Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 4 Chapter 38: Xiaobai mutation?

Cultivation is an extremely dull and depressing thing, especially cultivating Heavenly Demon combat skills, it is even more painful. Tendons and veins were often burst, and if it were not for the treatment of grass and vines, Xiao Lang would not have known how many times he had died. But the pain is the high speed of cultivation,

Feeling the body's constant strengthening, although extremely painful, Xiao Lang was very satisfied. Because every time his strength increases, he will be more sure to rescue Dongfang Hongdou. For Dongfang Hongdou, let alone this pain, even ten times the pain, he would not frown.

Qing Ming sat in the passageway and watched the "Budo Heart Sutra". The last time he broke through the bottleneck, he broke through this book. This time the book seemed useless. He could only watch it for a long time, and then took out a few books of advanced combat skills to watch it turbulently.

The reason why he was sitting at the entrance of the hole was because Xiaobai of Magical Beast fell asleep. This magical beast Xiao Lang asked him to warn him that he was lazy, and Qing Ming couldn't say anything, so he had to sit at the entrance of the cave and watch the cheats while being on guard.

Fortunately, the neighborhood is very quiet, and no warriors come here to hunt the beasts. Even if a warrior passes by, it is estimated that the low-level beasts in the forest will not be interested.

Xiao Lang didn't listen to things outside the window, and focused on refining profound stones. He felt like a cover, and he was completely silent. He was afraid that he wouldn't stop until he finished refining the profound stones in Xumi Jie.

Qing Ming didn't care about him, but Xiao Lang obtained the profound stones. It didn't matter if all the profound stones were refined. There were still one or two hundred profound stones in his place, enough for two people to use in an emergency.

Xiao Lang didn't let Qing Ming down. He refurbished and practiced for more than two months. When the last profound stone was completely refined, the entire talent was fully awake.

After moving the numb body, the bones of the body rang, and the operation of the Heavenly Demon's combat skills felt the powerful force in the body, and Xiao Lang was very comfortable.

"Well, nearly 3,000 profound stones were refined during this retreat. The ** is obviously at least twice as powerful. I don't know how far my current strength can reach?"

Xiao Lang whispered a few words, regardless of Qing Ming and Xiao Bai, his body burst out into the outer passage. The afterimage rushed into the air as soon as he flashed, and his gaze shot everywhere. After confirming that there was no one, he shot down and leaped again towards a huge stone peak in the distance.


Raising an iron fist, the Heavenly Demon's combat skills were running. He slammed a fist on a boulder on Shifeng, and the inexplicable powerful energy in his body gathered, instantly smashing a boulder with a diameter of more than 100 meters in front of him into powder.

His body shot back from the smoke and dust, but Xiao Lang's face was lost. After refining nearly 3,000 profound stones, his speed and strength reached the level of five kings? He originally thought he could at least reach the sixth level of the kings. I still borrowed Ouyang's naive Dongfeng with great pains, and finally got more than 3,000 profound stones, but only to improve his strength so much, this inevitably made him a little depressed.

In fact, Xiao Lang himself didn't know that if he hadn't gotten a heaven-grade profound stone, he might still be stuck in the realm of sentient beings at this moment, but profound stone is so easy to get? It took a few years for the Yin Emperor to come to Tianzhou and get a profound stone. His luck was against the sky and he was still not satisfied.

How old is he? The overall strength has reached the fifth level of the kings, and the speed of cultivation has changed very much.

The countless warriors of the kingdoms of Tianzhou are thankful that they can get a few black stones a year. Even if the warriors of the top kings are lucky, there are dozens of black stones a year. If they knew that Xiao Lang was still complaining at the moment, their saliva could drown Xiao Lang. And if they knew that when Xiao Lang was refining profound stones, at least one-third of his energy would volatilize, he would all vomit blood and die...

"Grass, now!"

Xiao Lang thought of the evolved grass vine, his lost spirit shook, and he burst out, and the grass vine immediately roared out. The tens of thousands of meters long body danced in mid-air like a green dragon, roaring silently. Full of momentum.

"Grass vine clone!"

Xiao Lang let out a deep cry again. The huge green dragon immediately shone with green light, transforming into 3,600 little green snakes, dancing wildly in the air, the scene was extremely spectacular, like a group of demons dancing.

"call out!"

Xiao Lang rushed towards the forest. Thousands of grass and vines followed, and Xiao Lang soon found a low-level beast. Depending on his size, he could only have a strength of a hundred years at most, but Xiao Lang just experimented with it and didn't care. Shining gaze locked on the fierce rhinoceros in front of him, he waved his hand and shouted: "Grass vine attack!"

"call out!"

This fierce beast is not high in strength and clearly not high in intelligence, but it instinctively feels danger, and immediately fled forward.

Thousands of small green snakes turned into green lights, rushing to shoot away, and instantly enveloped the beast tens of meters in length. Soon those green snakes burst back, and the beast in front was unexpectedly Before even a scream was made, it was turned into a skeleton.


Xiao Lang sighed secretly. The grass and vines turned into more than 3,000 clones. Although the swallowing ability has not evolved, it is even more invincible. It is really a treasure of harassment and sneak attacks on the enemy.

"Cao Teng, where is your deity?"

Xiao Lang remembered one thing. The roots and roots of these grass and vines are all the same, who knows that it is the main body? If the main body rushed out accidentally, it would be finished if someone beheaded.

Cao Teng came over: "Master, my ontology can be any clone. As long as one clone survives, my ontology will not die!"

Xiao Lang was astonished, and he felt relieved when he thought that this supernatural power was called the Immortal Body. This grass vine is really magical, more than three thousand clones escape one at random, and the body will not die, so when the grass vine comes down to fight, the chance of survival of the grass vine is infinite.

After experimenting, Xiao Lang turned and went back under the cave. Although he was not very satisfied with the results of the profound stone refining, he also knew that he had to eat one bite at a time.

Back in the cave, Qing Ming stood at the entrance of the cave and passed a caring look, but Xiao Bai was still asleep. Xiao Lang finally noticed Xiao Bai's abnormality, and asked doubtfully: "Qing Ming, what's wrong with Xiao Bai?"

Qing Ming shook his head, and said in a daze, "I don't know, after you were closed for a month, it suddenly fell asleep!"

Xiao Lang was even more surprised. Xiao Bai fell asleep unexpectedly and stayed asleep for more than a month. Could this magic beast mutate?

"By the way, grass cane!"

Xiao Lang immediately found out a piece of grass vine, entered Xiao Bai's body and probed it. After exploring Xiao Lang several times, he found that Xiao Bai had no problems at all, as if he were sleeping normally.

No problem is the biggest problem!

Xiao Bai couldn't fall asleep for no reason, and Xiao Lang was worried. This little fantasy beast accompanied him through his childhood. Although its strength did not help Xiao Lang at all, he was a very nostalgic person. He had already regarded Xiao Bai as a friend instead of a spirit beast.

"Xiao Bai, don't have any problems!"

Picking up Xiao Bai, whose fist was as big as a kitten, Xiao Lang muttered silently in his heart. After investigating several times, he could not find the problem. He had no choice but to force himself not to think too much, and then took out the "** Technique" and began to realize it.


[Author's digression]: There are two more chapters, more at 12 o'clock. It's not the old demon lazy. Recently, it is really because of Cavinka's mental breakdown. Often I wrote a chapter or two and deleted it...

Continue to adjust the state!

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