the teleportation array extravagantly.

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