Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 4 Chapter 35: Grass and Vine Evolution

Xiao Lang was in retreat, and what made Qing Ming even more incomprehensible was that the grass vines actually acted autonomously again, all released and coiled into a ball, like a huge flood dragon, blocking most of the spacious cave. Then the light was shining, and the shining yellow light made Qing Ming's eyes unable to open, and Xiaobai of Magic Beast was also horrified at the entrance of the cave, staring at Cao Teng in horror.

If Xiao Lang saw this light, he would definitely be extremely ecstatic, because this light was the evolution of grass and vines. This evolution is obviously different. In the past, the grass and vines of the evolution have become longer and change color. This time it did change color. The whole body changed from yellow to green, but the grass and vines did not grow.

One became two, two became four, and in the end it became more than a thousand. Each one was very short and very small, just like a green snake.

"call out!"

When the grass vines split into three thousand six hundred, the green light flashed again, and countless small snakes entangled and turned into a huge dragon, which turned into one again, and slowly disappeared into Xiao Lang's body. Inside.

"This this…"

Qing Ming kept blinking his eyes, his heart almost jumped out, he had never seen such a weird thing in his life. Can Divine Soul be split? Or is it splitting independently and divided into more than three thousand roots? Has Xiao Lang's spirit mutated again?

There are still some mutations in the Soul, but he has never heard of mutations several times. He thought of a possibility, evolution! When he thinks of this, his heart is more surging.

Xiao Lang's heart was more surging at this moment.

Because after refining the core, he found that an extremely special energy poured into his body, and finally all went to the soul.

This energy is very pure. The problem is that it rushes toward the soul and it scares him. The soul is the root of human beings. If there is any problem, even if you don't die, you will become an idiot.

After the unusually large energy poured into his soul, his soul was suddenly blank, drowsy for a while, and finally fell asleep naturally.

He still kept the posture of meditating, Qing Ming thought he was still cultivating, but in fact he had entered a deep sleep and didn't know anything.

For a whole day and night, he finally woke up. He looked at Qing Ming, who was still full of shock, frowned and asked: "What happened, please?"

Qing Ming said nervously, "Xiao Langlang, your spirit has mutated, isn't it supposed to be evolved?"


Xiao Lang was startled, and immediately closed his eyes to investigate. As expected, the locked grass vine was found to be wrong, the grass vine turned green, and the aura contained in his body became stronger.

"Master, I have evolved to the fourth level, and I have awakened my innate supernatural powers, an immortal body!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly rang in Xiao Lang's mind, which shocked him. After he fully understood the meaning of the words, a stormy sea suddenly rang in his heart.

He forced himself to calm down, locked Cao Teng to pass on an idea, and asked, "Cao Teng, are you talking?"

Cao Teng could only deliver simple messages before, and he needed Xiao Lang to understand it carefully. At this moment, it was extremely clear, like a person speaking in Xiao Lang's ear.

When he got the confirmation of Cao Teng, he immediately became excited and asked quickly: "The fourth level, how many levels can you evolve? What is the immortal body? Can no one kill you in the future?"

Cao Teng soon came over: "Master, I don't know if I can still evolve. The immortal body is not unkillable, but now I can transform 3,600 clones, as long as one clone does not die, My main body will never die. Of course, if my main body and clone are crushed in an instant, I will still die!"


Xiao Lang was puzzled, and the grass vine was in the depths of his soul. A scene emerged in Xiao Lang's mind. A green grass vine instantly transformed into more than three thousand grass vines, dancing wildly in the air. The scene was like those green grass vines seen under the underground mausoleum.

Xiao Lang swallowed a mouthful of saliva and continued to ask: "You clone, after being killed, can you continue to evolve into a clone? And if your clone is attacked, will it affect the main body, will it affect me?"

"Being attacked will naturally affect the main body. If the clone is dead, as long as I have the vitality and energy to swallow it. I can naturally continue to evolve into the clone. Um... the clone is my clone. As long as the main body is not injured, it will naturally not affect the owner. of!"

The answer Cao Teng gave made Xiao Lang ecstatic, and he couldn't wait to scream to the sky.

Cao Teng can create a clone, and the injury or death of the clone will not affect him. Doesn't this mean that once someone fights with him, he can make the Chong Teng continuously stick out the clone and attack the enemy?

Thinking of the endless stream of grass and vines frantically rushing towards the warriors under the underground mausoleum, Xiao Lang's body shuddered. More than 3,000 clones are enough to trap ordinary warriors to death. Even if they are not sleepy, they can at least hold the enemy and let themselves escape.


Xiao Lang thought of a question and asked nervously: "Since you have evolved, your phagocytic ability can be enhanced. Is your clone phagocytic ability the same as your own body?"

The answer Cao Teng gave this time made Xiao Lang a little disappointed: "The devouring ability of the body and the clone is the same as before!"

"Forget it, you can't be too greedy!"

Xiao Lang sighed secretly, the grass and vines evolved again, and it was enough to produce new supernatural powers, didn't they just evolve the grass fourth stage now? Maybe the grass and vine can evolve a few times, and it will definitely be against the sky by then.

Red orange yellow green blue blue purple!

Xiao Lang suddenly remembered a question. The grass vines were purple at first, and the color changed to red the first time, then orange, the third time it was yellow, and now it is green? Isn't this the same color as the rainbow? Could he evolve three times? Finally turned purple?

If it could really evolve seven times, this grass vine would definitely have amazing power. Thinking about the purple coffin and the terrifying remnant soul of the emperor, Xiao Lang was incredibly surprised. What exactly was this grass vine? What is the relationship between it and the strong man in the purple jade coffin?

It's just that when Xiao Lang asked about this, Cao Teng didn't know at all, and Xiao Lang could only give up after asking. Finally, remembering the core, he asked again: "Cao Teng, you swallowed such a powerful sea beast in the Sea of ​​Souls, and you swallowed so many corpse beasts in the Tomb of the Dragon Emperor without evolving, but this time it has evolved. Is it related to the fruit? What is the core? Why do you want me to refine?"

Cao Teng explained: "Master, my memory of inheritance tells me that this fruit is a kind of spiritual fruit of heaven and earth, but it is highly poisonous. Humans will die if swallowed and refined, but it is a great tonic for my race. Just now. I will help you get rid of the venom in the fruit core. The rest is pure soul energy. The master can search for this kind of fruit in the future. This is a precious spiritual fruit that nourishes the soul. The master's soul is now twice as powerful! "

"It turns out to be a poisonous fruit. No wonder it is stored in Xumi Jie, no one refines it!"

Xiao Lang secretly explained his doubts, and carefully sensed his soul, and he realized that the intensity had doubled. He secretly noticed that this kind of fruit must be bought in the future. This thing is a great supplement to the grass and vines, and it can also increase the strength of one's soul.

"Right, **** surgery!"

Xiao Lang suddenly remembered that soul combat technique, his soul has been strengthened, I wonder if he can learn that combat technique? He quickly took it out of Xumi Jie, and when he opened the combat skill secret book, he found that it was really different. Lines of large characters appeared on the blank paper.

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